Child Abuse lives ..
...... in every community
...... rural, urban and suburban
- An estimated 686,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect ( unique instances ).
- 51 states reported approximately 3.8 million children received preventative services from Child Protective Services agencies in the United States.
- Children younger than one year had the highest rate of victimization of 21.9 per 1,000 children in the national population of the same age.
- Of the children who experienced maltreatment or abuse, over 75% suffered neglect; more than 15% suffered physical abuse; and just under 10% suffered sexual abuse.
- Approximately 80% of reported child fatalities as a result of abuse and neglect were caused by one or more of the child victim's parents.
- Among the over 294,000 children served by Children's Advocacy Centers around the country in 2013, some startling statistics include:
- 113,487 children were ages 0 to 6 years105,926 children were ages 7 to 12 years
- 74,137 children were ages 13 to 18 years
- 202,265 children reported sexual abuse
- 55,246 children reported physical abuse
- 200,225 children participated in on-site forensic interviewing at a Children's Advocacy Center
- Among the over 231,000 alleged offenders investigated for instances of child abuse in 2013, some startling statistics include:
- 149,661 were 18+ years old
- 26,253 were ages 13 to 17 years
- 19,762 were under age 13 years
- 88,226 were a parent or step-parent
- 126,552 were related or known to the child
- 22,672 were unrelated people the victim knew
Please see: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
http://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cb/cm2012.pdf, and National Statistics 2012 and 2013 Children's Advocacy Centers, http://www.nationalchildrensalliance.org/file.php/5208/NCA-NationalStatSheet-2013TotalStatistics.pdf |