Help us help you
August 10, 2020
Dearest friend:
We're asking for your help. NAASCA needs volunteers (and donations) to achieve the plans we have for the year. We're self-supporting through our own contributions, and depend on a group of dedicated volunteers who participate by doing the actual work. We also depend on voluntary contributions from our NAASCA family members. We've no dues or fees. We have no 'funding' and are not supported by any outside group(s). Everything NAASCA offers is FREE. |
If you wish to volunteer with us we need you! Please get in touch with one of our already committed volunteer NAASCA family members.
We'll point a new volunteer in the right direction. With all there is to do, we'll find something for each of you.
We believe each of us can play a role in educating the public, and offering services for healing to still-suffering adult survivors of childhood traumas !! |
We'll never do less than we're already doing, but some desired future projects, NAASCA printed materials and video presentations for example, cost more than I'm willing to ask any individual member to support. The organization's treasury, such as it is, will handle this.
To be clear, here's a short list of things NAASCA doesn't do:
Lend money
Find jobs
Arrange housing
Give legal advice / assistance
Do professional counseling |
We're quite proud of how much has been achieved already. About 30 FREE programs and services are now offered by the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). They're available to the global community that fights against child abuse and trauma.
Membership at NAASCA is simply a matter of self-declaring one's volunteer participation and agreement with our important cause. We describe ourselves as a grassroots "NAASCA family."
We're all non-paid volunteers, and the core group of those who keep this effort going are extremely dedicated to the commitment they've made to the NAASCA family and experience.
While we're all responsible to some degree for OUTREACH (spreading our web site and effort) and helping to FUNDRAISE (encouraging financial contributions to support our efforts), we have some specific volunteer opportunities we'd like to highlight:
Needed Task |
Task Description and Details |
Time Required / Contact |
Regional Directors / Ambassadors |
The official NAASCA representative in your area. Specific areas needing Ambassadors: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maryland, Ohio, Oklahoma, Nebraska, South Dakota, Idaho, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah; East Canada Regional Director, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec; West Canada Regional Director, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, Yukon & Nunavut; Other Countries |
5 - 10 hours per week -
Project Coordinator is
Carol D Levine: CarolDLevine@comcast.net |
NAASCA Exec Assistant |
Help our CEO, Bill Murray, coordinate the many jobs and responsibilities of running the non profit; candidate for the position will have excellent scheduling, organizing and computer related skills |
Project time-lines vary - work closely with
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Blue Ribbon project |
Need a coordinator to help distribute Blue Ribbon kits (the symbol of child abuse awareness) via mail (at our cost) |
Project time-lines vary - work closely with
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Writers |
Create content under NAASCA's name for publication on our talk radio shows, NAASCA's website and / or NAASCA's monthly newsletter |
5 - 10 hours per month - contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Wear and distribute Blue Ribbons |
A Blue Ribbon is the symbol for child abuse awareness; they are available here:
www.naasca.org/BlueRibbon/ |
As needed; share your awareness of child abuse to the general public - contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Web site management |
Daily updates to the NAASCA.org website
(using Dreamweaver software) |
1 - 3 hours per day - ongoing - work closely with
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Talk show coordinators |
Keep in touch with potential and returning guests |
5 - 10 hours per week - ongoing - work closely with
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Video / editing tech crew |
Help create NAASCA videos in Los Angeles or Florida |
Project time-lines vary - work closely with
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Book List |
Compile list of books written by NAASCA family members for possible publication and sale as a bibliography and NAASCA product |
5 - 10 hours per month - contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Bloggers |
Contribute to the NAASCA Blog - naasca.blog |
5 - 10 hours per month - contact is
Mary Graziano: nippetycat20@hotmail.com |
Fundraisers / donors |
Hold fundraising events or seek donors / support |
Get tools for your projects: Promotional Tools
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com
Speakers for events |
Set up local events and give presentations; perhaps form a NAASCA Speakers Bureau |
As needed - contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
NAASCA contacts |
