National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse |
TALK RADIO SHOWS - www.blogtalkradio.com/naasca
"Community Matters" and "Stop Child Abuse Now" - 8pm EST
SUNDAY thru FRIDAY (no shows on Saturday) - (90 mins) |
The HOSTs of our shows are all NAASCA volunteers / survivors. Episodes feature Special Guests, Special Topics and / or News.
All our talk shows are recorded and are later available as "on demand" podcasts. Descriptions include links to supporting materials. |
Episodes - 2016 |
Original Air Date |
Description |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1520
Special guest Joyce Bowen |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Joyce Bowen from Salem, Massachusetts, who says, "I've found that child abuse survivors are viewed as damaged goods. I see pity in people's eyes." She goes on, "I share my experiences with you not to elicit pity. I want to elicit action." And she says how .. and why. "Use your voice and your keyboard to shout for better care for children. One child dies every five hours. I say, don't see me and my ordeal—understand that there are children out there right this second that are undergoing the same kind of ordeal."
Joyce suffers from Complex PTSD and suffered Complex Trauma. She asks, "A child needs love, but what is love? For me, if someone didn't abuse me, they didn't love me. Why I didn't perpetuate this kind of abuse, I'll never know. I started to," she notes. "Everything inside me screamed I could not do to my children what had been done to me, yet I worshipped my mother until well into adulthood." She's given it a lot of thought. "I've mulled over what constant fear must do to the developing brain. I have traits that I view as being hardwired. I have an acute awareness of my surroundings. I am in constant survival mode to this day." Joyce considers herself lucky. "I chose a course of action that helps me understand the effects of trauma. I studied psychology. I've been crawling around in my own brain for years. I've succeeded in alleviating some of the effects. The current trend in psychotherapy is to keep evaluative thoughts a secret from the patient, much like medicine years ago." Joyce says that children's protective services are underfunded. "There aren't enough social workers working in the field. It is my belief many are too inexperienced to recognize this kind of abuse." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1519
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "The War against Children and Families in North America" ~~ Children are being torn from their families for profit. An army divided is an army conquered, so the only hope of winning this war is through unity. Join us tonight to meet the amazing men and women on the front lines who are dedicating their skills and their lives to fight one of the most important battles possible, the fight for our children and families. Know who they are, why they're in this battle, and how you can connect with them, either for help or to stand up and fight beside us. Stand up, stay strong .. because in the end it's unity that will win this war. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1518
Special guest Kiesa Kay |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Kiesa Kay, a returning NAASCA family member who now resides in North Carolina. She's a forensic interviewer and author of numerous works including the play 'Sky Eyes' and her new book, 'Tornado Alley.' "The first one is a play I wrote that helped me heal my relationship with my mother," Kiesa says, "and the scond one is a first person narrative about my experiences of abuse in the USA as a child and part of the healing journey in France as an adult." She wants to talk about survivor issues for the holidays and will describe what it's like to be a forensic interviewer, talking to children and teens when they've witnessed violent crimes, like murder, and listening to them when allegations of abuse and neglect arise. Her work is groundbreaking. In the past, Kiesha spent her work days interviewing children and teens who'd experienced rape, abuse, and neglect, and who'd witnessed violent crimes. When allegations arose, Kiesa listened, helping bring truth to light. She also facilitated a support group for non-offending caregivers. For a decade, Kiesa criss-crossed the country giving workshops on twice exceptional learners, specifically, children who have strong abilities and learning disabilities. Before that, she worked with survivors of incest and domestic violence, and volunteered on a crisis line. She'll tell you she's guided by three principles: (1) Create meaning in every facet of life, (2) Stop the suffering of all sentient beings, and (3) Be kind to whoever crosses your path. Kiesa specializes in workshops on ending child abuse, powerful parenting and creative writing. She's also engaged in family advocacy, and home school consultations. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1517
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1516
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 459
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1515
Special guest Christine Walters |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Christine Walters from Washington, DC, a survivor of child abuse and neglect who was born in Buffalo, New York, but grew up in Fort Myers, Florida. She's author of the book "Ginny and Me: Reflections of What God Can Do" hoping to help others cope during difficult times. She says, "There are many people who need to let go of pain in their lives and seek God." The book is a deeply personal story about her troubled relationship with her mother, who lived with a severe mental illness. Ginny (her mother) died unexpectedly at Christmas season, and was buried later on Mother's Day weekend. Abuse is damaging, Christine points out, and comes from cycles of abusive behaviors learned and repeated through generations. "In my case, most of the abuse I suffered resulted from my mother's mental illness. For my entire life, people told me to excuse my mom's abuse because she was mentally ill. However, mental illness does not give anyone the right to abuse you (in particular, your child)." Ginny lived in the Buffalo State Hospital through her adolescent years. When released from the hospital at 26 years old, she had Christine. Her dad was thirty years older. Her mother was white, and her father was black. "As a child, I struggled with my mixed heritage. My mom would tell me that white people did not like me because I was black." There was a lot of confusion. "Even from a religious standpoint, I was raised as a Catholic and Baptist." Christine's story is about how faith enabled her to overcome extraordinary struggles, pain, and loss. "Faith, hope, and forgiving the unforgivable through prayer and trusting in God are the keys to healing." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1514
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC night -- "Recovery as an Adult" ~~ OPEN MIKE discussion ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address recovery from the issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, and other NAASCA family members, as we discuss "Recovery as an Adult" as it relates to the tools, services and resources from the NAASCA organization. See the series at: NAASCA.org/SpecialShows. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1513
Special guest Jillian Stringer Short |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Jillian Stringer Short from the Washington, DC, area, a child abuse survivor and member of our CSA Survivor Force, a group that seeks to better inform and partner with media to spread awareness. Jill is the founder of Always a Voice (www.alwaysavoice.com), a local and web-based support group, committed to providing encouragement and awareness to adult survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) and other forms of trauma. "I was subjected to sexual abuse until I was seven," Jill says. "When I was twelve, my parents and I went to Micronesia as missionaries with Evangelism Missions Inc. I loved it!" Her abuse became a distant memory, buried and unaddressed. "Years later, still deep in the clutches of my church affiliation, I married a man who was physically abusive, with the church's backing." She goes on, "Then the unthinkable happened. I discovered my children were being sexually abused. My world crashed around me." Jill explains the lack of support from friends, especially within the church, astounded her. "We were told to forgive and honor our abuser. They strictly instructed us to be silent, even telling us not to press charges, stating that 'speaking out about our abuse gave the church, and thus, Jesus Christ, a bad name'. He only served an 18-month sentence. After his release, he was brought back into church leadership." Eventually Jill left what she calls her 'toxic church' and her marriage, and began the slow, upward path toward recovery. "My children began to truly heal. I was amazed to learn more about Child Sexual Abuse and its effects on us as adults. I surrounded myself with life-changing resources, and positive support." We're delighted to have Jill as a member of the NAASCA family. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1512
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "The Role of the Jurist" ~~ Tonight's guest, Sebastian Doggart, appears as a journalist, human rights activist and the New York President of the Family Civil Liberty's Union. Juvenile and Dependency Courts across the country are wantonly dismantling human rights, civil rights, parents rights and the peace, security, sanity, legacy of children to be raised by their parents. Legitimate custodians are being rendered helpless to intervene in what should be their innate rights to protect their young by Judges in "Family" Courts who are directed by "Judicial Discretion." Mr. Doggart knows personally and professionally of the rabid, depraved interventions of the unleashed power of the criminal in family court. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1511
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 458
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1510
No show tonight. |
No Show Tonight.
-- technical problems --
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Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1509
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Letters of Love" ~~ This is our is our 'Letters of Love' show. We invite our followers and listeners to participate by calling in to share a message with a loved one from whom they may be estranged. ~~ "For Our Kids" show call-in number: 646 / 595-2118. ~~ LET THEM KNOW WE LOVE THEM !! ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1508
Special guest Mrs. Pleasant |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Mrs. Pleasant from Austin, Texas, here to tell us about the Abuse Is Real (A.I.R.) Program where the mission is to provide and instill hope, trust, faith, knowledge, awareness, support, community and love in the lives of their clients, and to provide them with the necessities needed to live beyond their tragic experience, by bridging the gap between victims and their healing process, expanding awareness of various abuse forms, encouraging victims to speak their truth(s) and grasp their healing, and more.
"Abuse is not always what you see because it is more than physical," she points out. "Abuse can be sexual, psychological, mental and emotional." She goes on, "Abuse often times happens by an endeared loved one such as a family member or a person you are in a supposedly relationship with or have a close bond with, not the stereotypical 'stranger danger' that is constantly portrayed on television, public service workers or your parents." She explains, "From my personal experience of various forms of abuse and violence, such as sexual abuse, bullying and domestic violence, 'stranger danger' indeed was a myth." Mrs Pleasant says, "I quickly learned that when someone close who supposed to love me and violates me that it' s okay for others who say, act, or pretend to love me to violate me and remain silent and don't say a word." She concludes, "Therefore, when I found myself in abusive relationships and compromising situations I repeated those same childhood patterns." These issues are now a part of the A.I.R. Project. One of the primary goals is to help break the silence of abuse of victims and to highly educate others about the truths and dangers of abuse and violence. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1507
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1506
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 457
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1505
Special guest Donna Mickens Sylvester |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Donna Mickens Sylvester from Atlanta, Georgia, a new member of the NAASCA family and a License Practical Nurse who's been in the health care field since 1985. Donna will be telling here story on our show for the first time. She and her older sister were both sexually assaulted by a cousin as youngsters. "I can remember vividly how my abuser would come into my room, put a pillow over my face and rape me," Donna shares. "I suffered in silence for years and when I told family members they said I was lying .. until my sister confessed that it happened to her, too." Donna got married secretly at 18 to escape her family and their home, where her molester would visit. She barely knew her new husband, and certainly didn't love him. Hers was a marriage of convenience. He needed a path to citizenship and she needed to get out of her parent's house. Donna was overprotective of her two daughters, in constant contact with them even after they'd grown older and went off to college. Donna says her fear of them being assaulted or raped caused an unfortunate distance between she and her kids. But, she reports, there's been no love lost with her own birth family. She goes on, "I have hated my blood relatives for years and still do. I have been treated wrongly by this family." Many who share with us describe a disappointing reaction and lack of support from those from whom they'd most like to get it .. their family and closest friends. Fortunately NAASCA members provide a new 'family' through which we establish a new support system. Donna explains, "I call myself the invisible child. I was, and still am, an introvert. I have alot to say. I also went through a period of depression in my early adulthood. But, she concludes, "I have a strong mind and will." We look forward to hearing from Donna. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1504
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult TONIGHT: Defining 'Recovery' |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- "Recovery as an Adult" ~~ OPEN MIKE discussion ~~ TONIGHT: Defining 'Recovery' ~~ (2) the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost ~~ The all volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address recovery from the issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, and other NAASCA family members, as we discuss "Recovery as an Adult" as it relates to the tools, services and resources from the NAASCA organization. See the series at: NAASCA.org/SpecialShows. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1503
Special guest LH |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is LH from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, a survivor of childhood sexual, physical and emotional abuse. This is her first time ever sharing her story, other than with her therapist .. and her bravery in coming forward is not lost her new NAASCA family. We know how much courage it takes to walk through the fear of giving up one's secrets from childhood abuses and trauma. And LH has a lot to talk about. "I was abused from infancy to now. I have multiple perpetrators, so many I can't count," she notes. "The abuse was horrible and very traumatic." She was not only abused by the males in her family, but by her mother as well. "She pimped me out from the age of 6 until I was 12. Hundreds of men raped me. One had a gun at my head. Another used a knife to subdue me. Many used pills and alcohol." There have been many consequences in her life. "At a young age I taught myself to dissociate, breaking into branches of other personalities, she reports." Among other things she's suffered from DID (dissociative identity disorder) and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). "I am alone," she says. "My family denies the abuse and I don't have contact with them. I am working to build a new life. I have my very first apartment alone and I love it. I can do whatever I want. I am working with a psychologist who specializes in trauma and abuse." She's in a better place now. "I still struggle every day. But I am fighting the demons and I will turn out on top," LH says. "I just hope I can reach at least one listener and give that listener a little courage." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1502
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1501
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 456
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1500
Special guest Elisabeth Corey |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Elisabeth Corey from Richmond, Virginia, a returning NAASCA family member who is a survivor of severe childhood sex abuse and trafficking. She's here to talk about her new web site and services at BeatingTrauma.com. "My childhood was not a childhood, she explains. "In my family, men had sex with little girls. It was our normal. It was our culture. And it was generational. My parents grew up with it. Their parents grew up with it. Most of the victims in our family didn't even remember it because the trauma caused memory loss. We were a family of traumatized individuals who were doing whatever it took to survive .. usually at the expense of the others." Elisabeth goes on, "My parents, uncles and grandparents started sexually abusing me when I was 2 years old. This was necessary to break me. I was indoctrinated in to a way of life. I was brainwashed. But there was a problem. As I got older, they realized I was a talker. They had not successfully broken me. I was actually telling people. The good news for them .. nobody believed me." Over the years Elisabeth has worked with many organizations on advocacy, and now offers services herself at BeatingTrauma.com. She focuses on trauma theory, research and practice, but from a survivor perspective, and includes interviews with other survivors and guest blog posts from clinicians. We're looking forward to having Elisabeth on the show again! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1499
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Expert Advice" ~~ One of the professionals who works in a field that's very closely associated with the "For Our Kids" shows will be our special guest tonight. NAASCA family member Dr. Jill Jones-Soderman, a regular contributor to the series, is the founder of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Court. The organization is composed of an association of mediators, attorneys, forensic law investigators, therapists, counselors, pediatricians and other professionals who are dedicated to aggressively assisting parties who are involved in contentious custody cases, or families who have been harmed by the abuses of Family Court systems. The non profit believes in the rule of law under the Constitution on behalf of individuals' legal and civil rights, and disapproves of the abuses of Family Courts, Social Service agencies and harmful Child Protective Services. Tonight we'll ask for Jill's counsel and advice as we search for solutions that might help the "For Our Kids" audience. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1498
Special guest AmyAnna Soto |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is AmyAnna Soto from Turlock, California, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, emotional and physical abuse, rape, stalking and harassment. She is now a public speaker, artist and poet. She often speaks to college classes and other programs through a program at Peer Recovery Art Project. She organizes an in person and facebook art group for adult childhood trauma survivors called Creative Progress. She has published a book of poetry 'After the Rain, Before the Storm' under a pen name of Nicolette Lucid.
AmyAnna has a dissociative identity disorder or multiple personalities, and has a speech impediment because she developed spinal meningitis at the age of two. She almost died. Her mother told all her classmates that she ‘could have been retarded' and they teased and bullied her through all her school years. She learned if she didn't talk then no one would know she was different. Multiple sexual assualts and rapes followed. As a teenager, AmyAnna kept the secret which led to her to be isolating and fearful of everyone. One of her predators also was watching and warning others to stay away from her. For the next 25 years he stalked and harassed her by phone calls, making friends of her friends and driving by her house. At age 18, AmyAnna married a good man, and now has a 21 year old son. But things in the marriage were sometimes rocky. She has been battling depression and suicide for 12 years and also has PTSD. But she's doing much better now, having progressed from writing to her therapist to public speaking, and we hope she'll be an active member of the NAASCA family! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1497
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1496
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 455
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1495
Special guest Marnie Grundman |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Marnie Grundman from Toronto, Ontario, child abuse survivor and author of the book "Missing: A True Story Of A Childhood Lost." Marnie writes, "I have lived the majority of my life in the dark, ashamed of my time on the streets. Embarrassed that I had my first child at seventeen. Ashamed that I didn't complete my education. Damaged because of the sexual abuse I suffered at the hands of both strangers and a relative. I've realized that to fully heal I have to let the light shine in."
Marnie was a child who belonged to no one. Gone missing at the tender age of 13, she experienced first-hand the worst of humanity. However, she didn't just make it through; she rose above the darkness, becoming a beacon of light, of empowerment, for others to do the same. As one person said, “She is living proof that no matter what life hands you, you have within you the spirit to rise, to rewrite the outcome of your story, to create a life filled with love and happiness.” What began as a story of healing led to one of triumph, of the power of the human spirit, of one woman's surthrival against all odds. Marnie has since become an advocate for the missing, working to change the perception of runaway children so they might finally get the help they need. Her compelling articles, engaging talks and interviews, and page-turning memoirs have become a shining light to the lost, the struggling. Marnie teaches people how not to live their damage, how to heal and overcome, how to rise up and reclaim a life of happiness. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1494
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult TONIGHT: Thanksgiving Day Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- "Recovery as an Adult" ~~ OPEN MIKE discussion ~~ TONIGHT: Our Thanksgiving Day Show ~~ Maintaining an 'attitude of gratitude' throughout the holidays ~~ The all volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address recovery from the issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, and other NAASCA family members, as we discuss "Recovery as an Adult" as it relates to the tools, services and resources from the NAASCA organization. See the series at: NAASCA.org/SpecialShows. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1493
Special guest Charlene Niemi |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Charlene Niemi (RN, PhD) from California, a returning NAASCA family member who has been conducting a study that fellow NAASCA family members have helped her with. The study looked at possible predicators of psychological well-being in men suffered sexual abuse as children at the hands of a Catholic priest. She looked at the characteristics of the abuse, forgiveness, and well-being. Charlene states “When I started this journey I never expected the path my life has taken. I have meet some amazing people. My life is fuller because of it. I am forever grateful for the men who opened their homes to me, emailed me with heartfelt words, and shared their stories with me. The survey captures only part of the story; the survivors have filled in the rest. Thank you.” Charlene will discuss her findings and future plans. Her Facebook page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/survivorsofabusethesurvey/. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1492
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1491
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 454
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1490
Special guest Benjamin Schaeffer |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Benjamin Schaeffer from Neosho, Missouri, a child abuse survivor and former foster kid child. "My mother was very physically and psychologically abusive throughout my entire relationship with her," Ben says.
"My siblings and I were in foster care and were returned home when we really shouldn't have been." He continues, "The home situation has remained in constant turmoil that my siblings still deal live with." The statistics of children who are abused in their families are astonishing, and may be repeated for generations. Often it's impacts are life-long and may be passed on to one's own children. The number of children who are abused in foster care is also hard to believe. "I left home at 17 and had addiction problems," Ben says, noting that he was in and out of jail and had an especially rough early adulthood. But things are better for him now. "In the last ten years I have come above and beyond anything I ever had imagined and am working still to recover from the effects my childhood." He's also engaged in giving back, often a hallmark of an 'attitude of gratitude' that we see from many NAASCA family members. "I work constantly now to do whatever I can to fight to help children," he says. "They are our future and they must be protected and nurtured." We couldn't agree more. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1489
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America.
~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Deadly Secrets" ~~ Tamara Fabre's murder at the hands of her own father was all over the news, and because of the extensive coverage you may think you know what happened. But the real truth is about to unfold as Tamara's sister, Tracy Fabre, finally reveals what went on behind closed doors. Hers is an unbelievable story which started over 50 years before, with a mother and seven children locked in a house of horrors, suffering unspeakable abuse .. while nobody dared to break the silence. An entire community turned a blind eye as a psychopathic father was able to torture and control his children for over half a century, until it finally culminated in the brutal murder of his own daughter. Tonight on a very special edition of the "For Our Kids" show we'll have Tracy Fabre, Tamara's sister, coming forward and breaking the silence with the truth behind the media spotlight. Her story is one of survival, courage and unbelievable strength, and one you definitely need to hear. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1488
Special guest Sherri L Board |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Sherri L Board from Rancho Mirage, California, a survivor of childhood sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and author of book-length non-fiction, critically acclaimed novels, and numerous articles for magazines with a national distribution. A survivor of childhood abuse herself, Sherri blogs and advocates to help and support her fellow survivors. In her book “What We're Afraid to Ask: 365 Days of Healing for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse” Sherri and her co-author Anna M. Jones ask 365 tough questions about child abuse. These questions are answered from a biblical perspective and from a psychological perspective. Sherri's a Certified Temperament Counselor and a clinical member of the National Christian Counselors Association. In childhood she experienced years of sexual assaults, violent eruptions and mental abuse from her pedophile stepfathers. "As I grew older I knew that I needed to get some help with my very low self-esteem and other issues like anxiety, dissociation, and learning how to untangle myself from the lies of abuse," Sherri says. She goes to explain that, "Looking back I believe the way in which I coped with what happened was to become a workaholic." We're glad she decided to devote herself to recovery. "I really didn't start healing until a psychologist started talking to me about my spirituality. I became interested in Christian Psychology and went on to get my master's in Christian Counseling." We welcome Sherri to the NAASCA family! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1487
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~
TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Sandy Ross, "The Hope Portal" - When an unsuspecting individual finds themselves in the grip of a relationship with an individual with anti-social personality traits, they do not know who or what they have encountered. Sandy Ross is rapidly becoming a well-recognized expert in the area of the interpersonal features of psychopathy. Our immediate focus is the functioning of the individual who possesses psychopathic traits/ Personality Disorder and their interaction with such institutions as the Family Court System, “Child Protective Services”, the Criminal Justice System. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1486
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 453
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1485
Special guest James Buffin |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is James Buffin from Toronto, Ontario, who says, "I just joined this amazing group and am writing to introduce myself. After experiencing some horrific sexual abuse and betrayal by a caregiver as a pre-teen I lived a fragmented alienated existence for over 30 years. Because I was uneducated about the long-term impact of child sex abuse, I had no idea that the problems I carried were actually symptoms of the abuse." He goes on, "Five years ago I began a remarkable healing journey. One of the major areas I was blocked was career. All I ever wanted was to be a filmmaker. So, I began filming my own recovery. Given the prolific feelings of release I've experienced with the support of an amazing community in Toronto at a place the runs peer facilitated programs, The Gatehouse, I also wanted to give something back. So I made a video blog featuring empowered survivors." James hopes it will help others. It is used in the programming at The Gatehouse and also the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, one of Canada's top mental health organizations. He notes that one of the videos he's most proud of is the Special Episode about the Blue Ribbon March in Bolivia (scroll down, it's between episodes 12 and 13). "I hope you find the episodes useful," James says, "and welcome comments and feedback." Write him at: jb@vpics.ca. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1484
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult
TONIGHT: Defining 'Recovery' |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC night -- "Recovery as an Adult" ~~ OPEN MIKE discussion ~~ TONIGHT: Defining 'Recovery' ~~ (1) a return to a normal state of health,
mind, or strength ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address recovery from the issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, and other NAASCA family members, as we discuss "Recovery as an Adult" as it relates to the tools, services and resources from the NAASCA organization. See the series at: NAASCA.org/SpecialShows. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1483
Special guest Jennifer Murphy |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Jennifer Murphy from Fort Meyers, Florida, a Child and Family Therapist who specialized in sex abuse and sex trafficking victims/survivors. When she was a young child herself, Jenny witnessed an even younger girl being raped by a much older teenager. She went to the prepetrator's parents and told them what he'd done. "From then on I know I had to do something," she says. In junior high and high school Jenny aware that many of her best friends had been sexually abused by a father, brother, uncle or close family friend. "I was the 'counselor' in the my circle of friends for as long as I can remember." She saw the way not having someone believe them and not getting proper treatment caused them long suffering. Jenny did lots of volunteering and trained in the first class of Guardian Ad Litem Child Advocates before she was 18 years old. She got trained in rape & crisis counseling even before she stepped through the doors of college or university. Then she landed an entry level job at the only sexual abuse treatment program in 5 counties. Jenny learned fund development & grant writing, community relations and began public speaking, going on to earn a Masters Degree in Child & Adolescent Psychology, specializing in sexual abuse, rape & other sex crimes. "I have worked with these victims for over 25 years," she writes. Now Jenny runs a sexual abuse and sex trafficking outreach group called FABULOUS FAITHFUL FREEDOM FIGHTERS that's currently working on a rehab program for victims of prostitution, escort, stripping, etc. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1482
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1481
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 452
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1480
Special guest Roberta Brown |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Roberta Brown from Minnetonka, Minnesota, a survivor of child abuse and author of the book "The Shoulding; A Story of Resilience and Hope" which is available on Amazon. "I spent years in therapy, 31 years with the same therapist and put my life back together," she says. Roberta continues, "I decided a few years ago to write a book, my memoir. I needed to tell my story, stand in my truth and be my authentic self." She explains, "I was raised in a middle class Jewish home in a first-ring suburb of Minneapolis. I knew from the time of age three that I was terrified of my father. He was angry, full of rage and in a way unpredictable. With my mother and sister, things weren't so clear cut until much later. As I got older, I realized I was terrified of everything, all of the time." She goes on, "The turning point in my life came when my father actually tried to kill me when I was 16." Out of her youth, Roberta's later life was set up for disaster. "I found every abuser, or should I say, they found me because I was easy prey. I was in a series of abusive relationships and high drama. As I got into my 20s I developed Agoraphobia and spent 2 years in my apartment. I had problems with OCD and panic disorders. After much therapy, I realized I suffered from PTSD and the other anxiety problems were subsets of that." She eventually spent over three decades in therapy. Then she wrote her memoir, "I had realized I was living with three narcissists and I wasn't like them at all. But because I was the 'oddball.' They told me I was sick and there was something wrong with me all of the time. Who would have known I'd turn out to be the only healthy one!!" |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1479
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" ~~ Why should judges be allowed to abuse their power and violate the laws and rights they are sworn to uphold? Tonight we look at one of the most corrupt and unbelievable divorce and custody cases we've ever seen in North America. The Grazzini-Rucki case has been voraciously covered so many of you may think you know what happened from the many distorted media reports that have been put out but we assure you that the real facts of this case are beyond shocking. Join us tonight for an inside look on this story on the "For Our Kids" show as we speak with journalist and co-author of the book 'Sandra Grazzi-Rucki and The World's Last Custody Trial', Michael Volpe. Michelle MacDonald, Sandra Rucki's Attorney and co-author of the book, will also be joining us to provide an inside look at this trial and the outrageous abuses that occurred. We're also pleased to welcome Dr. Jill Jones-Soderman, Director of Foundation of the Child Victims of the Family Courts to bring her unique perspective as to what really went on in this case and who the Real victims and offenders are. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1478
Special guest Jori Nunes |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Jori Nunes from Modesto, California, a returning NAASCA family member who is a sex abuse survivor and author of the book "Chocolate Flowers: A Twisted Tale That Deserves to be Told" which was written for awareness to help understand and protect children.
