National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse |
TALK RADIO SHOWS - www.blogtalkradio.com/naasca
"Community Matters" and "Stop Child Abuse Now" - 8pm EST
SUNDAY thru FRIDAY (no shows on Saturday) - (90 mins) |
The HOSTs of our shows are all NAASCA volunteers / survivors. Episodes feature Special Guests, Special Topics and / or News.
All our talk shows are recorded and are later available as "on demand" podcasts. Descriptions include links to supporting materials. |
Episodes - 2019 |
Original Air Date |
Description |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2302
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray, NAASCA founder - 12 Step Recovery |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host
is Bill Murray from Los Angeles, our founder. Bill's recovery is 12 Step-based and spans some 3 and a half decades. Sexually abused by numerous clerics, all men, between the ages of 11 and mid-way through high school, a minor seminary, he was also the victim of pre-pubescent pornography and even a two week kidnapping. Bill was graced to have found Alcoholics Anonymous when he was 30 years old. The program not only helped him get clean and sober but also gave him a place to give up his secrets, and the tools by which he's recovered. He firmly believes one can use the 12 Step process to heal from child abuse trauma and to find a way to a comfortable life. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2301
Special Topic - A Retrospective and A Look Ahead |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Special Topic: 'A Retrospective and A Look Ahead' ~~ Tonight will be a review of the first decade of our talk shows and NAASCA mission and a look forward to the next. Among other things, we'll be going to a format that will include an additional 'Special Guest' show each week .. which will give more opportunities for NAASCA family members to tell their stories! ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Please visit our HIGHLIGHTS page to see all the things we do! ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members on these shows. We invite you to help us discuss the many issues surrounding child abuse and trauma on each of our episodes .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2300
Special guest Darrell E. Allen |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Darrell E. Allen from Everett, Washington, a survivor of child abuse and trauma. He experienced two great tragedies: his mother's suicide—which he personally witnessed—when he was five, and his father's subsequent decision to remarry ten months later to a woman he says, "can at best be described as unstable." His stepmother was fond of physical attacks and of shaming the kids, as Darrell relates, “The suicide would shadow my life for decades to come. The remarriage meant that I would grow up in a home where I faced canes, frying pans, chisels, cream bottles, and other various weapons of assault too numerous to mention. Even more pernicious [was] her habit of lining up both my sister and I after doing something that displeased her, and making us repeat after her that we were indeed, ‘nothing'.” School was Darrell's escape from the battleground that was home. In school, he could excel, as he explains: “In a quest to pursue a career predicated upon understanding the various strands of East Asian history and culture, I would earn a B.A. in Political Science at Colorado State University, and both an M.A. in East Asian Languages and Cultures, and a Ph.D. in East Asian History at the University of Kansas, [which] reinforced my recognition that the best usage of my acquisition would be to inspire others to reach beyond cultural awareness and commit to a corresponding level of immersion that enables their study of the history and culture of a different people without antagonism, apology, or deprecation.” Darrell adds, “I do wish, in some small way, to make a difference in the lives of those with whom I have come in contact through my own experiences.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2299
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Felicia L Reed, a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. Learning about and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2298
Special show tonight !!
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight will be a very Special Christmas Show!! We're going to feature
three NAASCA family members and Primary Volunteers as
co-hosts, a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim, who'll share about the three great religions of Western culture and help steer the conversation. We'll be discovering how the three faiths are actually much more similar than different, sharing roots that go back centuries. NAASCA family members Bailey Smith, a Jew from Florida, who handles
NAASCA's social media on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter,
Linda Vidi, a Christian
counselor and Life Coach from New Jersey and Toronto's own Ghadeer Elghafri,
who handles NAASCA outreach to the Muslim and Arabic speaking communities, will share the stage. Each will field questions and comments about their religions, and explain how they celebrate their Holidays / Holy Days.
It should be fascinating. ~~ NAASCA believes the shows we do on holiday nights (we never 'skip' dates) are among the most important episodes we air, especially for the newer members who often suffer from loneliness and depression at these times. We want everyone to know that even if they're separated from dysfunctional families and friends, we, their NAASCA 'family of choice', are always here for them .. and we're not going anywhere. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2297
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now a survior-professional. Living in Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2296
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2295
Special guest
Suzanne (Alden) Isaza
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2188 -- Tonight's special guest is Suzanne Isaza, MSA, NAASCA Ambassador from Rhode Island, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse by a close family member. At 19, she reported the offender and he was convicted of assaulting four children. "For many years I have been sharing my story," she says, "writing articles on this topic, and supporting other survivors to join this movement." Suzanne has delivered dozens of sexual assault prevention talks since 2014. As a member of Day One's One Voice survivor speakers bureau for two years, she began speaking publicly throughout Rhode Island about her experiences as a survivor of sexual abuse. Her presentations communicate a compelling and powerful message to college students, professionals, educators, and survivors of abuse. Suzanne runs SAAN, the Sexual Assault Advocacy Network. "Our purpose is to build community among activists, share information on what works in sexual violence prevention, and - perhaps most importantly - to inspire and empower one another to use our powerful voices to keep people safe from abuse and trauma." Suzanne authors a regular column for Child's World America, writing on a broad range of topics including child sexual abuse and human trafficking. As a member of RAINN's survivor speakers' bureau, she shares her story and activism with local and national news media to further awareness and prevention. A part of author Emma Bell's Global Resilience Project, Suzanne is being featured as one of 50 people around the world demonstrating exceptional resilience in the face of personal tragedy. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2294
Special guest
Lisa Zarcone
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2183 -- Tonight's special guest is Lisa Zarcone from Springfield, Massachusetts, a returning NAASCA family member and the NAASCA Ambassador for her state. A child abuse survivor and activist, she's the author of "The Unspoken Truth, A Memoir." Her book is about childhood neglect and abuse at the hands of my severely mentally ill mother and others. Lisa says, "I wrote my story to promote awareness for mental health issues, child safety and to bring a voice to so many who have the same unspoken truth as myself." She uses three words to describe her childhood experiences: horrific, disgusting and hideous. Her home life left a lot to be desired. "My mother would bring all types of strange people into our home, which set me up as prey." Lisa buried the abuse deep inside herself for years. "I fought daily battles with myself to get beyond it. I was still battling my mother daily as I was growing into womanhood." Eventually she married and had children of her own. "I had severe panic attacks, flashbacks and depression. I thought I was crazy and terrified of being like my mother." Lisa says, "I found an incredible therapist who helped me bring my deep dark secrets to the light of day and release them. I had to face my husband and share things with him that he never knew about me after ten years of being together. It was a long painful journey." Then Lisa's father died, which brought up flashbacks. But her therapist explained she was not crazy. She was suffering PTSD. "I had to then jump back into my past and deal with more buried memories, which brought me to deciding to write my book." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2293
Special guest
Dr Linda Olson
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2175 -- Tonight's special guest is Dr Linda Olson from Atlanta, Georgia. She grew up with childhood domestic violence (CDV) and, for over 30 years, has been a licensed clinical psychologist and a CDV victim advocate, specializing in helping women, children, couples, and families who witnessed domestic violence heal from anxiety, depression, and trauma. CDV, the impact experienced by children who grow up in a household where there is domestic violence, is a devastating crisis that affects one billion people around the globe and, at the same time, is an issue that is rarely mentioned by the news media. This tragic “well-kept secret” affects one out of every 7 people in the U.S. Young children exposed to domestic violence suffer the same kind of trauma as PTSD experienced by military veterans – a trauma that research has found literally “rewires” their brain, with a destructive and lasting impact. “These kids really have lost their childhood,” Linda says. “And the saddest part is they don't understand why they are so fearful, lack confidence and feel so guilty. I love teaching my patients the skills and tools that can undo these years of damage.” Linda is also the founder of Project Hope Bear, a Trauma, Grief and Loss Teddy Bear program, to bring hope, comfort and healing to children and families who witnessed violence between parents or caregivers or lost a loved one to violence. Teddy bears reduce a sense of loneliness and anxiety in children who have experienced trauma, loss, and grief. Socially isolated children benefit from touching and holding a teddy bear and express more positive emotions. Linda is hoping to bring “Project Hope Bear” to children throughout the U.S. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2292
Special guest
Allen Vandever
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2173 -- Tonight's special guest is Allen Vandever [and his wife, Dawn?] from Chicago, Illinois. Allen is a contemporary artist who's turning the tragic stories of his youth into his life's passion. "I wake up every morning and open up a coffee shop where unexpected people walk in to get a free cup of coffee,” Allen explains. "We talk to them about the epidemic of child sexual abuse. We give them flyers with information." Many sign up for their newsletter. Childhood Fractured is a non-profit humanities-based human rights initiative centered on preventing the sexual abuse and exploitation of children, through contemporary art. Allen explains, "Our initiative operates on a multitude of levels to best foster civic engagement. We bring up our mission in an upbeat way. We are proud we are survivors and even more proud of what we are doing. Instead of the dark clouds that normally come into the room when this subject is brought up, the sun shines on all of us and we are able to talk about one of the worst things in the world and have a smile on our face and flaming passion in our souls." He goes on, "When there are no customers, we have a whole team making art, writing books, reaching out to sponsors, writing grants, and working on social media, prevention, awareness, and educational programs. Our big goal is getting survivors to become activist warriors for children's rights. As children, we had no voice. As adults and as survivors, we have a voice, and united we can change things and we will fight for children's rights to not be molested, to not be abused, to not have their innocence stripped away from them." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2291
Special guest
Carlotta Taylor-Franks |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2153 -- Tonight's special guest is Carlotta Taylor-Franks from Clinton, Mississippi, a survivor of child abuse by her own family and in foster care. She was severely beaten by her father, and suffered mental, spiritual and physical abuse in the 26 foster homes she was transferred from because of abuse and neglect. Carlotta learned early on that if she didn't transform her mind, she would be consumed by the chaotic world around her. After searching for her purpose for years, she soon learned that her purpose was to share her story and inspire others who may be going through what she endured and overcame triumphantly. She receives her greatest fulfillment from walking someone through their healing process. In her debut book, 'No More Flinching', Carlotta outlines five key steps to overcoming adversity. Flinching was the reaction she had right before her father oftentimes punched her in the face. As a former homicide detective, child protection detective, and former federal officer, with over 15 years law enforcement experience, she knew she had to use her knowledge and wisdom to effect greater change in and around the community. As the founder of 'Somebody Step In', a non-profit for foster children, teens and young adults, she offers coaching and mentorship in education, life skills and more. Carlotta encourages people worldwide to know that their difficulties in life do not have to define their future. Realizing that nothing just happens, and that God uses even our suffering to be a blessing, Carlotta seeks to inspire others to press beyond their breaking point, even if she only touches one person. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2290
Special guest
Sharyn Higdon Jones
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2145 -- Tonight's special guest is Sharyn Higdon Jones from San Jose, California, a licensed psychotherapist for over 35 years with individuals, couples and families who have experienced the trauma of abuse. Sharyn attended college, married, had 2 children, and bought their first home. All was fine, until an event occurred which triggered her memories, her nightmares, and her pain. She began therapy and attended workshops and anything she could find that would help her understand herself and her experiences. She has created and facilitated workshops and groups for survivors and their partners. In her words: “The pain of being sexually abused is deep and profound. The abuse experience touches the core of a woman's being in ways she could never have predicted. She has been violated on so many levels – physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. Her abuse wound becomes her constant companion. It's difficult to know how and when to begin freeing yourself of the past so you can be fully present for your future.” Sharyn is also the author of the book 'Healing Steps; a Gentle Path to Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,' written in a workbook format with exercises. Sharyn says, “Healing Steps is a perfect step-by-step process that evolved out of groups of women molested as children. It is the perfect format either to be facilitated by a mental health professional or could be used as a guide in a peer support group.” Sharyn will also talk about her Healing Steps support groups which she facilitated for over 20 years, that were not only unique in their structure but were a real catalyst for healing. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2289
Special guest
Bailey Smith
