National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
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- Non profit Resources - |
Information and Resources to help stop child abuse - This section of the web site will be devoted to offering news and information dedicated to helping the community become more engaged and committed to helping those currently suffering from child abuse and other related criminal activity. You'll find a lot of info and resources on the NAASCA web site. To my mind, being of service to those who still suffer is a vital part of my recovery. |
Non Profit Groups
National Child Abuse HOTLINE ... 1-800-4-A-CHILD -- (800 / 422-4453)
Crisis Counselors Available 24/7 Click here
ChildHelp.org is one of
the leading national nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect. Since 1959, Childhelp's approach focuses on prevention, intervention and treatment. The organization has put a national spotlight on the problem of child abuse in America and developed cutting-edge solutions.
Empowering local communities to serve child victims of abuse |
Providing Child Advocacy Services for Victims of Child Abuse
National Children's Alliance (NCA) empowers local communities to provide comprehensive, coordinated and compassionate services to victims of child abuse. |
National Children's Alliance equips local children's advocacy centers, multidisciplinary teams and child abuse professionals with the training, support and technical assistance to respond appropriately and effectively to allegations of child abuse or neglect. By facilitating coordinated investigations and intervention services through the multidisciplinary team approach and through local children's advocacy centers, NCA helps communities ensure that children are not revictimized by the very system designed to protect them. Visit the web site:.
http://www.nationalchildrensalliance.org |
Darkness To Light - We highly recommend this nonprofit devoted to preventing sexual abuse of children. Since 2000, some 250,000 people-teachers, police officers, coaches-nationwide have participated in the training program, which is also available online, learning how to recognize signs of abuse.
Mission: To Empower People to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Programs raise awareness of the prevalence and consequences of child sexual abuse by educating adults about the steps they can take to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse.

Erin Runnion is the mother
of Samantha Runnion and
the Founding Director of
The Joyful Child Foundation. |
The Joyful Child Foundation's "Be Safe Guidebook" - PREVENTION
by Bill Murray
NAASCA would like to recommend the following, The Joyful Child Foundation "Be Safe Guidebook", as a prevention tool that ought to be shared by everyone interested in child abuse prevention.
Erin Runnion, TJCF's founder, created the non profit to honor the memory of her abducted, abused and murdered child, Samantha. Just 5 years old, Samantha was kidnapped by a man who pulled her into his car .. just steps from her families' home. Her body was discovered the next day.
We are grateful to Erin for appearing as our "Stop Child Abuse Now" talk show's special guest on Wed, Feb. 5, 2014.
(Links to both the "on-demand" version of the show and to a PDF copy of The Joyful Child Foundation "Be Safe Guidebook" are available through the full article, inside) |

All victims of crime have the right
and responsibility to survive.
CLICK HERE for: Resource Page |
Our non profit, the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse, has a new collaboration with "Crime Survivors," an organization based in Irvine, CA.
NAASCA Collaborates and Partners with Crime Survivors
Providing support and guidance to survivors
Founded by Patricia Wenskunas, who also serves as CEO, Crime Survivors was launched following her personal experience in 2002 with being a victim of assault with a deadly weapon, and with the frustration she felt as her case made its way through the justice system.
The non profit is most closely associated with its work in Southern California, but Patricia will be joining us on our radio show "Community Matters" as a Special Guest, where we'll focus on the aspects of survival that relate to issues of dealing with child sex abuse and associated crimes and injustices. |
HelpGuide.org - Child Abuse and Neglect
Understanding child abuse and neglect
Effects of child abuse and neglect
Types of child abuse
Child sexual abuse: A hidden type of abuse
Warning signs of child abuse and neglect
Risk factors for child abuse and neglect |
Recognizing abusive behavior in yourself
Breaking the cycle of child abuse
Helping an abused or neglected child
Reporting child abuse and neglect
Resources and references for child abuse and neglect
New Jersey Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Program
"Empowering children to be SAFE, STRONG and FREE"
A version of the CAP Program can be found in 22 states, and 18 countries around the world. Yet the NJCAP, celebrating over 26 years of empowerment to children, is the only program that has paid workers. It seems to us it might serve as a model for best practices in states that are considering adaptation of Erin's Law, which would mandate the age appropriate teaching of child abuse awareness to kids in schools K thru Jr High, but leaves the curriculum up to the state to develop. |
The phone number information about NJCAP is: 856 / 582-7000. Cheryl Motja is the Director of Operations (ext.153) and Jeannette Collins is the Director of Curriculum (ext.151).
The coordinator of the Warren County New Jersey Child Assault Prevention Program, Carole Ciurczak, was our special guest on our "Stop Child Abuse Now" talk show on May 16, 2012. To learn about NJ CAP listen here: Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 313 |