Jori says, "I want to talk tonight about the shame/blame we feel when releasing the dark secret." She explains her life: "After Pandora's box opened and I was insulted by family saying I have made the accusations up my entire life, I went in to a dark deep depression. My six figure business became a six figure debt and I planned my suicide but I wanted to leave behind a creepy little story so people would understand what was in my mind and things that happened in my past." And that's where "Chocolat Flowers" was born. "The book was fiction but obviously held truth. I went on Dr.Phil and was told if I didn't want to talk about something to deny it" She felt blindsided, told she'd changed her story after another show released their tape without her consent. "My depression spiraled out of control and there was another attempted suicide. It's been two years and I still think of the ways I could have handled my depression and past sexual abuse better, I just never knew how to deal with it." But she's felling better now. "I have come a long way and know my truth and try to help survivors of sexual abuse understand and deal with their feelings .. so they know they are not alone." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1477
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1476
Special topic - "Community Matters" LACP Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters - Public Safety" OPEN MIKE discussion from LACP.org with Bill Murray (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the Los Angeles Community Policing web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 451
Special topic - "Community Matters" NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters - News of the Week" OPEN MIKE discussion from NAASCA.org (see: current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Asscociation of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1475
Special guest Elizabeth Sullivan |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Elizabeth Sullivan from Stillwater, Minnesota, a returning NAASCA family member and an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse who started a peer-to-peer support group in her home town. She runs the recovery group on Thursday nights, and is holding a day long event 'Giving Voice' (for survivors, by survivors) on Saturday, November 5th. Fellow NAASCA family member Matt Sandusky will be the Key Note speaker. Get details on her web site at: www.EmpowerSurvivors.net. "In 2013 at the age of 42 I broke my silence," Elizabeth says. "Kind of a forced breaking of silence because it came out due to several triggers that ended up putting me in ICU for two days with a heart rate that couldn't be regulated, chest pain and dry heaves. After that two day event the flashbacks started in, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, hyper vigilance and all of the rest." Her PTSD was basically out of control. "This begun the breaking of silence for me, the two day a week therapy sessions, group therapy and a lot of ups and downs and suicidal thoughts. It's been a hard process but I feel I've come a long way since all this came to a head several years ago." She knows her recovery will be a journey. "There's still healing to be had but I am healing, finding balance and becoming what I think is a better person - me. Me instead of what I felt I had to be for everyone else." Elizabeth goes on, "Breaking my silence was the best thing I ever did, and the hardest thing I ever did, and now I want to empower other survivors to do the same and find healing." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1474
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult - DBT Self-Help Skills |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- "Recovering From The Effects of Childhood Abuse, Neglect, and Trauma." (Part 2 of 4). Tonight we will finish Mindfulness Skills and begin Distress Tolerance Skills/Strategies. The emphasis is to learn to bear pain skillfully since avoiding pain tends to increase it and can lead to impulsive acts that can make the situation worse. The strategies we will discuss are Distracting, Self-Soothing, Improving the Moment, and thinking of Pros and Cons of tolerating vs not tolerating painful, distressing emotions. Mindfulness skills are recommended by the VA for reducing symptoms of PTSD, and both sets of skills can reduce dissociation, anxiety, panic, depression, suicidal ideation, and other methods of self harm. When we learn these skills, and can be present and aware in our lives, we can move on to skills to regulate emotions, and interpersonal skills to improve our relationships including family, friends, and work which can improve our quality of life, enjoyment, and happiness. ~~ Article 1: Mindfulness Lessons - Article 2: Distress Tolerance Lessons ~~ This series of special topic shows will give us an opportunity to share information and experience with each other as we continue on our healing journey. The moderator will be Jacque LaFountaine RN, retired, who has been actively recovering from childhood abuse and trauma for 25 years. "When I started therapy, I learned that childhood abuse and trauma was affecting every area of my life, but there was very little information on what issues needed to be addressed or how to address them." For more shows in this series, go to: www.NAASCA.org/SpecialShows |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1473
Special guests Svava Brooks & Erica Glessing |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Svava Brooks from Aurora, Oregon, a returning NAASCA family member who'll be joined by Erica Glessing. Erica's from the San Francisco area. Together they have co-authoring a just released book, "Dawn of a New Day: Breaking Up with Abuse," with 20 other survivors of domestic violence and trauma. Svava says they hope other survivors will gain inspiration from the stories in the book. Svava is a survivor of child sexual abuse and the co-founder of a nationwide child sexual abuse prevention and education organization in Iceland called “Blátt áfram.” She's also a certified instructor and facilitator for Darkness to Light Stewards of Children, as well as a certified Crisis Intervention Specialist, and an Abuse Survivor Coach. Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. The CEO of Happy Publishing, Erica is a master of happiness and creative expression. She has generated #1 bestselling status for more than 175 authors since January 2015, and runs the company Happy Publishing to give light-bringers a bigger voice on the planet. Erica is no stranger to abuse. Her story about leaving an abusive husband is not easy to tell. "I'm sharing my story because sometimes abuse hides under the covers of control, anger and manipulation," she says. "The bruises are not always visible. I broke up with abuse, and it wasn't easy." The brave raw courage of the internationally bestselling authors featured in "Dawn of a New Day: Breaking Up with Abuse" will give you strength. Ask new questions today, ask for new choices. What if the impossible was possible? |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1472
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1471
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 450
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for October - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1470
Special guest Dr. Sam Serio |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Dr. Sam Serio from Atlanta, Georgia, whose book "Sensitive Preaching to the Sexually Hurting" is specifically designed for contemporary Communicators, Ministries, Church Leaders and Christian Counselors. He explains the unique materials equip Pastors, Preachers & ALL types of Ministry Leaders or Church Staff with carefully constructed biblical messages and counseling tips to help people who secretly struggle with seven types of topics, including childhood sexual abuse. "I also help pastors to be more competent and compassionate as they minister to sexually broken people in their congregations or communities," Sam writes. "In 'Healing Sexual Hurt,' I counsel women, men and couples from all over the world on how to work through their deepest wounds or darkest sexual secrets which affects all their relationships." The web site
HealingSexualHurt.com encourages everyday people who feel sexually hurt, broken, tempted, addicted or wounded to get the best theology and therapy by a well trained and wise Counselor and Pastor. "I train Ministry Leaders and I counsel individuals," he says. "I have been interviewed on several national Radio Talk Shows. I've written several National Magazine Articles & have conducted numerous Training Workshops and Seminars to equip Church or Ministry Leaders today in these taboo topics." He offers two separate links from his web site that would be helpful to NAASCA family members: boyhood_sexual_abuse_assault and childhood_sexual_abuse. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1469
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America.
~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "No More Silence" ~~ As Martin Luther King Junior stated, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." It's up to us to ensure we speak out on issues that matter, and it's up to our government representatives to listen and take action. Tonight on a very special edition of the 'For Our Kids' show we have advocates who spoke out loud and hard, who cared enough to listen and join us in this battle. We'll speak with Senator Alan Clark whose persistent quest for truth and transparency in a system shrouded in secrecy is a true example of just how powerful our government representatives can be if they truly listen and care. We'll also have Senatorial Candidate Bruce Nathan, whose family first platform focusing on accountability is another example of the kind of government we need. Also with us .. Jim Black, founder and lead researcher of 'Angel Eyes Over Texas,' and Lori Fortin, both part of a group that helped to draft and present the Family First Prevention Services Act, along with advocate Brian Kinter whose hard work and dedication has helped support and unite so many in this cause. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1468
Special guest Dianne Hope Nickisson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Dianne Hope Nickisson from Manchester,
England, a new NAASCA family member who's a child abuse and Domestic Violence survivor. Dianne tells me, "I was bought up in a DV home, had two DV relationships." She explains that she escaped one of them last year and sadly lost her own child for three months, but that she fought to get her home. "I was young child that witness domestic violence from the day I could first see or sense as a child," she says. "I saw my parents show violence or endure violence. I was subjected to this daily and lived in fear, and that fear has never really left me." The abuse continued in her childhood. "I was subjected to child sexual abuse many times, and was eventually removed and taken into care due to medical neglect. My mother cared more about her boyfriends than us. I was abused in care, physically, mentally and emotionally." In later life she experienced her own Domestic Violence. "I ended up with CPTSD from the violence [and was] failed by the Police and others, and now, 15 years on, I have just come through another violent relationship." She recently found out he broke her neck 2 yrs ago. And, she adds, ".. as a result I lost my child because the Police made mega mistakes that nearly cost us our lives, our futures." But she's determined now, and on a mission. "I am fighting for all victims of violence male and female." We appreciate Dianne. "We need to educate, empower and not hide behind the silent doors we close," she says. "We need to show the next generation how to learn to love and protect and flourish. And we need to keep children with parents when possible." She goes on, "If you need me, I will be there." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1467
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Born and raised in Africa, tonight's guest enjoyed an international show business career before she married her European husband. They moved to America where she became a citizen. Their two girls are 7 and 10. Husband and wife became engaged in a divorce, where well documented accusations of sadistic sexual abuse directed against the girls have been presented in evidence, the full force of institutional prejudice and malfeasance are revealed. In the course of negotiating divorce settlement terms. The ongoing battle continues. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1466
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 449
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for October - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1465
Special guest David (Bill) Lester |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is David (Bill) Lester from Pensacola, Florida, a child abuse survivor who says, "The basic facts about my life made me a victim at first, but have now turned me into a Survivor Forever. I do not share these things to garner any pity, sympathy, empathy or the like. I do this to help others and to 'Shatter the Silence and Shine A Light Into the Shadows'." Bill's had many trials in his life but has emerged thinking himself as being graced. "My dad died when I was 2 years old," Bill says. "My family life would have to be classified as dysfunctional. We grew up in the church." He goes on, "When I was around 9 years old the Director of Music and Christian Education started grooming me for the many years of sexual abuse and rape to follow." Bill was bullied by his older brother and in school, and notes he's come "with-in a razor's edge of suicide" a number of times, a victim of racist attacks during his middle and high school years. "I lived in that 'silence and darkness' until my 40's," Bill writes. "My carefully wound up secrets started escaping from the walled off compartment in my brain. It took a while but I forgave my abuser. That was my best gift to myself from God." He started his own successful business, got married and had a daughter. Things were looking up. Then 'life-on-life's terms' interceded, in the form of a couple of car accidents that left him with major traumatic injuries, and he lost the business. He went through rehabs and recovery from drug use, but he's emerged determined to use his story to help others. As Bill says, "Men and women need to know that they do not need to feel shame from what happened. They need to know how strong they are for having survived and the shatter the silence that has kept them trapped." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1464
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult - DBT Self-Help Skills |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- "DBT Self-Help Skills (Dialectical Behavior Therapy; this is NOT therapy" -- (part 1 of 4) Tonight's show will be a Discussion/ Workshop on Mindfulness Skills where we will discuss and add our own experience with the topic to learn to be present, aware of ourselves, and aware of our actions. In following weeks, we will discuss Distress Tolerance Skills ( being present while experiencing distressing emotions), Emotion Regulation Skills, and Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills. The goal is to learn skills, or add and share our skills, to manage anxiety, panic, depression, self-harm thoughts, and reduce dissociation (avoidance), and increase our effectiveness when interacting with people. I invite everyone to come and share so we all learn more together. Article: DBT Self-Help Skills, Mindfulness ~~ This series of special topic shows will give us an opportunity to share information and experience with each other as we continue on our healing journey. The moderator will be Jacque LaFountaine RN, retired, who has been actively recovering from childhood abuse and trauma for 25 years. "When I started therapy, I learned that childhood abuse and trauma was affecting every area of my life, but there was very little information on what issues needed to be addressed or how to address them." For more shows in this series, go to: www.NAASCA.org/SpecialShows |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1463
Special guest Jenna Brooks |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Jenna Brooks from Manchester, New Hampshire, a staunch advocate for abuse prevention and recovery. Jenna wears a lot of hats. She's a critically acclaimed novelist, a seminar author and instructor, a columnist, and a professionally trained and certified coach, specializing in divorce, post-divorce, and Domestic Violence. "In general, I write about women's issues," Jenna writes. "But my passion in life is to change the way the culture regards battered women, and help them to reclaim their lives after escaping an abuser." She goes on, “I concentrate on advocacy for abused mothers and children because in my experience, the Family Court often takes up where an abuser leaves off. Too often, battered women are every bit as injured by a paternalistic, even oppressive Family Court system as they are by an abuser." Jenna notes how unfair this is. "As a society, we pay little attention to the aftereffects of domestic violence - both legally and culturally." Now focused on her work as an author and on her efforts to facilitate community involvement, Jenna accepts clients on a very limited basis. Her most recent books include 'After Awareness: Advocating for Battered Women'. Also just released: 'The Alienated Mother', a full coaching series within a handbook, designed to help post-abuse women live their lives with meaning and purpose after their children have rejected them. You can find all of Jenna's books at major online retailers, and she welcomes your comments. "I've added NAASCA to my promotion list for social media, and I'll be talking about your organization whenever possible, Jenna says. "I'm just *so* impressed by what you do." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1462
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1461
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 448
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for October - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1460
Special guest Shanna Maria |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Shanna Maria, from Saint Paul, Minnesota, a child abuse survivor who describes herself as "a visionary who has sat back and watched and still not satisfied with the lack of progress still to this day with sexual abuse." She also believes perpetrators are being protected by the system. "I am not afraid to speak the truth about this." she says, ".. ready to help make much needed changes and able to be a light for other survivors that healing is possible." Shanna was abused all through her youth. "I was sexually abused by my grandfather," she tells us. "I was 5 Years old when my abuse started and 17 Years old when it ended. I became pregnant at 17 years. I was 5 months pregnant he tried to assault me one last time and I remember like it was yesterday." Her grandfather died shortly after, but Shanna had two more sexual assaults, raped at 16 by another family member and later sexually assaulted in her early 20s by her husband's relative. Shanna says, "Growing up I had always felt like I had a target on my forehead that said 'please abuse here.' I call sexual abuse 'murder to one's soul' .. without physically murdering." She still struggels sometimes with her past. "When I get asked do I hate my abuser? That has never been an easy question to answer as in my incest case my abuser was very much like a Jekyll & Hyde. Funny and charming and the next minute it was like that person is no longer there .. cold and distant like looking into someone who doesn't have a soul." She describes herself as a n intuitive Guide/ Mentor. "I am a public speaker and an advocate for children and Human transformation." She goes on, "Soul Design School is not a single class, or workshop, or event. It is a MOVEMENT." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1459
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Reunification" - Reunification should be a right for all adoptees, parents and foster children. Tonight's 'For Our Kids' show came from an overwhelming collection of adoptees wanting to share their story about what it truly means to be adopted, as well as parents longing to connect with the children they love. This is a topic that is very close to our hearts. Tonight we have Zara Phillips, whose incredible story unfolds through her well-known songs and her book entitled "Mother Me." We are also pleased to welcome Canadian adoptee and reunification expert Mike Slayter, well known for his work helping adoptees. Finally we'll have Susan Friel-Williams, a licensed Private Investigator specializing in reunification and the founder of ReunionRegistry.org. If you are someone who is searching or you know someone who is, this is a show you don't want to miss. Our guest's inspirational stories and their tireless work helps people find their families of origin, and, in the process, find themselves. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1458
Special guest Patricia (Trish) McKnight |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Patricia A. McKnight from Breese, Illinois, a small town some 40 miles east of St Louis. Trish, a returning NAASCA family member, a child abuse survivor, is author of "My Justice," the true story of her struggle to overcome the cruelty of her childhood. The man who assaulted Trish, her stepfather, continued his torture for twelve long years. His torment left her so severely scarred that it would destroy everything good in her life for the next three decades. Her path in life became one of continued violence against her, including 20 years of Domestic Violence in her own marriage. "I finally broke free to claim a life of my own and provide a home where my children could feel safe," Trish says. "It is the training of accepting the abuses against us and the belief in the brainwashing of our abusers that keeps us trapped in this life of control." Her daughters, without a positive adult male role model, have followed the same pattern of abusive marriages, which is now affecting their children. In learning to aide others, Trish has studied the impact of violence in our environment and how the often overlooked warning signs can be so easily dismissed as misbehaving or even ADHD. She runs the well respected Butterfly Dreams Abuse Recovery effort and advocates for changes in the law . She says, "I now share my voice to help others understand they too can break free and claim their own happiness in life, feel safe, and finally feel true freedom." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1457
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1456
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 447
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for September - Week 5 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1455
Special guest John Sweeney |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is John Sweeney from New London, Connecticut, a child abuse survivor and victim of the Fessenden School. He's also the author of the book "In the Presence of the Devil." John writes, "My book is about a young boy from a good family who could be the 'poster child' for sex abuse." He goes on, "The shame, guilt, and psychological torture I was subjected to played a direct role in how I viewed and lived life, which for me had to be lived dangerously on the edge." Only now, some 44 years later, has John become able to talk about his compelling life's journey. "The rape and torture I was subjected to, played a direct role in how I viewed and lived life, which for me had to be lived dangerously on the edge," he writes. "All because at the age of eleven, I was drugged and rape while sleeping in my dorm room by Arthur Clarridge, my pedophile math teacher." He explains that 'Preston' tried to 'groom' him and many other young boys, while attending the Fessenden School, a prestigious New England boarding school. Things began to change for Sweeney in 2011, when he hired famous Child Sex Abuse Attorney Mitchell Garabedian. Sweeney fought back, and gathered information that he gave to the Boston Globe Spotlight Team, which his attorney Mitchell Garabedian says “blew the lid off the Fessenden School sex scandal case." View the VIDEO on YouTube. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1454
Special topic: Open Mike - Open Topic |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - HELP NEEDED - Tonight's talk show needs your participation !! Open Mike -- Open Topic -- all welcome to call in !! Tonight's "Stop Child Abuse Now" show will be an opportunity to help the NAASCA organization (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse). We'll discuss our origins, our non-profit mission, our many tools and services and the issues we hope to address in the future. Among other topics, we'll reveal our brand new NAASCA Calendar of Events project, and remind everyone about the need to support this charity .. a 501(c)3 non profit organization that offers tax deductions for donations .. as we seek the opportunity to add to our ever-expanding list of things we offer to educate the public and to support the still-suffering adult survivor of childhood abuse. This is your chance to criticize how we're doing and to suggest our path moving forward. Call-in number: (646) 595-2118 -- On computer: www.blogtalkradio.com/NAASCA |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1453
Special guest Dale Hemming |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Dale Hemming from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He's a returning NAASCA family member and one of our most devoted supporters. Dale leads the effort at Sioux Falls Free Thinkers where the motto is 'Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent!' Among numerous other issues they address is Domestic Violence awareness, which is celebrated annually in the month of October. Dale's using a series of billboards to carry the message locally. A press release explains the mission. In April, for Child Abuse awareness month, the group will conduct a similar campaign that will feature the safety of our children. The Sioux Falls Free Thinker web site invites everyone, saying, ".. all those with open minds are welcome. Free Thinkers are those that want a world without rules and controls on thought, without mental borders and boundaries. A world where anything is possible." These campaigns are sponsored by Sioux Falls Feminists.
Dale, now 71, became a feminist in 1960 while he was in high school. In went even further in college. "I was a campus radical and civil rights activist fighting against the Vietnam War, racism, and for women's rights and gay/lesbian rights," Dale explains. In 2002 Dale started to volunteer as a women's advocate, working with abused women and their children. "If one looks at the appalling statistics and facts on child abuse you will understand my involvement in the issue," Dale says. He's addressing these issues head on, and at his own expense. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1452
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1451
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events, for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events, for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 446
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for September - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1450
Special guest Yolanda Cruse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Yolanda Cruse from Summerfield, Illinois, a survivor of child abuse and NAASCA family member who's telling her story in public for the first time. She says that sharing and making new friends in our Facebook groups has helped a lot, but that now she's decided to 'divorce' her own family, and is looking forward to using her story to help others. And she tells quite a story! "I don't know how old I was when it started," she writes, "but I remember my mother laying me down for naps, doing things in front of me and making me do things to her as well. My father abandoned us my mother remarried and brought my step dad into the abuse." She goes on, "I lost my virginity at nine years old. This all went on until I was ten and told my cousin. The only reason I told was because they were going after my little sister. After all came out we went to live with our grandparents." Yolanda may have thought that would be the end of it .. but it wasn't. "My grandma had cancer so at ten years old I was a 'house wife' who took care of grandma and tried to raise my sister, take care of the house and care for the animals. Grandpa would yell at me and take his bad days out on me." Yolanda was forced into acting like an adult far too early. "I never got to be a child. I had a nervous breakdown and went to live with my Aunt and Uncle. My Aunt beat me everyday, until I finally went to states care until I was 18." Yolanda recently wrote a long 'letter to her family' as a post on Facebook. She hopes revealing her past will help others. "It has taken a whole lifetime to build the courage and gather the right words, and I don't feel any guilt about it. I was so young and innocent." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1449
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "When CPS and Courts Go Too Far" -- When the courts and CPS go too far we need to fight back. Join us tonight on the "For Our Kids" show as we hear incredible stories of the lengths these systems will go to in destroying families. We'll have guests Micha Satchel, Dee Price and Brian Kinter sharing unbelievable personal stories of vicious CPS targeting and Family Court abuse .. and the steps they've taken to fight these injustices. We'll also have Lisa Chasteen, an absolutely incredible lawyer who fights this corrupt system on behalf of children and families against incredible odds. Also joining us will be journalist Terri LaPointe who has been advocating for families through her amazing work with Medicalkidnap.com. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1448
Special guest John King |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Dr John A King from Grapevine, Texas, who says, "I was abused as a boy by my parents and their friends. I write, speak and am involved in rescuing children who have been trafficked." And he goes on, "There are very few men prepared to discuss the impact of sexual abuse on their lives." John speaks from personal experience. At 45, his life imploded when he had total recall of the sexual abuse he suffered from age 4-17 by both his parents and their friends. To process the memories, he began to write poetry. He published this art/therapy, No Working Title: A Life in Progress, anonymously in 2013 as an e-book, and in hardcover in 2015. Since then, he has worked to establish the Give Them a Voice Foundation for advocacy, resourcing, and rescuing victims of sexual abuse and sex trafficking. The web site notes that a child rape occurs every 2 minutes in the United States. It says a s many as 15,000 to 17,500 men, women and children are trafficked into The United States every year and that i n New York in the last decade, 50% of the children trafficked for sex were BOYS. He's also involved in the making of the documentary, Stopping Traffic: The Film. We'll be touching on all theses topics on tonight's show. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1447
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Louella Thomas ~~ Women are infrequently the focus of child abuse – physical abuse, much less sexual abuse; yet we know that women have a presence as predators, a distinct profile in the generation of sexual abuse onset and ongoing victimization of the subjects. The female actor in this case – pimp, trafficker, trading on the young childrens' loyalties to her as their mother, present a particularly compelling profile of a female psychopath. Our heroic speaker, author of the family horror story “An American Nightmare”, Louella Thomas, covers a landscape of unremitting, unresolved sexual abuse of three very young children. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1446
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events - for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
"Community Matters" - "Current Events - for Better or Worse" OPEN MIKE SHOW (see: current articles) ~~ Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 445
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for September - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1445
Special guest Steve McNally |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Steve McNally, currently in NJ (but on his way to Florida), an adult survivor of child abuse and a NAASCA family member for some time now. This is his first time appearing on the 'Stop Child Abuse Now' talk show. Steve is a survivor of childhood physical abuse, neglect, and emotional / mental abuse. "I am 53 years old, yet rarely "feel" like it," he says. Steve grew up in a household that was overshadowed by his young mother's alcoholism and depression. His father beat them. He had two natural siblings, an older brother and a younger sister, as well as a 'twin' sister, a Vietnamese girl his parents adopted when he was 9 months old. The family moved a lot when Steve was young. His mother drank often and had numerous hospitalizations. There were suicide attempts. "The feelings I had during that time was of being lost, of always feeling like something was missing," he says. When Steve was 10 his mother sobered up, and came to realize she was a lesbian. She soon got into a relationship with a woman who became like a second mom to him. Steve's father moved out of the house and within a year had his kids living with them. When Steve was 13 his brother's schoolmate friend sexually abused him, adding to his trauma. "I felt forced to keep to myself for most of my life. It led to my abusing drugs and alcohol for years. The shame and guilt undermined attempts at dating relationships I was involved in." Steve notes that he's clean and sober 2½ years now, has finished two college degrees and is in a new chapter in his life "by unveiling the hurt and pain and anger and shame. And by creating a 'family of choice,' online in NAASCA, in peer to peer support groups and in person, in my day to day life." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1444
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult - Disclosing Abuse, Why Do I Feel Worse? |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- Tonight's show will be a Discussion / Workshop on Disclosing Abuse, Why Do I Feel Worse??? Why Can't I Function??? Why Is My Life Falling Apart??? We will talk about what was going on in our lives that led to disclosing our abuse, the impact that had on us, and what we started to learn and do as a result. We'll be using the material in the article "Older People Surviving Child Sexual Abuse," an essay by 'Louise' who starts out with the note: "While it's true that some older survivors of child sexual abuse can have experiences that trigger a powerful resurgence of past trauma, this article is not meant to state that this will be the case for all. Rather, I hope it will be a comfort and offer support to older survivors who are experiencing a hard time with their pasts. You are not alone, and it is not hopeless." ~~ This series of special topic shows will give us an opportunity to share information and experience with each other as we continue on our healing journey. The moderator will be Jacque LaFountaine RN, retired, who has been actively recovering from childhood abuse and trauma for 25 years. "When I started therapy, I learned that childhood abuse and trauma was affecting every area of my life, but there was very little information on what issues needed to be addressed or how to address them." For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/SpecialShows |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1443
Special guest Angela Williams |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Angela Williams from Marietta, Georgia, abuse survivor, author and returning NAASCA family member. Ms Williams is Founder & CEO of VOICE Today, launched in 2008, where the goal is to increase global awareness about childhood sexual abuse, and promoting its prevention, healing programs and resources. Among other things they feature Fall Retreats. "As a survivor of incest, suffering in silence for 14 years at the brutal hands of my stepfather," she says, "my passion has become helping others learn to break the silence barrier of child sexual abuse and to make a difference in the lives of children in the next generation." A faith based organization, the values of the Voice Today Movement include the belief that prayer is the power source against the demonic forces driving child sexual abuse. They seek to break the silence of child sexual abuse by educating adults, speak out unashamedly and provide healing support for survivors, and that will become a platform for social change. Angela shares her own journey as a survivor in her book, "From Sorrows To Sapphires and is co-author of "Pathway to Healing." Other books include "True Intimacy" and "Tough Talk To Tender Hearts." Angela is a tireless advocate. Through VOICE, Angela works to change society's attitudes and actions that surround child sexual abuse, and seeks to shift the responsibility for preventing Child Sexual Abuse from the child to the adult. She hopes to empower survivors to find their voice and start the healing process. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1442
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1441
Special topic - "Community Matters" Remembering 9/11 from LACP's Perspective |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "Remembering 9/11 from LACP's Perspective" (see: articles on 9/11 from 2002 - earliest articles at bottom of page) ~~ Tonight we'll discuss LACP's perspective on 9/11/01. LACP was born out of a recognition that America had been asleep at the wheel, but also that the community held key roles to play in fixing our slumber. From the first LACP OPINION Article, 'Real Community Policing; not a nicety, a must' Bill Murray wrote, ".. partnerships between the police and the community have many favorable and demonstrable results." By the time the first anniversary of 9/11 came around, Bill was able to write an article, 'Los Angeles Community Policing is six months old' noting that LACP had already been able to have an effect, at least here in Los Angeles, ".. we're determined to move forward with our work, expanding the ability of the community to express itself, and providing timely information.." ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is both the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 444
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for September - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1440
Special guest Becky Norwood |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Becky Norwood from Goodyear, Arizona, a victim of childhood sexual, emotional and physical abuse at the hands of her father from very early childhood. It was to last for many years. After a life of hard knocks and experience, she has come to thrive in her own right. Becky will be the first to say that healing and self love does not happen overnight. She's overcome depression and low self confidence. Loving herself and forgiving herself for the role she played has been critical. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. Understanding that, "We do not owe our past a place in our future,” Becky makes conscious decisions daily as to how her life will be each day. Now Becky feels we live on this earth to share our own experience, perhaps sparing someone else who has gone through the same and need their own light to shine. Her book, "The Woman I Love: Surviving, Healing and Thriving After a Childhood of Sexual, Emotional and Physical Abuse" is a testament to this belief. Statistics reveal one in three girls and one in five boys are victims of incest and abuse, she notes, therefore healing steps must take place regardless of our gender. The damage causes lifelong issues than can color ones world miserable for an entire life, unless steps towards healing are diligently followed. Becky feels that, "Each human alive is a constantly unfolding story, a hero in a novel that no one else can write.” Currently Becky works with other women to help them discover the healing power of story and teaches them how craft their stories to share with the world or simply write for healing purposes. As with herself she has had the pleasure of watching others find peace through the telling of their stories. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1439
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Everyday Heros: Fighting Corruption In The System" -- If one person can make a difference for so many, imagine the impact if everyone stood up and demanded change. Tonight we are speaking with three amazing people who are making tremendous efforts to fight this broken system. We are pleased to have Valette Clark, whose family suffered extreme retaliation and fought back. Lawyer Connie Reguli, who battles with the force of David verses Goliath for her clients in the courtroom. She has saved countless families from being torn apart. We also have recording and performing artist Krue, who recently released a political hip hop album titled 'We The People', with a ground breaking song titled 'Sorry' which covers the struggles of family law and the pain associated with it. The song 'Sorry'has touched so many lives with it's message that the music video has been seen around the world over 80,000 times and has become the front runner of the project. We are so excited to share their successes and we hope to inspire more people to stand up and fight back for the changes the system desperately needs.~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1438
Special guest Kelli Bungert |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Kelli Bungert from Sparta, Wisconsin, a survivor of rape, incest, and domestic abuse.