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2118 -- Tonight's special guest is Bailey Smith from Deerfield Beach, Florida, a survivor of domestic violence, mental illness and the resulting suffering and abuse of her children. "My story is of domestic violence from my ex-husband [and] the effect on my 3 boys." The middle child of 5 children growing up in a strict religious home, Bailey craved attention and found it at age 20 when she met and fell in love with a man who “put me on a pedestal and made me feel special, and showered me with all the attention I craved.” Eight years and 3 sons later, Bailey started to realize the control her husband had over her when he talked her out of her dream of a degree in Social Work to go into business with him. As Bailey relates, “I never realized that the verbal, mental, controlling, manipulating violent raging behavior was ABUSE. Looking back now, I see I walked on eggshells around him. My oldest son witnessed things, and even as a young boy I believe now it really affected him.” After 20 years of marriage, her husband totally snapped one day and became physically violent to the point of Bailey seeing her life flash before her eyes. She knew she could not allow her children to be victims of this abuse any longer. Bailey left and enrolled herself and her three boys into therapy. However, the trauma, PTSD, and triggers never went away, especially for the children who witnessed one parent being violent to another. Bailey's oldest son had a mental health breakdown, which started Bailey advocating for Mental Health Awareness. One of Bailey's goals is to get a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. “I want to help advocate in Law Enforcement. I truly believe so many deaths, suicides, abuse, etc., could be prevented if our Law Enforcement were better trained.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2288
Special guest
Dwight Hurych
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2080 -- Tonight's special guest is Dwight Hurych from Greensboro, North Carolina, a survivor of childhood emotional neglect. “My parents divorced when I was 3 years old and my mother was the custodial parent. She had a drinking problem and was totally unavailable emotionally. When I attempted to talk her, her responses were cliché and dismissive. I felt like I wasn't worth her time or attention.” Such neglect left Dwight feeling unworthy of love or even the title of survivor. Looking back on his life, he sees how it was a perfect setup for relationship storms: three failed marriages and few close friends. He started recovery in the only path he became aware of, 12-Step Al-Anon meetings and talk therapy. With the help of others, he adopted an emphasis on "inner child" awareness and integration based on the works of John Bradshaw and Alice Miller. Dwight gratefully points to a particular in-patient program at the Caron Foundation (Wernersville, PA) for adult children of alcoholics where his involvement in group psychodramas enabled leaps in his recovery. However, he discovered years later his healing journey still wasn't over when he experienced a dark period of financial and spiritual bankruptcy. "My journey has now come full circle, as I combine my healing and spiritual growth with my computer skills and small business marketing toward one aim: helping other adult survivors of child abuse get the peer support they need." All his life and career experiences came together harmoniously when Dwight was asked to be the Co-Organizer of the Survivors Anonymous Group, a private Meetup group for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse. Along with the group's founder, Joanna Price, the goal is to take this platform nationwide, and perhaps more. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2287
Special guest
Timothy 'Ryzer' Poff
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 2055 -- Tonight's special guest is Timothy 'Ryzer' Poff from Easton, Pennsylvania, Commander and Chapter Leader of the Easton Guardian Angels. He may be joined by original founding members of the Chapter including his assistant, Captain Tracy 'Gypsy' Rapoli, Administrator, and 1st Lieutenant Steve 'Bald Eagle' Brailo, Trainer. The Easton Guardian Angels started in 2007 in Easton, Pennsylvania, and has been going strong ever since. A 501(c)3 non-profit community organization, the Chapter works together with other organizations. Ryzer explains, "One of our main focuses is physically patrolling our streets, deterring crime, being the eyes and ears for our police, helping and watching over those in need, as well as mentoring and being positive role models for our youth." Members go through a 12-15 week training which focuses on learning The History of The Guardian Angels, First Aid/CPR/AED certification, PATROL Training, Physiological communications training, Gang Awareness and Self Defense. Many children look up to them and call themselves 'Junior Guardian Angels.' They are closely involved with 'The Easton Block Watch.' Ryzer and Gypsy are on the Board as well as Sector Coordinators for the West Ward, The Weed & Seed summer nights program, and this year started a Summer Program Called 'Angels in the Park.' They're also involved in many other social activities, after school programs and in awarding scholarships. Besides patrolling local area streets, the Chapter has worked in many other communities and does Missing Persons Search and Recovery missions. Ryzer writes, "We search for runaways, missing kids and adults. With boots to the ground we dare to care and keep things safe beyond the streets." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2286
Special guest Malaysia Halley |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
REPEAT SHOW, SCAN 1933 -- Tonight's special guest is Malaysia Halley from Columbia, South Carolina. Malaysia's a transformational speaker, child abuse advocate, and survivor of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse. At only 2 years old, Malaysia and her 5 siblings were abandoned and left starving by their mother. She then suffered 8 years severe abuse by a cousin, who adopted them, and her boyfriend. Malaysia never gave up seeking help and disclosed the abuse over 19 times, including to school staff and neighbors who ignored her. Finally, someone stepped in to stop the abuse. The trauma continued to negatively impact her over the next 10 years, affecting school performance, sleep and relationships. Like so many abused children, she felt suicidal, depressed, angry, and began to bully others. Now, after her healing process, Malaysia advocates about the importance of educating students on childhood sexual abuse (CSA), teaching them what's right and wrong when it comes to abusive behavior. She has worked as a counselor, a guardian ad litem, a sexual trauma services worker, and as an executive director for the Save Our Kids LLC program. This past spring she organized a city-wide event called the Healing and Empowerment Day of Columbia to support survivor healing and gain awareness through local media. The founder and CEO of the non-profit Heal with Me, LLC, she offers schools, communities, colleges, organizations, and individuals a resource for CSA education, focusing on “how to see it, stop it, and heal from it.” Malaysia also travels sharing her story. She uses humor in motivational speeches, advocating the reporting of abuse, receiving support services, and self-healing. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2285
Special guest Vincnt Reed |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Vincent Reed from Minnesota, a survivor of child abuse, as were his siblings. Vincent explains, “I was placed in foster care at the age of 5, along with my 5 siblings. My biological mother lost me at 5, regained custody of me when I was 9. She then moved us from WA to MN where her family was from. At 11 she lost us again due to abuse in the home, she got us back 6 months later. She then gave us up again at the age of 13, terminating all parental rights. I was in and out of homes at times so fast that I barely got to unpack my black garbage bag of belongings. I was in some good, loving homes along with some very horrific ones. I survived many different forms of abuse and can now at the age of 41 face all of my fears that go along with facing a troubled past.” Vincent's story is unfortunate not only due to the number of foster homes he went through but also because of the feeling of betrayal by his mother and her family. The foster care system let him and his siblings down. The biggest obstacle that Vincent faced after aging out was homelessness. He struggled throughout the years with alcohol abuse, trying to forget his past. He's written a book, called "A Glimpse At Being Broken," which is free on Kindle Unlimited. Vincent explains, “I have written a book about all I went through in my life, the beginning of the healing process. I am currently, and plan to remain, in therapy to help me start to understand better why I am the way I am now. I also am planning on starting back in school and getting a degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice. I have a huge urge to give back to those in need.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2284
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2283
Special guest Rick Cosentino |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Rick Cosentino from New Hampshire, a returning NAASCA family member and a survivor of sexual assault, physical abuse and emotional trauma from an early age.
Rick was raped while in foster care when he was 5 years old. Later, Rick's mother reunited the family and Rick tried put the horror he'd experienced out of his thoughts. He started using drugs at 12-13, burning himself at 14, and left home at 16. He became a "tough guy" fighting to prove he was a man. Rick explains, "I walked thru life angry and hateful. My ex kept asking me what's wrong. I finally told her, and she was disgusted and viewed me as less of a man. My marriage was over." Planning to use a gun to commit suicide, Rick says, "As I started to squeeze [the trigger] my mother came to me clear as a bell in my mind. She said she loved me, she said I was needed. I got angry again, only this time I was angry at the people who hurt me and couldn't let them win by me dying.” Rick felt the first time telling the world his story was freeing; he felt whole for the first time in his life. Last year, his sister heard the radio show and was angry because she said Rick was telling HER story. Although they never talked about abuse, his sister was disgusted with Rick, and they haven't spoken in a year. Recently, Rick tried to tell his second wife, but she replied that if he didn't like it there, he could leave. Rick relates, "This time it's totally different. I'm not low, I have no interest in 'dancing with a gun'. I knew I could be a service to others who are living like I did. I'm alive, I'm living proud with no shame and so can they. I'm stronger today. I know I'm in an elite group. I am a SURVIVOR!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2282
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Carlotta Taylor, Foster Care / Law Enforcement |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Carlotta Taylor from Clinton, Mississippi, a survivor of child abuse by her own family and in foster care. After searching for her purpose for years, she learned it was to share her story and inspire others who may be going through what she endured. In her debut book, 'No More Flinching', Carlotta outlines five key steps to overcoming adversity. A former homicide detective, child protection detective, and former federal officer, with over 15 years law enforcement experience, she knew she had to use her knowledge and wisdom to effect greater change in and around the community. She's the founder of 'Somebody Step In', a non-profit for foster children, teens and young adults. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2281
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2280
Special guest
Kathy Sanderson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Kathy Sanderson from
United Kingdom.
She helps survivors, explaining, "I am a spiritual therapist who specializes in inner child healing. I show people how the things that they want to fix or heal are from beliefs created from their childhood experiences. I am able to tell them at what age and guide them to the experience so that they can see why they act or feel a certain way or keep attracting dis-empowering situations. I support them to give that little girl or boy what they needed during that situation so that they can feel loved, supported, safe and empowered. This then enables them to feel supported, loved, cared for and empowered now." Kathy offers online courses which provide self-directed study to identify beliefs created in childhood and the situations that created them. The online courses also teach students how to rediscover and reconnect with themselves as a child and how to support the child by giving him/her what they needed at that time. Kathy notes, “Through my inner child work with my clients I actually realized that despite having a 'good childhood' my needs just weren't met. The reason why I had never felt good enough or that I was worthy of love, but also the pattern of choosing situations to keep enforcing this belief and keep the rejection pattern going, continually punishing myself. I am continually healing from my childhood and support my little Kathy every day." Kathy offers a free guide, ‘5 Steps to Learning to Love Yourself,' which is on the NAASCA website. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2279
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Felicia L Reed, a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. Learning about and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2278
Special guest
Rob Maniscalco |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Rob Maniscalco from North Charleston, South Carolina , a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. Abandoned by his mom when he was very young, Rob was groomed and assaulted by his sister's boyfriend, a doctor at the children's hospital, who “infiltrated” his family when Rob was 14. Ignored by parents and church leaders, with his childhood derailed, Rob developed feelings of abandonment, guilt and worthlessness. Rob became an overachiever in the arts to prove his worth and gain the needed affirmation, mostly from women. Rob wrote a coming-of-age book about what led to the abuse and a fictional future asking “what if I confronted the perpetrator?,” called, The Fishfly. Rob describes his journey, "Recovery is a lifelong process. Just when I think I'm ‘healed' I'm triggered back into chaos. You can only fail when you stop trying, unless you've made a disgusting mess, in which case you should just quit while you're ahead." Rob is a nationally renowned artist, gallerist, author, teacher, and actor/director of his original play, Vincent John Doe. His recent dramatic reading of a poem, from the perspective of the perpetrator, might be played during the show: https://www.maniscalcogallery.com/the-destroyer/. These days Rob's focus is on being the best portrait artist and fine artist he can be, being a loving husband and raising his two amazingly insightful kids. He says, “They teach me every day (or should I say every weekend) about being alive.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2277
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now a survior-professional. Living in Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2276
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2275
Special guest Gemini Stedl |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Gemini Stedl from Wisconsin, who was sexually abused by her mother's boyfriend at the age of 10. Gemini explains, “From what I remember, it went on for at least a few months, before something that he did finally made the lightbulb come on and made me realize that something wasn't right. I told my mom the next day.” Luckily, her mother believed her immediately. "I didn't know a lot of what happened after that, as I blocked it all out for many years," she shares. Gemini didn't fully realize how much she had been affected, as she kept silent about it, and her pain. Having to grow up at the age of 10, she became very independent, but she was unable to ask for help. She didn't have many relationships, as physical contact was not something she could tolerate. Around the end of 2017, Gemini decided it was time to tackle the fact that, despite what she kept telling herself for 20 years, she was highly affected by the abuse. She pulled the police reports, court reports, and other documents, then sent her abuser a letter. After his response, she was able to meet him for the first time in over 20 years. Gemini relates, “He answered many of my questions and it gave me a lot of strength to keep moving forward. I started going back to school fall of 2018, and plan on becoming a counselor. It's still an ongoing journey, but I've made many strides, from going overseas on a month-long vacation by myself, to starting to date again. I hope to help those that have been victims, and help them to become not just survivors .. but become thrivers." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2274
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Dr Jaime Romo, educator, CSA by clergy
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Dr Jaime Romo from San Diego, California, an educator, consultant, author, and Commissioned Minister, who promotes healing from abuse and the prevention of child sexual abuse, particularly abuse by religious authorities or in the context of religious settings. A workbook he wrote, Healing the Sexually Abused Heart: A Workbook for Survivors, Thrivers, and Supporters, is an integration of various disciplines that led Jaime to become a certified Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) facilitator. Jaime explains, “While it is no secret that I am a survivor of clergy abuse, it is the journey of integration, transformation and application that is most telling about my accomplishments and the life that I celebrate.” Please visit his website: http://www.jaimeromo.org. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2273
