The members of the NAASCA family want to thank you for all you do
in the fight against child abuse and trauma !!!

NAASCA is a non-profit, grassroots, self help group !!
We'll continue to improve our efforts, and are pleased to accept donations from
NAASCA family members and supporters like you.

Thank you !
why we started this site
together we can heal
help stop child abuse
a little about us
join us, get involved
NAASCA is a public non profit group. We are self supporting through our own contributions!

Please .. Give generously here to NAASCA thru PayPal:


Make a secure one-time donation HERE, thru PayPal.

Or perhaps you'd consider a $10 or $20 a month recurring PayPal contribution (or any amount). It's painless!!

Another idea .. hold a fundraiser. One of our members holds yard sales, and then she contributes the proceeds to NAASCA! Another simply asks individuals for contributions to our cause.

Be creative!

another option ..

You may prefer mailing donations from yourself, or a combined
contribution from fundraising efforts and events, by using
a check or money order, made out to 'NAASCA'.

Send them to our mailing address here:
4005 Sinova Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031

Some businesses and organizations make matching contributions on behalf of their employees. You might want to check this out. They may not explicitly promote their program.

Another idea is to add NAASCA to your Will or Trust. Future support will be needed, too. It all matters.

Finally .. I've decided to dedicate my birthday to supporting our NAASCA family's efforts by asking for donations, and suggest others might want to do so as well. It could become a dynamic and ongoing way for us to show our dedication to NAASCA's mission. Just use the new URL for this web page below.

No matter how you do so, if you want to share financial support info with others, our new easy-to-remember and simple-to-use NAASCA web page address makes things easy. It works on social media sites as well as in an email:


REMEMBER there are lots of ways to contribute to the NAASCA experience .. and we NEED you!

We're building a survivor community because together we can do what we can not do alone. We all do Outreach.

Read about becoming a
NAASCA Volunteer.

If you wish to get more involved, please get in touch with us. We'll point a new volunteer in the right direction.

With all there is to do there's something for each of us to participate in, and we believe all of us can play a role in educating the public and offering services for healing to still-suffering adult survivors of childhood traumas !!

Yours in love and service,


Here's an idea:

My Birthday Wish - Fundraising for NAASCA thru April !
My birthday is March 26th. This year I'm raising money to assist the many NAASCA
volunteers from all around the world. I'll keep the fundraiser going through April, Child
Abuse Awareness month, so as to promote the mission at during this time.

As you may know, NAASCA receives no outside money or grants. We have no dues or fees for anything we offer and are entirely self-supported through our own contributions. We depend solely on the voluntary donations of our NAASCA family members and friends.

We're proud of the nearly 3 dozen
FREE grassroots programs and grassroots the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse organization offers the community that fights against child abuse and trauma. These projects were created over the past fifteen years or more by our hard-working volunteers. Since the beginning, everything has been completely donated out of their own pockets.

Now your generous and contributions can help us do even more !!

Please give what you can now. We'll do our best to continue to develop even more meaningful services dedicated to:

  educating the public as to the realities of child abuse and trauma, helping people get over the "taboo" of talking about these subjects

putting a dent in the statistics of today's group of "at-risk" kids through public education and awareness, and by promoting prevention and intervention services

offering as many services and recovery groups as we can find to the tens of millions of still-suffering adult survivors of child abuse world-wide !
why we started this site
together we can heal
help stop child abuse
a little about us
join us, get involved