National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

NAASCA Highlights
- Media Watch -
EDITOR'S NOTE: Here are a few recent stories and feature articles from a variety of sources that are related to the kinds of issues we cover on our web site. They'll represent a small percentage of the information available to us, the public, as we fight to provide meaningful recovery services and help for those who've suffered child abuse. We'll add to and update this page regularly, bringing you just a few of the featured articles on the web site.
programs / projects
together we can heal
help stop child abuse
a little about us
join us, get involved

Media Watch Archives - 2016
recent articles and presentations from media dealing with issues of child abuse
Archives from other years:
- 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 -

Here are a few recent stories and feature articles from a variety of media sources that are related to the kinds of issues we cover on our web site. They'll represent a small percentage of the information available to us, the public, as we fight to provide meaningful recovery services and help for those who've suffered child abuse. We'll add to and update this page regularly.


  Confession - a short 15 min film
- possible Trigger Warning - explicit language and themes

My name is Joe Capozzi. I am writer/producer of the short film, Confession, a film about my experience of dealing with the secret of sexual abuse. We have been sharing the film for free online with hopes to educate people about the impact of CSA (childhood sexual abuse) and help change the SOL's (statutes of limitations) on sexual abuse in this country. 

"The jarringly brilliant film Confession shows how crucial it is for victims of child sexual trauma to break the silence...Confession tells the story of one man's breakthrough that breaks through to the hearts of everyone who sees this superb and courageous film."
- Barry Crimmins, Political Satirist, Subject of the doc. "Call Me Lucky"

We hope the film is used far and wide as a tool for change.

Thank you,
Joe Capozzi - Writer/Producer - Confession


  It's Not 'Just a Women's Issue.' Men Are Survivors Too.

by Maile Zambuto CEO of the Joyful Heart Foundation
by Steve LePore Executive Director of 1in6

We've all heard the dismissive refrains -- things like "that doesn't happen to guys," "what kind of guy would let that happen to him," or "he seems just fine to me."

The beliefs -- that boys and men can't be sexually used or abused -- are woven deeply into our collective consciousness. The myth that males don't experience sexual or domestic violence is central to cultural ideals of masculinity that focus on physical strength and sexual desire. Maybe you can even recall thinking or saying something similar yourself. Many men who've experienced abuse have too: internalizing those harmful misunderstandings themselves, imagining they must be the only one.

programs / projects
together we can heal
help stop child abuse
a little about us
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