Special guest
Michael Anthony |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Michael Anthony from Portland, Oregon, a survivor who's now a trauma survivor-mentor and coach. Michael explains, “I am a survivor of child abuse. Raised by a drug addict and alcoholic mother who cut my finger off, a father that I never met, a hyper-abusive stepfather, and was molested by a member of the Mormon Church.” Michael had to find his way through the world with no real guidance, compassion, or support. Adopted by a racist grandmother, Michael found himself a drug addict and on his way to alcoholism at age 13. The next 15 years of his life were filled with drugs, alcohol, hookups, suicide attempts, morbid obesity, lies, panic attacks, rage, and ultimately, total breakdown. Then one day, everything changed. Michael explains, “Almost six years I ago, I faced the truth that I was to blame for all the mistakes I was making. I discovered how to tap into my true inner potential through mindfulness, self-love, and understanding the impact of trauma from a scientific level.” Michael created Think Unbroken to share the tools, science, and mindset practices around trauma that have worked for him, in the hope that others can find something that works for them. Michael relates, "I guide people in taking the first steps to get out of the vortex and become the person that they know they are inside. Though trauma may be our foundation it is not our future. Today I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2272
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Sharyn Higdon Jones, psychotherapist and author |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~
Tonight the special co-host will be
Sharyn Higdon Jones, a licensed psychotherapist for over 35 years with individuals, couples and families who have experienced the trauma of abuse. In her words: “The pain of being sexually abused is deep and profound. The abuse experience touches the core of a woman's being in ways she could never have predicted. She has been violated on so many levels. Sharyn is also the author of the book 'Healing Steps; a Gentle Path to Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,' written in a workbook format with exercises. Sharyn says, “Healing Steps is a perfect step-by-step process that evolved out of groups of women molested as children. It is the perfect format either to be facilitated by a mental health professional or could be used as a guide in a peer support group.” ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2271
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2270
Special guest Cricket (Tammi Andrews) |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Cricket (Tammi Andrews) from Easton, Pennsylvania. She's a returning 'special guest' and a survivor of neglect from her alcoholic parents and abuse in foster care. She relates, “I always felt like I was nothing & unworthy to be loved by anyone! I was always being told I was stupid & would never amount to anything so I believed it! I was basically a prisoner in my last home till I was rescued at 19 then stalked for the next 10 years by my foster father.” Now Cricket is a member of the Alliance of Guardian Angels and a Lead Advocate for CFSI Missing. The Center for Search & Investigations is an approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a high success rate of bringing missing children aged 11- 16 home safely, by assisting and training families and communities in facilitating the search and location efforts worldwide in order to safeguard children from abduction, child trafficking & exploitation. CFSI's services are always offered free of charge to the parents of missing children who meet the non-profit's criteria. The CFSI mission; what every single Advocate and supporter works for are these two words: FOUND SAFE. CFSI's involvement in the community has brought children back to their families. Cricket continues, “I am also a member of a wonderful group Angel Warriors for Children Everywhere who's founder will be helping me on the next chapter of my journey! I'd like to share my journey from the child nobody wanted to becoming the voice for the voiceless!” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2269
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2268
Special guest Amber DeAnn |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Amber DeAnn from San Jose, California, a returning NAASCA member and child abuse and PTSD survivor who's now a relationship coach with a new website, hypnotherapist, author of ‘Release Your Magical Child,' and filmmaker. "Mine is a slightly different story," she says, "since I approach everything from a more cosmic angle." Her main molester was her mom, a housewife of a farmer in Nebraska. "[Mom] felt trapped and when she could not hold it in any longer her anger erupted onto me in the form of beatings." Amber was also sodomized by a drunken father as an infant. She continues, "The emotional and mental shut down and entrapment in low self esteem, cut off from your power, your personality, your interests, your feelings, and your essence as a human, that is the deepest wound to heal." Since her 2017 SCAN appearance, Amber's book has been selling well; she has formed a Facebook group, Transforming Childhood; and she has set up programs about breaking free from family mindset and programming, learning inner game skills for boosting personal power and manifesting dreams, and an integration program for unifying the body, mind and spirit. Amber does psychic readings to help others get clear direct answers to their problems. She says, "I am now a coach helping adults release from their emotional connection to their parents, so they can take back their power, and their identity." Amber may share a healing technique on the show. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2267
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Dr Linda Olson - Child Domestic Abuse (CDV) survivor - Clinical Psychologist |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Dr Linda Olson, from Atlanta, GA. She grew up with childhood domestic violence (CDV) and, for over 30 years, has been a licensed clinical psychologist, and a CDV victims' advocate, specializing in helping women, children, couples, and families who witnessed domestic violence heal from anxiety, depression, and trauma. CDV, the impact experienced by children who grow up in a household where there is domestic violence, is a devastating crisis that affects one billion people around the globe and, at the same time, is an issue that is rarely mentioned by the news media. Be sure to check out her ProjectHopeBear.org! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2266
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2265
Special guest Dannette Allen |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Dannette Allen from Seattle, Washington. After her birth mother committed suicide, she was raised in a world of physical, emotional and verbal violence. Dannette relates, “As a child, my memories were of living in fear for my life. I was regularly beaten up and beaten down at home by my mother while my father did nothing to stop it.” At the age of 18, with her battle-fatigued mind, God and Dannette sat down to talk. She asked God, "How do I live with everything inside me blasted and bombed to bits, with my heart, the land and even the sky inside me covered in nuclear dust?” Dannette explains her life goals, “There are children and adults living on battlefields of war, being attacked by the people around them. Attacking themselves. I don't want them to be on the battlefields alone. The sorrow could kill all that is living and capable of loving inside them, as it almost did me.” Today, Dannette is seeking to find a way to bring into existence a collection of tools, resources, and advocacy that seeks to restore the human spirit devastated by violence and violation back to its full range of vibrancy, vitality, of possibility and potential. “It is God's passion and fire that saved me, that kept me alive," she says. "As an adult survivor of child abuse, it is my dream, my vision, my life mission to give nurture to the community of children experiencing child abuse, neglect, abandonment and violation .. and to [serve] the community of adult survivors of child abuse." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2264
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2263
Special guest Penelope Benis |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Penelope Benis from Bellevue, Washington, a survivor of childhood domestic violence and sexual abuse. She states, “I was born into multi-generational abuse, and survived extreme domestic violence within my family of origin. The abuse was physical, mental, emotional and sexual in nature. I lived in a state of dissociation until June of 2016 when my primary care doctor encouraged me to seek therapy. So I began that process three and a half years ago through intensive cognitive therapy and yoga, which enabled me to finally begin the process of healing by both acknowledging what I remembered (the forbidden truth) as well as pushing the (dissociated) memories from my unconscious mind forward.” Today, Penelope is a wife, mother of three teen-aged sons, commercial real estate business professional, yoga instructor and activist. Of the yoga, she explains, “Yoga, for me, is a hug I give myself every day.” In Seattle, Penelope is involved with Yoga behind bars, which shares yoga and meditation with incarcerated people to promote rehabilitation, personal transformation and a more just society for all. Penelope says that joining the NAASCA group has been tremendously helpful and that she's so appreciative of how everyone has contributed to make NAASCA what it is today. She relates, “I visit the NAASCA Facebook page daily, and it's truly been the support I needed; a safe place to understand…and feel understood. I'm ready to have the world hear my voice, and tremendously thankful for the opportunity to do so.” She's also told us that someday soon she'll want to find a volunteer opportunity with our NAASCA family! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2262
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Carlotta Taylor, Foster Care / Law Enforcement |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Carlotta Taylor from Clinton, Mississippi, a survivor of child abuse by her own family and in foster care. After searching for her purpose for years, she learned it was to share her story and inspire others who may be going through what she endured. In her debut book, 'No More Flinching', Carlotta outlines five key steps to overcoming adversity. A former homicide detective, child protection detective, and former federal officer, with over 15 years law enforcement experience, she knew she had to use her knowledge and wisdom to effect greater change in and around the community. She's the founder of 'Somebody Step In', a non-profit for foster children, teens and young adults. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2261
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2260
Special guest Donna Jenson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Donna Jenson from Leverett, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor, an author and an activist, whose story was recently published in her book, 'Healing My Life from Incest to Joy', a narrative of the choices she made and experiences she had that helped her heal from her childhood abuse. Her trauma story started in infancy. Her father, steeped in alcoholism until his mid-thirties, was first physically abusive to both Donna and her mother. The incest began at age seven and continued until she was twelve. He was emotionally and psychologically abusive until the day he died, when Donna was age 46. Donna founded 'Time To Tell' in 2009, with a mission to spark stories from lives affected by incest and sexual abuse to be told and heard. She leads three online writing circles for survivors helping them to find their voice and showing them how to use it in community with other survivors. Donna also wrote and performs her one-woman play, 'What She Knows: One Woman's Way Through Incest to Joy', which is based on her own experience of surviving incest and what she did to make her life worth living. Donna explains, “Once I had healed enough to be open about my experience of surviving incest, I knew it would add to my healing to use my voice to help shatter the silence surrounding childhood sexual abuse.” Donna will be reading a few excerpts from her book, 'Healing My Life from Incest to Joy', as fuel for our discussion. First chapter HERE (free). |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2259
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Dr Jaime Romo, educator, CSA by clergy
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Dr Jaime Romo from San Diego, California, an educator, consultant, author, and Commissioned Minister, who promotes healing from abuse and the prevention of child sexual abuse, particularly abuse by religious authorities or in the context of religious settings. A workbook he wrote, Healing the Sexually Abused Heart: A Workbook for Survivors, Thrivers, and Supporters, is an integration of various disciplines that led Jaime to become a certified Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) facilitator. Jaime explains, “While it is no secret that I am a survivor of clergy abuse, it is the journey of integration, transformation and application that is most telling about my accomplishments and the life that I celebrate.” Please visit his website: http://www.jaimeromo.org. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2258
Q & A call-in discussion with NAASCA survivors - Charlie Stecker - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2257
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray, NAASCA founder - 12 Step Recovery |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host
is Bill Murray from Los Angeles, our founder. Bill's recovery is 12 Step-based and spans some 3 and a half decades. Sexually abused by numerous clerics, all men, between the ages of 11 and mid-way through high school, a minor seminary, he was also the victim of pre-pubescent ography and even a two week kidnapping. Bill was graced to have found Alcoholics Anonymous when he was 30 years old. The program not only helped him get clean and sober but also gave him a place to give up his secrets, and tools by which he recovered. He firmly believes one can use the 12 Step process to heal child abuse trauma and to find a way to a comfortable life. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2256
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2255
Q & A call-in discussion with NAASCA survivors - Carol Levine - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2254
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Felicia L Reed, a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. That learning and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2253
Special guest
Linda Vidi |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Linda S Vidi from Manahawkin, New Jersey, a survivor, counselor, writer, speaker, and advocate. Linda was sexually abused from age 6 through 9 by her biological father and continues to have repressed memories. She developed an eating disorder at age 10, alcoholism by age 16, and had multiple suicide attempts. Later Linda searched for a man to love her, but lost 4 pregnancies. When she finally had a son she thought she would be happy, but she wasn't. Someone told Linda that since she'd tried everything else, why not try God? That was the beginning of her healing process. She went back to school for counseling, and during that time the memories came back. When Linda revealed her abuse to protect her niece, Linda's family disowned her, which was worse than the actual abuse, and she spiraled for a couple years. She relates, “If it wasn't for God being insistent that I still had work to do I would not be here.” Now a certified Christian Life Coach, Linda works with survivors, PTSD, cPTSD, anxiety, depression, dissociation, eating disorders, cutting, etc. She is currently writing a book about her family going back 4 generations in three countries. Titled “Letters to Ann,” the book is about a daughter who tells the story of her families' generational abuse on both sides. She writes letters to her mother, each ending with a motivation to action to break the generational patterns. Linda says, "My goal is to allow everything Jesus died for to flow through me and to prepare this generation and the next for doing the same. I also believe everything that has Breath (including our pets) and should praise the Lord and we do!" |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2252
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now a survior-professional. Living in Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2251
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2250
Special guest
Siobhan O'Connor |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Siobhan O'Connor from Buffalo, New York, a whistleblower and activist.