Kelli was assaulted by her father since she was 3, and his sexual abuse continued until she was 21. "I was being assaulted 3 to 4 times a week to start," she says. "As I got older it got worse." In the end she gave birth to 3 boys, all of which were all product of his rapes. Kelli tried to tell some family members when she was 12 and they called the police. "The police came and questioned me with my father standing right behind me," she explains, "so I told the cops I had lied." Kelli ran away when she was 14. "At the point my father forced me to sleep in his room so I wouldnt do it again." She goes on, "At 15 he had my mom take me out of school because he was so scared and he wanted me in his sight at all times. After that my mom moved out." Her three boys came along at 17, 18 and 21, but she was never allowed to go to a doctor's appointment alone. "He even made me get a job with one of his family members so they would keep an eye on me." After her third son was born she was in a chat room begging for someone help. A woman who lived close by responded. She earned her father's trust and convinced him to let her take his daughter to the next doctor appointment. "Instead we went to the police station armed with DNA proof of what he had been doing to me." He was arrested and charged with incest of a child, but was let let out on bond and almost killed Kelli. "He was also charged with intimidating a witness," she says. He served 15 years in prison and was released a year ago. "I just recently went public in my area reaching out to other survivors," Kelli explains. She hopes telling her story will help others. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1437
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1436
Special topic - "Community Matters" Current Events - for Better or Worse |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "Current Events - for Better or Worse" (see: current articles) ~~ Tonight we'll discuss the news of the previous week. Every day on the LACP web site we carry a 'Daily Digest' of current news, often from Americas most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 443
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for September - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1435
Special guest Rae Luskin |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Rae Luskin from Deerfield, Illinois, CEO and founder of 'The Winning Adventure' a thriver and mentor.
She was abused for years by her grandfather, starting at age 7 and continuing until she was 13. But she never told.
After suffering from the long-term consequences of child sexual abuse, Rae made a choice. Instead of spending her life asking "Why me?" she turned it around and asked, "How can I use this experience to help others?" As one of her web sites asks, "If you weren't afraid .. what would you do?" Rae believes no matter what your dream: to end poverty and hunger, to eradicate disease, to promote education or equality, to heal a relationship with a loved one or do work that is meaningful, your dreams and visions matter. "I used creativity, art and service as healing tools," she says, identifying two of her web sites, The Winning Adventure and RaeLuskin.net. For over fifteen years she taught children and families how to use creative expression to improve their health, relationships and self esteeme at Art and Soul Connections, which is dedicated to providing easy to follow creative experiential workshops and tools, for self-discovery, personal growth and healing. In 2010 she founded Survivor SOULutions to educate communities, empower survivors, and encourage those who love them, to end the “silent epidemic” of childhood sexual abuse. Sharing her personal story, art work and her innovative art and soul programs, she has changed the lives of hundreds. Rae writes, "No matter your past or current challenges it is your choice to live a life of passion, purpose and authentic power. Unlock your full potential with 'The Winning Adventure'. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1434
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult - Emotionl Abuse and Neglect |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- Tonight's show will be a Discussion / Workshop on Emotional Abuse and Neglect, which is at the core of most major forms of abuse and neglect. It interferes with our abilities to build a strong sense of self/identity, disrupts our learning to emotionally regulate and soothe ourselves, creates a sense of mistrust in others, and interferes with our ability to perceive ourselves, our world, and others in a positive way. We will discuss what we can begin to do to recover from this persistent and systematic form of abuse and neglect. .. Article 1: The Invisible Wounds of Childhood Emotional Abuse--Scriggler .. Article 2: Emotional Child Abuse/The Invisible Scar ~~ This series of special topic shows will give us an opportunity to share information and experience with each other as we continue on our healing journey. The moderator will be Jacque LaFountaine RN, retired, who has been actively recovering from childhood abuse and trauma for 25 years. "When I started therapy, I learned that childhood abuse and trauma was affecting every area of my life, but there was very little information on what issues needed to be addressed or how to address them." For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/SpecialShows |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1433
Special guest Mark Morrison-LeMay |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Mark Morrison-LeMay from Baldwinsville, New York, who was physically and mentally abused by his stepfather. So was his mother. "I don't really remember when the abuse actually started, but it evolved to me being told I was nothing," Mark says, "that I would amount to nothing, that I would end up as my biological father did, making nothing of my life." He was helpless as he regularly witnessed his mother being slapped and demeaned. Mark, a chunky kid and not an athlete, was also bullied at school. "At 16 years of age, I seriously contemplated taking my own life, telling my mother that maybe if I was not around the abuse she was experiencing would stop," he writes. "I developed what ended up being daily panic attacks, and had at least 3 breakdowns that I can remember. The after effects of the abuse were basically a deep mistrust of people, becoming pretty much a loner and erecting many walls to keep any form of hurt away." Three years ago Mark had a heart attack. "That was the turning point, as I was diagnosed with both anxiety and depression." He began counseling.He concludes, "At 52 years old, my life is just beginning to go the way I want it to go." Mark's making a difference and is now telling his story. "I am hoping this will inspire those who are in the midst of fighting the demon of abuse to know they too can crawl out from under that weight and can becoming whole and strong enough to become who they are meant to be." He's now involving himself in what his passions (including photography). "I still have flashbacks to the abuse and still have an occasional panic attack [but] these are few and far between." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1432
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1431
Special topic - "Community Matters" Policing by Consent Decree |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "Policing by Consent Decree" ~~ On June 15, 2001, following a number of scandals in the '90s, the Department of Justice put LAPD under a Civil Rights 'Consent Decree' giving the DOJ control over the Department. There were significant accomplishments over the first four years, but it eventually took almost four more to institutionalize the required police reforms. A commitment to community-based policing was emphasized, as was revised police training and changes in the areas of integrity, use of force, duty to report misconduct, and critical incident management. LAPD preached that its officers cared about the community, and would do their job appropriately and in partnership with the community in the future. But many American agencies still struggle with 'doing it right' and will benefit from oversight and moitoring by Justice Department officials. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. He's the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 442
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for August - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1430
Special guest Aleah Ozbirn |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Aleah Ozbirn from Corinth, Mississippi, the founder of 'Ending the Shame.' A returning NAASCA family member, Aleah was sexually abused in several ways. She'd been molested as an infant (according to her father) and later as a child by a schoolmate, but these are not as traumatizing as the sexual assaults that began at 14 years old. Her aunt's boyfriend abused her for three years. "He use to make excuses to 'take me home' after I helped my aunt with gymnastics classes," Aleah says. Her junior year of high school was especially difficult. First the confused and hurt teenager was sent to her father's home out of state. "He had no idea why I acted this way," Aleah says, "but would continue to try to help me and I resisted." She returned home at the end of the year, with memories so deeply buried that she couldn't remember them. Her aunt's boyfriend was gone but, "I couldn't figure out why I didn't feel safe." She met her first husband, graduate high school and move away. "I stayed away 10 years. But during the time these repressed memories and came back. I would disclose to my family at 23 yrs old. Young and dumb I assumed there was nothing I could do because he [her predator] had left the state. Aleah says, "After 19 years I recently found my abuser and I would love a chance to share my thoughts and feelings of finding him is like for me." She continues, "I know many have probably dealt with something similar and I hope that by hearing how it made me feel will help someone else." 'Ending the Shame' comforts the families of abused children who need a friend for therapy and testifying. They also do a toy drive for survivor's families, go to court, meet with lawyers and take the child to therapy. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1429
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Organized Crime?" The IRS has released a federal tax lien in a case in which substantial evidence of criminal fraud was proven and perpetrated by a judge, lawyers and experts. However, the Allegheny County District Attorney has refused to prosecute these criminals. This begs the question, are any criminal acts prosecuted for any crimes perpetrated in Family Courts across this country? With vicious retaliation occurring against those who dare to stand up to this 'Old Boy's Club', where are we to turn? Agencies sweep crimes and complaints under the rug, accepting money from professionals to operate without impunity. They punish any who try to uphold ethics and mandates. The difference between this and the mob or any other criminal organization is the fact that these perpetrators never have to fear prosecution for their crimes. Join us tonight as we talk with Dr. Jim Singer, noted journalist Michael Volpe and Claude Clanton with his shocking story of systemic retaliation. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1428
Special guest Cole Ian Farnham |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Cole Ian Farnham from Palm Harbor, Florida, a survivor of child abuse with Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) which is a result of trauma during early childhood, usually from extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Cole was born into an abusive situation. Abandoned by her father before birth, she was raised by a mother who was in and out of abusive relationships. "I witnessed my mother beaten by several different men on many occasions," she says. "I witnessed my brother raped more than once by his own father." Cole herself was repeatedly sexually abused as a infant until about 8. She shares, "Alcohol and drugs where in my home on a consisted basis." She began to eat and learned that food was her reward, her comfort, and her punishment. "I was told to keep silent while these things were going on in my life." At 13 she felt disconnected from people, and later had many unhealthy relationships with men and women. "I would struggle with my sexual identity, I had no respect for my body or any respect for the people I was involved with." In her 20's she would plan and try to commit suicide. Still, Cole managed to get through college and begin a career working with children. Over time her Christian faith began helping her. In the last few years has Cole really been addressing her issues, reconciling with both her parents and learning more about herself, her PTSD and DID .. and she's made a lot of progress. Now she takes her life experiences to give others hope to overcome adversity. Cole Ian is the founder of DID Discovering Hope, where the mission is to empower survivors, educate and share the effects of trauma as a child, with the primary focus on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1427
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1426
Special topic - "Community Matters" Violence in America; who's responsible? |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "Violence in America; who's responsible?" ~~ There's an amazing amount of violence in our society, and perhaps it's part of the American fabric. Ever since Colonial times we've been literally fighting for land, for opportunity, for rights and for what's become known as 'The American Dream.' Our country was born out of a desire for individual, and eventually collective, independence. Using violence to overcome whatever obstacles we perceived as bring hurdles to our progress has been a naturally reoccurring tool. But is it right? Tonight we'll take a look at what contributes to the stats, who is being killed, where the highest homicide rates occur and how the problem might be addressed in the future. We'll examine death by cops, discuss the uniqueness of our 2nd Amendment and some of the issues on owning firearms, and share how decayed and desperate communities contribute to violent crime. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 441
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for August - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1425
Special guest Emily Wallace |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Emily Wallace (aka Tina Smith), a returning NAASCA family member who's an abuse survivor, motivational speaker and inspirational author. She's back to speak of her autobiography "Scarred for Life," an inspirational book which illustrates all of the struggles that Emily faced during her childhood. And it's quite a story! One day in 1980, Emily returned home from her every day learning environment, to find a house filled with nothing but emptiness. Her whole nuclear family (her mother and her siblings) were gone without a forwarding address. This was the same day that Emily endured emotional distrust and experienced her childhood being snatched away from her within moments. "Scarred for Life" narrates Emily's story, along with her thoughts, feelings, and emotions as she tried to succeed surviving on the streets. She tells of sleeping in vacant houses and under porches and experiencing child molestation by her older two brothers. She shares the stories of those who tried to help her and those who would not. Honest and shocking, "Scarred for Life" provides insight into the actual life of a little homeless girl and the horrors one can experience when living on the streets. Today, Emily is a mother of six, and wife of 20 years. She is an author and motivational speaker, who speaks to children about child abuse and bullying. She is currently working on her high school diploma at Hadley School for the Blind. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1424
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult - Resilience (Part 2) |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- Tonight's show will be a Discussion/Workshop on building emotional and physical RESILIENCE, Part 2. Resilience, simply put, means "bouncing back" from difficult experiences and includes the ability to adapt in the face of trauma, adversity, and stress. Disclosing and beginning to address our abuse can also be traumatizing, and require physical and emotional energy to cope. Building our resilience is something we can actively do to provide ourselves with the energy we will need. At the same time, building resilience will begin to repair our bodies and minds from the damage we have suffered as a result of our abuse. Please see: (1) Characteristics Of Emotional Resilience & 10 Ways To Build Resilience, (2) What Are Personal Boundaries?, (3) Table Of Healthy/Unhealthy Personal Boundaries ~~ This series of special topic shows will give us an opportunity to share information and experience with each other as we continue on our healing journey. The moderator will be Jacque LaFountaine RN, retired, who has been actively recovering from childhood abuse and trauma for 25 years. "When I started therapy, I learned that childhood abuse and trauma was affecting every area of my life, but there was very little information on what issues needed to be addressed or how to address them." For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/SpecialShows |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1423
Special guest Tracey Heisler |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Tracey Heisler, from New Jersey, a returning NAASCA family member and executive director of the CASA program in Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties. Tonight we'll talk about CASA's child advocacy mission and the development of their program's 'Traveling Tutor' initiative. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) recruits, screens, trains, and supervises community volunteers to act as advocates in court for children living in the foster care system, giving them a voice that might not otherwise be heard. Mrs. Heisler, herself the mother of 8 children, has degrees in Psychology with an emphasis in Juvenile Justice and Forensics. She came to this work as a result of her mother and uncle's experiences of growing up in the foster care system in upstate New York. It is her life's mission to improve the quality of life for these children while in care and to facilitate their transition to their "forever family," whether through reunification, adoption, or kinship legal guardianship, as quickly as possible. The role of CASA is to advocate for children in out-of-home placement. The CASA is appointed by the Family Court Judge. The volunteer must read all of the child's records and interview people in the child's life and then makes recommendations to the court. All volunteers must be screened, fingerprinted and must agree to a federal, state and local background check before being accepted into a CASA 36 hour training session. Volunteers must be over the age of 21 and be able to provide their own transportation. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1422
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: 'Bring Jasmijn Home' with Geerte Frenken ~~ Protective parents all over the world have experienced Court Ordered Abduction of children they were seeking to protect from an obsessed abuser.
On this show our guest will tell the experience
of how one woman's action to protect her child caused her to have to flee the jurisdiction in which she and the child should have been safe to engage in relevant litigation. Instead the child was deported into the hands of her abuser. The saga covers two continents, multiple government agencies, exhaustive evidence and actions subjecting the child and protective parent to an ultimate, unconscionable betrayal at the hands of judges and attorneys. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1421
Special topic - "Community Matters" 21st Century Policing |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "21st Century Policing" ~~ Tonight we'll examine the comments and content of an Opinion article that appeared in the New York Times last week, "How Community Policing Can Work" by Charlie Beck (LAPD Chief of Police) and Connie Rice (civil rights lawyer), both from Los Angeles. In the article they note the following: "After the recent murders of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, La., and the devastating videos of the shooting deaths of black men like Alton B. Sterling and Philando Castile, the future of police-community relations in cities all over America hangs in the balance. But even as the country is still reeling from these traumas, this is no time for despair." Among other things, the article refers to the important FINAL REPORT from President
Barack Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is also the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 440
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for August - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1420
Special guest Dean John MacKay |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Dean John MacKay from
Turlock, California, a survivor of child abuse that he says to this day still effects him in so many ways. "It is a pain that never goes away," explains Dean. "I thought I had learned to cover it up [but] it's only is a band-aid." Tonight, Dean will tell his story which he shares with his twin sister. "It started at the age of 4 until we were 11 in a foster home in a small town in Illinois," he explains. "It was physical and sexual abuse, and my only escape was finally getting a neighbor to see it. That most likely saved my sister's life as well as my own." Abuse among foster care kids occurs at an even higher proportion than it does in the rest of society. Other similar stats can be found among kids with disabilities, American Indian children and some who grow up in single parent inner-city environments. As Dean explains, "I had no self confidence and could not look people in the eyes. Getting close to people was hard. Isolated, I stuttered until I was 16. I experienced bed wetting until early high school." Just like with most child abuse trauma survivors there have been many consequences later in life, too. "The impact on my life as an adult was traumatic," he writes, "effecting relationships and jobs. Depression has lead to multiple suicide attempts. Although I am a survivor, the scars are still there, and the reasons why haunt me to this day." Dean still struggles with issues related to his childhood trauma. "It affects my relationship with my sister to this day," he says. "On the surface I look successful, accomplished and educated .. but the fear remains." NAASCA appreciates survivors like Dean who want to help others and share the experience, strength and hope we offer through our efforts. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1419
Special guest Charles (Chuck) Prizen |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Charles (Chuck) Prinzen from Fairfield California, a returning NAASCA family member. A survivor and activist, Chuck is an educator who's worked with youth for many years. His current project 'Me Inc Now' is being developed to offer guidance to teens (and their parents). Chuck says that he survived 'cycles of life' and says his story of abuse is no different than many others who have experienced abuse .. the same torment, pain, feelings of loneliness and despair. "It was not till I was older that I could clearly see the past. They say that hindsight is twenty-twenty, mine was not, it was blurry." He goes on, "The first step to seeing the past clearly was when a kindhearted gift of love was given to me by a stranger." Chuck's principal goal to help instill self-worth, self-esteem, and self-respect in today's youth, and that's that 'Me.Inc.Now' (me expressing I need change now) is all about. The mission of 'Me.Inc.Now' is to instill self-worth, self-esteem, and self-respect in today's youth. A brighter future can be achieved by incorporating cultural change in our youth of today through understanding lessons of the past to bridge the ever growing generation gap. Change is built upon a foundation of communication, listening, and love. 'Me.Inc.Now' is committed to inspiring positive thoughts and breaking cycles of anger and resentment that prevent young individuals from being the best version of themselves. "I am thankful for learning that 'love' is most the powerful tool in my emotional toolbox," Chuck writes, "no more sorrow and loneliness, no more bruises, no more pain, no more fear." You'll find more about Chuck listed on his LinkedIn profile and / or his web site (above). |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1418
Special guest PJ Beacom |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is PJ (Pamela Jones) Beacom from Park City,
Utah, a NAASCA volunteer who's a survivor of CSA (child sexual abuse) and what she calls 'extreme Mormonism'. PJ was born into a family with strict rigid religious beliefs and practices. She describes her father as a Mormon fanatic. PJ's mother had herself come from a background that included childhood sexual abuse. "As alcoholism and unemployment plagued the family," PJ writes, "it was my mother's pedophile stepfather who provided the roof over everyone's heads." Early on PJ learned that keeping silent was a necessary part of her life. "I tried to look like I was working on perfection." When she was 12 PJ reported the sexual abuse she was experiencing to their bishop, but he and her parents decided to keep her grandfather's molestations secret 'to not embarrass' her. But he kept on molesting kids. So PJ suffered horrific shame, and tried hard to adhere to Mormonism, but in the end married "the most unorthodox returned missionary I could find in the temple." She eventually had three of her own children, despite the fact that there was domestic violence at the hands of her (now ex) husband. For the past two years PJ has been in therapy. "I have coped with amnesia, secrecy and censure by writing fiction," she says, "exploring themes such as gods' tolerance of pedophilia and the humanity in trust." PJ has written her book 'Maleficent Rocks' under the the pen name Ela Leo. "The story is ever evolving, and with each version I find my voice gets clearer," she says. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1417
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1416
Special topic - "Community Matters" Openness and Transparency: Building Trust |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "Openness and Transparency: Building Trust" (see: current articles) ~~ A big part of building trust between community and police is to encourage a sense of openness and transparency that assures accoutability. Around the country, there's been a call to provide vehicle and body cameras to police officers, especially those on patrol. But an inconsistency in policies makes it a less than perfect tool, and one that causes the community member confusion. Add to this the various surveillance systems in common use as well as the ability to record video on cell phones and to live stream events on social media forums and its easy to see how there are growing pains associated with employing a technology that most assume guarantees we'll understand a situation with an unreasonable degree of speed. After all .. we instantly see things with our own eyes and, as the saying goes, "seeing is believing." But is it? How many angles and how many perspectives from officers, surveillance systems and community members does it take? And where's the consistency in policy? There's a false sense of security being promoted by the use of video, which must be accompanied by relatively slow-moving independent investigation to insure transparency and fairness. ~~ Bill Murray, our host, is the well-respected community voice of public safety and violence prevention. "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 439
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for August - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1415
Special guest Jimmy King |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Jimmy King from Booneville, Arkansas.
Both his parents died when he was a child. He was molested by his brother's friend. Sent to a boy's home as a teenager for 'mischief' Jimmy was later forced to live with his half-brother and his family. Adulthood brought him into the world of drug and alcohol abuse. As he's been dealing with his own recovery the other shoe dropped. Now his children are threatened by his ex-wife. "This has been and still is the most horrifying and terrifying time in my life, even after signing protection papers to keep me and my son and daughters safe." Jimmy shares that the law enforcement, judges and lawyers have all had a hand in assisting his ex-wife's threatening behavior. "In August of 2014 she took my son to the Judge's house where they almost beat him to death," he says. "Then the Sheriff's department tried to hide the beatings from me while local police have tried to cover the abuse in their jurisdiction." Jimmy goes on, "My ex-wife is allowed to hit my son, or threaten him with another beating, and even having threatens to have me killed .. and is not being punished by the system." He's not seen his son since late 2015, "..when my daughter and her boyfriend snuck him over and my sister-in-law made sure that the cops that abused him, his drug addicted abusive mom and her friend found out." Jimmy's at his wit's end over all this. "My son, daughter and granddaughter are still in great danger just being in that house." He says his ex-wife will do anything to keep from going to jail and having to admit to their oldest daughter the truth about what she has done and what has happened since. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1414
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult - Resilience (Part 1) |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- Tonight's show will be a Discussion/Workshop on building emotional and physical RESILIENCE, Part 1. Resilience, simply put, means "bouncing back" from difficult experiences and includes the ability to adapt in the face of trauma, adversity, and stress. Disclosing and beginning to address our abuse can also be traumatizing, and require physical and emotional energy to cope. Building our resilience is something we can actively do to provide ourselves with the energy we will need. At the same time, building resilience will begin to repair our bodies and minds from the damage we have suffered as a result of our abuse. Please see: (1) Characteristics Of Emotional Resilience & 10 Ways To Build Resilience, (2) What Are Personal Boundaries?, (3) Table Of Healthy/Unhealthy Personal Boundaries ~~ This series of special topic shows will give us an opportunity to share information and experience with each other as we continue on our healing journey. The moderator will be Jacque LaFountaine RN, retired, who has been actively recovering from childhood abuse and trauma for 25 years. "When I started therapy, I learned that childhood abuse and trauma was affecting every area of my life, but there was very little information on what issues needed to be addressed or how to address them." For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/SpecialShows |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1413
Special guest Monica Tanner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Monica Tanner from Inverness, Florida, a returning NAASCA family member and the winner of the America's Ms United States All World Beauties Elite 2016. "The judges said I educated them on Child Abuse things they were not aware of," reports Monica, who says, "It's about education Awareness Prevention." She explains, "Someone very dear that I love very much became a victim and I have personally seen what it does to a child." For the next year, Monica will serve as Ms. USA America, representing the All World Beauties Pageant Organization. A single mother of 3, Monica is an account executive in the Home Care Industry. Her purpose as an advocate is to educate, bring awareness, and prevent child sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking. Monica has been advocating for 3 years. Currently a professional volunteer with Soldiers Against Child Abuse, Monica was a National Spokesperson for MACA, and formed the first March Against Child Abuse walk in Citrus County, Florida, in April 2015. She's teamed up with Fans Against Child Abuse in their toy drives, and has educational banners displayed at public parks, beaches, and businesses. Monica received a Proclamation from City Mayor of Crystal River making April Child Abuse Awareness Month. She has worked with State Representative Jimmie T. Smith, receiving a letter of recommendation to be appointed to The Congressional Coalition of Child Abuse. Monica says ”The Nation needs to come together to fight this silent epidemic. Education is the key in Prevention.” She goes on, "My platform is speaking up and against child abuse." We'll be happy to assist her in any way we can and are delighted to have such a shining star representing her NAASCA family everywhere she goes!