Call (or email) the HOTLINE:
www.stopitnow.org/help-inquiry |
"Stop It Now!"
Together We Can Prevent the Sexual Abuse of Children
by Bill Murray
EDITOR'S NOTE: Deborah Rice, Exec Director of the "Stop It Now!" non profit, appeared as a special guest on our Internet-based "Stop Child Abuse Now" (SCAN) talk radio show on March 19, 2012. Listed as a "recommended show" it can be found in our Archives, available for "on demand" listening.
The programs of "Stop It Now!" (www.StopItNow.org) work to move beyond just addressing the impact of child sexual abuse to seek out the root causes and identify ways to prevent abuse before a child is harmed. They also address situations where there is a risk for harm or where harm has likely occurred. They have a very full listing of useful links. |
Advocating for Bullied Children & Reporting on State Anti Bullying Laws
Bully Police USA is a National ALL VOLUNTEER non profit organization |
Bullying is a big problem in today's schools (an in cyber space), sometimes resulting in the most horrible of consequences, a suicide. Only one state has no anti-bullying statutes, Montana, and Bully Police lists a link to each of the 49 states which has such laws. They also give a grade to each state's efforts.
The web site also carries any number of books and links to resourses that parents and teachers will find useful. |
C.H.R.I.S. - Children Have Rights In Society (UK)
The aim of this website is to bring awareness to the millions of parents of the UK and show the growing dangers and terrifying consequences of child abuse and child sexual abuse. You will find the statistics compelling but the aim is to show paedophilia for what it is, with no exceptions. Three years of research is finally coming together to produce the most explosive, dynamic website available that is so needed to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. |
Early Signs of Sexual Abuse - Symptoms --
The signs of child abuse are all around us, and often we as adults just overlook the obvious. It is a moral responsibility for every adult to protect the children in their lives from child abuse. If you suspect there might be an abused child in your life, then step in and do something! Learn more about how you can help stop child abuse! |
Some National non profit private and gov't resources
National Child Abuse Hotline ChildHelp.org
800 / 422-4453
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse ASCAsupport.org
415 / 928-4576
Survivors of Incest Anonymous
410 / 893-3322
Maryland End Child Prostitution and Trafficking ECPATUSA.org
718 / 935-9192
California Safe at Home - confidential address program http://www.casafeathome.org
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ National Center for Victims of Crime - info / resources
Office for Victims of Crime www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc
National Center for Victims of Crime
2000 M Street, NW, Suite 480
Washington, DC 20036
202.467.8700 ph | 202.467.8701 fax
National Crime Victim Helpline www.ncvc.org
800.FYI.CALL | TTY 800.211.7996 gethelp@ncvc.org
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
1100 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530
To obtain details on COPS programs, call the COPS Office Response Center at 800 / 421-6770
Visit COPS Online at the address listed below. www.cops.usdoj.gov
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Organizations and Web Sites
Community Tool Box, University of Kansas, http://ctb.ku.edu
Connect for Kids, www.connectforkids.org
Do Something, www.dosomething.org
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), STOP the Violence Program, www.fcclainc.org
Federal Youth Court Program, www.youthcourt.net
Harvard Family Research Project, www.gse.harvard.edu/~hfrp/
John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities, Stanford University, http://gardnercenter.stanford.edu
The Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development, www.theinnovationcenter.org
National 4-H Council, www.fourhcouncil.edu
National Association of Peer Programs, www.peerprograms.org
National Association of Service and Conservation Corps, www.nascc.org
National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE), www.nationalsave.org
National Center for Victims of Crime, www.ncvc.org ? Dating Violence Resource Center, www.ncvc.org/dvrc ? Stalking Resource Center, www.ncvc.org/src ? Teen Victim Initiative, www.ncvc.org/tvp
National Child Traumatic Stress Network, www.nctsn.org
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, www.ncadv.org
National Crime Prevention Council, www.ncpc.org
National Organizations for Youth Safety, www.noys.org ? Building a Youth-led Response to Teen Victimization
National Sexual Violence Resource Center, www.nsvrc.org
National Youth Leadership Council, www.nylc.org
Peer Resources, www.peer.ca
Stop It Now!, www.stopitnow.org
Stop Bullying Now! Campaign, www.stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov
U.S. Census Bureau, www.census.gov
U.S. Department of Justice, www.usdoj.gov ? Bureau of Justice Statistics, www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs ? Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), www.cops.usdoj.gov ? Office for Victims of Crime, www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc ? Office on Violence Against Women, www.usdoj.gov/ovw
Whitman College Peer Listeners, www.whitman.edu/peer_listeners
The Youth Activism Project, www.youthactivism.com
Youth Alive! www.youthalive.org
Youth Crime Watch of America, www.ycwa.org
Youth On Board, www.youthonboard.org
Youth Service America, www.ysa.org
Criminal Justice Careers, Online Degree Programs, Schools and Jobs, www.criminaljusticeprofiles.org Megan's Law - Information on Registered Sex Offenders http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov National Center for Victims of Crime http://www.ncvc.org
Office for Victims of Crime http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/welcovc/welcome.html Victims of Crime Resource Center http://www.1800victims.org Justice For Homicide Victims http://www.justiceforhomicidevictims.com National Organization of Victims Assistance (NOVA)
Child sex abuse prevention
Darkness to Light
Child sex abuse prevention book
Those Are My Private Parts