Although not a survivor, Siobhan shared pertinent Chancery documents with several media outlets to expose the abuse cover-up within the Buffalo Diocese, which had been perpetuated by Bishop Richard J. Malone, for whom she had been an executive assistant for 3 years. As Siobhan relates, “my conscience compelled me to turn to the media to expose the coverup of priests who had abused children and adults (including at least one seminarian). My observations of Bishop Malone taught me that the media was the only effective tool at my disposal to rapidly alert the lay faithful about priests with credible accusations in their midst and to prompt a change in how the diocese handles these cases. In addition to sharing the documents with the media, I have also provided them to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. I was a keynote speaker at this summer's SNAP Conference and a panelist at the Religious News Association Conference [in September 2019]". Siobhan is now focused on advocacy for survivors of clerical sexual abuse and the reform of the Church to which she still belongs. She explains, “The reality of what I witnessed left me with no other option because at the end of my life, I'm not going to answer to Bishop Malone. I am going to answer to God.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2249
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Heath Phillips - Military Sexual Trauma Survivor
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Heath Phillips, a Military Sexual Trauma Survivor. He explains "At age 17, while serving in the United States Navy, I was raped, sodomized, beaten, humiliated and had a piece of my soul stolen from this." Like many of us he turned to drugs and alcohol and even attempted suicide. Sober since 2009, Heath wants to share his life experiences, his spiral out of control to being back in control with us. He says. "I want to help you take that first step of not holding it in by sharing my first steps." He goes on, "I am no longer ashamed, or guilt ridden, and I have learned to not only forgive myself, but to forgive my rapists." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2248
Special guest
Tammy Kennington |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Tammy Kennington from Colorado Springs, Colorado, a survivor of a decade of childhood sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and domestic violence at the hands of her alcoholic stepfather. Years later, she lived under the shadow of PTSD and depression—disguising its impact from only those who knew her best. Now on the other side of the trauma, she speaks to women who are on their own healing journeys. As an experienced Intervention Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry, Tammy has spoken both locally and regionally to women's groups and at educational conferences. Her publications include works published by Thriving Family, The Upper Room, and Light from the Word. She is currently working on a book about PTSD from a Christian survivor's standpoint, and writes a blog. In her September 5, 2019 blog, Tammy writes, “While a caterpillar is encased within its chrysalis, its growth leads to an incredible transformation until one glorious day it emerges with a final, determined struggle .. a new creation. One day, you and I will be gloriously and completely transformed–shaped by our response to both the good and bad circumstances in our lives.” With a master's degree in teaching from Colorado College, Tammy is also skilled in nonprofit organizations, coaching, early childhood education, editing, and volunteer management. "I'm also completing certificates in both trauma and life coaching," she shares. "My passion is for others to know there is hope for healing and life beyond the emotional pain of the past." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2247
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Sharyn Higdon Jones, psychotherapist and author |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be
Sharyn Higdon Jones, a licensed psychotherapist for over 35 years with individuals, couples and families who have experienced the trauma of abuse. In her words: “The pain of being sexually abused is deep and profound. The abuse experience touches the core of a woman's being in ways she could never have predicted. She has been violated on so many levels. Sharyn is also the author of the book 'Healing Steps; a Gentle Path to Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,' written in a workbook format with exercises. Sharyn says, “Healing Steps is a perfect step-by-step process that evolved out of groups of women molested as children. It is the perfect format either to be facilitated by a mental health professional or could be used as a guide in a peer support group.” ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2246
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2245
Special guest Dale Hemming |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Dale Hemming from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a returning NAASCA family member. Among numerous other issues for Dale is the safety of our children and Domestic Violence. Tonight he'll be sharing about his latest Sioux Falls Domestic Violence billboard campaign for 2019 that features images and messages concerning Domestic Violence month (in October).
Dale, now in his 70s, leads the effort at Sioux Falls' 'Free Thinkers'. He became an activist in 1960 while he was in high school. Dale explains, "If one looks at the appalling statistics and facts on child abuse you will understand my involvement in the issue," Dale says. He's addressing child abuse and domestic violence head on via billboards, at his own expense. "I believe we need to stop hiding the ugliness of child physical and sexual abuse. If someone thinks my images are too graphic, they should go down to the emergency rooms or the intensive care units at the hospitals. Then they'll get to see the real thing. The truth is much more extreme than I've chosen to use for my billboard images. I'm convinced that anything less than what I'm doing just enables the violent abusers. The last thing they want exposed is the brutality of what they do.” Dale has appeared on our show many times, always sharing about the terrific work he's doing for his hometown. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2244
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2243
Special guest Amanda Blackwood |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Amanda Blackwood from Denver, Colorado, a former victim of child abuse and human trafficking. She's an activist, author and public speaker.
Her child abuse included being molested by her brother at 4, her Aunt's husband at 12, a stranger in a Hastings parking lot at 14, and pressured by her parents into dating a 25-year-old when she was only 16. Amanda notes, “There was obviously some abuse in my childhood, but it doesn't even come CLOSE to comparing to what I've gone through as an adult [victim of human trafficking]. It happens every day, and most people think it could never happen to them, or that kind of thing doesn't happen in the United States." She goes on, "Sadly, it's not restricted to third world countries. I should know; it happened to me." At the age of 19, Amanda's life took a drastic turn down a very dark path. She married an older man to escape her already dramatic life and looking for a way out of trouble when the word "trouble" was completely redefined for her. Locked away in a small room with no food, no water, and no bathroom, her only company were the screams of other trapped girls down the dark, deadly hallway. When she escaped, she didn't go back for the other girls whose screams haunt her dreams even now. The book about that experience is called ‘Detailed Pieces of a Shattered Dream.' A portion of every book sale goes to help fight human trafficking and to help rescue the kids still trapped in the life worse than death. Amanda's been able to reach many other survivors of human trafficking and guide them to resources they didn't know were available to aid in their recovery. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2242
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Dr Jaime Romo, educator, CSA by clergy |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Dr Jaime Romo from San Diego, California, an educator, consultant, author, and Commissioned Minister, who promotes healing from abuse and the prevention of child sexual abuse, particularly abuse by religious authorities or in the context of religious settings. A workbook he wrote, Healing the Sexually Abused Heart: A Workbook for Survivors, Thrivers, and Supporters, is an integration of various disciplines that led Jaime to become a certified Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) facilitator. Jaime explains, “While it is no secret that I am a survivor of clergy abuse, it is the journey of integration, transformation and application that is most telling about my accomplishments and the life that I celebrate.” Please visit his website: http://www.jaimeromo.org. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2241
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2240
Special guest Deborah Ling |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Deborah Ling from Sacramento, California, a survivor of child abuse. "During my childhood and into adulthood, I was sexually, physically, mentally, and verbally abused," she says. "I hid behind my 'smiley' good-girl mask, and no one knew what was happening behind the closed doors.” Although Deb does not remember most of her childhood – which is a means of keeping her from losing her mind – she does have memories of a series of abuses starting when she was 2 years old. One of her abusers was her step-grandfather, who also abused Deborah's mother. Deborah says, “My mom was abused but had never faced her abuse, so when I told her on various occasions about being abused, she called me a liar. She was in denial where I was concerned.” Looking for love, she got married at 17 and had a son at 18. That marriage lasted 4 years. Deborah's second marriage, still looking for approval and love, lasted 2 years. Beaten while she was pregnant, she lost her daughter. When she was 32, Deborah was given a workbook to “heal her.” However, having read the workbook 3 times with no healing, Deborah cried out to the Lord. The Lord spoke to her saying, "You have done it man's way, now do it my way." Deborah met with 3 sisters from church every week. Between prayer and scriptures, they walked through her past, with healing as they went. Three months later she was healed. She relates, “I was healed of my past by the Lord, and am now an ex-victim of abuse. The Lord had me document the journey I took, and it became my first book, ‘The Walking Wounded.' Deborah is now a self-published author and currently works with authors as an Author Coach/Editor to help them prepare their work for publication. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2239
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain
27 min recorded
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2238
Special guest Deb Maybury
no show recorded
- we will be-book Deb Maybury for an upcoming slot |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Deb Maybury, a returning NAASCA family member who's last visit was in 2014! Deb is a survivor of abuse by "trusted others" and is a speaker, activist and facilitator at The Gatehouse in Toronto, and author of "Unlock The Door-Beyond Sexual Abuse" and "What Is Your Teenage Daughter Afraid Of?" She describes herself as an entrepreneur – a woman of many hats – who's focus is on assisting others in their healing process, through awareness, support and connection. It is her mission to be part of the movement to remove the stigma and taboo associated with sexual abuse and to do that in a way that promotes a healing. Deb's been busy! Since her visit in 2014, she did a short film on child sexual abuse and an album: Vulnerable Places-Deb Maybury.Listen@cdbaby. Deb went back to school to become a Spiritual Psychotherapist, and teaches the Sexual Abuse and Incest courses part-time at the Transformational Arts College. She continues to volunteer at The Gatehouse, where people go to heal beyond their child sexual abuse. Deb's website, debmaybury.com, features creative projects which, Deb says, is her “journey in self-expression and helping others ... I do the best I can, with what I have, at the time ... and that's OK.” In memory of the passing of her dearest friend in 2006, Deb continues “to strive to learn, teach, and challenge myself and others." Deb has certainly kept her promise and is an excellent representative of the NAASCA family and mission. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2237
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Carlotta Taylor, Foster Care / Law Enforcement
no show recorded |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Carlotta Taylor from Clinton, Mississippi, a survivor of child abuse by her own family and in foster care. After searching for her purpose for years, she learned it was to share her story and inspire others who may be going through what she endured. In her debut book, 'No More Flinching', Carlotta outlines five key steps to overcoming adversity. A former homicide detective, child protection detective, and former federal officer, with over 15 years law enforcement experience, she knew she had to use her knowledge and wisdom to effect greater change in and around the community. She's the founder of 'Somebody Step In', a non-profit for foster children, teens and young adults. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2236
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events
no show recorded |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Sam Young from Houston, Texas, a former dedicated Mormon leader who discovered that four of his six daughters were being interrogated with sexually explicit questions by bishops, through a private, closed-door Mormon interview practice. At first, the church responded with a minor but significant policy change. Although Sam had lived his entire life as a Mormon, in September 2018, that all ended with his excommunication. As Sam relates, “Rather than implement the protections that our movement was calling for, the Church responded by kicking the whistleblower out. I was willing to put everything on the line and stand up for what is right for our kids. Although my religious affiliation has been sacrificed, I will not allow my voice to be sacrificed into silence.” An activist now, Sam is leading an effort called 'Protect Every Child' and is here to talk about his life and a wonderful upcoming event: On Saturday, October 5th, 2019, a major ‘March & Rally for The Children' is being held in Salt Lake City, Utah. NAASCA is a participant in supporting these efforts and encourages anyone who lives close enough to attend. Sam states, “My original goal was to Protect Mormon (LDS) children. During 2018 and early 2019, as scandal after scandal after scandal of child abuse continued to erupt, I realized EVERY CHILD is at risk. Enough is Enough. Adults need to stand up and shout from the mountain tops that abuse of children must stop. We won't take it anymore.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2234
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray, NAASCA founder - 12 Step Recovery
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ The host tonight will be Bill Murray from Los Angeles (now in Florida), our founder. Bill's recovery is 12 Step-based and spans some 3 and a half decades. Sexually abused by numerous clerics, all men, between the ages of 11 and mid-way through high school, a minor seminary, he was also the victim of pre-pubescent XXX-rated pornography and even a two week kidnapping. Bill was graced to have found Alcoholics Anonymous when he was 30 years old. The program not only helped him get clean and sober but also gave him a place to give up his secrets, and tools by which he recovered. He firmly believes one can use the 12 Step process to heal child abuse trauma and to find a way to a comfortable life. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2233
Special guest Diane Robin-Lee |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Diane Roblin-Lee from Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada, a returning NAASCA family member, an activist and author. Diane's son was molested by his grandfather. "Years later," she explains, "I discovered my husband (of 38 years) to be a child molester, one of the victims being my granddaughter. It was horrendous, but I was determined not to let the shattering of my precious family be for naught." Diane's husband was convicted of child molestation and went to prison. She obtained a divorce and immersed herself in researching how parents, grandparents, churches and organizations could protect the children in their care from child sexual abuse. She wondered how a young mom could ever be expected to recognize a predator – if she could live with one for 38 years and not know it. She was determined not to allow the shattering of her family to happen for nothing, but to use her hard-won insights to help other children and families to be protected from the horrific fallout from child-sexual abuse. Diane says, "The sad thing is that, until people's lives have been touched by abuse, not many understand how to keep their kids safe or how critical it is to be educated." Her nine-book Predator-Proof Your Family series (first book "What's the Fuss?") is an attempt to explain these things. Diane has updated the booklets with all the latest information. The booklets are now being used as resources in over 7,500 organizations, churches, and schools through ‘Plan to Protect,' an international organization run by Melodie Bissell, that puts protocols in place to protect children and vulnerable adults. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2232
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now a survior-professional. Living in Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2231
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2230
Special guest Sharon Simonson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Sharon Simonson from Greensboro, North Carolina, a survivor of child abuse. As Sharon explains, “I was sexually abused multiple times before the age of 12 by men who I knew and trusted. I suffered from guilt and shame and began using drugs as a teen to cope with my pain. The use of drugs led to addiction in my adult life. After a failed marriage, unsuccessful relationships, and my life a complete mess, I finally reached out for professional help. The therapy helped me to finally address my sexual abuse.” Sharon is an advocate and writer who educates, inspires and encourages others to make powerful changes in their lives, with messages centered on hope, unwavering faith and perseverance. Not wanting to see people suffer the way she had, Sharon told her story by writing a book. As the founder and CEO of Angel Wings Publications, LLC, a publication company, she self-published her first book, ‘Without Permission: A Spiritual Journey to Healing,' in 2011. Sharon is also the founder of Angel Wings Bridge Foundation, a non-profit organization to support and empower sexual abuse victims. The Foundation serves as a bridge, linking victims to professional resources that promote healing through support, education and spirituality. Sharon passionately speaks out about prevention and awareness of sexual abuse, focusing on educating and inspiring audiences at faith-based organizations, at-risk teen groups, students, and incarcerated women. Sharon promotes self-empowerment to overcome obstacles that hinder individual growth. Through the use of personal experience, as well as real life tools, Sharon connects with abuse survivors and their support systems in a manner that helps elevate them to positions of self-love, courage and strength of purpose. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2229
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Dr Linda Olson - Child Domestic Abuse (CDV) survivor - Clinical Psychologist
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be
Dr Linda Olson, from Atlanta, GA.