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1412
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1411
Special topic - "Community Matters" National Night Out |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "National Night Out: Join in tomorrow night!" - Bill Murray, our host, is the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in crime fighting and anti-child abuse efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "Tomorrow night, August 2nd, we'll all have a social and family friendly opportunity to get involved with our local law enforcement, first responder and political folk at the 33annual National Night Out," says Bill, and I hope we'll take advantage it." says Bill, pointing out that the event that brings the community and the police together. Check with your local police department for events near you. Throughout the nation there will be tens of thousands of block parties, cookouts, parades and other unique events and activities." This is basic, social community-based policing. Let's join together to promote and pray for the well-being of communities across the country. And let's remember to thank all who keep our families, our neighborhoods, and our nation safe. National Night Out provides an opportunity for people to come together for a singular purpose .. to make community a safer and better place. ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 438
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for July - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1410
Special guest David Brown |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is David J Brown from Fort Collins, Colorado, an abuse survivor and returning NAASCA family member who's a first time author of a novel called "Daddy Had To Say Goodbye." The novel, written in the third person, is based on a true accounting of David's life story. "I was born in Duluth MN in 1948," David writes, "the 2nd born of 4 boys. My dad was a blue color union man. Mother was a stay at home drug addict. I had to repeat the 1st and 2nd grades. The Duluth school district classified me as retarded. My parents placed me in parochial school to avoid the stigma of having a retarded kid." The beatings stopped when David was was ten, when his father got sober. "I could never trust mom or dad even after he stopped drinking. I was always scared that they were going to kill me. I knew that if I told anyone about it I would get beaten even worse and for sure they would kill me. Teachers didn't dare to ask or want to know what happened to my face. "Daddy Had To Say Goodbye" is based on a true story of how a severely broken man hides his mental illness. But he develops PTSD from his work as a Paramedic and a Police Officer. Conjoined with his lifelong depression and Alcoholism, the main character, based on David, faces suicide. He knew what he had to do but feared he didn't have the courage to live sober and face the truths. Thinking that the pain of living had to be worse than the pain of dying, was a constant. Surrender was his only hope. David reports he's, "been sober for 24 years thru the grace of God and the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1409
Special guest Victoria Kelly |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Victoria Kelly from Minneapolis Minnesota, child abuse survivor and NAASCA family member / volunteer. Victoria was abused almost from birth in nearly every way imaginable. She was sexually assaulted starting as a baby .. an experience that was repeated by numerous predators and perpetrators and went on and on. In addition her alcoholic father beat both Victoria and her mother. But Victoria thought that was simply what happened to a child and a woman when they happened to be living on the wrong side of the tracks. She became reclusive and withdrawn, and there was little justice meted out to any of Victoria's predators. Early on she began to disassociate, a condition that was later in life diagnosed as MPD ( Multiple Personality Disorder), now known as DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). Victoria eventually spent years going in and out of mental hospitals, where she actually was grateful. At least the staff was kind and helpful. "I went to a wonderful psychiatrist and she help me for 13 years with MPD / the ID." She began drinking at an early age but sobered up with help from a 12 step group. Her sexual promiscuity led her to numerous bad adult relationships. It took a long time to find the right therapist and path to recovery but now she's integrated and six years ago things finally started to come together. Now she's active helping the struggling. Among other things, Victoria works to end domestic and sexual violence. She attends support groups, speaks out at rallies and conferences, supports police, volunteers at shelters, and works directly with women and children to get their basic needs filled: food shelter and clothing. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1408
Special guest Bobbie Hepner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Bobbie Hepner from Richmond, Virginia, a child abuse survivor and activist. Bobbie had a rough childhood. Born in South Carolina, Bobbie's father, who was serving in the Navy, at first abandonned them. When Vobbie was a toddler her father rejoined them the family relocated to Philadelphia first, and later to Norfolk, Virginia. Bobbie says, "I don't know exactly when the sexual abuse started or with who. I know at the age of 5 it was happening but it was not anything new to me. My uncle (mom's brother) and father were my abusers. It continued until I was way up in my teen years." Bobbie was also physically abused. "My mother was a very strict Christian who believed in spanking. She often went beyond that though." She goes on, "I often went to church with bruises on my legs and arms." But there was no protection there "The church we attended approved. I remember more than once she would hit me over the head with a broom or mop handle." When Bobbie was in 5th grade her father retired from the Navy. He drank and became violent. She explains, "My father would become angry with me, beat me, and then kick me when I fell to the ground." The beatings only stopped when her father almost died from surgery. "The emotional abuse started as far back as I can remember. I was always compared to my brother. He was the perfect child that had unlimited potential. My sister was always told she was an accident." Bobbie 's doing better now as President of VOCAL, a statewide community support network and social change movement. Their self-help education program was created by and for persons who live with conditions commonly referred to as mental health disorders. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1407
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1406
Special topic - "Community Matters" Community Policing: the 'new' normal? |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "Community Policing: the 'new' normal?" - Bill Murray, our host, is the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in crime fighting and anti-child abuse efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). ~~ "The topic of 'community policing' has been in the news again lately .. and is often discussed as a new and even revolutionary idea," says Bill. "But it's been around a long time, and there's considerable experience to share about the philosophy in reducing crime and the fear of crime." Establishing a Neighborhood Watch is perhaps the cornerstone of the a local community policing crime prevention strategy. It enlists the active participation of residents, in cooperation with law enforcement, to reduce crime in communities throughout the city. "Ideally it's a back and forth cooperative exchange," Bill explains. "Neighborhood Watch groups discuss neighborhood crime issues with the objective of developing solutions to local problems. Officers supply crime information to neighborhood watch organizations and instruct these groups in various crime prevention techniques." These groups also help build pride in a community, and a reduction in the fear of violence. ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 437
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for July - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1405
Special guest Todd Hildebrandt |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Todd Hildebrandt from Maple Grove,
Minnesota, an advocate for adult survivors of child sexual abuse so they know they are not alone in the challenges they face. Todd explains, "The Minnesota Child Victims Act (which lifted the statute of limitations for adult survivors of child sexual abuse for three years and ended May 25, 2016) has given me a voice to share my story. Out of a pool of male candidates, my case was one of the first chosen to start the process of the civil lawsuits against the Children's Theater Company of Minneapolis pertaining to their lack of protecting children whom participated in their plays and programs in the '70's and '80s." As an adult survivor of child sexual abuse he wants other survivors to know that there is a clear link between child abuse and adverse adult health. "My life is a manifestation of this link. I am committed to speaking, educating, and advocating by sharing my story with support groups and the medical community," he explains. "My message is adults who experienced abuse as children are at risk for post traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, guilt, impaired sense of self, feelings of isolation, substance abuse, interpersonal difficulties, suicidal thoughts, and suicide completion. Each adult victim is unique in how these conditions might or might not manifest themselves." He goes on, "I don't think I was ever happy due to my self blame and negative talk which I carried into my adulthood. Only recently my depression had been treated but this was after a suicide attempt." Todd concludes, "I learned from my treatment that my low self esteem and negative self talk from my abuse laid the ground work for my self harm." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1404
Special topic - RECOVERY as an adult - Setting Personal Boundaries |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC night -- Recovering From The Effects Of Childhood Abuse and Trauma. Tonight's show will be a Discussions / Workshop on developing healthy personal boundaries, recognizing and changing unhealthy boundaries, and the impact and value this has on our personal recovery in strengthening our own identity, keeping ourselves safe from predators, emotionally separating from our abusers, and increasing our independence and feelings of self worth and empowerment. ~~ The second topic is building emotional and physical resilience in order to better tolerate the emotional and physical impact that the process of recovery has on us. ~~ This series of special topic shows will give us an opportunity to share information and experience with each other as we continue on our healing journey. The moderator will be Jacque LaFountaine RN, retired, who has been actively recovering from childhood abuse and trauma for 25 years. "When I started therapy, I learned that childhood abuse and trauma was affecting every area of my life, but there was very little information on what issues needed to be addressed or how to address them." For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/SpecialShows |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1403
Special guest Joyce Brown |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Joyce Brown from Pensacola,
Florida, a grateful recovering alcoholic and a survivor of abuse. "I am very grateful to be alive today," she says. She's been in recovery from alcohol abuse for over 25 years now. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she followed her folks south, down South to Foley, Alabama, over two decades ago. "Joyce says, "When they speak of [making] 'Geographical Changes' in the program they are so very right! All your problems do follow you. My childhood wasn't perfect by any means!" She goes on, "Through years of counseling I learned I had to forgive my parents of their shortcomings in order for me to move on into a more positive light. My parents did the best they could with what they had." Joyce points to "the race issue" as an example of old ideas that can live inside families for generations. "It continues until someone in your family stands up for themselves and puts a stop to it," she points out. Much of Joyce's problems stem from of the poor choices she made in selecting men. "I've been in very abusive relationships throughout my life. I've been in many shelters for abused woman and children. I know the loneliness, isolation, humiliation that abusive relationships bring!" But, she goes on, "If you truly want out, you can get out. There are people out there who want to help you!" She explains, "I have endured so very much pain throughout my life. But if it wasn't for that pain I wouldn't be here today." She's filled with hope for others. "Your life will change in a positive way if you have the desire and willingness to change. Today life is about helping other's and giving back to society." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1402
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ Jill's special guest tonight will be Kandis Ricard, an investigator in the Criminal Investigations Sex Crimes Unit in Conway, Arkansas. Kandis is an expert Forensic investigator charged with evaluating, processing and final disposition of evidence collected from crime scenes in cases assigned to her in the evaluation of sex crimes against children. She's been engaged in “sting operations” such as the case featured on Nancy Grace, “Public Defender, plots to have sex with a young boy. Our major focus this evening will be on evidence related to the reporting of child sexual abuse, by parents, by young children and by professional reporters. We need to teach reporters how to NOT CONTAMINATE EVIDENCE in the course of presenting allegations of child sexual abuse. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1401
Special guest Gale Cerel |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Gale Cerel from Las Vegas, Nevada. Born in the Bronx in 1954, she moved to New Jersey when she was 5. A few years later she was assaulted by the neighborhood florist when she began to hang around his shop. At that time all little girls wore dresses. As she playing with the discarded flowers, he began molesting her under her dress, even on occasion in the front window. Nobody noticed. Gale's experience isn't all that unusual. A significant number of predators hide in plain sight, and many go to great lengths to mask their intentions around children. They'll create a community persona that makes them seem beyond reproach, or seek a career or volunteer opportunity that puts them in close contact with many kids. Gale explains, "It went on for a year before I told my parents. Fortunately for me, they believed me. Unfortunately, the courts didn't have enough proof. So he walked." She goes on, "Sex feels good even when you know it's wrong, and I actually was sad in some ways. I started therapy when I was 12, and continued on and off through my lifetime. Though I cope well now, I have had many ways I was triggered, especially when my daughter turned 10." Gale's has had a checkered career-life to say the least. She's now a divorced collage artist, who lost her home, and reports she's living with cousins. But she's doing this show in the hopes it'll help her find a new purpose. "Now I want to be a part of the solution," Gale says. "Abuse of children must be brought into the light so we can teach and hopefully help prevent this awful life altering crime." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 436
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for July - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1400
Special guest Elona Washington |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Elona Washington from Charlotte, North Carolina, a mother of two, child sexual abuse survivor and author. "I was 5 when I was first abused," Elona says. "I was raped by a cousin, a boy my grandmother took in because his mother was on drugs." She goes on, "I was subsequently sexually abused by my best friend's brother. After a year or so, he told me, 'If a boy wants to have sex with you, you're supposed to let him.' Shortly after, all of his friends started raping me too. The kids and the adults in the neighborhood knew about it but instead of getting me help, they accused me of being a ho/slut, etc." In high school she was promiscuous, and suffered from anorexia, suicide attempts, depression, anxiety, etc. Despite having had a child at 20, Elona was still able to get a college degree. "After I graduated I worked as an exotic dancer to make the money. But, I didn't leave for 5 years. I honestly felt more comfortable in the strip club than anywhere else." Then she married, but he was emotionally abusive and after another 5 years Elona had a nervous breakdown. She sought counseling and turned her life around. She's penned three books. Her latest, 'From Ivy League to Stripper Life: 10 Lessons Learned', is part one of the story of her life. "Publishing the book is scary but I realize how necessary it is. Not just for survivors but to also gain compassion and understanding from people who were never abused." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1399
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "CPS Gets A Failing Grade For Targeting Homeschooling" ~~ With public schools failing to meet even the most basic educational standards and often being unsafe and unwilling to improve, more parents have been turning to homeschooling in order to ensure their children's educational future. For some parents that decision has made them a target of CPS, who have been apprehending their children based on what they call 'Educational Neglect'. Studies of youth who have left foster care have shown they are more likely than those in the general population to not finish high school, be unemployed, and be dependent on public assistance. Many find themselves in prison, homeless, or parents at an early age. This is begging the question: why is CPS really targeting these families, and who is really neglecting these children? Tune in tonight to find out with our special guests Isreal Wayne, Author, Professional Speaker and Director of Family Renewal LLC, Anne Zeise, CEO and President of A-Z Homeschooling.com, Retired Private Investigator Deborah Bujdos and Claire Rembis, whose 11 children were unlawfully apprehended in Texas for being homeschooled. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1398
Special guest Douglas Cooper |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Douglas (Doug) Cooper from Walden, New York, a Cornell, Penn State and Harvard educated professional (now retired) who is the author or co-author of more than 100 technical articles published in refereed journals and numerous other fiction and non fiction books. He recently wrote "Ting and I: A Memoir of Love, Courage, and Devotion" and co-authored "Kidnapped Twice," a memoir of a woman recovering from abuse(both available at amazon.com). He's here to talk about a number of things, but specifically will address his offering on "The Cinderella Effect: Child Abuse in Step-parenting Versus Adoption." As Doug says, "A step-daughter or step-son is much more likely to suffer child abuse or even murder - sometimes as much as a hundred times more likely - than is a child who is the offspring of the two parents. This shocking pattern holds pretty much around the world and can best be explained by the tendency of parents to further the well-being of those related to them genetically, in line with the premises of sociobiology and evolution." He writes his treatise based partly on his personal life experience but points out there is even a web site "written for the 38% of abused and neglected adopted children." Doug says, "I know first-hand what it is like to be a step-child and what it is like to be a step-parent. A step-child is often treated less well than the other children in the family." He concludes, "A measure of the level of civilization of a society is its treatment of those least able to defend themselves, their children." Doug's coaching, writing, and editing site is www.WriteYourBookWithMe.com. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1397
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1396
Special topic - "Community Matters" Red, White and BLUE Lives Matter |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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"Community Matters" - SPECIAL EDITION - "Red, White and BLUE Lives Matter" - Bill Murray, our host, is the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in crime fighting and anti-child abuse efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org). "The recent violence we've seen in Dallas and elsewhere were likely disturbances that began 20 years ago," says Bill, "when the young men involved were subjected to the stresses of traumas in their early lives." But he believes these are NOT issues that effect any specific demographic, but ALL members of the community, and it will also take all members of the community, recognizing our similarities more than our differences, to effect change now that will result in a better America 20 years from now. Most noticeably Bill wants to point out that these are not issues of BLACK, BROWN and WHITE. To say otherwise is profiling and prejudice, no matter what color skin one has. "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." CHECK OUT the new Facebook page: LACP - Community Policing at www.Facebook.com/LACP.org |
"Community Matters" This Week - 435
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for July - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1395
Special guest Pam Baucom |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Pam Baucom from Concord, North Carolina, who was traumatized all through her childhood, starting at age 3 by her father. The abuse happened mainly while her mother was at work. "When I turned 6 he told me I was a big girl now and that night he raped me," Pam says. "At 12 I was forced to have an abortion. Then again at 14." During this time she was forced to watch porn. Her brother bagun raping her, too, and would share Pam with his friends. She had her third abortion at 17. Pam explains she didn't know who the father was since she was being raped by her father, her brother and 10 of his friends. She had numerous suicide attempts. "I have been on psych units at least 40 times." Pam describes herself as a 'self-harming' individual. "I would burn and cut myself almost daily. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder which landed me in hospitals all over the place." Pam goes on, "At the age of 16 I weighed 68 lbs. I still battle an eating disorder today. I never heard the words 'I Love You' but was told that I was worthless and no one would ever love me. I moved out of my parents house when I was almost 19 and rented a room at the YWCA." She's doing a lot better now and tells us her therapist says she supports Pam telling her story now 100%. We appreciate her sharing her life with her NAASCA family. "I would like to thank you for your assistance in this very delicate situation." Pam says. "I just feel I have to do this to get to a point of freedom. Thank you for your patience as it has taken me a long time to get to this point." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1394
Special topic - The SCRIPT Conference |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC - The SCRIPT Conference - a wrap up discussion. NAASCA founder and SCAN talk radio host, Bill Murray, will report LIVE at the conclusion of the event with special guests from the annual two day SCRIPT Conference in Los Angeles, 9am to 5pm each day at The California Endowment,
1000 N Alameda St, Los Angeles, California 90012. Bill's contribution this year included a major presentation on Child Abuse Trauma and PTSD as well as an appearance on a panel discussion about building relationships with the media. This FREE event (Summit on Community Resilience, Intervention, Prevention, and Training) is not to be missed by anyone interested in how adverse childhood experiences, especially those of young males, effects the quality of life in our communities. The conference is an excellent opportunity for professionals and community members to come together to address social issues on a local level. Bill invited NAASACA family members to to the event, say "hello" to him and he offered to introduce folks to fellow NAASCA family member, Matt Sandusky, and others. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1393
Special guest Heather Steele |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Heather Steele from Orlando,
Florida, who grew up in Upstate NY in the Jehovah's Witness community in a very religious family. Her father was a cop, her mom a homemaker. Heather was repeatedly sexually abused, starting as an infant, by a friend of her father, who began giving her alcohol as a child. At about 10 years old Heather ended up testifying against him and her rapist went to prison. "I learned by 1st grade how to 'drown my sorrows'," she says, "and I continued to do so for most of my life" During her school years Heather hung out with abusive men, and got kicked out or ran away until her mom decided Heather was a 'bad example' and needed to stay away from her siblings. At 16, Hearther rented a small cabin with a friend. She graduated high school but continued to drink heavily and do drugs, and she had several attempted suicides. Heather was in and out of psych wards, sometimes for 8 weeks at a time. She managed to have one semi-decent relationship that lasted 7 years, and had a son at 25 years old. But there was no one around to help raise her son other than Heather's mother. "She was very controlling about my parenting, extremely nosy and judgmental." She goes on, "My son has epilepsy and other issues, so it's been an enormous struggle." Sobering up in 2010, Heather began healing. She's in counseling, and is dealing with the trauma of her childhood. "Every day is a new day to get through," she says. But she notes, "Helping others that have gone through the stuff I did helps them but it also helps me." Heather has offered to volunteer at NAASCA and we're looking forward to her active participation. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1392
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1391
Special guest Sherry DiFonzo |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Sherry DiFonzo from Pennsylvania, a child abuse survivor and adoptive mom. This will be her first time sharing her story with us, and we are grateful for her contribution. She tells me she's nervous, but we know Sherry, who's been an active member of our NAASCA Facebook groups, will do a fine job. For one thing there's a lot of material to cover. Traumatized in her youth, Sherry's concerned that her actions now will impact the emotional growth of her son. She's determined to heal herself so that she can be a better mother and wife. Sherry was abused both at home and at school. "I lived with emotional and physical abuse, and molestation," she says. "My abusers ranged from my mother, teachers and other family members and a neighbor. Since I had abuse both at home and at school I had no one to talk to, so everything went inside." Early adulthood offered her no escape. She ended up living at home. Sherry struggled with trying to get ahead, but eventually fell into debt. "I had bad relationships and loneliness thrughout my young adult life," she says. "I knew where I stood in the family order. I seemed to be watching life from the sidelines." Eventually Sherry got training to have a better career and she began to get ahead. Married in 2005, she and her husband adopted a child six years later. "I became a stay-at-home mom. That was when my past started to catch up to me." After an incident that happened with her son Sherry knew she needed help. "This was my 3rd attempt at seeking medical help for my issues." She's working on herself now, grateful to her son. "If it wasn't for him I probably would have never been back to therapy." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 434
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for June - Week 5 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1390
Special guest Steve Canty |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Steve Canty from Montreal, Canada, a child abuse survivor who's a writer, researcher, and psychotherapist trainee. "I have been attracted to this work of trying to understand child abuse simply because it is what I was raised in," Steve says. "Its chaotic effects have redounded through my body and psyche well into my adult life, and I have written and done research on it in an effort to alert the general public to the breadth and depth of the problem." He goes on, "I have wanted to do this in an attempt to give testimony to child abuse's deleterious effects so that future parents will deeply understand the importance of their love, patience, and kindness directed at their child, from the moment of its birth to the hour of their death." Steve notes that a huge portion of the world-wide human population are effected. "The irreducible needs of children have not been explained and shared with the general public widely enough. It has emerged as a significant aspect of my self-understanding as a creative and critical writer to explore as deeply as I can tolerate into these regions to re-emphasize what psychologist Alice Miller referred to as the “poisonous pedagogy” at the heart of traditional child-raising practices." Steve notes the child abuse taboo is still enormous in Canada, and invites listeners to contact him through his LinkedIn profile. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1389
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC:
"Speaking Out & Being Heard" ~~ The theme for this evening's show, "Speaking Out & Being Heard," came from an overwhelming response of calls and messages that we received back in May. Although we have many issues to work on we wanted to take a closer look at our listeners concerns have been brought to our attention most recently. Some have these have been very disturbing so we continue to work as a team of advocates with our professional call-ins to support, educate and bring full awareness to the protection of family development and safety of the family.
We encourage you to call in and join the conversation with questions for our guests or comments about your own experiences
on our dedicated phone line at: (646) 595-2118. This is an excellent opportunity to share your own story and connect with an amazing panel of people. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1388
Special guest Greg Tramontin |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Greg Tramontin from Kentucky, a child abuse survivor and 12 stepper who's telling his story with us for the first time. Born into a family with four children, Greg shares, "My father was psychologically and physically abusive very early." This escalated later when his mother died. "He really went crazy" My mother told us he was coming home to kill us but he came home and trashed the whole house and went ballistic." Their messy divorce lasted 12 years in court before finally being settled. During the divorce the kids were neglected and the family was divided. Greg says, "Whatever my father did my mother followed suit." His childhood trauma also came from outside the family. "I was abused by a neighbor that witnessed us being neglected and knew what he could get away with it." Then a tragedy stuck when Greg's older brother drowned saving Greg's life. He says, "I always believed that my parents blamed me for that but looking back they treated me like that before he died. During my grief over the death of my brother my mother took me to see a priest for counseling. He disguised his abuse of me as consolation. I told my mother but she didn't want to believe it." Greg still struggles in adult life with having relationships with his two daughters. "I have not been able to see my youngest child [because of a case that] has been tied up in court for several years. Five judges have excused themselves from the case and the prosecutor moved it to a court an hour away. The prosecutor did this just days after an arsonist burned my truck up." He concludes, "There are forces in the background working against me." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1387
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1386
Special guest Lori Lamb |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Lori Lamb from Peoria, Arizona, who suffered sexual, physical and emotional abuse in her childhood. Her eldest brother began to sexually abusing her when she was 4 years old. "Over the course of the next 10 years I was raped, sodomized, physically and emotionally tortured by him," Lori says, "often, right under my parents' noses. If they noticed, they didn't care." By the time she was a teenager Lori realized her brother despised fat women. "I gained more than 100 pounds in less than a year," she says, "... my parents said nothing." The sexual abuse eventually ended but Lori was left to deal with the mental anguish, degradation and lasting effect of 10 years of sexual abuse. Like many other victims, she chose to deal with her self hatred, "by eating my feelings and fears." Lori made poor relationship choices and ended up in a relationship with "an alcoholic who beat the hell out of me and convinced me I'd asked for it. And I believed him for a long time." Finally she found a good life partner and was married to him in late 2005. Despite this, and despite finding a good talk therapist and even doing EMDR to begin to process her childhood and make peace withy overwhelming guilt, fear and self loathing, Lori attempted suicide twice. "By the end of 2008 I was finally feeling a shred of peace," she says. "It took another full year for me to at last to put the history book of my life on the shelf." Lori later had weight loss surgery which helped her drop 150+ pounds. She and her husband recently celebrated their 10 year anniversary. Lori reports she's healthy, happy and sane. "Today, I am not just surviving ... I'm thriving." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 433
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for June - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1385
Special guest Judi Russo |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Judi Russo from Montclair, New Jersey, who'll be visiting our show for the first time. Judi's children disclosed the crimes that were committed against them two years ago, sexual assaults by a friend of the family, a predator who'd never been suspected by the community. Not only did Judi get immediate help for her kids (who are still dealing with PTSD) but she began helping other families who came into the Advocacy Center. In the end she eventually sought help for her own trauma, and discovered a number of useful tools, like EMDR. Judi explains, "Our life changed, but people need to understand victims of sexual assault are crime victims, not weirdos and shouldn't be shunned." She goes on, "People should acknowledge and recognize the victims. I think the discomfort of the misinformed people is the issue." A former executive recruiter, Judi wants to help NAASCA in a number of ways. She understands how how important networking is, and agrees that an effort like ours takes a team. "I want to educate people on how important it is to advocate, to educate, and to be proactive," Judi says. She also wants people to know about Victims Crime Compensation for therapy. "I want to push for programs in schools for sexual abuse awareness - etc - like they do for DARE." Judi concludes, "I would love to share my story. I want to be a voice of HOPE, and I'll never let my kids be ashamed." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1384
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 12 and TRADITION 12 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 12 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 12) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 12: " Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other still-suffering adult survivors of child abuse, and to practice these principles in all our affairs." You start your recovery process with identifying, and relating to a Higher Power as you understand this Power. This understanding, in partnership with applying time-tested principles, puts you in touch with that power greater than yourself. As you continue to apply the principles, and your understanding deepens, you can explain to yourself what this Power is, and how it manifests in your personal life journey. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ We hope you have enjoyed following our 12 Step series during which we've now covered all the steps 3 times each. To see the archives, please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1383
Special guest Andrea Clemens |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Andrea Clemens from Florida, a child abuse survivor and the Regional Director of the Kid Safe Foundation where the mission is to protect children by preventing sexual abuse, bullying and Internet dangers. Andrea says, "I've written a book about this topic and am a survivor. I was abused by my middle school teacher, and it lasted for years. Sadly, I'm clearly not the only one." She explains, "Nearly one in ten students will experience some form of sexual misconduct by a school employee by his or her senior year – that's 4.5 million children. So much education and training is necessary to end this epidemic." Andrea is certainly playing her part. "I have been speaking about educator abuse for about 12 years now," she says. KidSafe gives children a voice and empowers them and the adults who keep them safe with education and communication skills to become the first line of defense in children's safety. The curriculum was developed by Child Safety Experts, Mental Health Professionals, Educators, Authors and Public Speakers, and was founded by two moms based on years of safety instruction and the most up-to-date research. Through Prevention Education curriculum they teach children through fun not fear how to become the first line of defense in their own safety. Their flagship program KidSafe for Kids is an 8 week in school program for children ages 4 - 5th grade. They provide public speaking engagements, Parent Seminars, Teacher Workshops and Counselor Trainings. KidSafe Foundation has taught over 40,000 children and has provided over 15,000 adults with seminar, workshops and trainings and is one of Facebook's Child Safety Experts.
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1382
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. There is social savagery in the Family Court system. Children are frequently transferred into the hands of abusers .. with no due process and no representation. Where is the social consciousness of child sexual abuse (CSA), and why is there so much institutional tolerance of CSA and other forms of abuse of children? Why is there a willingness to discredit children who come forward with claims of sexual abuse and active punishment of children who protest abuse? There seems to be a set of authoritarian / paternalistic attitudes that support abuse. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1381
Special guest Fire-Brown |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Fire-Brown from Atlanta, Georgia. Originally from Newark, New Jersey, Fire-Brown, an adult survivor of child abuse, is the Founding Facilitator of ASCA-Atlanta (Adult Survivors of Child Abuse-Atlanta), a weekly self-help support group for adult survivors of childhood abuse that may be physical, sexual, mental and/or through neglect. Several years ago, Fire-Brown found herself triggered by memories, flashbacks and nightmares of her childhood sexual molestation. After struggling with the PTSD and traumatic impact of the abuse, she sought therapy and began to blog about her experience and healing journey. She found ASCA and began working their 21 Steps to recovery. "I have recently given a TEDTalk." she says. "The TEDTalk was “Healing Adult Survivors of Child Abuse”. My twelve minutes of fame was exciting and well received." She explains, "I have a great passion and commitment for healing adult survivors of child abuse." She shares how she's gone from victim, to survivor to a thriver. Fresh off her TEDTalk, Fire-Brown is gaining a large following and support as a Survivor of childhood molestation and being a power voice for healing from the impact it has had on her life. Oprah Winfrey is quoted as saying of Fire-Brown that she ".. looked into an abandoned baby's eyes, saw herself and found her calling .." Fire-Brown herself notes, "After working with adult Survivors of child abuse for 5+ years, the one thing I've found most survivors struggle with is the frustration of NOT BEING BELIEVE when they told someone". This is at the heart of my advocacy. I'm standing for every Survivor to get back their power, freedom and innocence; to know they are NOT alone and that they are believed." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 432
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for June - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1380
Special guest Melodie Bissel |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Melodie Bissell from Ontario, President and Founder of Plan to Protect and a co-author of Plan to Protect and other resources to combat child abuse.
