Child Abuse lives ..
...... in every community
...... in every religion
Most people are aware of the scandals that have been exposed in the Catholic Church regarding priests and brothers sexually abusing children. Adding insult to injury, as they discovered offenders many church leaders chose to shuffle them from parish to unsuspecting parish, rather than report the criminal abuse to authorities.
Rarely has the welfare of abused children been a focus. Just this week the Pope publicly apologized for the actions of the Church's priest predators, and acknowledged the cover-ups.
But we also know that the problem exists world-wide in virtually all religious groups .. in churches, mosques, ministries, temples and cults (and many other community groups) .. cleverly hidden in each organization.
One country, Australia, is in the middle of what could be among the most revealing studies of institutionalized child abuse ever done. Launched in 2013, The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse will produce an Interim report no later than June 30, 2014. The final reporting is expected at the end of 2015.
The Royal Commission has been holding public hearings into past and present cases involving a range of institutions so that they can make findings and recommendations. Thus far the Commission has taken testimony from a number of interested parties .. ranging from the Catholic Church to the Salvation Army .. and will be reviewing other churches, schools, sports clubs, childcare centers and foster care.
The Royal Commission will attempt to identify what it is that institutions, government and the community can do to better protect children from sexual abuse.
Individuals from across Australia who were sexually abused in an institution when they were a child can tell their story directly to the Royal Commission.
This approach is so refreshing as to offer hope that other countries will follow suit.
Please see:
Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission
http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/ |