She grew up with childhood domestic violence (CDV) and, for over 30 years, has been a licensed clinical psychologist, and a CDV victims' advocate, specializing in helping women, children, couples, and families who witnessed domestic violence heal from anxiety, depression, and trauma. CDV, the impact experienced by children who grow up in a household where there is domestic violence, is a devastating crisis that affects one billion people around the globe and, at the same time, is an issue that is rarely mentioned by the news media. Be sure to check out her ProjectHopeBear.org! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2228
Special guest Lisa (NYC) |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Lisa from New York City, a returning member of our NAASCA family and a panel participant on our shows. Lisa tackles the issue of 'court ordered rape,' which she defined as a crime victim of sexual assault being ordered to submit to genital, intrusive examination at the behest of the court, on behalf of the assailant, on SCAN episode #1662, ‘Examining Institutional Abuse.'
Lisa experienced Court Ordered Rape after being unknowingly infected with a genital disease by a partner who was intent on harming her. After he was convicted criminally she pursued him in civil court. The court ordered an 'expert' witness to perform an unnecessary post-diagnostic pelvic exam, against her will and without her consent. On SCAN episode #1968,
Lisa talked further about her experience with 'court-ordered rape'. Lisa discovered was intentionally infected with herpes. The Judge ordered Lisa to submit to an invasive pelvic exam for no medical or legal reasons. Medical evaluation of victims of sexual assault are part of the procedure for the immediate collection of evidence. But 'court-ordered rape' refers specifically to later body cavity examinations conducted at the request of the assailant to conduct discovery on the body of a person, even without his/her consent to such an exam. Lisa has learned there are numerous children who experience these re-traumatizing exams at the hands of a doctor (see the Villanova Report).
Lisa is an outspoken advocate for victims' rights and raising consciousness of the presence and impact of this crime. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2227
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Suzanne Isaza - Sexual Assault prevention |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be
Suzanne Isaza of the
Sexual Assault Advocacy Network (SAAN) community on Facebook. Suzanne also serves as the NAASCA Ambassador for Rhode Island, and is a sexual assault prevention and education expert and activist. She writes, "Ending sexual violence starts with educating ourselves. The #MeToo movement provides us a unique opportunity to hear survivor experiences and learn how we can be part of the solution. A survivor, speaker, and author, my personal mission is to break the "code of silence" surrounding sexual assault and abuse. I focus on preventing violence through trainings, lectures, articles, and survivor awareness." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2226
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2225
Special guest Nick Kelso |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Nick Kelso from Tucson, Arizona. Although not a survivor himself, Nick has more than a dozen years of experience empowering underserved populations through grassroots movements with nonprofits, arts-focused startups, and community organizations. His documentary film, 'Is Your Story Making You Sick?', focuses on the healing power of a story, and how people can rewrite the toxic stories they tell themselves. The film reveals how individuals battling addiction, trauma, and depression can change their stories and transcend their pain through ‘Narrative Therapy' interactive and cutting-edge practices that help individuals rewrite their story. The film provides a step-by-step depiction of how to conduct these healing exercises. Nick strives to connect with leading organizations and individuals in the mental health fields working to destigmatize the long shadows of addiction and trauma. In Nick's own words, “I'm not a survivor. But I support and represent my friends and family who are. I came to this film from years of working in the grassroots nonprofit fields of youth work, education, community radio, and community art house theater. It's an honor to work towards helping others who are underserved or underheard, and as an activist at heart I find causes that I believe in and dive in! It's an honor for me to represent a film that's being seen as a resource for survivors - and we hope the project can be a valuable tool for growth and healing.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2224
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2223
Special guest Shannon Martinez |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Shannon Martinez from Washington, DC, a survivor of maternal sexual abuse, domestic human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and trauma. After her successful recovery, Shannon became a speaker and consultant on Domestic Human Trafficking. Having been a US Navy Ombudsman for several years, Shannon was afforded a unique perspective that assists relevant populations on domestic human trafficking, sexual exploitation, childhood trauma, foster care, and life after trauma. "I present law enforcement and other applicable agencies with an ethnographic perspective of domestic human trafficking,” she says. "I also present to the medical community on the effects of trafficking and how they can recognize it in the office." Shannon advocates for victims through their exit from being prostituted, and has created programs to train organizations, educators, and law enforcement agencies in the topics of general awareness, recovery, and reduction techniques. She has been working to end sexual exploitation through her two organizations, ‘Shannon Speaks' to share her expertise and ‘Shame Eaters' which has “boots on the ground treading in places that even the Devil fears to go,” since 2014. Shannon has two books coming out soon: 'Post-it Notes' and 'Dear John,' written with her daughter. She explains, “I am reaching out to all to bring awareness to the silent epidemic that is taking our girls.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2222
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Svava Brooks - Recovery Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Svava Brooks, the well-known and much respected survivor-professional and long time NAASCA family member. An author and a coach, Svava often shares about 'Releasing Your Authentic Self', and is doing YouTube presentations on the same topic. She recently shared, "A concept that fascinates me and that I love to help survivors learn about is 'hope'. Most survivors struggle to understand what hope means or even looks like because they've never had an example of it." Svava goes on, "But what if I told you that hope is the actual pathway to resilience, to surviving and healing from trauma, and that it has been shown to be the single best predictor of well-being. This is why it's so important to me to teach other survivors how to find their hope." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2221
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 600
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show
- Final show - |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ NOTE: This series is ending, as the type of material covered here will be included in the new murrayTALK.com podcasts, soon to be launched. Tonight will be the final show in this series.
We'll present a new format, too, which will include 'Feature Discussions' and Bill's 'Opinion' .. as well as current news. ~~ Bring your experience and opinions to the show this evening. We'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2220
Special guest
Darlene J Clark |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Darlene J Clark from Pulaski, Tennessee, a survivor of severe child abuse and an author. Her book, 'Born In A Living Hell,'
is about her tortuous childhood. She relates, “I had been abused, basically since birth. As a child, I had believed everyone gets abused during growing up." She explains, " From the army line-up being whipped either with a switch, belt or whip to being shot at in my dad's crazy game of hide and go seek, and worrying about whether this was going to be the day they murdered .” When she was 4, her aunt grew tired of picking up the five kids (ages 2 through 6) repeatedly abandoned by their mother at a grocery store, so her mom and dad divorced. Her father remarried, as Darlene describes, “Dad met my stepmom who I loved because we have a meal every day, a bed to sleep in, instead of having to eat raw oatmeal from a box because both parents abandoned seven of us for a week. My stepmom later was crude. She would dip my nose in manure, drag me through the house by my hair, kick me in the rump while doing dishes, and held me down while her son raped me. I even got beaten for sneaking out to worship God.” Overhearing her stepmother, stepsister and stepbrother planning to kill her and make it look like suicide, Darlene married her boyfriend before the plan could be enacted. An online support group inspired her to write her book, because the others were unable to write their own. She would be telling their stories as she told her own. The book talks about just some of the events Darlene endured as a child to 18 years old. "There are a lot of other things which happened which will be revealed soon," she shares. "I am triumphant over the abuse, so now I share my story to help others." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2219
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2218
Special guest Kelly Pampin |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Kelly Pampin from Stamford, Connecticut, a survivor and author of an upcoming memoir, 'My Two Faces'. Kelly's child abuse began in the basement of her own home, when she was 8, and her abuser was a 45-year-old friend of her uncle. Later, at 15, she was raped, got pregnant, and had a daughter. Kelly was also abused at 20 years old by a cartel in Colombia. She shares, "I have overcome numerous obstacles in life. My perseverance has enabled me to share my story with the world. I've helped many people in need throughout Colombia, South America and the USA. Kelly has volunteered with organizations like Stamford Mentoring Program for Middle Schoolers, Junior Achievement of Southwest Connecticut, and United Way. As a Certified Public Accountant, Kelly has also volunteered with the Internal Revenue Service to help those in need with their tax returns. Kelly says her book was inspired by actual events. "I am a survivor and I discovered I could heal through writing and helping others and so that is exactly what I did. My story is very powerful, and my memoir should be published by year end." Kelly concludes, "My heart's desire is to spread awareness about trauma, abuse and mental health issues, and to let those coping with depression and mental illness know that they are not alone. There are many ways to heal. By telling my story, I want to help people overcome their sense of helplessness when it comes to dealing with the issues life throws at us." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2217
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Carlotta Taylor, Foster Care / Law Enforcement |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Carlotta Taylor from Clinton, Mississippi, a survivor of child abuse by her own family and in foster care. After searching for her purpose for years, she learned it was to share her story and inspire others who may be going through what she endured. In her debut book, 'No More Flinching', Carlotta outlines five key steps to overcoming adversity. A former homicide detective, child protection detective, and former federal officer, with over 15 years law enforcement experience, she knew she had to use her knowledge and wisdom to effect greater change in and around the community. She's the founder of 'Somebody Step In', a non-profit for foster children, teens and young adults. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2216
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 599
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ NOTE: This series is ending, and the type of material covered here will be included in the new murrayTALK.com podcasts, soon to be launched. Tonight will be the 2nd-to-last show in this series. ~~ Bring your experience and opinions to the show this evening. We'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2215
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Felicia L Reed, a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. That learning and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2214
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray, NAASCA founder - 12 Step Recovery
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ The host tonight will be Bill Murray from Los Angeles, our founder. Bill's recovery is 12 Step-based and spans some 3 and a half decades. Sexually abused by numerous clerics, all men, between the ages of 11 and mid-way through high school, a minor seminary, he was also the victim of pre-pubescent pornography and even a two week kidnapping. Bill was graced to have found Alcoholics Anonymous when he was 30 years old. The program not only helped him get clean and sober but also gave him a place to give up his secrets, and tools by which he recovered. He firmly believes one can use the 12 Step process to heal child abuse trauma and to find a way to a comfortable life. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2213
Special guest Laura K Halverson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Laura K. Halverson from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, a survivor of childhood sexual, physical and emotional abuse. She's now a returning NAASCA family member. She first told her story, other than with her therapist, on our show in Dec. 2016 … and her bravery in coming forward was not lost on us. We know how much courage it takes to walk through the fear of giving up one's secrets from childhood abuses and trauma. And still Laura has a lot to talk about. "I was abused from infancy to now. I have multiple perpetrators, so many I can't count," Laura notes. "The abuse was horrible and very traumatic." Laura was not only abused by the males in her family, but by her mother as well. "She pimped me out from the age of 6 until I was 12. Hundreds of men raped me. One had a gun at my head. Another used a knife to subdue me. Many used pills and alcohol." There have been many consequences in Laura's life. "At a young age I taught myself to dissociate, breaking into branches of other personalities,” she reports. Among other things, she's suffered from DID (dissociative identity disorder), cPTSD (complex post-traumatic stress disorder), major depressive disorder, and an anxiety disorder. "I am alone," she says. "My family denies the abuse and I don't have contact with them. I am working to build a new life. I have my very first apartment alone and I love it. I can do whatever I want. I am working with a psychologist who specializes in trauma and abuse … and I have an amazing psychiatrist." She's in a better place now. "I still struggle every day. But I am fighting the demons and I will turn out on top," Laura says. "I just hope I can reach at least one listener and give that listener a little courage." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2212
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now a survior-professional. Living in Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2211
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 598
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ NOTE: This series is ending, and the type of material covered here will be included in the new murrayTALK.com podcasts, soon to be launched. Tonight will be the 3rd-to-last show in this series. ~~ Bring your experience and opinions to the show this evening. We'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2210
Special guest Maralee McLean |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Maralee McLean from Colorado, author of 'Prosecuted But Not Silenced: Courtroom Reform for Sexually Abused Children.'