Plan to Protect is a training and consulting organization providing the highest standard of abuse prevention and protection to organizations servicing the vulnerable sector globally. The company services 7,500 volunteer driven organizations in North America including care homes, sports clubs, churches, community clubs, municipalities, transportation companies, etc. "We work with clients all over the world helping them prevent abuse from happening among the vulnerable sector in which they serve," Melodie writes. "Many of our clients are faith based, but we also consult with Scouts Canada, Free the Children, Variety Village, etc." Having served in youth serving organizations for years, Melodie saw that the standard of protection varied so much from organization to organization. She also saw that children and youth were placed in compromising situations where they could have been harmed, among staff and volunteers that had little training, supervision and accountability. At the same time Melodie started reading stories of children and youth that had been abused and she realized that she could raise her voice to protect other children from being harmed. Melodie is committed to not only speaking on behalf of the vulnerable sector but inviting others to join her. When she is not training and consulting, she is working on her Doctorate of Ministry at University of Toronto. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1379
Special topic - "For Our Kids" - Dr Jim Singer |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. This evening we're doing something different. We'll be featuring one of the experts who's made the "For Our Kids" series such a success.
Tonight's 'special guest' is Dr Jim Singer from West Virginia, a psychologist and hero to children who lost his license to practice in the mid 80s after reporting child abuse that teachers, principle of the school and State Legislatures were aware of and ignored, allowing the little girl in question to be further abused. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1378
Special guest John Davis |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is John Davis from West Milford, New Jersey, child abuse survivor and author of the memoir 'My Father's Son'. John writes, "Every family has secrets. Ours were just bigger than others." He goes on, "My earliest memory is of a gun." That gun was in his father's hand .. and it was pointed at his mother's head. John grew up on the rough streets of Brooklyn, a place where no one thought twice when parents smacked around their kids-or each other. At the center of the tumultuous neighborhood, and John's world, was his larger-than-life father, a big time cocaine dealer. "In addition to his violent mood swings and mental torture," he says, "he also used me to palm drugs to customers, get money as well as make deliveries." John, in particular, seemed to bear the brunt of Roberto's wildly swinging moods. "My mother was also a victim and either wasn't able to protect me or didn't care," he writes. "My father hit me until I was 17 and even asked me to drive the car as he kidnapped and wanted to kill his enemies." Every knock on the door might be one of Roberto's enemies, or the police. "At the age of 34 I found he wasn't even my father, John says, "but that he had adopted me. The search for my real father ended with finding his obituary notice." In his publishing debut, "My Father's Son,' John recounts how he spent his childhood in constant terror and his teen years learning to fight back. He explains, "I wrote the book as a catharsis but [many] readers have wanted to open up to me about their own abusive situations." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1377
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1376
Special guest Laura LeMoon |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Laura LeMoon from Seattle, Washington, a survivor and activist.
"My childhood abuses were multiple and chronic," says Laura. "I began to be abused at age 3 which left me vulnerable to repeating this trauma in my adulthood through extremely unhealthy relationships." NAASCA knows that the consequences of childhood trauma don't "stop" just because one turns 18. They may, in fact, worsen, exacerbated by the fact that we have the ability to make adult, albeit "bad", choices. Laura explains, "My healing journey has taken me to the brink of total self annihilation - prostitution, alcoholism and drug addiction, rehab, psychiatric hospitals and attempted suicides." But she managed to turn her life around. Laura is currently Ethnographer for a national HIV study at Seattle Public Health and Case Manager at Attain Housing. She's a research specialist and Sex Worker empowerment organizer specializing in using research as a tool to advocate for stigmatized populations, reducing harm to IVDA's and Sex Workers. Laura works on Sex Workers' rights and violence prevention within sex working communities, and LGBTQ advocacy, most strongly within sex working communities affected by violence. "Today and for the future, my goals are to not continue to takeover and occupy the role of the abuser in the war I wage against myself," Laura says. "I don't have all the answers. Just one day at a time." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 431
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for June - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1375
Special general topic night |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce these "Open Mike" night question-and-answer style community participation shows. NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Our panel members have an understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma that springs not only from their personal one life experience but also from their activism. Most were child abuse victims at one time, struggled with surviving and now are healing. They're thriving as warriors in the fight against child abuse and trauma. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1374
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 11 and TRADITION 11 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 11 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 11) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 11: "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out." Step Eleven is the daily practice and experience of deepening your awareness of your Higher Power through prayer and meditation. You are capable of prayer and meditation, regardless of your background or history. If you set aside the time daily, you can reach for whatever you believe is greater than, deeper than, or beyond yourself. Step Eleven also assumes that by now you have a conscious awareness of your Higher Power, and you are drawn to deepening that connection. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 12& TRADITION 12. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1373
Special guest Kristina Grevatt |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Kristina Grevatt from Nova Scotia, Canada, a survivor and activist who writes on her "Soar My Soul: Journey of a Butterfly" BLOG. "I want to make a difference in this world," Kristina says, "and helping educate and open up dialogue about the topic of childhood abuse is one of the greatest ways I think I can do that. I have shared my blog with all those I know in the hopes it may help others to come forward too." Her father physically, mentally, and sexually abused her mother and children. A messy divorce when Kristina was six meant the kids went into foster care where she was to remain for the rest of her childhood. She lived in several homes where she was neglected, physically abused or molested until she was about ten. Finally a "good family" adopted her. "I was saved, Kristina says, "and knew what life and safety in a family was supposed to be." Despite this, she was sexually assaulted at 12 by a boy she was supposed to be able to trust. He abused her for a three days. But she goes on, "Aside from that though, my adoption truly saved my life! My new family gave me everything all children deserve to have in their lives. Therapy, journal writing, and simply speaking about and sharing my story, have been my forms of healing and helping others to heal, both things I am passionate about." Her BLOG reflects all these things. "Today, I am still healing and I know I will be until the day I die, but I have come so very far from where I was in my early adult years when I was first trying to sort through all of this." Kristina concludes, "It is one of my deepest beliefs that one of the greatest ways to heal from and work to end sexual abuse is to talk about and share our experiences." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1372
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1371
Special guest Shellilyn Weese |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Shellilyn Weese from Denver, President of L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. Colorado, where they rescue abandon children providing education, housing and a home life in a energy efficient, self-sustaining community. As the web site explains, "With our passion, dedication and goals of improvement of not just our community, but also the world, we hope to inspire, educate, and provide love to all that we have the opportunity to help!" Thirty years ago, just three days after birth, a beautiful biracial child was separated from her imprisoned and crack addicted mother, and placed in an all white foster home. She remained there for 18 years. "We lived in constant state of chaos, uncleanliness and neglect," Shellilyn reports, "complete with drugs and alcohol, torture, starvation, molestation and rape." She was 15 when Shellilyn first tried to overdose. A teacher confronted her, saying she could change her life by doing well at school. Slowly Shellilyn went from drinking, smoking and partying at eight years old to graduating from high school sober. Nursing school followed, as did a degree in healthcare administration. But she still wasn't satisfied. Shellilyn shared her ideas for a non-profit to help children with a friend who encouraged her to start right away. "And that night, "L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. Colorado" was born. We are still in the early stages of development and funding but our mission is "To rescue abandoned children and to provide them with education, housing, and a home life in an energy efficient, self-sustainable community”. She goes on, "It is our time now to change what we can in the world before the world stops giving us time to get it done. And we shall." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 430
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for June - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1370
Special guest Stefanie Stolinsky |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Stefanie Stolinsky, PhD, from Los Angeles, a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist. She specializes in working with adults who have been sexually, physically, emotionally, and verbally abused. As an ex-actress and current writer she is the author of 'ACT IT OUT: 25 Acting Exercises to Heal from Childhood Abuse,' published by Praeclarus Press. Her book has been on the market since 2002 and has been a staple in colleges and private practices of therapists to help survivors find active ways of healing from their abuse. It includes acting exercises that actors in television and film use to connect their minds with their bodies. Used in a hierarchical way, these exercises allow you, the survivor, to heal in your own way, with your own timeline and your own pace. An example of the exercises is also featured on YouTube using professional actors to demonstrate each exercise for you. Stefanie lives and works with her husband in Los Angeles. Her practice focuses on treating individuals, groups, and couples, addressing relationship issues and issues pertaining to trauma and abuse. These stress disorders include: acute stressors — violence, domestic and work upheaval, sexual harassment, as well as past traumas such as, sexual and physical child abuse. In her practice she combines drama, acting, and performing, with a unique style of psychotherapy. Stefanie has been a noted speaker for more than ten years on all aspects of abuse and trauma. She also regularly taught at the California Graduate Institute and the Maple Counseling Center in Beverly Hills. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1369
Special topic: Open Mike - Open Topic |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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HELP NEEDED - Tonight's talk show needs your participation !! Open Mike -- Open Topic -- all welcome to call in !!
I know it's short notice but tonight's "Stop Child Abuse Now" show will be an opportunity to help the NAASCA organization (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse). We'll discuss our origins, our non-profit mission, our many tools and services and the issues we hope to address in the future.
This is your chance to criticize how we're doing and to suggest our path moving forward.
Call-in number: (646) 595-2118
On computer: www.blogtalkradio.com/NAASCA |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1368
Special guest Penny Miles |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Penny Miles from Cape Coral, Florida, who tells me mother threw her father and his clothes into the street when she was around 5. Her sexual abuse began not long after with strange men in her home, touching her. Eventually the abuse escalated to attempted intercourse. Then family members did the same. "I remember it like it was yesterday," she says. "I became very ill," she recalls. The doctor had Penny released to her father, who had remarried. "In hindsight, it seems THAT jump was straight into the fire." Penny ran away from home at 17, and never lived there again. "The abuse made me feel like I was a 'bad girl.' One of the first people I told, unfortunately for me, was the abusive step parent, who basically said I was 'a slut.' She told my father that I was having sex with my brothers!!" She goes on, "I thought 'slut' was a disease, and I would die." A few years ago things began to change .. slowly .. in 2004. "My father brought up the fact that we were bad children." He could not be convinced there had been reasons. She continues, "My father's family were so up in arms trying to get Dad to see what his wife was doing, but abusers are very good at what they do. She covered her tracks by saying we were liars, and bad. She was only trying to 'help' us." Penny says, "Most of my life I've been alone. My choice as it was easier that way. I could get hurt less. I had two domestic violence [relationships] .. really, really horrible that tried to kill me, or have me put in prison." In spite of the ongoing trauma, Penny is grateful she's been able to spend years as an animal rights activists and as an advocate against domestic violence. "I have been able to help so many others in this walk of life." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1367
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1366
Special guest Noel Winters |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Noel Winters from California, a child abuse and Domestic Violence (DV) survivor who's now also a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault advocate. We're delighted to have her tonight. As she says, "I never thought I would [share my story on the radio] but if it means helping other survivors I'm in!" She goes on, "I can't wait to add all your resources to my resource list." Healing over the last two years, Noel was diagnosed with PTSD. Her experiences in childhood had lead her to thinking that ALL men mistreated women and children. But she knows better now. "I am currently looking to rebuild my life and my children's life in all aspects," Noel says. "I am learning about healthy and unhealthy relationships. I am retraining my brain to notice red flags and abuse." She goes on, "I am taking all [the bad] experiences from my journey and making them positive by helping others from the lessons through the rights and wrongs in my journey." Today she has open communication with her two teenage children, ready to talk to them about everything they come to her with. "I am working on writing my story .. it's my healing coping skill. I am working towards [creating a] non-profit for conquerors of all violent crimes child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence." She concludes, "My true life's mission is to break all the barriers of abuse and to speak up so another four generations don't continue this cycle. I pray that when you hear my story it helps you and gives you hope." Feel free to contact Noel by email at: NoelWinters333@gmail.com |
"Community Matters" This Week - 429
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for May - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1365
Special guest Paula Sharkey-Jauch |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Paula Sharkey-Jauch from Grand Rapids, Michigan, a trauma survivor who's now a speaker, writer and activist. Her identity was shattered at a young age from the affects of growing up in alcoholism, drug addiction and a home filled with violence. Due to all the childhood trauma that she experienced at home she shut down. Later in life she found herself struggling with many self-destructive behaviors. In 2015 she founded her non-profit effort, Unstuck.
"My mission is to help people who have been affected by addiction, trauma, and eating disorders to overcome adversity by providing them with the services they need to heal emotionally and maintain lifelong recovery," Paula says. "For a long time I didn't know WHO I was or WHAT was wrong with me." She goes on, "As a child I was scared. As a teenager I was very lost. As an adult woman I was deeply wounded. I was filled with secrets, shame, and guilt. The only way I knew how to escape the pain I was experiencing was to run to my addictions and self-destructive behaviors." Paula concludes, "Today I share my story of HOPE, HEALING and RECOVERY with recovery programs, schools, churches, women's groups, radio shows and juvenile programs. I offer a message of HOPE with my story of perseverance and letting my audience know there is a way out. If God can do it for me, He will and can do it for you!" |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1364
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 10 and TRADITION 10 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 10 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 10) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 10: "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Step Ten is not about maintenance, because there is a rule in our universe that nothing ever stays the same. All living matter is either in a process of growing or in the process of regressing. Up until now, if you followed the first nine steps with an honest heart and the direction of a Higher Power, you will have grown considerably. If you do not keep growing, you will start sliding back into your old behavior patterns and ways of thinking. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 10 & TRADITION 10. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1363
Special guest Lillie Leonardi |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Lillie Leonardi from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a child abuse survivor who says she's been blessed by healing through her work. Lillie's now an author and lecturer after spending 25 years in law enforcement researching violence prevention and specialized in crimes against children. A highlight of Lillie's career was her activity in response to the events of 9-11, when she was utilized by the FBI to address law enforcement, government, and social service agency representatives assisting with evidence recovery and preparations for two memorial services at the Flight 93 crash site. Lillie provided training on various subjects including: community policing, crime prevention, cultural competency, hate crimes, responding to a major incident, threat assessment, and violence reduction. Lillie retired from law enforcement to pursue her lifetime passion for writing. Her first non-fiction book about her experience as a responder on 9/11 entitled, "In the Shadow of a Badge" was released in 2013 with Hay House and sold over 30,000 copies globally. Her second book is titled, "The White Light of Grace: Reflections on the Life of a Spiritual Intuitive". Later came an eBook titled, "Before I Go" which was co-authored by Lillie with her eldest grandchild. She is also a regular contributor to 'The Huffington Post' and 'Heal Your Life' digital publications. Her own experience with surviving child abuse informs everything Lillie does, and we're delighted to include her as a member of the NAASCA family. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1362
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1361
Special guest Ben Zibit |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Benjamin (Ben) Zibit, PhD in the History of Science (rocketry), a survivor of a horrible childhood and a difficult life and a writer who has taught for more than 30 years. He's started his healing journey and wants to speak out publicly about child abuse and PTSD. He says "I have two selves. I want to be one whole person. I want to speak out about abuse and PTSD. It's very difficult to do so. But this is a first step." Ben grew up in a very dysfunctional family, and lived in at least six different cities. The worst of the sexual and physical abuse he experienced happened as a youngster in Florida. He spent his teen years in St. Louis, and was sexually abused, physically threatened and humiliated there well into high school. "By then, I was completely shut down," Ben says. "I had a few friends." He escaped home by going to college. "I was ambivalent about leaving home. When I'd finally left, I still buried what had happened to me." Ben's adult life included advanced university studies, visits to psychiatric facilities, therapy of different types and exploring relationships with various women. He also bounced from place to place, job to job to job, and was even homeless for a time. His current wife has never really accepted the truth about his abuse. "This has been a deep wound for me," Ben says, but he's hung in there for the sake of their two kids. He concludes, "I've had a horrible childhood and a difficult life. I am not ‘cured' or over this yet. Will it last my whole life? I don't know. I will always have PTSD. How much it affects me in the future, I can't say. It depends on the success of therapy. I have two selves. I want to be one whole person. I want to speak out about abuse and PTSD." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 428
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for May - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1360
Special topic - Gov Cuomo and New York State SOL reform |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC NIGHT - A discussion of the Statute of Limitations (SOLs) in New York State ~~ Governor Cuomo gave NAASCA the opportunity to have our representatives meet with him and other survivor / advocates on Thursday, resulting in a sense of hope that was expressed in a Daily News article which appeared this morning. We discussed our understanding of the importance of having a well placed political advocate as an ally and of how every state has their own SOL laws. Marci Hamilton (SOL-reform.com) was at the meeting, and NAASCA invited Chris Anderson (MaleSurvivor.org) and Matt Sandusky (PeacefulHeartsFoundation.org), who missed the meeting due to traffic, to attend as their NAASCA family's representatives. It was, to say the least, a good meeting. We also discussed a number of other topics on the show such as the importance of reporting past child abuse and how 'getting justice' and 'healing' are separate issues (but may also be included with each other, too). Bill Murray also noted there had been a lot of sharing today on our Facebook page and Groups, and that numerous people had been exposed to NAASCA because of the Govornor Cuomo meeting and his support. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1359
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America.
TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Foster Care Awareness Month" - This month is Foster Care Awareness Month so tonight we're doing this show on the issues facing the foster care system. We are looking at it from the perspective of children who have been through it and parents forced to deal with CPS agencies with their own children. Foster care is too often a fairy tale dream! Countless children are destined to follow the yellow brick road in hopes they will reach the wonderful Wizard of Oz, believing they'll be granted a forever family through Adoption. "There's no place like home" never had a truer meaning .. just ask a foster child. Tonight's guest will include folks from both the US and Canada, all of them involved in foster care. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1358
Special guest Alexander (Sandy) Smith |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Alexander (Sandy) Smith from Bridge Of Weir, Renfrewshire, Scotland, a survivor of physical and sexual abuse who today gives support to other survivors. "At the age of eight years of age I was raped and beaten in an orphanage," says Sandy. "I kept my secret hidden for almost 50 years until I could take no more and tried to commit suicide (taking all my hidden secrets to the grave with me). But thankfully my plan did not work and my life was saved." The secret he kept began to effect his life dramatically. "After being abused my school work started to decline badly and depression started to takeover my life." he says. He tried to accept what had happened to him at the orphanage but he could never forget. As life progressed he was embarrassed, frightened and depressed. "I would not go to work and even my own wife at that time and my own son thought of me of just being lazy but still I kept my secrets locked away until one day after I found my wife cheating on me with another man." Memories of his childhood came flooding back and he tried to end his life. He ended up in a psychiatric hospital instead and spent seven months there rebuilding his life. "Today I am a much stronger person," he says. He divorced and re-met his childhood sweet heart, Jane, after losing touch for almost 50 years. "I also now give my full support to victims of child abuse." He launched 'Justice For Children' and has about three and a half thousand friends there. "Many of these friends being the little warriors of abuse of yesterday .. and who are the survivors of today." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1357
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Institutional Child Sexual Abuse: Social Savagery in the Family Courts. All too often children are transferred into the hands of abusers with no due process and no representation. Where is the social consciousness on the issue of CSA (child sexual abuse)? Institutional tolerance of sexual abuse and other forms of abuse of children includes a willingness to discredit children who come forward with claims of sexual abuse and there is active punishment of children who protest abuse. An authoritarian / paternalistic attitude supports abuse. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1356
Special guest Tracy Fricke |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Tracy Fricke from Jacksonville, Illinois, a former foster care and child abuse survivor. A returning NAASCA family member, when she she was with us in 2015 it was the first time she told her story publicly. Now we'll see what a difference a year's made. Her biological father was a paranoid schizophrenic and her real mom was always physically sick. Tracy says, "I have made mistakes and bad choices and I struggle everyday to keep going on. Disassociation is something near and dear to my heart." She goes on, ".. but I survived and I fight everyday to be the best I know how." Tracy says she's not like other people and probably never will be. "My triggers may go away," she reports. "I can stand within a group of people without feeling overwhelmed, can not only feel but show real compassion to someone else without giving a cold answer, and have better self esteem and discontinue allowing the wrong people around me. I feel comfortable setting proper boundaries, with being a normal mom who understand the right thing, and most importantly know how to love myself." She moves slowly. "I am a mother to 3 wonderful daughters. I never wanted kids because I felt like I would be bad for them but it turns out I am not too bad. I have made mistakes and bad choices and I struggle everyday to keep going on." Tracy's journey is far from over .. and she knows it. "Rarely do I make any contact mentally with my childhood for fear of visiting a place that I am not mentally or physically able handle. My list of therapists have tried to help, I presume. But when it gets tough, I quit. The few times that I really tried to connect, it almost broke me emotionally and the fear is real." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 427
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for May - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1355
Special guest Joy Spencer |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Joy Spencer from Glendale, California, a survivor of verbal abuse by her father, who was a young holocaust survivor. "This must have started around the age of 10 or so. At least that's what I remember. Some of my memories are blocked out and are fuzzy," Joy says. "My father was a very unhappy man for a long time and took out his frustrations on my mother and myself. He had a terrible temper." He was never able to make a living and was a very miserable person. "I lived with my parents until I was 17 when I found out that my dad had stolen money from me. She says. "I had enough and went to go live with my grandparents, my mom's parents, who were like my second set of parents." This was her senior year of high school and she was preparing for college where she eventually obtain a BA in theatre. "It was very therapeutic. If it hadn't been for singing and acting, I don't think I would have made it through college." Now she's 35 and living well with her husband and 2 cats. "I still have certain trust issues and flashbacks from my past and don't always feel completely safe," Joy says. "But getting therapy, having a supportive group of family and friends helps. I know not everyone is so lucky." Joy reports she's ".. hoping to gain greater self esteem through this whole process and move forward and have a happy and fulfilling life .. and educate others in the process." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1354
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 9 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 9 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 9) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 9: "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." Step 9 reminds you once again that you cannot overcome personal difficulty alone. You pray for the willingness to be willing. People on your list where there has been mutual harm being done may present difficulty. There may some who you do not feel it necessary to make amends. Again after consulting with a trusted advisor you start making amends to those folks on your “Right Now” list, your second list and your third list. Finally, re-visit your last list, the “Never!” column. Prepare yourself for this work through prayer. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 10 & TRADITION 10. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1353
Special guest Dee Lee |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Dee Lee from Lakewood, Colorado, a child abuse survivor who's also suffered a lot in her adulthood from the consequences of her youthful trauma. "I was abused at the age of 3 by the hands of my stepfather," she says. "It started out with kicking and hitting. Then it festered into a full body slam up against the wall, he then tried to flush my head down the toilet." The police were called and she was taken to a hospital and then placed in different foster care hoes where she was abused. "By the time I was reunited back with my Mom and Grandmother I was told that [my stepfather had] threatened to finish the job." Dee reports. She feels this continues, even today. "So I have a death threat hanging over my head." Her later years were traumatizing, too. "Growing up in life I had random incidents that ranged from stalking, rape, molestation, cybersexting or trafficking both online and off with people who I thought were my friends but then more hell broke loose." Much of the details of what happened are spotty because she has a lot of missing time and "memories" that either happened or didn't. "Present day I am having alot of triggers and the doctors along with counselors have told me that I have chronic PTSD." Dee believes she's somewhat psychic due to her trauma. She says she read that ' .. scientists in the psychology and medical [community] had found that people who have been [traumatized] develop their 6th sense naturally. Now what truth there is behind that I don't know but I know that my abilities in the supernatural is from God and I can tell when it's good and bad." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1352
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1351
Special guest Grace Gayle |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Grace Gayle from Toronto, Ontario, a returning NAASCA famil member who's also a child abuse survivor. She's the author of the book "From Victim to Victor" which is being re-published by Get-Success Publishing. Grace wrote her book to assist those who desire to overcome depression, low self worth, dependencies, addictions, loneliness, fear or excessive anger, cause by the aftermath of any number of emotional wounds. The chapters were intentionally kept short for the purpose of allowing the reader to digest small portions at a time. "As you read my story," she says, "you may be a little shocked at my bluntness. Keep in mind that the recovery journey often becomes very messy before the individual is able to overcome all the negative emotions involved. I have purposely written the book this way so that those walking through the recovery process may draw comfort from knowing that someone has walked this path before them and felt the same emotions that they are presently battling with." She continues, "Face your fears, work at recovering, never, never give up and you too can overcome the shadows of unwanted emotions." See the HealingEmotionalWounds web site. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 426
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for May - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1350
Special guest Shelly Elliot |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Shelly Elliott (The Real Beavie Wonder) from Baldwin Park, California, a survivor of childhood domestic abuse. "I had a violent introduction to the world," she says. She had a broken arm as a newborn. Her first memory was of her mother getting her head smashed with a bloody telephone. "At five I nearly drowned on a family boating trip, my first near death experience." She goes on, "My drunken father liked inflicting pain all in good fun. Right after my seventh birthday I witnessed my father and uncle in a fight to the death. My uncle, in his hatred of my father, used all his might to kick my mother, who was seven months pregnant and send her flying across the room. Her life was one terrifying episode after the next, and Shelly didn't feel safe anywhere. "All the while I was treated like the wicked ungrateful stepchild who didn't deserve what I'd been so graciously given. The last straw occurred when I was 28, in 2011. My parents put all my possessions in a storage unit in an attempt to blackmail me for money." Still, she refused to lay down. "I took my parents to court and haven't spoken to one single blood relative since. After separating myself from the threat of my family, I found solace in writing about my experiences." Shelly concludes, "With four years of healing, I'm now living the life I always dreamed about. I have a wonderful family of friends who love and support me. I continue every day to give thanks and find wonder exists in the madness if only we look." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1349
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Parental Alienation Awareness Day has just passed and on our last show (which was part 1 in a series on this topic) we covered upcoming events and support efforts from a dedicated group of advocates who appeared on our show. Each of them has made an incredible impact in raising awareness and building support networks and pathways to change. Each of them also has a powerful personal story, and they have agreed to return for the second half of this show and share these stories with us. Tonight we are so pleased to welcome back advocates Wendy Archer, Anna Tivade, Alexandra Iyer, and nationally known author and speaker Ryan Thomas. We also have psychologist Dr. Jim Singer who is available to answer any questions you may have on this issue, and whose support and contributions has helped so many dealing with difficult trauma. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1348