Be listed on website with your email, phone number, for people to call |
5 - 10+ hours per week - ongoing, must be well versed in NAASCA's mission; contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
SCAN Show Panelists |
Call in to 'Stop Child Abuse Now' podcast show any night, Monday-Friday, at 8:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. PDT for 90 minutes |
1.5 - 7.5 hours per week - listen and share with other NAASCA family members; contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Daytime Recovery Meeting Panelists |
Call in to Daytime Recovery Zoom Webinar Meeting in afternoons, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, at 2:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m. PDT for 90 minutes |
1.5 - 4.5 hours per week - listen and share with other NAASCA family members; contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Start Your Own Recovery Group |
If you can’t find a local Survivor Recovery Group why not start one yourself? Various formats suggested |
5 - 10+ hours per week - ongoing, find details and
ideas here: www.naasca.org/Groups-Services/_StartRecoveryGroup.htm; contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
NAASCA Monthly Newsletter Editor |
Edit and publish the monthly NAASCA newsletter; gathering articles and interviews to include; formatting and proofing newsletter |
5 - 10 hours per month - contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
SCAN Hosts / Trailers |
Host or assist (trail) on a BlogTalkRadio 'Stop Child Abuse Now' podcast, one or more nights a week, Monday-Friday; requires training with the BlogTalkRadio studio and hosting guidelines |
2 - 5 hours per week, following initial training and shadowing - contact is
Tammy Shoffstall: TShoffstall@aol.com |
Prevention & Intervention |
Learn the signs of child abuse; if you see something, say something; help prevent child abuse by intervening on a child’s behalf |
See description on: www.naasca.org/010111-Resources.htm - contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Donate to NAASCA |
NAASCA is self-supporting from our own members / family; please donate here: www.naasca.org/Contribute/ |
As possible - contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
Start a Birthday Campaign |
NAASCA is self-supporting from our own members/family; set up a birthday campaign: www.naasca.org/2019-Articles/032619-TheBirthdayCampaign.htm |
Once a year - contact is
Bill Murray: Bmurray3rd@aol.com |
If this list is too overwhelming, or if you are unsure how you would like to volunteer, please get in touch with one of our already committed volunteer NAASCA family members.
We'll try to point a new volunteer in the right direction. With all there is to do, we'll find something for each of you.
Please let us know:
1) your particular area(s) of interests,
2) your special skills set that you might offer,
3) and about your schedule .. how busy you are and how much time you might be able to set aside for NAASCA.
4) NOTE: please be sure to include your phone number so she can call to talk with you |
As mentioned, we receive no financial support of funding. These projects are all the result of hard working volunteers and paid for out of their own pockets.
We depend on voluntary contributions. Please see:
Again .. a description of many of our programs / services may be found listed on the HIGHLIGHTS page on the NAASCA web site:
Many of us speak out during appearances as "special guests" on our Internet-based, five-night-a-week "Stop Child Abuse Now" talk radio show, Monday to Friday nights, always at 8pm EST. Others participate by calling in .. sharing ..
www.blogtalkradio.com/naasca --- Dedicated call in number: 646 / 595-2118
Have you listened? Have you appeared? We need to break the silence. I hope you'll decide you want to be a part of this, and if so ..
Welcome to the NAASCA family !
Yours in service,
Adult Survivor web site:
Talk Show home page:
PS: We're incorporated as an official 501(c)3, a charity, in the state of Florida (mailing address in Los Angeles). We're self-supporting through our own contributions (we have no outside funding) and your tax deductible donation is most appreciated !!

We're self-supporting - please donate !
EARLY HISTORY - pre 2020
NAASCA and its "sister site" LACP.org (LA Community Policing, launched in 2002, it deals with issues of general public safety) were both originally grassroots not-for-profit efforts.
We launched the newer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA) in 2008. The purpose remains to educate and engage people about all the issues of child abuse and trauma .. prevention, intervention and recovery .. and to offer hope / to fellow survivors.
Originally strictly an LACP project, our "Community Matters" Internet-based talk radio show had already done over 150 episodes (it now has done 600).
In 2009 we began additional week night episodes under the "Stop Child Abuse Now" (SCAN) name, where child abuse issues are always the topics. We also produced few video blogs or YouTube tapes.
NAASCA became a non-profit organization in late 2015 .. and we're now asking for your support.
Yours in service,
Bill Murray
LACP / NAASCA founder
.. |