She's a child advocate, protective parent, domestic violence expert, professional speaker, and author. When Maralee fought to have her daughter taken away from her sexually-abusive father, a court-adopted unproven hypothesis Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) placed gag orders from discussing her case. Mothers trying to protect their children are typically labeled as PAS, and vocal mothers are often punished by the courts, removing their abused children from their custody and mandating that they live with the perpetrator. Since the 1990s, no changes have taken place to stop this practice, and the broken Family Courts system continues to enforce this practice as policy. Now, Maralee fights for children's rights, to change the laws in family courts, and to protect children. She has written articles for the ABA Child Law Journal, Women's E-News and other publications; is with Women's Media Center (WMC), SheSourceExpert and NPEIV (National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence); and is on the RAINN speaker bureau and All-American Speakers. She organized a National Rally of Mothers at the Colorado State Capitol and has been involved in legislative work that spans over two decades. She testified before Congress to promote judicial accountability to better protect sexually-abused children's rights in our courts. Maralee's story has been covered by many media outlets and internationally on CNN. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2209
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Donnalynn Scillieri - Domestic Violence
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Donnalynn (Donna) Scillieri, a fourteen and a half year survivor of Domestic Violence. She explains, "There are six counts of domestic violence in New Jersey: emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, stalking and financial and I hit it on all six. However, I don't want to talk about the ugliness of the marriage; I want to share my Awakening and Rebirth Along the Journey of Hope." Donna's website, “The Voice; Domestic Violence Survivor,” explains she's a professional speaker, panelist and voice focusing on gender-based violence: domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and LGBT matters. She is a professor, teaching Gender, Diversity, Sociology, Contemporary Social Issues and Women's Studies. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2208
Special guest Tammy Shoffstall |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Tammy Shoffstall from Pompano Beach, Florida, a returning NAASCA family member and one of our most dedicated volunteers. Tammy serves as the Treasurer of NAASCA's 501(c)3 non profit organization and hosts many of the "Stop Child Abuse Now" talk radio shows. A survivor of child abuse, Tammy will re-tell her story to refresh the memory of her fellow NAASCA family members about the traumas of her youth. Tammy was the second child in an abusive marriage between a teenage mother and a soldier father who died when she was a toddler. Her mom went back home to live with her grandparents. "I was a burden to my grandmother and she often stated that this world would be better off if I had never been born," Tammy says. In this home she was physically, verbally, and emotionally abused by her maternal grandmother. "As a child and to this day, I struggle to understand why my grandmother chose to abuse me." When she was eight her mother re-married, but one night her stepfather said he was going to teach her 'about life.' Tammy reports, "I turned to stone." The same step father went on to groom and sexually abused her sister for years. Tammy's marriage was very abusive, too. She says, "My husband raped me several times." She divorced him in her early 30's and went back to school. She's currently working on a doctorate. Tammy considers her healing journey a work in progress. "I learned to stop looking for someone to love me. I made it a personal quest to find people to love and eventually people will love me back." She concludes, "One can linger in victim mode forever, but transitioning to survivor will allow healing to occur." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2207
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Sharyn Higdon Jones, psychotherapist and author |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be
Sharyn Higdon Jones,
a licensed psychotherapist for over 35 years with individuals, couples and families who have experienced the trauma of abuse.
In her words: “The pain of being sexually abused is deep and profound. The abuse experience touches the core of a woman's being in ways she could never have predicted. She has been violated on so many levels. Sharyn is also the author of the book 'Healing Steps; a Gentle Path to Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,' written in a workbook format with exercises. Sharyn says, “Healing Steps is a perfect step-by-step process that evolved out of groups of women molested as children. It is the perfect format either to be facilitated by a mental health professional or could be used as a guide in a peer support group.” ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2206
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 597
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2205
Special guest Selene Calloni Williams |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Selene Calloni Williams from Switzerland, a contemporary mystic who, through her books, videos and seminars, has taught how to imagine and create a new reality to an incredible number of people. A survivor of abuse, Selene has worked with many people in releasing the trauma from the abuse that survivors experience and carry. She has a degree in psychology and a master's degree in screen writing, and has authored several books and documentaries on psychology, deep ecology, shamanism, yoga, philosophy, and anthropology. Selene studied and practiced Buddhist meditation in the hermitages of the forests of Sri Lanka and is an initiate of Shamanic Tantric Yoga. She is the founder and the director of the Imaginal Academy Institute in Switzerland. Her book "Mother Mantra, the ancient shamanic yoga of non-duality", is a powerful tool for overcoming subconscious programming, releasing your fears, and spiritually fusing with divine joy. Shamanic Yoga works in expanded states of consciousness, in which the body-emotional-mind-soul union is intense and impeccable. This allows the practitioner to reach elasticity, to strengthen the muscles, to burn fat, to activate the metabolism, to lower the level of the stress hormone in the blood, and to raise immune defenses in less time and in more effective ways. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2204
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Heath Phillips - Military Sexual Trauma Survivor
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Heath Phillips, a Military Sexual Trauma Survivor. He explains "At age 17, while serving in the United States Navy, I was raped, sodomized, beaten, humiliated and had a piece of my soul stolen from this." Like many of us he turned to drugs and alcohol and even attempted suicide. Sober since 2009, Heath wants to share his life experiences, his spiral out of control to being back in control with us. He says. "I want to help you take that first step of not holding it in by sharing my first steps." He goes on, "I am no longer ashamed, or guilt ridden, and I have learned to not only forgive myself, but to forgive my rapists." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2203
Special guest LaKesha Bell |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is LaKesha Bell from Los Angeles, a child abuse survivor who has appeared on our SCAN show panels many times. But this will be the first time he'll be with us as a 'special guest' to tell his story. LaKesha relates, “I was sexually abused since infancy. I use the word rape to eliminate any doubt of what type of abuse was done to me.” LaKesha reported his father's abuse soon after he completed home schooling at 15. After years of litigation, charges were dropped by Child Protective Services, and the charges filed by the District Attorney's office were dismissed by a judge. LaKesha explains his additional childhood trauma, “I was misgendered female at birth. My experience is that I was forced to pass as a female, which I never understood. I remember telling my dad when I was 4 or 5 that I was a boy. He used sexual abuse to show why that wasn't true. I never believed him, but I had to act like I did. I remember my parents or others asking if I wanted to be a boy, if I 'felt' like a boy. I always said no. How could I want to be something that I am? .. Even when I was an infant, people would tell my mom how cute her son was (me). I am not transgender. I don't identify as Trans, and I do not like being defined as trans or transgender.” LaKesha now advocates and educates for himself and anyone who's rights are being infringed upon. He addresses topics of mental illness, child abuse, sexual abuse, being misgendered at birth and being gendered trans. We're really looking forward to learning more about him and to welcome him officially to the NAASCA family! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2202
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Svava Brooks - Recovery Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Svava Brooks, the well-known and much respected survivor-professional and long time NAASCA family member. An author and a coach, Svava often shares about 'Releasing Your Authentic Self', and is doing YouTube presentations on the same topic. She recently shared, "A concept that fascinates me and that I love to help survivors learn about is 'hope'. Most survivors struggle to understand what hope means or even looks like because they've never had an example of it." Svava goes on, "But what if I told you that hope is the actual pathway to resilience, to surviving and healing from trauma, and that it has been shown to be the single best predictor of well-being. This is why it's so important to me to teach other survivors how to find their hope." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2201
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 596
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2200
Special guest Elaine Snyder |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Elaine R Snyder from Olean, New York, a child abuse survivor and author of the book 'In Our Midst', a novel written from the perspective of many women and children who interact with one abuser over the course of his lifetime. The novel incorporates some of Elaine's childhood experiences with her abusive grandfather, who is depicted fictionally as the character Lester Beauchamp. Elaine points out that
girls [and boys] are taught to watch out for “dirty old men” but aren't taught to watch for men from one's own families, men who have no qualms about performing sexual acts with their own children, grandchildren, etc. 'In Our Midst' is available on Amazon, and can be purchased through Elaine's website at: https://elainersnyder.com/page/. She publishes a weekly blog about her passion, writing, entitled 'Logophile'. Elaine's also authored three other books, notably her book on overcoming fear, titled 'How to Be Afraid and Do It Anyway'. As a survivor of severe childhood abuse, Elaine has overcome her own trauma through a variety of methods and therapies, some of which she shares in this work. She now lives a healthy and rewarding life as an author, instructor, and speaker, and can be contacted for workshops and speaking engagements through her website elainersnyder.com. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2199
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2198
Special guest Jo Calk |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Jo Calk from Lincoln City, Oregon, a returning NAASCA family member who's become much more active with the NAASCA mission and family. She's now one of our talk show hosts and Newsletter Editor. Jo is a survivor of long-term incest by her grandfather, physical abuse by her father, and emotional neglect by her mother. She's author of the book "Pieces: Help for Your Life Journey" under the pen name Megan Erin Galloway. In fact, this is her first time doing the show under her real name. At 70 years old, still in search of a 'family of choice,' Jo found it with NAASCA. Using her pen name and starting off tentatively, she gradually gained confidence, thanks to the compassionate support of her new 'family.' Jo says “I finally found a place where I can share my story, my experience, as myself, without fear of judgment, blame, or pity. I stopped hiding behind the pen name and now I'm happy contributing to the NAASCA family in any way I can – especially by donating half my time as a volunteer.” The other half of Jo's time is dedicated to her work as a Life Awareness Coach, Reiki Master, author, and speaker. Her inspirational podcast series, “Living a Dream: A Transformational Journey,” shares her love of life, expresses her joy at being part of God/Source, and uplifts others to acknowledge their own positive self-attributes. Jo's joy motivates others to become aware of the importance of all of us, working together, to effect great change this world. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2197
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Carlotta Taylor, Foster Care / Law Enforcement |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be
Carlotta Taylor from Clinton, Mississippi, a survivor of child abuse by her own family and in foster care.
After searching for her purpose for years, she learned it was to share her story and inspire others who may be going through what she endured. In her debut book, 'No More Flinching', Carlotta outlines five key steps to overcoming adversity.
A former homicide detective, child protection detective, and former federal officer, with over 15 years law enforcement experience, she knew she had to use her knowledge and wisdom to effect greater change in and around the community. She's the founder of 'Somebody Step In', a non-profit for foster children, teens and young adults. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2196
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 595
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2195
Special guest David Faulkner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is David Faulkner from Boulder, Colorado, an adult survivor of child abuse. He is a Spanish teacher, public speaker, and author. After his parents divorced, his mother married a manipulative, abusive alcoholic, who took David and his brother to another state to be away from David's father. Beaten to submission, David and his brother falsely accused their father of sexually molesting them. His mother and stepfather regularly tried to beat the devil out of David and his brother in the name of “God,” accusing them of demonic possession and bringing evil into their household. Ultimately reunited with his dad, the experience has had lasting effects on David's professional life as a Spanish teacher and on his personal life as a father. His stepfather regularly haunted David's dreams until David finally “killed” his stepfather in a dream in the summer of 2017, when David was 40. As David explains, "I published a childhood memoir spanning a six-year window of time (3-9 years of age, 1981-1987), documenting, in detail, my memories of my birth mother, including more than a year of physical, emotional, and psychological (including religious) abuse at the hands of my mother, my then stepfather and other family members (8-9 years of age). My book is simply titled Superheroes, but I've dubbed it 'The Story of a Boy Learning to Defy Gravity.'" David wants to get his book into the hands of fellow survivors to help them find the courage to tell their own stories. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2194
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2193
Special guest Dr Jaime Romo |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Dr Jaime Romo from San Diego, California, returning NAASCA family member, survivor of child sexual abuse, and far overdue to re-appear on the show. Jaime is an educator, consultant, author, and Commissioned Minister, who promotes healing from abuse and the prevention of child sexual abuse, particularly abuse by religious authorities or in the context of religious settings. A workbook he wrote, Healing the Sexually Abused Heart: A Workbookfor Survivors, Thrivers, and Supporters, is an integration of various disciplines that led Jaime to become a certified Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) facilitator, and soon to be certified TIR facilitator trainer. Jaime is the President of the Board of Directors for the Child-Friendly Faith Project, which envisions a world in which no child suffers abuse or neglect as a result of religious belief, doctrine, or practice. To that end, the CFFP shares knowledge and builds community around the issue of religious child maltreatment (RCM) and advocates for and empowers those whose lives are impacted by RCM. Jaime explains, “While it is no secret that I am a survivor of clergy abuse, it is the journey of integration, transformation and application that is most telling about my accomplishments and the life that I celebrate.” Please visit his website: http://www.jaimeromo.org. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2192
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray, NAASCA founder - 12 Step Recovery |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ The host tonight will be Bill Murray from Los Angeles, our founder. Bill's recovery is 12 Step-based and spans some 3 and a half decades. Sexually abused by numerous clerics, all men, between the ages of 11 and mid-way through high school, a minor seminary, he was also the victim of pre-pubescent pornography and even a two week kidnapping. Bill was graced to have found Alcoholics Anonymous when he was 30 years old. The program not only helped him get clean and sober but also gave him a place to give up his secrets, and tools by which he recovered. He firmly believes one can use the 12 Step process to heal child abuse trauma and to find a way to a comfortable life. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2191
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 594
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2190
Special guest
- Bill Murray - a repeat of Episode #063, in 2019, the first time Bill told his story on the radio |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's show did not record so we're offering a repeat of "Community Matters" #063, the show where back in 2009 Bill Murray, our founder, told his story in public on talk radio for the first time.