Special guest John Gerrard |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is John Gerrard from Lineville, Alabama, a rape survivor who was sexually assaulted while in prep school. John grew up in New York City in a struggling lower-middle class Catholic family and spent his formative years in Brooklyn in what he describes as "typical dysfunctional tenement living." There was a lot of corporal punishment during his 12 years of Catholic education. The worse experiences occurred at Saint Francis Prep which culminated with his being first befriended, but then violated and raped, by Brother Michael Moran, the principal. "It was the most horrible experience in my life," John says. "I laid there in shock, drugged .." When he saw Brother Michael later he wanted to vomit. "I had an overwhelming sense of despair and powerlessness." In adulthood John floundered but eventually found a career as a New York City firefighter despite heavy drinking and drug use. "I drank and drugged to forget, and the only place I ever felt I belonged was in a burning building." In 1988 he sobered up, ".. after having near heart attacks, guns in my face, blackouts, paranoia, and a state of spiritual bankruptcy where death would have come as a welcomed friend." He goes on, "The next 27 years have been an odyssey of self-examination and spiritual awakening." Today he counsels addicts on a volunteer basis in his community. "I hope to help others with my story," John says, "and plan to use all my power as a citizen to pursue legislative and systemic changes to protect children from future abuse through speaking, writing, film, social and traditional media. I stand with all victims to change the personal narrative from one of victimization to survivorship and advocacy." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1347
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1346
Special guest Elizabeth Cucinotta Sorvillo |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Elizabeth Cucinotta Sorvillo, an attorney, author, mother, and advocate for children, child sex abuse survivors and animals. Elizabeth is the author of "Controlled Burn: Exposing Child Sex Abuse and Corruption at America's Largest Private Catholic High School," a detailed account of how two women, sexually harassed by their teachers at the same Franciscan educational institution twenty years apart, came together to expose the hypocrisy and systematic corruption that shielded decades of child sexual abuse and abusers from the public. Elizabeth has been named to the list of Catholic clergy abuse whistleblowers by BishopAccountability.org and consulted for the top school sexual abuse attorneys in the United States. She has provided critical information to private investigators, and several state departments of education and Catholic dioceses. She is currently consulting on several school related sexual assault and harassment cases, as well as working on investigations regarding multi-state corporate scams. Elizabeth has over twelve years of experience in the media and has been interviewed in The New York Times, The Journal News, New York Daily News, The Times of Israel, and The Nonprofit Quarterly. She has appeared on WNBC New York, Fox News, News 12 Westchester, New York 1, and in documentaries produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Her LinkedIn profile says the following, "I am an advocate, through and through and through. If you need help, contact me here by messaging me on this page. Into protecting children and animals. Always." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 425
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for April - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1345
Special guest Richard Sipe |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Richard Sipe from La Jolla, California, a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor who earlier spent 18 years as a Benedictine monk and priest. Now married, Richard is devoted full time to research into the sexual and celibate practices of Roman Catholic bishops and priests. That path has lead him to the study of the sexual teaching of the church and its effects on behavior - especially sexual abuse of minors by clergy - and the tangle of sexual problems that some people claim are blocking every religious agenda and destroying beyond repair the credibility of the Catholic Church in sexual matters. The Academy Award winning Best Picture for 2016, "Spotlight," featured his words as part of their investigation into clergy abuse. Richard was trained specifically to deal with the mental health problems of Roman Catholic Priests. In the process of training and therapy, he conducted a 25-year ethnographic study of the celibate / sexual behavior of that population. His study, first published in 1990, is now considered a classic. Richard has published six books that explore these themes, including A Secret World and Celibacy in Crisis.' Widely interviewed by media he's known internationally and has participated in 12 documentaries on celibacy and priest sexual abuse aired by HBO, BBC, and other networks in the United States, United Kingdom, and France. Richard has no professional sympathy for the cardinals and bishops and other ranking church officials who cover up their crimes. "Some of them are so terrible," he says. "I mean the plain lying that I've seen, bishop after bishop saying, 'No, this was never true. I don't know anything. I can't remember anything.' And sometimes the bishop just smiles. One bishop said, 'I only lie when I have to.'" |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1344
Special guest Nikki DuBose |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Nikki DuBose from Los Angeles, a child abuse survivor who was later abused as a young professional model. Among other things, Nikki advocates on her web site for better regulation of the modeling industry (she tells me about 40% of models
have an eating disorder and that there's a lot of sexual abuse/harassment). Nikki also works closely with Matt Sandusky at the "Peaceful Hearts Foundation," where she serves on the Executive Board and is their Volunteer Director. Nikki says, "I wholeheartedly believe that full recovery is possible, but it starts with speaking out and reducing the shame and stigma that is so often attached to mental health issues." In her upcoming memoir, "Washed Away: From Darkness to Light," due out later this year, Nikki details how being sexually abused as a child led to a seventeen-year battle with serious mental health issues such as eating disorders, depression, self-harm, body dysmorphic disorder, substance abuse and sexual addictions. During her career as a professional model, she encountered a great deal of success, yet that prosperity came with a high price - one that often mirrored the sexual abuse from her childhood. Coming to a place of full healing has not been easy for Nikki, but she says, "Being an advocate is what allows me to wake up every day and feel truly alive. All of that pain that I lived with for so many years is now channeled into making a difference in society. Whatever issues you're passionate about, use your voice and the resources you have; love yourself first and from there you can help to change the world." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1343
Special guest Misty Reynolds |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Misty Reynolds from Spokane,
Washington, a NAASCA volunteer and a survivor of child hood trauma from as early as she can remember until she was 18. She'd struggled with drugs and alcohol in her teens, cleaned up briefly when she got pregnant, and had a child in her senior year. "I went through the AmeriCorps program after graduation becoming a peer model at the school," she says. "Mentoring mediating and helping my peers get out of the chaos they lived in." But that didn't last long "I picked up the bottle where my step dad left off .. still functioning day to day to life." As Misty notes, "I married my last abuser and didn't know he was a pedophile until our son was 2." She explains, "I married him so I wouldn't have to testify against him for attempted strangulation." She cleaned up briefly during her second pregnancy, but relapsed when her son was 7 months old. Eventually she sought numbness, and began using meth. I cheated on my daughter's dad with my boy's father. "The next three years are still pretty blurry except the abuse. I remember that clearly." But her trauma didn't end there. As she implies, Misty is also a survivor of domestic violence. At various times she's worked with Betty Maxwell, a DV advocate in the community where she lived. Betty wanted her help to bring other survivors into her program. "The only problem was I couldn't stop using." And no wonder. "My mom was my supplier as well as my husband. I saw no escape so I continued to use." Misty's slowly but surely building back her life now however, noting, "I haven't worked in a long time due to PTSD and barely survived my ex-husband's wrath. We know she'll do well with NAASCA. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1342
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1341
Special guest Joy TJ Riley |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Joy T.J. Riley from Baltimore, Maryland, a child abuse survivor nearly from birth who's now an activist and radio show host of "Get Your JOY In The Morning". Joy says, "My trauma of sexual abuse began not long out of my mother's womb by a relative. I didn't remember much at first. It took years before understanding I suffered from PTSD." Joy was also molested by a baby sister and two relatives. "It was the last occurrence that pushed me into writing as a way to cope with all the emotions," Joy says. "I was angry because in nearly all the cases, authority figures abused their authority over me." Joy's also gone through domestic abuse and adult rape .. and it's been a long haul. But things are different now. As she explains, "It took many years before I understood there were long term effects." Eventually Joy began writing about what it's like for survivors not just as children but about the journey of healing. "I interviewed other survivors like myself. In order for me to interview others, I had to go back and remember everything I felt. It was painful but I'm in a better place." Now her focus is on healing through writing, speaking, community work and her faith. The motto of "Get Your JOY In The Morning" is that it's through faith that one finds purpose and healing. Joy's also involved with the "Safe Shores - Washington D.C. Children's Advocacy Center," a child-friendly direct service nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and working directly with child victims of sexual and physical abuse in the District of Columbia. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 424
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for April - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1340
Special guest Cecibel Contreras |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Cecibel Contreras from the Bronx, NY, an advocate for children's rights as well as a survivor of incest, child sexual abuse and human trafficking. At the age of eight years old she was first molested by her grandmother, and later by her biological father, at home, where no one could see. After five years of this she came forward to the police and her father was arrested and sentenced to 10 years. But Cecibel was placed in different foster homes in which she continued to be physically, emotionally and sexually abused. Years later she fells prey to a human trafficker (a supposed 'boyfriend') who took her to Colombia. Once there she was raped, tortured, drugged and sold to different men for 6 months. The men who would buy these services were politicians, priest, lawyers and “respected” members of our society. Cecibel was rescued and brought back to the US. Her life continued to spiral out of control with a drug and alcohol addiction. An accident left her a in coma for 4 months. That's when her life changed. She heard the voice of God or a higher power say “You must go back and continue your unfinished mission.” She started the healing journey. She sought help, checked herself in a program and cleaned up. Started college and graduates with a MSW degree. Today Cecibel is an advocate for child abuse, child sexual abuse, human trafficking, the founder of Incest Survivors United Voices of America, and It Was Me Campaign, and author of three books, 'Rainbows in The Dark' and two children's books, 'The Princess & The River of Truth' and 'Joseph's Secret'. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1339
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Parental Alienation Awareness Day is coming up next week on Monday April 25, 2016. This day is part of a global campaign to educate people about the critical issues involved and raise awareness of what Parental Alienation is and the supports and education out there for people who are dealing with this. Join us tonight on the For Our Kids show as we speak with Advocates from all over North America about the many upcoming events that you can be a part of and the resources that are available year round. There is far more support than people realize. The dedication of advocates such as our guests who are part of tonight's show have made an incredible impact to raising awareness and building support networks and pathways to change.
We are pleased to have advocates Wendy Archer, Anna Tivade, Keith Marsolek, Alexandra Iyer, Paulette MacDonald and Joan Kloth-Zaynard, author of "Where Did I Go Wrong? How Did I Miss the Signs? Dealing with Hostile Parenting and Parental Alienation” on our show tonight. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1338
Special general topic night |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce these "Open Mike" night question-and-answer style community participation shows. NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Our panel members have an understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma that springs not only from their personal one life experience but also from their activism. Most were child abuse victims at one time, struggled with surviving and now are healing. They're thriving as warriors in the fight against child abuse and trauma. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1337
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: The McMartin Case - The Case for Children as Unreliable Reporters of Sexual Abuse ~~ Reporting allegations of Child Sexual Abuse is the dilemma for the protective parent. A child makes a statement and .. "OMG .. What do I do?"!! Parents who report allegations of abuse instantly face accusations of "coaching, brain washing, alienation and revenge, especially if the allegation is against a family member or spouse. The McMartin case, based in California (1983 - 1990), represents ground zero for the formal elaboration of studies by psychologists demonstrating through "laboratory" staging of structured interviews, the manner in which children can be coached, influenced, subject to memory insertion. The new truth, elaborated as scientific certainty, was embraced by the Criminal Justice System. "Child Protective Services" and the Family Courts found another access port to transfer children into the hands of their abusers through engagement in the strong arm tactics of Judicial Discretion and multiple forms of malfeasance and fraud. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1336
Special guest Eva |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Eva from the High Dessert in California, a child abuse survivor who's dealt a lot with DID, dissociative identity disorder. The main cause of DID is believed to be severe and prolonged trauma experienced during childhood, including emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Eva, now 38, was born in Japan, and has since become an American citizen. After her grandfather passed away in 2001 things started to change in her life. Grief counseling eventually led her to understand how little she knew of herself! As she says, "I always had a vague sense of something wasn't quite right with me, and I had never felt happy for all of my life, as long as I could remember." She learned she was suffering from PTDS .. but there was more to it than that. "In 2002, I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, more commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder." She was scared and confused. "I think any child would be very scared if she was lost in an unfamiliar place with no one she knew around her. When I lost time, that's what if felt like - being a lost child." She's been healing since then, and now helps others. "I truly suffered alone. It was a long and lonely road to go through all by myself. And I don't want others who are living with DID to go through what I had to go through. That's why I started SoCal DID Meetup." Eva also offers her email address to anyone who wants help with these issues: AliveLovelyWhole@gmail.com |
"Community Matters" This Week - 423
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for April - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1335
Special guest Nancy Levine |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Nancy Levine from San Francisco, a survivor of childhood trauma who's now an activist, advocate. She's a volunteer domestic violence victims advocate and writer, working to change the culture of silence. Nancy is and the author of the best selling four-book "The Tao of Pug" series of books. These books are all about acting with conscience, doing the right thing. "My father had a severe psychotic break when I was 13," she says. "His behavior did include sexual molestation of me. I am part of the crowd emerging from the shadows to reveal and reclaim my history so that we may collectively heal." That's partly what's spurred her into action. Nancy recently wrote an article exposing Whole Foods Market's link to alleged child sex abuser, former rabbi Marc Gafni. It's one of a series at EpicTimes.com connecting the Whole Foods co-CEO to the cleric. In the article Nancy quotes Jill Tolles from the University of Nevada, who said in her TEDx talk, Finding Courage to Talk About Child Sexual Abuse: "If silence is a predator's best friend, and if shame and denial are the ingredients that help this epidemic to grow, then how can any of us stay silent? Maybe instead of just focusing on how uncomfortable this conversation is, we could focus on how this is an opportunity to have courage." A child abuse survivor who's now an advocate and writer, Jill says of herself, "I am part of the crowd emerging from the shadows to reveal and reclaim my history so that we may collectively heal." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1334
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 8 and TRADITION 8 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 8 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 8) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 8: "Make a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all." Step Eight is about unfinished business. This step sets the stage for you to relate to yourself and others in a new way. The first order of business here is to define “harm” and “amends”. Harm includes the following: damage, impairment, wound, injury, trauma, and change for the worse, any act of sexual abuse, incest, physical injury, and psychological harm, financial or emotional damage. It is the act of spoiling something, or damaging someone. If you committed harm the way to restore the balance is to make an amends. Amends includes a verbal acknowledgement of what was done, accompanied by a change in behavior. The change in behavior should mirror the opposite of the harm done. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 9 & TRADITION 9. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1333
Special guest Diane Robin-Lee |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Diane Roblin-Lee from Uxbridge, Ontario, an activist and author who says, "The sad thing is that, until people's lives have been touched by abuse, not many understand how to keep their kids safe or how critical it is to be educated." Her eight-booklet Predator-Proof Your Family series (first book "What's the Fuss?") is an attempt to explain things. Diane's son was molested by his grandfather. "Years later," she explains, "I discovered my husband (of 38 years) to be a child molester, one of the victims being my granddaughter. It was horrendous, but I was determined not to let the shattering of my precious family be for nought." Diane's husband was convicted of child molestation and went to prison. After diligently seeking the Lord regarding His plans and purposes, she obtained a divorce and immersed herself in researching how parents, grandparents, churches and organizations could protect the children in their care from child sexual abuse. She wondered how a young mom could ever be expected to recognize a predator – if she could live with one for 38 years and not know it. She was determined not to allow the shattering of her family to happen for nothing, but to use her hard-won insights to help other children and families to be protected from the horrific fallout from child-sexual abuse. Of her activism and writing she concludes, "The hope is that whatever we do can somehow protect others from having their lives shattered." Diane is the author / co-author of over 20 books, two of which have been Canadian best-sellers. See her website: www.bydesignmedia.ca |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1332
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1331
Special guest Patricia A. McKnight |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Patricia A. McKnight from Breese, Illinois, a small town some 40 miles east of St Louis. Trish, a returning NAASCA family member, a child abuse survivor, is author of "My Justice," the true story of her struggle to overcome the cruelty of her childhood. The man who assaulted Trish, her stepfather, continued his torture for twelve long years. His torment left her so severely scarred that it would destroy everything good in her life for the next three dcades. Her path in life became one of continued violence against her, including 20 years of Domestic Violence in her own marriage. "I finally broke free to claim a life of my own and provide a home where my children could feel safe," Trish says. "It is the training of accepting the abuses against us and the belief in the brainwashing of our abusers that keeps us trapped in this life of control." She runs the well respected Butterfly Dreams Abuse Recovery effort and advocates for changes in the law, one of which has been named after her "Tricia's Law", the Family Crimes and Terroristic Abuse Act. The determined shattered soul of a victim has finally become the strong spoken voice of a survivor. As she says, "I now share my voice to help others understand they too can break free and claim their own happiness in life, feel safe, and finally feel true freedom." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 422
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for April - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1330
Special guest Joe Capozzi |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Joe Capozzi from New York City, a survivor of child abuse and writer / producer of "Confession" a film made based on the experiences of his sexual abuse by a clergy member. "For over twenty years I kept private what I knew to be true," Joe explains. "Our family priest, Father Pete, my mentor, was also my abuser. This secret, which I vowed to keep quiet as to not upset anyone, grew into a loud inner torment whose voice became my worst enemy." As an adult, Joe was triggered when he witnessed Father Pete's interaction with a young boy, and it spurred him into action. "It was like looking into the mirror," Joe says. "At that moment I realized I was not the only one. He would abuse again." He was unemployed, had a pending divorce and on the verge of suicide, but, he writes, "revealing this secret would not only allow for my healing but would save a young boy from experiencing the same fate. As I started to share my secret with family and friends, I was immediately hit with the many questions of why?" Fortunately he had therapy and he had his art. "A trained actor but far from a writer, I was encouraged by my acting teacher, the late George Dicenzo. He challenged me to share my story. To stand in front of people and tell my truth. He knew the healing power of art. And with his push I started going through an old journal, piecing together memories and images that have never left me." The result was the Off-Broadway play he wrote, 'For Pete's Sake,' and now 'Confession' the movie. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1329
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Eugenea (Gina) Coutour, Canadian activist from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: " Q&A Call-in Night - you pick the topics for discussion." ~~ The many issues we've touched on in past episodes will give you an idea of the broad scope of our concerns. Should children be forced into foster care when parents are in a low income bracket or poor? Why are parents with disabilities or illness considered to be a higher risk of losing their kids to foster care? Should more help be available to biological parents before children are removed such as parenting classes, drug rehab, more educational and financial support? The age limit is raised in many states and provinces but is that enough? What kind of extended help should be available? The questions and topics for tonight's show can come from any of the issues that surround the rights of children and families in North America. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1328
Special guest Wayne Harey |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Wayne Harvey from Bikers Against Bullying (Canada), BAB(C), a non-profit organization that's bringing awareness to social media to help the victims of bullying. Although Wayne wasn't himself abused as a child he's become aware of others who were traumatized in various ways. Now they're adults, and some of them are involved in help today's kids. "I use to be with and around a lot of bikers and I use to be a fighter," Wayne says. "When I was in elementary school I was bullied, and that's why I learned how to fight. When I was getting older I worked with kids who had many different issues, and the reason I took on helping the victims of bullying, is because I was on both sides of the street, so to speak." His BAB(C) efforts are helping a great deal. Wayne stresses that too many schools are refusing to take any accountability for the bullying that goes on. "I am now working with our new MP (Member of Parliament) to try to get a new law passed that all schools are to be mandated to have an Anti-Bullying Program in place at the start of every new school year." He says principals and teaching staff who are told that a student is being bullied need to be required to not only look into who is doing the bullying but also what the victim is being bullied about and be mandated to have the bullying student or students to be temporarily suspended .. at least until the bullying is looked into. Wayne says, "This has to stop. I may have been a wild child in my younger years but now I will keep on fighting for these teens/kids," concluding, "I feel that I have a mission to help those bullied kids." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1327
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School
of Professional Psychology
and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1326
Special guest Penny Booth-Johnson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Penny Booth-Johnson from St Croix Falls, Wisconsin, a returning NAASCA family member who's a survivor and activist. Among other things, she's been involved in "Million March Against Child Abuse," a Nationwide effort to bring voices together in making an impact, being a voice for our children.
Penny explains, "My memories go back as far as probably before I was 2, being picked up and thrown into canning jars. I have enough scars on my head and you could draw a road map across country on my scalp." She goes on, "My mother was the abuser. Everyone knew, but no one stood up. Years of her abuse had taken a toll on not only my body but my mind." For a number of years, Penny had been what she calls "a keyboard advocate" sharing very little of herself and hiding behind a computer screen. Recovering from a stroke and news of a brain tumor got her into action. "I knew I had to do something, and determined I was going to become an advocate that was no longer going to hide behind my screen. In September of 2013, I contacted "Million March Against Child Abuse" and became a Lead Coordinator for St. Croix Falls WI, and held my first Walk against Child Abuse April 5th 2014." She concludes, "I'm ready to tell my story. Yesterday I lived in shame of my scars. Today I soar past them to tell other peoples stories, to be a voice. I thank you for this opportunity, and I only pray that when I have the opportunity to tell MY story it will help others come forwards and erase the stigma of shame and we can continue to grow for our future generation." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 421
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for March - Week 5 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1325
Special guest Alexander (Sandy) Smith |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Alexander (Sandy) Smith from Bridge Of Weir, Renfrewshire, Scotland, a survivor of physical and sexual abuse who today gives support to other survivors. "At the age of eight years of age I was raped and beaten in an orphanage," says Sandy. "I kept my secret hidden for almost 50 years until I could take no more and tried to commit suicide (taking all my hidden secrets to the grave with me). But thankfully my plan did not work and my life was saved." The secret he kept began to effect his life dramatically. "After being abused my school work started to decline badly and depression started to takeover my life." he says. He tried to accept what had happened to him at the orphanage but he could never forget. As life progressed he was embarrassed, frightened and depressed. "I would not go to work and even my own wife at that time and my own son thought of me of just being lazy but still I kept my secrets locked away until one day after I found my wife cheating on me with another man." Memories of his childhood came flooding back and he tried to end his life. He ended up in a psychiatric hospital instead and spent seven months there rebuilding his life. "Today I am a much stronger person," he says. He divorced and re-met his childhood sweet heart, Jane, after losing touch for almost 50 years. "I also now give my full support to victims of child abuse." He launched 'Justice For Children' and has about three and a half thousand friends there. "Many of these friends being the little warriors of abuse of yesterday .. and who are the survivors of today." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1324
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 7 and TRADITION 7 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 7 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 7) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 7: "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings." Step Seven is about humility (realistic, selfless, and modest) and asking for help to make the changes you are now prepared for. Consider Step Seven as a portal into openness for change. Once you take Step Seven, you step out of the way so your Higher Power can handle the rest of it. The combination of humility and asking provides a survivor with a perspective beyond the traumatic events. Sadly, you can form an inaccurate perspective based on how you internalized the traumatic event(s). Through prayer (humbly asking), you can trust that your prayers are heard, shall be answered in God's time only
. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 8 & TRADITION 8. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1323
Special guest Lakeisha Smith |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Lakeisha Smith from Rochester, New York, a child abuse survivor and returning NAASCA family member. "Everything we do and go through is for a reason. We may not know what those reasons are but we are not the ultimate decision makers...GOD is," she writes. "I am trying my hand at it all. I look forward to pursing my dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur. As long as God is with me, nothing can stop me! Its just a matter of time, hard work, and dedication before it becomes a reality." Molested as a child by her father (her mother didn't want to hear about it), Lakeisha withdrew inside herself, keeping the secret. Eventually she sought help was given an understanding that she still has today .. that the sexual abuse was not her fault, and not her mother's fault either. Lakeisha has produced a couple autobiographical "My Childhood Story" YouTube videos. She writes, "My childhood story is an autobiographical documentary about my unfortunate experience with child molestation. This documentary is a brief insight on how child molestation affected my life and how I have moved past that point in my life with the purpose to help others." Lakeisha has appeared on Sirius XM's Sway in The Morning radio show and on many other local and national platforms. "I would love to take part [on our talk show] and tell my story to help others." And she continues, "It is going to be very helpful with my advocacy efforts along with information that I currently have. My interest in CSA comes as a result of my unfortunate experience as a child." Check out her BLOG. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1322
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School
of Professional Psychology
and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1321
Special guest Catherine Forner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Christine Forner from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, the owner, lead therapist, and supervisor at Associated Counselling. Among her specialties is treating DID, Dissociative Identity Disorders. Associated Counselling is a unique counseling agency that utilizes some of the newest and most effective therapies, techniques, and tools to assist people in healing the emotional, relational, physical, and mental aspects of their lives. They also specialize in dealing with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. According to Christine, the issues they deal with ".. are common and not talked about by anyone, other than myself." She explains, "It has to do with the primary directive of dissociation and the brain function of mindfulness. One is about not being aware and one about awareness. They rival one another and dissociation, as it is about emergency survival and therefore more primitive, will win." She and her therapists offer assessments for individuals with legal matters, and counseling using a variety of tools including a successful meditation technique created exclusively for this population. They education individuals, families, friends, post-secondary school systems & professionals, and advocacy within a variety of settings. Christine explains they work with gifted and talented individuals, children, adolescents, and adults. "We aid clients to further understand their physical, emotional, mental, and imaginative selves in order to create balanced health." Christine concludes, "Using neurofeedback techniques, we assist gifted people in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their talents. We also use various creative meditation techniques to allow individuals to bring a greater sense of control to their body, mind, and emotions with mindfulness meditation." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 420
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for March - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1320
Special guest Heather Davis |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Heather Davis from Fort Worth, Texas,
a survivor of many kinds of child abuse. "I was taken away by CPS in 1985," she reports. "I have many adult survivor stories." She's also the mother of two child who was trafficked, her daughters. Her oldest was trafficked for five years and her youngest after 6 days. It was when Heather's youngest daughter was taken that she realized that her oldest daughter was a victim of a very serious crime, and she reached out for help. "I am very passionate about ending this terrible crime human trafficking. It was the worst feeling anyone could ever imagine," Heather says. "I am very blessed that she was returned. Not all parents facing this issue get the chance that we did." She goes on, "Since this has happened I have been very active in the study of human trafficking, conferences around the world." Since this has happened Heather's been very active in the study of human trafficking, attending conferences around the world, and reading every training manual and protocol she can get her hands on. "I struggled time and time again. Trying to get any help as a parent of a trafficked daughter seemed impossible. I am still reaching out to as many organizations and people that I can to educate and spread the word about human trafficking the second largest growing enterprise in the U.S and globally." Heather concludes, "I would like to see more parents and caregivers come forward and speak about human trafficking and help more people understand this phenomenon that we are facing right here in our own back yard." She invites everyone to join her as she moves forward with her work helping parents, community, professionals, and caregivers." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1319
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America.