Bill was a severely abused child, the victim of several sexual pedophiles, all men, of kidnapping and child pornography. Since his parents had died (they were not his predators) he felt free to go public. A long time recovering alcoholic and drug addict, Bill hoped that revealing his past would help explain his passion for serving the community and improve his effectiveness on both the forum he founded at LACP.org, Los Angeles Community Policing, and later with the launch of NAASCA.org, the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. The talk shows he's hosted for more than a decade now are under these umbrellas. Bill always advocates for members of society who are weak, vulnerable, innocent, abused, victims of crime, and the physically or mentally challenged. He often covers public safety topics such as domestic violence, child endangerment, missing people, homelessness, racism, victims rights, judicial reform and homeland security .. among many other things.
On "Community Matters" volunteers frequently serve as advocates for community based-policing efforts small and large, promoting citizen participation in causes that increase public safety and improve the quality of life. Please see: Bill Murray - launch of NAASCA, a life unfolding. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2189
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Felicia L Reed, a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. That learning and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2188
Special guest Suzanne Isaza |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Suzanne Isaza, MSA, NAASCA Ambassador from Rhode Island, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse by a close family member. At 19, she reported the offender and he was convicted of assaulting four children. "For many years I have been sharing my story," she says, "writing articles on this topic, and supporting other survivors to join this movement." Suzanne has delivered dozens of sexual assault prevention talks since 2014. As a member of Day One's One Voice survivor speakers bureau for two years, she began speaking publicly throughout Rhode Island about her experiences as a survivor of sexual abuse. Her presentations communicate a compelling and powerful message to college students, professionals, educators, and survivors of abuse. Suzanne runs SAAN, the Sexual Assault Advocacy Network. "Our purpose is to build community among activists, share information on what works in sexual violence prevention, and - perhaps most importantly - to inspire and empower one another to use our powerful voices to keep people safe from abuse and trauma." Suzanne authors a regular column for Child's World America, writing on a broad range of topics including child sexual abuse and human trafficking. As a member of RAINN's survivor speakers' bureau, she shares her story and activism with local and national news media to further awareness and prevention. A part of author Emma Bell's Global Resilience Project, Suzanne is being featured as one of 50 people around the world demonstrating exceptional resilience in the face of personal tragedy. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2187
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now a survior-professional. Living in Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2186
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 593
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2185
Special guest Stacy Stover |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Stacy Stover from Kansas City, Missouri, a returning NAASCA family member who's a child abuse and domestic violence survivor, an activist and mother. "I've got a story to shock all child abuse advocates," she says. And she's been searching for someone to help her tell it. "I only dream of the day I can put all this behind me, and start healing with my girls, helping free others of the demons on this earth." Last year, Stacy reported she was embroiled in a difficult marriage and was trying to extricate herself and her kids from her husband's control. Stacy's story now includes the critical situation she currently faces: her baby has been taken from her because she left an abusive man who wanted to continue to control her. After leaving her husband, Stacy found out he is a convicted child abuser. Stacy's paid attorneys did nothing to fight for her or to show these facts. She states, “when I fired my first attorney, my ex's lawyer filed a motion to get me back in court without representation, which I tried to motion verbally … and got kicked out of the courthouse and he was given sole custody of my daughter... since then my daughter has had rug burns on her back and a red irritated potty that the supervisor verbally stated she's [noticed] but says she's not going to report it and doesn't turn the pics over to law enforcement... something is going on and they are covering it up.” There have only been her husband's allegations that Stacy is an unfit mother, even though she has passed every drug test she's taken, and important information and photos showing possible sexual abuse of her daughter go unreported by her attorneys and the child's welfare supervisor. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2184
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Heath Phillips - Military Sexual Trauma Survivor
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Heath Phillips, a Military Sexual Trauma Survivor. He explains "At age 17, while serving in the United States Navy, I was raped, sodomized, beaten, humiliated and had a piece of my soul stolen from this." Like many of us he turned to drugs and alcohol and even attempted suicide. Sober since 2009, Heath wants to share his life experiences, his spiral out of control to being back in control with us. He says. "I want to help you take that first step of not holding it in by sharing my first steps." He goes on, "I am no longer ashamed, or guilt ridden, and I have learned to not only forgive myself, but to forgive my rapists." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2183
Special guest Lisa Zarcone |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Lisa Zarcone from Springfield, Massachusetts, a returning NAASCA family member and the NAASCA Ambassador for her state. A child abuse survivor and activist, she's the author of "The Unspoken Truth, A Memoir." Her book is about childhood neglect and abuse at the hands of my severely mentally ill mother and others. Lisa says, "I wrote my story to promote awareness for mental health issues, child safety and to bring a voice to so many who have the same unspoken truth as myself." She uses three words to describe her childhood experiences: horrific, disgusting and hideous. Her home life left a lot to be desired. "My mother would bring all types of strange people into our home, which set me up as prey." Lisa buried the abuse deep inside herself for years. "I fought daily battles with myself to get beyond it. I was still battling my mother daily as I was growing into womanhood." Eventually she married and had children of her own. "I had severe panic attacks, flashbacks and depression. I thought I was crazy and terrified of being like my mother." Lisa says, "I found an incredible therapist who helped me bring my deep dark secrets to the light of day and release them. I had to face my husband and share things with him that he never knew about me after ten years of being together. It was a long painful journey." Then Lisa's father died, which brought up flashbacks. But her therapist explained she was not crazy. She was suffering PTSD. "I had to then jump back into my past and deal with more buried memories, which brought me to deciding to write my book." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2182
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional -
Donnalynn Scillieri - Domestic Violence |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Donnalynn (Donna) Scillieri, a fourteen and a half year survivor of Domestic Violence. She explains, "There are six counts of domestic violence in New Jersey: emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, stalking and financial and I hit it on all six. However, I don't want to talk about the ugliness of the marriage; I want to share my Awakening and Rebirth Along the Journey of Hope." Donna's website, “The Voice; Domestic Violence Survivor,” explains she's a professional speaker, panelist and voice focusing on gender-based violence: domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and LGBT matters. She is a professor, teaching Gender, Diversity, Sociology, Contemporary Social Issues and Women's Studies. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2181
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 592
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2180
Special guest Debby Washington Goodwin |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Debby Washington Goodwin from Springdale, Arkansas, a returning NAASCA family member who was last with us in 2016. At that time her husband, Mike T, was with her .. 'The Outlaw and The Lady'. Now widowed, Debby continues her advocacy with the help of her son on Facebook through U. N. 4. U. Me. As a mother, Debby had to work through the rage, shame and guilt of discovering her only child's sexual abuse at the hands of her ex-husband, "A mother's worse nightmare!" she says. Mike himself was a survivor of childhood abuse that took its many forms by both his mother and his dad. 'The Outlaw and The Lady' met in a Behavioral Hospital as patients. Upon discharge they dated, and married and gave their strength and courage through sharing with others their life experiences while encouraging others to share theirs. Their mission dream was to give those that feel they have no hope with no voice. She now does this work with her son. Debby says, "We know first hand how the experiences of sexual, physical, and mental childhood abuse and how it can consume one throughout his/her entire life. We also know some do not physically survive it and for those we want to find and be their voice." Besides sharing on social media, they go out on the road to meet with clients, either as individuals or in seminars. Their cause is centered on their own life experiences (child sexual child abuse and child abuse period), and there's a lot to share. People privately feel comfortable to share once they hear what Debby and her son have been through. There's a lot to do. As Debby points out, "We're busy .. but that is a good kind of busy." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2179
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2178
Special guest Donnalynn Scillieri |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Donnalynn (Donna) Scillieri from Wayne, New Jersey, a fourteen and a half year survivor of domestic violence. She explains, "There are six counts of domestic violence in New Jersey: emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, stalking and financial and I hit it on all six. However, I don't want to talk about the ugliness of the marriage; I want to share my Awakening and Rebirth Along the Journey of Hope." The 3 things Donna believes: 1) No matter what our socio-economic background is, survivors all have an awakening that stirs in us very slowly and leads to a complete rebirth of the body and soul from the tragedy; 2) There are many opportunities and people that come into our life, most of which are only temporary, to guide us on our journey of hope; and 3) Her story will inspire anyone who is or has suffered any injustice to find hope and heal.
Donna's website, “The Voice; Domestic Violence Survivor,” explains she's a professional speaker, panelist and voice focusing on gender-based violence: domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and LGBT matters. She is a professor, teaching Gender, Diversity, Sociology, Contemporary Social Issues and Women's Studies. Donna was on the Board of Trustees for the New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence, headed the LGBT Task Force as an ally, and is a member of the Women's Political Caucus of New Jersey, New York Women in Communication and New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking. She collaborates with scholars, community leaders, coalitions, the FBI, Homeland Security, law enforcement and legislatures. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2177
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Svava Brooks - Recovery Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Svava Brooks, the well-known and much respected survivor-professional and long time NAASCA family member. An author and a coach, Svava often shares about 'Releasing Your Authentic Self', and is doing YouTube presentations on the same topic. She recently shared, "A concept that fascinates me and that I love to help survivors learn about is 'hope'. Most survivors struggle to understand what hope means or even looks like because they've never had an example of it." Svava goes on, "But what if I told you that hope is the actual pathway to resilience, to surviving and healing from trauma, and that it has been shown to be the single best predictor of well-being. This is why it's so important to me to teach other survivors how to find their hope." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2176
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 591
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2175
Special guest Linda Olson |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Dr Linda Olson from Atlanta, Georgia. She grew up with childhood domestic violence (CDV) and, for over 30 years, has been a licensed clinical psychologist and a CDV victim advocate, specializing in helping women, children, couples, and families who witnessed domestic violence heal from anxiety, depression, and trauma. CDV, the impact experienced by children who grow up in a household where there is domestic violence, is a devastating crisis that affects one billion people around the globe and, at the same time, is an issue that is rarely mentioned by the news media. This tragic “well-kept secret” affects one out of every 7 people in the U.S. Young children exposed to domestic violence suffer the same kind of trauma as PTSD experienced by military veterans – a trauma that research has found literally “rewires” their brain, with a destructive and lasting impact. “These kids really have lost their childhood,” Linda says. “And the saddest part is they don't understand why they are so fearful, lack confidence and feel so guilty. I love teaching my patients the skills and tools that can undo these years of damage.” Linda is also the founder of Project Hope Bear, a Trauma, Grief and Loss Teddy Bear program, to bring hope, comfort and healing to children and families who witnessed violence between parents or caregivers or lost a loved one to violence. Teddy bears reduce a sense of loneliness and anxiety in children who have experienced trauma, loss, and grief. Socially isolated children benefit from touching and holding a teddy bear and express more positive emotions. Linda is hoping to bring “Project Hope Bear” to children throughout the U.S. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2174
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2173
Special guest
Allen Vandever |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Allen Vandever [and his wife, Dawn?] from Chicago, Illinois. Allen is a contemporary artist who's turning the tragic stories of his youth into his life's passion. "I wake up every morning and open up a coffee shop where unexpected people walk in to get a free cup of coffee,” Allen explains. "We talk to them about the epidemic of child sexual abuse. We give them flyers with information." Many sign up for their newsletter. Childhood Fractured is a non-profit humanities-based human rights initiative centered on preventing the sexual abuse and exploitation of children, through contemporary art. Allen explains, "Our initiative operates on a multitude of levels to best foster civic engagement. We bring up our mission in an upbeat way. We are proud we are survivors and even more proud of what we are doing. Instead of the dark clouds that normally come into the room when this subject is brought up, the sun shines on all of us and we are able to talk about one of the worst things in the world and have a smile on our face and flaming passion in our souls." He goes on, "When there are no customers, we have a whole team making art, writing books, reaching out to sponsors, writing grants, and working on social media, prevention, awareness, and educational programs. Our big goal is getting survivors to become activist warriors for children's rights. As children, we had no voice. As adults and as survivors, we have a voice, and united we can change things and we will fight for children's rights to not be molested, to not be abused, to not have their innocence stripped away from them." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2172
No episode |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Episode deleted at request of guest. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2171
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 590
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2170