TONIGHT'S TOPIC: " Exposing Child Protective Services; how manipulation creates false hope while in reality families are being ripped apart and destroyed." ~~ Child Protection Services (CPS) employs a great number of tactics in their relentless campaign to break apart families, using straight-out threats and intimidation to emotional, financial and systemic abuse, parents are broken down time and again until they can't fight anymore. With these strategies existing we must look for new ways to unite so we can fight and protect the rights of our children. Join us tonight as we speak to those who have been traumatized by the system and those that have found new ways to fight back for the integrity of our families. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1318
Special guest Monica Tanner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Monica Tanner from Inverness, Florida, who says, "Someone very dear that I love very much became a victim and I have personally seen what it does to a child." Monica is currently serving as Ms. Florida Elite 2016 and will be competing for the Ms. USA America title representing the All World Beauties Pageant Organization. A single mother of 3, Monica is an account executive in the Home Care Industry. Her purpose as an advocate is to educate, bring awareness, and prevent child sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking. Monica has been advocating for 3 years. Currently a professional volunteer with Soldiers Against Child Abuse, Monica was a National Spokesperson for MACA, and formed the first March Against Child Abuse walk in Citrus County, Florida, in April 2015. She's teamed up with Fans Against Child Abusein their toy drives, and has educational banners displayed at public parks, beaches, and businesses. Monica received a Proclamation from City Mayor of Crystal River making April Child Abuse Awareness Month. She has worked with State Representative Jimmie T. Smith, receiving a letter of recommendation to be appointed to The Congressional Coalition of Child Abuse. Monica says” The Nation needs to come together to fight this silent epidemic. Education is the key in Prevention.” She goes on, "I'm currently Ms. Florida Elite 2016, and my platform is speaking up and against child abuse." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1317
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School
of Professional Psychology
and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1316
Special guest Terrance Tykeem |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Terrance Tykeem from Philadelphia, PA, a former NFL player, singer, author, and philanthropist, who's also a returning NAASCA family member. His recently produced feature film is now scheduled to be screened around the country. "Touched" details how child sexual abuse not only affects the victim but the entire family system - parents, siblings, friends of the family.
Additionally Terrance has a nonprofit, the "We Stand Up Coalition" that would like to create a national memorial dedicated to survivors of child sexual abuse. An author, singer, songwriter, producer, and businessman, Terrance Tykeem was born in Atlanta, Georgia, spending equal time between Atlanta and Philadelphia, before becoming an NFL walk-on. Unfortunately, due to injury his dream of playing in the NFL was short lived. He deftly transitioned from pro-athlete into a career in the entertainment industry. In recent years he has shifted to more philanthropic endeavors working with youth afflicted by abuse, specifically, victims of child sexual abuse. Terrance pulls from his own experiences of being in foster care, witnessing first hand the sexual advances on younger/weaker children. "Touched," his recently created film (and song), feature Tony Sirico, Stephen Baldwin, Mackenzie Phillips, Jaclyn Betham and many many others. The objective is to bring awareness to the International pandemic of childhood sexual abuse. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 419
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for March - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1315
Special guest Yanette Lola Novoa |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Yanette Lola Novoa, LCSW, from Miami, a child abuse survivor and returning NAASCA family member who studied psychology at Florida International University and is the founder and director of Find The Way. Lola is publishing a new guide related to learning how to heal from child abuse and trauma. She says, "I know the pain, I know how it feels." Lola's childhood was taken away. She was assaulted and raped from the age of 4 to the age of 12, ending in an illegal abortion at 12 in the presence of the perpetrator who forever changed her life. The new guide book, "Dare to Let Go and "Thrive": A Self Help Guide for Learning to Thrive After Experiencing Sexual Abuse", will be out next year. It invites the reader to learn the fundamental difference between "Thriving" versus surviving. Surviving is being able to function within a society. "Thriving" leads to living a meaningful life. Former victims of sexual assault can use the steps and strategies in this self help guide to point the way in becoming the thriving individual they are meant to be. Yanette believes the key to all malice is "Prevention." In the long run, it is easier and cheaper to prevent than to treat. She specializes in working and assisting individuals of all ages that have suffered sexual abuse and are in need of finding their way to living a more meaningful life via different therapeutic techniques. Lola says, "I put together this guide mainly to .. give you some techniques to solve your own problems related to the long term effects of sexual abuse that you are carrying with you either consciously or unconsciously .. to be the thriving individual that you were meant to be." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1314
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 6 and TRADITION 6 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 6 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 6) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 6: "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." ~~ Taking this step did not seem at all appealing to me. The way I processed my fears was by asking which parts of me I thought would be removed, and was I afraid of having to live a life without these very necessary parts of myself. My fear was that this meant I had to become someone fundamentally different from my basic personality and nature. This was because I believed that I was defective, and who I was must be problematic. This too, is another tragic result of trauma and victimization. It is not the intent of Step Six at all. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 7 & TRADITION 7. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1313
Special topic - April is Child Abuse Awareness Month |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - April is Child Abuse Awareness Month - All across America we hope people will be holding local events and making a special effort to get out the word that April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. This year we're giving away FREE Blue Ribbon kits to those who promise to distribute our ribbons and fact-filled cards locally. But the panelists discussed the fat that we were not as informed of these things as we might have been in the past .. and certainly not to a level that satisfies us. We spoke of the nature of our NAASCA mission .. and of the uphill challenge we face, educating the public to discuss these important topics and offering services, projects and many tools to the still-suffering adult survivor. Lastly we shared some ideas for this year and looked to the future. Remember, NAASCA is now a non profit, a 501(c)3 charity, and provides tax deductions to those willing to support our important cause. Without that support we struggle to maintain the 30 FREE programs, tools and services we offer the community. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1312
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC:
'Institutionalized Child Sexual Abuse' -- This will be an opportunity to discuss this issue with Jill's client, Brigitte Fechter. They'll share how their experience with her case so clearly illustrates a process of judicial and legal over reaching that involves taking over the case from both litigants .. and child sexual abuse is at the center. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1311
Special guest Dale Hemming |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Dale Hemming from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He leads the effort at Sioux Falls Free Thinkers where the motto is 'Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent!' Among numerous other issues for Dale is the safety of our children. The web site says, ".. all those with open minds are welcome. Free Thinkers are those that want a world without rules and controls on thought, without mental borders and boundaries. A world where anything is possible." With our talk show, Dale is announcing the launch of a 6 week child abuse awareness campaign in Sioux Falls that involves sixteen 10x21 foot billboards for National Child Abuse Prevention Month (April). The campaign will be sponsored by Sioux Falls Feminists. Dale, now 71, became a feminist in 1960 while he was in high school. In college he went further. "I was a campus radical and civil rights activist fighting against the Vietnam War, racism, and for women's rights and gay/lesbian rights," Dale explains. In 2002 Dale started to volunteer as a women's advocate, working with abused women and their children, and serving as a male role model. "If one looks at the appalling statistics and facts on child abuse you will understand my involvement in the issue," Dale says. He's addressing these issues head on, and at his own expense." I believe we need to stop hiding the ugliness of child physical and sexual abuse. We need to get it out in open so we must deal with it." Dale explains, "My latest child abuse billboard images and wording are as explicit as freedom of speech allows. Hopefully more children and adults will report child abuse to the 14 different professional organizations listed on the Sioux Falls Feminists 'Where to Get Help' page." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 418
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for March - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1310
Special guest Karen Addison |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Karen Addison from Denver, CO, a returning NAASCA family member who's an advocate for youth, and for women in destructive relationships at R.E.A.L. Relationships. Karen is also a speaker, educator, consultant and relationship coach.
"I'm working on a women's conference that I hope to take national, for women in destructive relationships," Karen says. "Our first conference is April 23! I'll send you more details as we fine tune them. And I'm trying to get in at the grass roots level on a new act passed this past December, The Teach Safe Relationships Act of 2015, by Senator McKaine of Virginia. I am thrilled the government is finally recognizing the critical importance of educating our youth as a primary means to reduce violence and the cycle of abuse." It is Karen's passion and purpose to help people learn how to have healthy relationships and how to move forward in destructive relationships. By presenting a healthy template for relationships, Karen's students and clients will learn how to create their own healthy relationships. Because she has experienced unhealthy and destructive relationship dynamics on a personal level, Karen has a great desire to empower others. This includes providing students and clients with the skills necessary to set safe and appropriate boundaries that expect respect from others and that offer dignity and respect to others. Karen also provides awareness and knowledge about what a healthy relationship is, and shares the skills necessary to achieve these. The purpose of R.E.A.L. Relationships is to provide the education and tools necessary to form healthy and lasting relationships, and to prevent destructive relationships. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1309
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. TONIGHT'S TOPIC:
"Targeted and Taken" - There is a terrifying pattern emerging in North America in our most vulnerable children - those with special needs. It has become dangerous to take a medically fragile child to a hospital for treatment or to ask for any type of help even if a few well placed supports could keep a family healthy, happy and intact. Instead, children are being ripped from loving homes and parents are being blamed for medical conditions regardless of the actual diagnosis, feeding a number of medical and social service industries that rely on our sick children to turn a profit, despite the true costs to our children and families. Join us tonight as we speak with parents Danielle and William Headley and Melissa Willis as they share the shocking stories of their children's medical kidnapping and the trauma and persecution their families have had to endure. We also have lawyer Don Smith from South Carolina who has been speaking out and fighting for families caught in this nightmare, journalist Terri LaPoint from MedicalKidnap.com, and Psychologist Dr. Jim Singer, who brings compassion and insight in these difficult cases. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1308
Special guest Heidi Carlisle |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Heidi Carlisle from Naples, Florida, a child abuse survivor, activist and author. She's a survivor of being kidnapped and attempted sexual assault as a young teenager. Years later, she was given a date rape drug the same week of her 18th birthday and gang raped. In addition she was brutally attacked, almost murdered, and raped by a psychopath who was sentenced to 40 years for that in Texas. Heidi says, "As a victim of sexual assault on more than one occasion and after years of dealing with the victimizations of society, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system, I found positive ways to survive." Heidi has experience working in a child day care and early childhood setting with abused, neglected, and foster children, too, and is the author of the 'Sexual Assault Watchdog: Survivor's Guide' where you'll find wonderful resources for free assistance and survivor advocacy, as well as guidance regarding society, the criminal justice system, safety, your happiness, and more. Heidi says, "I had a horrendous experience in New Hampshire and with Texas' ill attitude towards victims reporting rape to law enforcement and its criminal justice system. I've decided to actively speak up even more for survivors. I have learned a lot about 'the system', the rape culture, etc. through my experiences." Heidi fought for her rights as a victim in the Supreme Court of New Hampshire and won. Of her soon to be published book, 'Sexual Assault Watchdog: Survivor's Guide', she notes, "You will receive the benefit of my experiences and wonderful resources to lead you to a much better life. It my is honor to help you!" |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1307
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist, professor at the Chicago School
of Professional Psychology
and coordinator of the annual SCRIPT conference in LA, will help lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1306
Special guest Kathy Jones |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Kathy Jones from Sacramento, California, a returning NAASCA family member. Kathy is a child abuse survivor who was in the foster care system and author of the book, “Foster Cat, Foster Kid, God Says You Don't Have to Eat Dirt Anymore!" As Kathy began writing “Foster Cat, Foster Kid” her original intention was to feature a special cat, named “Good Boy.” However, as she wrote more, she felt a close connection between her neglectful childhood and the plight of “Good Boy,” who had been left in an abandoned lumber yard. Both she and the cat had been neglected by those that were supposed to nurture them, yet they had a strength that could overcome obstacles that most could not. The book is a heartwarming expression of God's mercy, the therapeutic love of animals, and the strength that exists in young adults that have had to overcome numerous obstacles that were placed in front of them by foster care. Her dedication to God, love for those that have been impacted by foster care, and her passion for animals shines through in her writings and her daily life. As a teenager Kathy writing a piece in 1972, "For God So Loved the World,” which after being published in 1994 has been played “royaltyfree” all over the world, to spread God's Word. She's mentoring current and former foster youth, researching resources that provide support to the foster youth community and actively participates in petitions supporting important social causes. Kathy's now doing a new online talk radio show, Evenings with Katherine Jones, which is on MagblogRadio. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 417
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for March - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1305
Special guest Susan White |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Susan White from the Washington, DC, area, a survivor of rape and sexual assault from the ages of 10 to 17. "As a result of my gentle innocence being stolen from me as a child, once I became an adult I was introduced to drugs, exotic dancing, and prostitution," Susan explains. "I lost my children and was homeless for most of my adult life." For the past three decades Susan experienced many years of mental bondage caused her childhood misfortunes and the lifestyles of substance abuse and erratic behaviors. "I believed there was no hope and struggled with overwhelming guilt, hopelessness, anger, suicidal attempts because I never received counseling," she says . At the age of 33, after a cocaine overdose, Susan decided it was time for change. "I received counseling for the sexual violence, as well as substance abuse treatment, and had a better understanding that I was masking the pain with drugs." She also came to understand that the sexual behaviors she'd been engaged in as an adult were a result of her abuse as a child. "It's been 13 years now and I've been sober from drug addiction as well I no longer participate in the other self destructive lifestyles," Susan writes. "Through the years, my faith in God has inspired me to conquer it all through deliverance, restoration, the renewing of my mind. My strengths in such areas caused me to have a greater acceptance of my past behaviors, forgiving myself and others which has transformed my life immensely." She concludes, "I'm passionate about taking the platform of speaking to audiences around the globe addressing the prominent problems of sexual assault & substance abuse." We welcome Susan White as the newest member of the NAASCA family! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1304
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 5 and TRADITION 5 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 5 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 5) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 5: "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." At first glance, you may feel absolutely resistant when you look at this step. How can I let someone find out about me? You may feel fear, dread, anticipation of rejection and humiliation if anyone knows of your past or “secrets”. Perhaps you may feel knots and tangles in your body with no vision or understanding as to how to “untangle” those knots. “Fearlessly” writing an inventory takes enough energy, and trips your trigger wires badly enough – now you have to actually share this with someone. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 6 & TRADITION 6. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1303
Special guest Marilyn Van Derbur |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Marilyn Vanderbur from Colorado, the former Miss America, a child abuse survivor, activist and author who won first place in the prestigious Writer's Digest award for her "Miss America by Day" in the 'Most Inspirational Book' category. In her autobiography, Ms. Van Derbur, describes, in detail, her healing process after 13 years of incest. “I wrote the book," she says, "not because I want someone to learn more about me but so readers can learn more about themselves. And so that loved ones can better understand the brutal recovery process and never again say, 'just get over it'.” She continues, "The pain ends, I promise .. IF you do the ‘work' of healing. A loving, long-term relationship and grounded well, adjusted children await you." Marilyn is an outstanding speaker and motivator. As a childhood incest survivor, she has devoted much of her adult life to raising national awareness and understanding of sexual abuse and its long-term effects. In 1989 her family funded an adult incest survivor program in Denver, and in 1993 she co-founded two national not-for-profit organizations dedicated to public education and strengthening laws protecting victims of sexual abuse. For her tireless work in the area of childhood sexual trauma awareness Marilyn has received many awards and much recognition including, the “Exceptional Achievement in Public Service from the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Washington D.C.”. Since her story of incest became public, Marilyn has spoken in over 500 cities and answered tens of thousands of letters and emails from survivors looking to her for support. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1302
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist will lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1301
Special guest
Charles J Stecker, Jr |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Charles Stecker from Philadelphia, a returning NAASCA family member. In his childhood Charlie survived neglect, physical violence, emotional and spiritual traumas and sexual abuses. He experienced murder, repeated loss of family, friends and belongings, stolen educational opportunities, failures of the Child Welfare System, injustice, and abandonment. Charlie explains, "On February 28, 1967 at the tender age of 2 years old, my younger brother, Edward John Stecker, was murdered by our foster mother. We had been assigned to her home by the Philadelphia Department of Human Services contract agency, the Philadelphia Society to Protect Children, now known as Turning Points for Children." He goes on, "I was with my brother and witnessed his murder. I suffered a severely shattered left elbow causing me limited use of my arm to this very day." One of the most involved abuse survivor / activists we know, Charlie has a web site called "Chahlies Angels" where he offers 'A Voice for the Voiceless.' He's also listed on the Eagle Rare web site where he's devoted to 'Inspiring Victims to become Empowered Victors'. Charlie stays busy. He's a member of the Child Welfare League of America, the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Shriners International, 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Masons, and The Masonic Blue Lodge, along with being a U.S. Coast Guard Honorably Discharged Veteran. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 416
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for February - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1300
Special guest Dusty Farrah Steele |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Dusty Farrah Steele from Nettleton, Mississippi, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, incest, and rape, and a returning NAASCA family member. "Looking back," she writes, "it's extremely difficult to understand how I survived it all. But I did, and with God's help, of course." She goes on, "I believe that speaking out concerning my abuse/rape is what 'my calling' is." Sexually abused from the ages of 8-15 years of age, Dusty reports she did what do most 'disturbed' children do at this age. They act out. "And that's what I did. I got into fights at school, resulting in being expelled. I was labeled a 'trouble-maker' by my teachers and parents." She got no help. "Nobody reached out to me during those years. Why, I even wrote a story concerning a young girl being sexually abused by her best friend's father, and still, nobody caught on. But I eventually made a turn around, when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. I finished high school and became an RN." Dusty Farrah describes herself in her Beautiful Survivor BLOG: ".. it's kind of weird hearing myself say 'survivor.' Because for years I remember just remaining in bondage. Never would I have considered myself as a survivor. For as long as I can remember, I self-medicated, cut and put myself down." She continues, "I guess you can say I hated myself, even more than my abusers. But that was the OLD Farrah. I'm a fighter now." In fact she describes herself today as a warrior and conqueror. "I'm in a new place now. I no longer look at myself and see defeat and warfare." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1299
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America.
~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: " The Adoption Industry - Collusion, Coercion and Confusion." Adoption is a multi-billion dollar industry that profits off of children and cloaks itself in almost impenetrable secrecy. There is the underlying myths that these are unwanted children whose background, culture and family history can be erased. This is a birthright that all humans are constitutionally entitled to know although many parents were coerced or forced into making a decision with consequences that haunt them for the rest of their lives. Join us tonight as we hear both shocking and inspirational stories with Psychotherapist and author Joe Soll, advocate and founder of 'Save Our Sisters' Lynne Johannsen and re-united adoptee Brad Watts. Also with us tonight are John Bledsoe, Natasha Marie Leroy and Rita. We are also pleased to welcome Ella Purkiss whose adoption story is so shocking it is something everyone needs to hear. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1298
Special guest Darla Gooden |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Darla Gooden from Houston, Texas, the author of "The Restorer of the Breach." Darla is extremely passionate about child sexual abuse. Her children have experienced sexual abuse at the hands of the church and yet Ms. Gooden does not waiver in her faith of God. She's a very positive woman. Her story is such a nice perspective from a mother of abuse children who turned her misfortune into a crusade. Darla also has a play in the Houston area which she'll tell us about. Based on actual events, the "Restorer of the Breach" book tells the heart-wrenching story of tragedy to triumph as one family deals with the pains and scars of pedophilia. The author offers a life-altering account of the prey of a youth church worker that came into her family's life disguised as a man of God, and the reader is thrust into an emotional frenzy of shock, hurt, pain, rage and even hatred. Darla is also the founder of the "Restorer of the Breach" non-profit organization, also known as "ROB." The foundation aids in the recovery of youth and families who have been victimized by pedophilia. "ROB" provides referrals to sensitive therapists who will facilitate the process of recovery with individual, family and group therapy sessions. The group recognizes the need to assist in the repair and restoration of broken families and gives voice to many children who have been abused, and seeks to assist in the healing of grievous wounds caused by predatory violence. "ROB" seeks to facilitate the changes necessary in the predatory situations that are so prevalent in our communities. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1297
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist will lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1296
Special guest Y.G. Nyghtstorm |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Y.G. Nyghtstorm from Atlanta, Georgia, who was raped at 11 years old by a Catholic camp leader and minister. Y.G. says "This ‘wicked man' put a curse on my life resulting in confused sexual identity, depression, PTSD and a string of traumatic events in my life." He explains, "After telling my camp troop leader about growing up in a broken home we grew close and I saw him as a father figure. He was a very religious Catholic minister that I trusted and on the last day of camp he invited me into a cabin offering me a special parting gift .. and then he raped me while quoting bible scriptures." In adulthood, Y.G. experienced many consequences of his trauma: homeless at 18 years old, a suicide attempt, two tragic and failed marriages and the loss of his children that included the premature death of his oldest son. “I was thinking there's something wrong because I'm always losing everything,” he says. In 2008 he decided to take back control of his life .. and stop being a victim. It took some doing, but eventually Y.G. was able to see things in a different light. “I realized that the moment I could forgive this man and let this go was the moment that I was going to be truly free,” he said. From that point on he's worked on forgiveness. “Holding on to pain does nothing but kill you from within and destroy your life," he says. "Seek help for your sorrow and know that God will put people in your life to make you whole. I am no longer cursed by the ‘wicked man.' I stepped out of the darkness of despair through forgiveness, and pray that you do the same.” Today he and his wife run the Victor Sims Foundation, helping families heal from traumatic issues. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 415
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for February - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1295
Special guest Carolyn Robinson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Carolyn Robinson from Dorset and London in the United Kingdom, an incest survivor and author of the book "The Silent Amongst Us" which is available through her web site.
Carolyn's not only an incest survivor but she's battled bulimia, a drinking problem and countless bouts of anxiety depression and PTSD. "In fact," she says, "I was at the 'last chance saloon' when my mental health team asked if I'd like to try EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy) currently being used to treat the armed forces suffering with PTSD." She goes on, "I agreed. I went and sneaked in a tape recorder so I could record each live session because I was adamant that if I was going to go through all this to get to the root of my problems I was going to share it to help and inspire others." Carolyn has certainly succeeded! She's become a big advocate for the use of EMDR. "The journey was dark and harsh but worth it. I believe EMDR should be readily available as a counseling option and I'm going to campaign to raise awareness about it." Carolyn's "The Silent Amongst Us" is an inspirational book which has been written to help others. It is a real life account of the dark of journeys she traveled as the memories of her past were unlocked. Incest, she points out, is perhaps the most heinous of betrayals. "I want my story to be a message to people who have had this hurt in their lives - it's not too late, you can have a life, a happy life. Just make sure you get the help you need." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1294
Special guest Charlie Tinsley |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Charlie Tinsley from Harrisonburg, Virginia, a returning NAASCA family member who's a child abuse survivor and Seminary student heading into ministry. Charlie's parents divorced when he was 2 years old. "I was taken in by my father and stepmother as my mother was deemed unfit to be a parent. What happened for the next 17 years of my life was quite traumatic. My father and stepmother had three other children which my stepmother always used to remind me that I was not her child and I was the child of a deadbeat." He did poorly in high school but escaped the family when he unsuccessfully tried to join the military. Migraines were his downfall. Things began to turn around when he got a BS in Religion, graduating Summa Cum Laude. "I am a Seminary student at Eastern Mennonite Seminary studying for a Masters in Divinity and on track to become a Licensed United Methodist preacher. I am married to a woman whose family took me in when I left my home and have been married for several years following many years of dating." He writes a BLOG on Theology, Book and Bible Reviews, and Bible Study. "Now, I am a survivor," he says. "That means I made it out of a hostile and abusive environment and have a story and experience to share so I can help others. Being a male makes this even more important, because men are reluctant to share their experiences with abuse, inadequacy, depression, and suicide." Recently Charlie has been studying the roles of faith in trauma, the ways trauma affects children into adulthood, and the anger that is pronounced in the lives of survivors serving as a role of invitation for grieving in appropriate ways. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1293
Q & A Night |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce these "Open Mike" night question-and-answer style community participation shows. NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Our panel members have an understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma that springs not only from their personal one life experience but also from their activism. Most were child abuse victims at one time, struggled with surviving and now are healing. They're thriving as warriors in the fight against child abuse and trauma. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1292
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Dealing with The Department of Children and Families, Trafficking Children, Collusion, Expression of Prejudice against Black Families and CASA. Jill's guest will be Dr. Anita Harris, PhD, a doctor of Divinity, whose two grand children were literally kidnapped by a Jacksonville, Tennessee, court. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1291
Special guest Wayne Filowitz |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Wayne Filowitz from Boca Raton, Florida, a returning member of the NAASCA family who's CEO of WRPBiTV LLC. Wayne has been in the broadcast industry for the past 20 years. He has been an innovator in the Internet Radio and TV industry. Wayne has never let his past experience of being molested affect his drive and ability to succeed. Mr. Filowitz uses his past experiences in an effort to improve himself and help others with his constant devotion to community efforts and charity events. Wayne has had the pleasure of interviewing celebrities such as Chris Evert, Chevy Chase, Elizabeth Shue, Jeffrey Donovan and many others. In 2010 Wayne was hospitalize for one month and was not expected to live. Upon regaining his health he chose to talk about being molested as an 11 year old boy by his uncle. Speaking about this has caused riffs in his family but he is now speaking publicly about this experience and is helping others get through their experiences. Wayne is married and has a 28 year old daughter. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 414
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for February - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1290
Special guests
Debby Washington Goodwin & Mike T |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Debby Washington Goodwin from Springdale, Arkansas, who'll be joined by her hubby, Mike T. (they are also perhaps better known as The Outlaw and The Lady). Debby is a mother who had to work through the rage, shame and guilt of discovering her only child's sexual abuse at the hands of her ex-husband. "A mother's worse nightmare!" she says. Mike tells me he's a survivor of childhood abuse that took its many forms by both his mother and his dad. The Outlaw and The Lady met in a Behavioral Hospital as patients. Upon discharge they dated, and married and have been given their strength and courage through sharing with others their life experiences while encouraging others to share theirs. Their mission dream is to give those that feel they have no hope with no voice through 'Keys To AWARENESS - Passionate About Compassion' on Facebook. Debby says, "We know first hand how the experiences of sexual, physical, and mental childhood abuse and how it can consume one throughout his/her entire life. We also know some do not physically survive it and for those we want to find and be their voice." Besides sharing on social media, they go out on the road to meet with clients, either as individuals or in seminars. Since their cause is centered on their own life experiences (child sexual child abuse and child abuse period), there's a lot they share only at their seminars. People privately will feel comfortable to share once they hear what The Outlaw and The Lady have been through. As Debby points out, "We're busy .. but that is a good kind of busy." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1289
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Lost In The Void" -
According to the U.S. State Department, human trafficking is one of the greatest human rights challenges of this century, both in the United States and around the world. It is a multi-billion dollar industry that affects every race, class and gender, and people are trafficked not only for sex but for labour and organ harvesting. All of our children are vulnerable, and anyone can be targeted. It is one of the biggest crimes world-wide, almost surpassing the drug trade, and often is done in plain sight or even through government agencies. The criminals aren't always the scary unknown stranger, and the victims aren't always who we see as 'vulnerable', and so even though it is right in front of us, if it doesn't touch us, we often never see it at all. Join us tonight on the "For Our Kids" talk show as we discuss this very important topic with an incredible panel of guests. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1288
Special guest Lisa Dawn Wilkins |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Lisa Dawn Wilkins from North Platte, Nebraska, a returning NAASCA family member. A survivor of severe childhood sexual and physical abuse, her adult life was just as disastrous and painful. Now she's a foster parent and author of a new book, "Abuse The Darkness Within," expected out soon. She runs a popular NAASCA associated Facebook Community of the same name. There's also a companion Facebook Group for sharing. Lisa works to bring about awareness and to put an end to child abuse and domestic violence. "Medication to me is not the answer," Lisa says. "I healed and continue to heal by choosing to help others and challenge my fear one step at a time. I had several diagnoses through out my life and after studying them I knew that was not what I had. I knew what took me years to get to would take me years to come out of." She goes on, "I suffered from circumstances .. from things that happen to me. The psychologist try to push medication. But look at me. I refused and I am a productive citizen. We can choose to let them win or we can choose to win." Determined to succeed, Lisa went her own way. "I walked away from everyone and everything I knew my whole life and I put up a no contact order. I started over and my life has improved everyday their away. I still love them but I don't desire their approval or love any longer." Lisa concludes, "I now share my story to bring awareness to what is real, what I lived through and what I do to over come. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1287
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist will lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1286
Special guest Cheri Roberts |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Cheri Roberts from Lincoln City, Oregon. Cheri is a prolific journalist, who suffered many forms of (sexual, emotional and physical) abuse as a child and her series offers voices from other adult survivors supported by leading experts on the topic of pedophilia, incest and molestation. Cheri is a weekly talk-show host and producer for "Challenging the Rhetoric" (#CTR) every Wednesday. She also hosts a special First Thursdays series called, Sickness of Silence (#SOS) addressing childhood sexual abuse. The talk show description explains, "The culture of silence lives on in every generation molding each like the one that came before it. Silence enables abuse, but our words have always held the power to stop it. It is our inability to listen to and share uncomfortable truths that have allowed families to maintain their semblance of normalcy." Cheri suffered abuse as a child, but most notably was sexually abused by several uncle's and a couple of her mother's boyfriends. The sexual abuse began at the age of 3 when Cheri's uncle and aunt became her legal guardians amidst the drug-fueled backdrop of America's sexual revolution. Cheri has spoken openly on the topic of her abuse for decades and feels the shaming of the abuser is also the shaming of the child. As she says, "Shame is what keeps secrets." Outside of her personal life, Cheri is a much endorsed writer, investigative journalist, coach and marketer. As a freelance writer and prominent activist, Cheri lives her life “out-loud” challenging the system with her back turned against the status quo of the failed corporate media. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 413
OPEN MIKE - Super Bowl Saturday |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
NAASCA's "Super Bowl Saturday" News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for February - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1285
Special guest Linda Deuling |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Linda Deuling from Omaha, Nebraska, a child abuse survivor and active NAASCA volunteer family member.
Linda was sexually abused and eventually raped by her Grandpa. This went on until she was about 8 years old. Later, at 12, she would 'fall in love' with a 20 year old who introduced her to IV drugs. At 15 she ended up living on the streets with a boy and they were eventually arrested for 'breaking and entering' when they tried to find shelter. He was sent to Juvenile Hall, but Linda was released to her mother. "Mom slapped and hit me the whole walk home about 12 blocks." She ran away again and experienced a horrible gang rape by a group of 'friends'. Linda says. "I know GOD saved me that night." Linda began using drugs again and meet a boy who would become her husband. "He began hitting me within months," Linda says. "I was beaten daily." It took nearly 2 decades before she joined a church and got clean. For a while things got better. She earned a Certificate in Counseling for Addiction. She built businesses and was seen as a 'success'. "I had over come my addiction and my marriage was now 'healthy' by everyone's standards. Yet I felt dead." In 2008 she tried to take her life. "I was held at the hospital for almost a month. When I left I went into Intensive Outpatient Therapy 5 days a week, four hours a day." In 2010 she'd had enough. "I left for a business trip and never returned home." Her life has improved but she knows she still has a long way to go. She pushes on "Telling this side of my story with out protecting anyone in the process is a new journey." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1284
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 4 and TRADITION 4 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 4 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 4) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 4:
"Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." Most survivors, unless they are in a crisis, do not put much thought into what happened; the people, places, things, and reactions to events that have long-shaped their life. But if you have not yet taken a look at what traumata shaped your personality, behaviors, fears, and ways of responding in life, Step Four is a good opportunity to stop and think about it. Perhaps you have reached the day when you realize that you are not living your life as you really want to. Perhaps you feel a deep inner longing for healthy, secure attachment, love and a more kind relationship with yourself. You may experience a longing for life as you were told it was supposed to be but you have no evidence that you are living such a life. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 5 & TRADITION 5. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1283
Special guest Jacque LaFountaine |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Jacque LaFountaine from Spokane, Washington, a long-time personal friend of Bill Murray and a NAASCA volunteer. Jacque's a retired RN with experience, among other things, in critical care, ER, and as a director of assisted living and an Alzheimer's unit. Abused from early childhood, her memories were repressed. She didn't remember much of her home life when she left at 18, depressed and suicidal but not understanding why. Jacque says, "Eventually I lived in Los Angeles and began to get repressed memories back and started therapy. I was glad to get the memories out but always felt like I was sharing into a vast wasteland of nothingness." Her mother had abused her with physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual trauma which started in the crib. "Therapists considered it ritual child abuse and torture." More trauma occurred in Los Angeles. "In the middle of this, I was a victim of attempted murder which just made my PTSD symptoms even worse." She relocated to Santa Barbara and later Spokane, continuing treatment, dealing with major depression, severe PTSD, and serious dissociative disorder with Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities). "In 2011, things came together for me. My PTSD symptoms were eliminated in 24 hours. I found my core personality (the one that's not an alter) and reconstructed my identity. As my identity strengthened my depression left." Jacque says, "I'm in the best place internally that I've ever been and am truly grateful." She says she's looking forward to the future, concluding, "I believe we all have to help each other which will help bring child abuse out to the general public. There is strength in numbers." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1282
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist will lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1281
Special guest
Donna Farris |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Donna Farris from Old Town, Maine, a new NAASCA family member and children's rights advocate. "I haven't had an easy life by any means," she says, "but I look at it this way. I have nothing to fear in whatever life will continue to throw at me .. because I have God on my side." She adds, "I am excited to learn more about NAASCA and become more involved!!" Donna holds a Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work. She is a former State of Maine Guardian ad Litem for almost 9 years in 4 different Counties. She has been a life-long child advocate and activist for children's rights. She fights to end child abuse in every form. She will never stop. Her own children were kidnapped through the Family Courts by their father after their father almost killed their oldest son in front of their youngest son. Their father was forced to buy their lives in our Family Court to save himself from a criminal investigation of attempted murder on a child, and life in prison. After having had her own children kidnapped in these same Courts that she used to work in, she started her business, “Hands On Parenting” to fight this corruption and re-unite children with their loving parents. Donna offered parenting education, parent-child reunification, and support to parents across Maine, including professional supervised visitation when needed. Donna will never stop in her efforts to end child abuse and corruption by government officials, fighting for ALL children caught up in corruption, Domestic Violence and child abuse. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 412
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for January - Week 4 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1280
Special guest Amy Oestreicher |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Amy Oestreicher from Westport, Connecticut, a survivor of sexual abuse as a teen, domestic violence and many physical challenges.
Amy wears a lot of hats .. as a PTSD peer to peer specialist, artist, author, writer for The Huffington Post, award-winning health advocate, actress and playwright. She eagerly shares the lessons learned from trauma through her writing, mixed media art, performance and inspirational speaking. She's currently performing her one-woman autobiographical musical "Gutless & Grateful". Amy explains, "I had a voice teacher when I was 15 who I looked up to immensely." But, she says, "I had no idea he was grooming me for two years." When she was 17, he made his first move. "I went completely numb and left my body. I froze, stopped eating, feeling and being me. I was too in shock to even understand what was going on. The abuse went on for seven months, week after week because I was too afraid to tell anyone." She goes on, "The more he molested me, the less of me I felt I knew." The abuse stopped almost as suddenly as it had begun, when at 18 her stomach literally exploded due to an unforeseen blood clot. She fell into a coma only a week after her breaking silence about her abuse." When I awoke 6 months later, I was very confused, to say the least!" She determined to make something of this experience. "I devised a program that combines Broadway theatre with sexual assault awareness and mental health advocacy, in order to empower survivors of assault and to create a more compassionate, open community. I deliver this keynote to colleges and universities, to promote mental health, provide hope, help, and save lives." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1279
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC:
"Searching & Reunion" -- This show is about the journey of searching for family whether you were adopted, raised in foster care or you are the parent of a child that was adopted or was taken by the ministry. For many, the loss of biological connection leaves them to feel a void in their identity and belonging. When children are taken from their homes they lose more than just their family of origin, they lose a history and the bonds of their biological birth. Parents that give up or lose their rights thru an adoption are often left to feel a loss and heartache for the child they don't know. They are often overwhelmed with a deep scarring because their child is not in contact and this creates a "What happened to my baby?" loss. Reunions can be beautiful but this can also be a painful reality to answers that are unprepared when we do not have concrete facts or the knowledge on why these decisions were made. Please join our discussion on the "For Our Kids" talk show as we discuss the core of searching and the sensitive embarkment of a family reunion with our incredible panel of guests. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1278
Special guest Linda Deir |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Linda Deir from Sedona, Arizona, a survivor, activist and author who grew up unwanted, unloved, and horribly abused from birth by a parent who vowed to "beat the spirit" out of her. After 16 years of physical, psychological, and emotional abuse, a pregnant Linda escaped the family never to return. It was the happiest day of her life, the day she got out alive. Her latest book "Guided" tells her story.
Linda understood she was in trouble from the very beginning and took matters into her own hands at 20 months old. She ran away from home. Two policemen found her and took her home, but her mother beat her unconscious as soon as they left. Waking up on the floor later on Linda looked around the room and saw that she wasn't alone .. she was surrounded by 'angelic spirits,' protectors and teachers who saved her life, became her best friends, and guided her through unimaginable life challenges. Repeatedly told her that she would never amount to anything, by age 19 the little girl who played with the building blocks everyday in kindergarten became a self-taught business phenomenon in a man's world, the construction industry. She became an architect, home designer, and general contractor. Linda says she owes everything to being raised by her 'Spirit Guides' from an early age. They were her best friends and life coaches in everything she did. Despite the abuse she endured, they never let her become a victim. She now spends her time writing and coaching people to make the all-important spiritual connection to their angels and spirit guides so they can heal the hurt, pain and shame and live the life they intended before they got here. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1277
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist will lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1276
Special guest Mary Beth Holzwarth |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Mary Beth Holzwarth from Gettysburg, South Dakota, an activist who was stunned to learn her two children were being abused by an uncle at ages 8 and 5. "I started researching and was blown away by how many children are sexually abused and how few ever receive that justice," she says. "I have to give the credit to my sons, however; it is their courage and their desire to not have another child experience this that keeps me going." Mary Beth and her family live in a remote area where counselors and other experts are few and far between. "Because of this challenge, I have worked hard to learn as much as possible about what my kids feel, how best to help them, best counseling methods, coping methods, and keep a strong relationship with my sons." She goes on, "Three years ago, through several connections, I joined force with several senators and professionals and survivors and we drafted Jolene's Law. Our law was passed unanimously and signed into effect, establishing a task force to study how our state (South Dakota) is handling CSA." But she was hardly done, as similar legislation was brought to other states (California is set to bring it forward this next session). "In addition to that, I organize local public awareness events and team up with law enforcement and domestic violence shelters to hold trainings." Mary Beth concludes, "I want to offer hope for others that there are more good days than bad days now, but as we all know, this will continue to affect them the rest of their lives." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 411
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for January - Week 3 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1275
Special guest Angela Wright-Lacey |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Angela Wright-Lacey,
a California based Doctoral Student at Argosy University who's doing a research study on "Forgiveness: Pastoral Counseling, Women, Christian, and Jewish faith Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse." The study examines the correlation between pastoral counseling and forgiveness among Christian and Jewish faith women survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) who are not undergoing any counseling or abuse at the time of the study. The surveys are be designed to measure volunteers responses to open-ended questions and level of forgiveness. An aspiring counselor, life coach and motivational speaker, Angela Wright provides inspiration to both men and women everywhere she goes, giving life strategies that can help individuals reach their goals and objectives. She says, "Growing up in a faith-based home where believing in God (faith) and using the word of God as a direction in our lives has helped structure my belief and value system. I love and have a passion for hurting individuals especially people that were touched as a child." Angela wasn't sexually abused herself, but has family and friends that were. "I noticed that even in the church children were sexually abused. My experience in the church has been as a young people's leader and teacher. It is during those times I noticed young people struggling needing help." Angela became a mentor for at-risk teens, and later started a women's group where, she learned, many individuals had been abused. She's currently completing a graduate degree in Pastoral Community Counseling. "My dissertation topic addresses the issue of child sexual abuse. I am taking a closer look at my purpose which is to empower and help individuals transcend their pain into fulfilling their purpose." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1274
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 3 and TRADITION 3 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 3 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 3) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 3: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." You have worked Steps One and Two with a safe and trusted person – you have surrendered and you have demonstrated your willingness to try a new approach to your life experiences. When you admit your powerlessness over your traumatic history, you learn a comforting and critical truth: that you experienced certain painful life events that you absolutely could not have controlled. You were also not always in control of the coping patterns that have emerged. For some survivors, this can be a frightening and humbling experience. (More of this will be revealed through the Fourth and Fifth Steps). ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 4 & TRADITION 4. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1273
Special guest Aleah Ozbrin |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Aleah Ozbirn from Tupelo, Mississippi, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse who's now an activist and author, starting an effort called Ending the Shame to empower parents to stand with their children when sexual abuse is disclosed and keep fighting even when it seems endless and pointless. Aleah says, "My daughter would also inspire our program for our 'Comfort Pals' that we send to children for those times they must testify alone in big court rooms." Proceeds from their book 'Adopting Cleo' help fund this program. Her story informs her current work. "At the age of six I was sexually abused by a childhood friend, a friend that I would later find out was also being sexually abused by a man she trusted." But that wasn't the end of it. "I would later be abused again by my aunt's boyfriend at the age ot 14" That continued until she went to live with her father. She met a man at 28 whose young daughter was being sexually abused by her birth mother's boyfriend. "This is when I would learn my maternal instinct for protecting my children was strong. We would spend 4 years fighting for her safety." It was an expensive experience in more ways than one. "We spent thousands of dollars in legal fees and now we are on the path to recovery." But, Aleah reports, it also came with unexpected benefits." It was seeing her struggle with her own shame that I would see the need for us to empower our children." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1272
Special topic - "Examining Institutional Abuse" - The Dark Web |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. In this series of monthly shows we'll specifically take a look at institutional abuse. ~~
TONIGHT'S TOPIC: Murder and Mahem in the World of Child Sexual Abuse Driven by the "Dark Web" - Jill will introduce a client of hers who is a sexual abuse victim and mother of 2 children she lost through the Court to a pedophile, an expert on the"Dark Web" ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. Every third Tuesday of the month, Jill will present special guests who'll explain the challenges they've experienced while fighting for their own rights, and /or for the rights of their children. For more shows in this series, go to: http://www.NAASCA.org/Jill |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1271
Special guest Valerie Smith |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Valerie Smith from Maidstone, Ontario,
who said "I was both honored and apprehensive when Deborah and Bill asked me write out my experiences of childhood sexual abuse. They are very deep, painful memories that, even now, 30 years later, are difficult to talk about. They still affect my life. However, on the bright side, I don't think that I would have become as compassionate, caring and understanding of the feelings of other's if I had not been subjected to these experiences. It is hard to say .." Like many of ur adult survivors of child abuse, she's had a lot to process in recovery. Her first abuse was being sodomized at 12 by a 300 lb man. Later she put herself into dangerous situations and, after a few more rapes, Valerie was place in foster care where her 'foster father' turned out to be a pedophile. "I have done years and years of therapy but do still feel the effects," she says. Nor has it been easy to maintain a good healthy relationship. "Obviously it takes a toll with the men in my life." Now 51, Valerie has been working as a Developmental Services Worker in Essex County. "I care for people who have either physical or psychological challenges." she says. "It is a very rewarding job." She's close to her son and her step children. "I love all my 'kids' very much." Valerie has a new perspective on things. "I consider life as a 'life-long learning experience' and seek daily to improve myself. I also try to help others in any way I am able to do. I have a relationship with our Creator, whom I know has helped me tremendously in life in order to get where I am today." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 410
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for January - Week 2 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1270
Special guest Tara Walker Lyons |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Tara Walker Lyons from Montana an abuse survivor who's now an advocate for the prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse. " As a result of making my story public, I have since become a speaker about this issue, traveling the State of Montana to share my platform and information on addressing CSA." Tara resides in Hamilton, Montana, on the family's cattle ranch. Born on the Blackfeet Reservation, she is a young Pikuni Blackfeet woman who is using her outspoken voice and adverse childhood experiences to advocate for the awareness and prevention of childhood sexual abuse. Her presentations describe the complexities of childhood sexual abuse, the dark aftermath that unfolds in the life of a victim and demonstrates the victory that is shared when justice, understanding and healing has begun. Tara hopes to prompt legislative changes to address the need for education on the issue within our schools. She has been published in many newspapers for her efforts and her momentum keeps growing. She was nominated for the 2015 Ravalli County Courage Award and continues to speak for the Montana Department of Corrections. She graduated from Beaverhead County High School in Dillon and went on to attend college at the University of Alaska Anchorage. She is an avid horsewoman and a rider for the 2015 State Champions: The Bitterroot Mountettes Equestrian Drill Team. Tara explains, "Back in July, I posted a status about an issue that affects 1/10 children before the age of 18: Childhood Sexual Assault." Then she "outted" a local pedophile which rallied to her the support of many others. It was a result of making her story public that she since become a speaker about this issue. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1269
Special topic - "For Our Kids" |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "For Our Kids" - Deborah Maddison and Eugenea Couture, Canadian activists from British Columbia, will join Bill Murray to lead this evening's discussion about the Rights of Children and Families in North America. ~~
TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Lost In The Void" -- When children are taken from their homes they lose more than just their family of origin, they also lose an entire support network of loved ones. It can create a tremendous sense of loss, disconnection, separation anxiety and devalues family identity and title, along with heritage and culture. It breaks down the family network that connects to community and society as a whole. Join us tonight on the "For Our Kids" talk show as we discuss this very important topic with an incredible panel of guests. ~~ Every two weeks a new THEME will be presented in this series, with frequent special guests speaking from their own experience. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/ForOurKids or write to: naasca.forourkids@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1268
Special guest Leslie Jordan Clary |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Leslie Jordan Clary from Reno Nevada, a survivor and writer who's produced numerous pieces on childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and is planning a book on childhood trauma. "I don't want it to be just about my own experiences," she says. "I want to focus more on empowerment and practical coping strategies than the abuse." But it's obvious Leslie will have plenty in her own background to pull from. "I was sexually abused by my paternal grandfather until I was seven, when he dropped dead of a heart attack." She says she's come to understand this as something she's very grateful for. "I believe this abuse is at the core of many of my struggles. I kept silent, and in fact suppressed the memory until I was in my mid 20s when watching my son grow began triggering memories." It caused her to look at her own life differently. "I began to do a lot of work at that time, mainly writing workshops with Ellen Bass and Laura Davis in Santa Cruz. Then in my early 30s I got married, had another child and basically pushed the abuse to the back of my life again." Her marriage wasn't a safe place to deal with such issues. For years she dealt with PTSD but didn't realize what was going on. "After my sons were grown I divorced and now in my 50s found the abuse coming to the forefront of my life again. For the past several years I've been writing a lot about it, and have begun working on a book about healing." Leslie says she recently realized she needs to share other survivors' stories. "Of course, I would never use any actual stories without first talking to the person," she says, adding she'd be willing to change a person's name, "if necessary." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1267
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist will lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1266
Special guest Debra Betesh |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Debra Betesh from New York City, a social activist who created the 'Precious Child Act,' a bill against sexual abuse to ensure safety for New York's children.
Debbie was inspired when a community member near and dear to her heart who'd been sexually abused as a child later took his own life. She explains, "The 'Precious Child Act' will step in to defend the wellbeing of our children and mandate instruction on important matters." Debbie points out, "The current public school curriculum mandates instruction on child abduction, but does not teach children about sexual abuse. This is where the Precious Child Act will step in." She says, "By approving this act, children will be educated about sexual abuse in school." Here are detailed explanations of the act's three sections: Part I mandates automatic DNA testing for anyone arrested for the sexual assault of a child under 13 years old. Part II mandates child sexual abuse education in New York State's curriculum. Students in sixth through eighth grade would receive instruction via the state-approved video, 'Child Sexual Predators: The Familiar Stranger'. Part III will be Erin Merryn's Law. This law will require schools to add age-appropriate education on sexual exploitation and abuse when they are taught about abduction. Children in grades kindergarten through eighth will benefit from this education. Debbie invites all activists, parents and survivors to attend a rally in Albany on Feb 24th at the New Your State Capitol building. As she explains explains. "By joining forces with the Precious Child Act, we will be proactive about children's safety. Eventually, I'd like to get this act passed nationwide, because I know it will truly make a difference." |
"Community Matters" This Week - 409
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for January - Week 1 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1265
Special guest Sheila M Stevenson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Sheila M Stevenson from London, Ontario, a survivor of more than 15 years of abuse of every type.
Sheila's now a Certified Life Coach and says, "Most of us desire to live happy lives and enjoy satisfying relationships. This is the happy space I live in today. But, it wasn't always so." She goes on, "I grew up in a highly dysfunctional family where I was abused by both of my parents." Despite it all she survived. "And, thankfully," she says, "I learned a lot of useful and wonderful lessons along the way. In fact, all that history and all those lessons now equip me to serve others." But it didn't happen quickly. "It feels like I've been riding on a slow train," Sheila says, "picking up speed as my healing progressed. I was blessed with a wonderful therapist many years ago, and I credit her with actually saving my life, because I was despondent by the time I found her. Finally, I was able to ‘tell my story', or as I call it, ‘download the poison'. Many years later I heard about something called Life Coaching." After meeting several life coaches in her area, Sheila decided to hire a lady with some actual life experience. "We worked together off and on for about a year. I was amazed by the process, and with the results I achieved. From that time, my life took on a whole new and refreshingly positive direction." Sheila concludes, "Today, I am a happy and powerful individual who has not only learned many valuable lessons, but who has chosen to do something special with all that I've learned. Now I help others achieve the life they dream of living. After all," she says, "everyone deserves happiness." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1264
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 2 and TRADITION 2 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 2 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 2) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 2: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." Applying Step Two to the struggle of healing this aspect of the traumatic wound (difficulty trusting, and difficulty with authority figures), begins with a careful inspection into the programming of a trauma survivor. Somewhere in a survivor's programming is a single operative principle, which at once holds the person back trying to heal and grow in this area, but keeps him putting up a front, perhaps even leading to relationships that do not work, dead-end jobs, or boring routines. In this area of trust, which Step Two directly addresses, the survivor is undeveloped. Step Two can help you get unstuck and able to trust, where trust was once so frightening and impossible. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 3 & TRADITION 3. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1263
Special guest
Nicole Decroix |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Nicole Decroix from Allenport, Pennsylvania, a survivor of childhood emotional abuse, neglect and maltreatment. Growing up disabled in a small cat-filled house with her mother, father and two brothers, Nicole couldn't get any food or drink on her own, and was dependent on her neglectful mother for nearly all her needs. "My father worked in the steel mills for years then lost his job," she says. "The earliest abuse I remember was being the tub and my mother would dump cups of water over my head to rinse the soap out I would feel like I was drowning." She goes on, "Being disabled, I'm incontinent, so I wear diapers. My mother would leave me in them for as long as she could. I had to learn to change myself." Nicole says the bug-filled house was filthy and it smelled like cat pee all the time. "There was also a lot of emotional abuse. She would tell me I was lazy and that if I lived on my own I would never make it. A lot of my needs weren't met. I couldn't get any food or drink on my own." She couldn't be in her wheelchair because the house was so small .. "so I sat on the floor or my bed." But in 2011 one of her brothers passed away, and six months after he died she decided to leave. "I went to live with my dad. Mom had kicked him out a few years earlier." That turned out to be a smart move. "I stayed with him a while," she says, "and then I got my own place and I am living on my own now. I cut my family out of my life." She's gaining a new perspective on her life now, and NAASCA welcomes her to the family. "In the future," Nicole reports, "I would like to start helping survivors." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1262
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist will lead the discussion. ~~ NAASCA is pleased to announce that Debra will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Warner will assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show .. on the phone or in SCAN's ever-present community chat room. ~~ Please visit our website: www.NAASCA.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1261
Special guest Svava Brooks |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Svava Brooks, a returning NAASCA member who now hails from the Pacific Northwest. Svava's a child abuse survivor, activist and coach, who's holding another interview of her summits on healing after trauma. "The Journey to the Heart; How to thrive after trauma by loving your body, mind and spirit" will be start on January 15th with 20 interviews with experts on healing after trauma. Include will be Dr. Felitti on the ACE study, Peter Levine, David Berceli and more.
Here's the link to the Summit registration page that shows the list of experts being interviewed in this summit: www.TheJourneyToTheHeart.com. Svava is a survivor of child sexual abuse and the co-founder of a nationwide child sexual abuse prevention and education organization in Iceland called “Blátt áfram.” She's also a certified instructor and facilitator for Darkness to Light Stewards of Children, as well as a certified Crisis Intervention Specialist, a certified Parent Educator, a BellaNet Teen support group facilitator, and an Abuse Survivor Coach. Nearly all her work is done over the internet right now. "I serve coaching clients all over the world," she says. Svava has dedicated her life to ending the cycle of child sexual abuse through education, awareness, and by helping survivors heal and thrive. She's a certified facilitator for Advance! , a program created by Connections to restore authentic identity. Every week she writes about healing after trauma on her blog: www.educate4change.com. Svava also leads a discussion forum on Child Sexual Abuse Healing and Recovery online. |
"Community Matters" This Week - 408
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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News Of The Week Show ~~ Please click on both these links to see our "News of the Week" for December - Week 5 from: LACP.org and NAASCA.org ~~ Join our founder and host, Bill Murray, co-hosts MJ Goyings, Carol D. Levine and other LACP & NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the public safety and child abuse related news and crime stories of the week from each of our two national sister efforts, LA Community Policing and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events on both our web sites. Look for them daily in the lower gray portion of our home pages. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our two hour long Sunday show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1260
Special guest Hank Estrada |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
Tonight's special guest is Hank Estrada from New Mexico, a returning NAASCA family member who's long overdue to catch us up on his life since we last spoke .. in July 2011! In his book, "Unholy Communion, Lessons Learned from Life among Pedophiles, Predators and Priests" Hank takes us through the horrors of first being sexually abused in his family and later by a trusted member of the clergy.
Hank's candid not only about those who abused him but also about his own dark side that emerged as he tried to come to grips with the effects of the abuse and his own sexual orientation. This book is worthy of a careful reading by anyone, but especially by those who have doubts about the effects of sexual abuse of vulnerable young people by members of the clergy or about the systemic pattern of enabling these same abusers to violate additional vulnerable people.
Hank is blunt not only about those who abused him but also about his own confused intimacy struggles and fears that emerged as he tried to come to grips with the effects of the abuse. Hank continues to inspire hope for many worldwide with his stories of courage, healing and living well. Tonight Hank suggests a number of possible topics .. family compromises, sibling or parent communication, living well through OTHER life challenges, how volunteering helps healing, personal priorities and staying focused, avoiding unnecessary interpersonal drama, practicing positivity, using humor, song or dance to connect to living. Sounds pretty interesting to me! Please see: www.HankEstrada.com and www.mhsatnm.com. |
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