Special guest Joseph Galata |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Joseph Galata from Reno, Nevada, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse followed by abuse as a teenager in theater. "When abuse occurred at the age of 16," he explains, "I was told to keep it secret or else I would be fired from the theatrical production and the show would close down. The man who abused me in the theater was the husband of an investor/director/producer." Joseph is a former Representative to the United Nations Socio-Economic NGO Council, a retired state university faculty member, the former director for Hospice foundation, and spent 33 years in television and radio broadcasting as producer, director, and journalist. Joseph is now the Executive Director for the Reno, Nevada, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Sierra Association of Foster Families (SAFF), which focuses on the education of children and teens in foster care, as well as that of their birth parents and foster parents, by creating and facilitating educational programs for reducing the catastrophic statistic of: 85% of adults in American federal and state prisons DO NOT have a high school diploma and 70% of those adults were children and teens in foster care. Joseph travels internationally performing a one-man musical theatrical show he wrote about a man's healing journey from childhood sexual abuse. He is an international keynote speaker and workshop facilitator on social and health issues including healing from grief of abuse. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2169
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Felicia L Reed, a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. That learning and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2168
Special guest
Shari Karney |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Shari Karney from Los Angeles, a survivor of child sexual abuse and a widely respected legal analyst, expert and commentator. The captivating NBC movie “Shattered Trust: The Shari Karney Story” starring Melissa Gilbert, followed Shari's story from sexual abuse as a child to championing the rights of all survivors of sexual assault. "I am a survivor of child sexual abuse and helped change the statute of limitations in California," Shari says, "so that child victims of sexual abuse now have the right to sue their abusers. Once the law changed in California, 41 other states adopted similar legislation using California's law as their model. "I am honored to speak on behalf of the millions of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual abuse survivors around the world." Shari's first book, Prey No Longer – Step-by-Step Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse, published in 2012 by Voice Publications, was a ground-breaking guide for survivors of sexual assault. Now writing her new book, The Perfect Family — From Pain to Purpose: A Memoir, Shari hopes to bring hope, healing and courage to survivors of sexual violence and assault. She is the founder of the nonprofit “Roar As One” whose mission is to transform society's response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. Shari says, “It's personal for me. I am a survivor of sexual harassment, sexual assault and child sexual abuse. I am proud to stand with survivors to break the silence and send a powerful message. We have suffered enough. It's time for justice. It's time for civil rights for survivors! It's time for a reckoning.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2167
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now a survior-professional. Living in Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2166
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 589
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2165
Special guest Rocky Krogfoss |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Tonight's special guest is Rocky Krogfoss from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, an Emotional-Healing Therapist and survivor, who experienced rather nasty child abuse in the form of violence and mental abuse. “I have lived the terror, but I have also healed that pain and fear,” relates Rocky. "The good news is that I have become an amazing healer that specializes in trauma, no matter what kind," he says. "My healing modality is unique to me because I created it for one reason and one reason only. I've been through the medical mindset gauntlet of incredibly useless treatments that do absolutely nothing to heal." Rocky's healing process, called “Quantum Emotional Healing,” is a blending of Quantum Sciences and Core Belief Programmed healing and upgrades. He explains, "As I healed with an incredibly talented woman, for over 12 years, who is a gifted energy healer specializing in core belief healing and core belief reprogramming, I learned firsthand the incredible power of this super-powerful healing mindset." With over 10 years of Quantum Sciences personal research and studies, Rocky has written a book, titled Conscious Energy, Healing, and Miracles, that merges spiritual wisdom with scientific facts. He states, “I am here to survive as a victim, I am here to thrive and enjoy life's joys.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2164
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2163
No episode |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
. |
Episode deleted at request of guest. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2162
Special topic - Examining Institutional Abuse and Enabling with Dr Jill Jones-Soldeman |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC:
"Tragedy in Connecticut: When Mandated Reporters Fail to Report" ~~ We'll be reflecting on the case of Jennifer Dulos from New Canaan, Connecticut, missing and / or murdered in May 2019. Professionals in the Connecticut community knew that Jennifer Dulos, mother of five children, was in trouble. The combination of child abuse, domestic violence, threats to remove children, high net worth conflict are not just buzz words, they are, or should be, calls to action to practitioners of conscience. Missing as of May 24, 2019, it was only after Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Stone alerted police to the likelihood that she had been murdered and pressed them to take the next steps that any action was finally taken. First, her car was found, and eventually evidence of a horrific murder and body dismemberment. The FCVFC will be exploring such issues as Mandated Reporters Failure to Report, Who Reports and Why, and what makes Dr. Michael Stone totally unique when it comes to protecting our most vulnerable populations. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2161
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 588
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2160
Special guest
Nancy Allen |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Nancy S. Allen from Dawsonville, Georgia, a survivor of father-daughter incest.
"Today I say that sentence in a strong voice without shame," Nancy says, "but that was not always the case. For much of my life, I hid that secret and felt different, unworthy, misunderstood and alone." Physically and emotionally abused from early childhood, at age 14 Nancy was briefly mandated into a kinship foster care placement by social services, a year after the abuse turned sexual. This removal and related court-ordered “punishment” of therapy made Nancy feel she was equally at fault as her father. Soon after her return home, the incest resumed, and escalated over the next decade. When Nancy was 28, her father died, and her repressed world exploded. She checked herself into an acute psychiatric hospital to begin her healing. Nancy's focus is to help create a world where incest survivors have a different life experience than she did. She wants to champion others to say “I am an incest survivor” without shame, guilt, or fear of repercussions, and to open a dialogue which removes the societal taboo of acknowledging and discussing incest. Nancy recently launched a weekly podcast called 'Tail of the Bell', which focuses on specific topics interpreted through a featured incest survivor's personal story. Nancy relates, “from the decades of horrific trauma, extensive tragedy, and glorious life experiences, I have evolved into an empathetic, capable, and successful leader, mentor, and benefactor.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2159
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2158
Special guest
Roger A Canaff |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Roger A Canaff from New York City, a child, adolescent, adult, and disabled victims legal expert
who experienced child sexual abuse in his youth.
He has lectured to prosecutors, law enforcement, medical experts, advocates, and other allied professionals, as well as the public. During his time in the Office of the Commonwealth of Virginia's Attorney starting in 1997, Roger prosecuted many different types of crimes, with a specialty in child abuse, child sexual assault, and juvenile crime. From 2003-2005 (and later returning from 2012-2015), he joined the staff of the National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse at the American Prosecutors Research Institute in Alexandria, Virginia as a Senior Attorney. In 2005, Roger returned to active prosecution in Bronx County, New York in that office's Child Abuse and Sex Unit, prosecuting both adult and child sexual assault crimes. In 2007, he was hired by the New York State Office of the Attorney General as the Deputy Chief of the newly formed Sex Offender Management Unit. After serving for two years in this position, Roger was hired by the United States Army from 2009-2012 as a Highly Qualified Expert with the Trial Counsel Assistance Program, US Army Legal Services Agency. In 2017, Roger partnered officially and is currently associated with the law enforcement training group, Justice3D, which develops and executes training for prosecutors, investigators, and other allied professionals on investigation and prosecution of adult sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and child abuse. He continues to train and consult internationally and comments on cases for various media outlets. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2157
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Svava Brooks - Recovery Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Svava Brooks, the well-known and much respected survivor-professional and long time NAASCA family member. An author and a coach, Svava often shares about 'Releasing Your Authentic Self', and is doing YouTube presentations on the same topic. She recently shared, "A concept that fascinates me and that I love to help survivors learn about is 'hope'. Most survivors struggle to understand what hope means or even looks like because they've never had an example of it." Svava goes on, "But what if I told you that hope is the actual pathway to resilience, to surviving and healing from trauma, and that it has been shown to be the single best predictor of well-being. This is why it's so important to me to teach other survivors how to find their hope." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2156
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 587
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2155
Special guest Mike Tikkanen |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Mike Tikkanen from Hopkins, Minnesota, a returning NAASCA family member, founder and President of KARA (Kids at Risk Action), a non-profit action tank that supports the people, policies, and programs that improve the lives of at-risk children. Mike is unapologetically and passionately committed to improving the lives of at risk children. Listen to Mike's book for free on the website: ‘Invisible Children', an uncomfortably close look at the American cycle of abuse and its cost. Mike explains, “The need for civic involvement of young future community leaders is the solution to the epidemic of child abuse in America. Without today's college students understanding and support, schools will continue to fail, streets to be unsafe, and jails to fill.” To make that happen, KARA's INVISIBLE CHILDREN CAMPUS PROGRAM which is provided for free or very low cost to colleges grows community awareness and a volunteer force to interrupt generational child abuse in your city. Mike lead a workshop at the UN in New York addressing stories and statistics of child abuse & the rights of children. Since 1996, he's volunteered in the Guardian Ad-Litem program as a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and has worked with many ‘Invisible Children' who are part of the County Child Protection System. Contact him at: Mike@Invisiblechildren.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2154
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2153
Special guest
Carlotta Taylor-Franks |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Carlotta Taylor-Franks from Clinton, Mississippi, a survivor of child abuse by her own family and in foster care. She was severely beaten by her father, and suffered mental, spiritual and physical abuse in the 26 foster homes she was transferred from because of abuse and neglect. Carlotta learned early on that if she didn't transform her mind, she would be consumed by the chaotic world around her. After searching for her purpose for years, she soon learned that her purpose was to share her story and inspire others who may be going through what she endured and overcame triumphantly. She receives her greatest fulfillment from walking someone through their healing process. In her debut book, 'No More Flinching', Carlotta outlines five key steps to overcoming adversity. Flinching was the reaction she had right before her father oftentimes punched her in the face. As a former homicide detective, child protection detective, and former federal officer, with over 15 years law enforcement experience, she knew she had to use her knowledge and wisdom to effect greater change in and around the community. As the founder of 'Somebody Step In', a non-profit for foster children, teens and young adults, she offers coaching and mentorship in education, life skills and more. Carlotta encourages people worldwide to know that their difficulties in life do not have to define their future. Realizing that nothing just happens, and that God uses even our suffering to be a blessing, Carlotta seeks to inspire others to press beyond their breaking point, even if she only touches one person. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2152
No episode |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Episode deleted at request of guest. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2151
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 586
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2150
Special guest Sherry Genga |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Sherry Genga from Marlborough, Connecticut, an abuse survivor and author. Sherry grew up in a house full of domestic violence. Being the youngest of four children, she learned to adapt to her environment. Sherry wrote a book, 'The Shattered Oak; one woman's journey of domestic abuse, mental illness and recovery,' which is the story of 'Barbara,' a victim of domestic violence. "The more I share Barbara's story," she says, "the more I see a strong perspective of healing the delicate minds that are so unbalanced." It's based on a true story about her mother. Sherry's mother, Barbara, married young, after finally finding peace away from her abusive family. That marriage, turning dysfunctional and resulting in a divorce, caused Barbara to go into a deep depression and a nervous breakdown. Barbara attempted suicide three times and was committed to a mental institution. After a year confined in the institution, a “mystery savior” (from the book) helps Barbara get released. Sherry struggled with own feelings during this time, battling depression and suicidal thoughts in her teens. Her sister, at the age of 18, became Sherry's legal adult while Sherry's mother was in the institution. As Sherry states, “I found my self-help by writing in a journal. My pen became my own therapist to get through the crazy times." She goes on, "I do not hold any grudges from my childhood. If anything, I am strong, independent, and think very positively. Something I feel I inherited from my father's preaching. Ever since I was a teenager, I felt my mother's story should be turned into a book or movie.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2149
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray, NAASCA founder - 12 Step Recovery |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the show is a tribute to the legacy of Candan Tautenhahn, who died in February as a member in good standing of the NAASCA family. The host is Bill Murray from Los Angeles, our founder. Bill's recovery is 12 Step-based and spans some 3 and a half decades. Sexually abused by numerous clerics, all men, between the ages of 11 and mid-way through high school, a minor seminary, he was also the victim of pre-pubescent pornography and even a two week kidnapping. Bill was graced to have found Alcoholics Anonymous when he was 30 years old. The program not only helped him get clean and sober but also gave him a place to give up his secrets, and tools by which he recovered. He firmly believes one can use the 12 Step process to heal child abuse trauma and to find a way to a comfortable life. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2148
Special guest Pennie Saum |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Pennie Saum from Puyallup, Washington, a survivor of sexual and emotional abuse from infancy to 18 years old. Her perpetrator was her biological father. Sneaking into her room at night when everyone else in the house was asleep, threatening and violent, he had total control over Pennie's life. She says, "There were many days I would contemplate, 'Why me?' Well it wasn't just me. He was abusing others as well, my brother, my mother and a couple of my cousins. He played games." She goes on, "Now my life is no longer controlled by him. I just want to share that you can have a life too. There are days when it is still so fresh and painful and overwhelming. Times when I wish I could go back and get some of my childhood back. Then there are many other days that are just normal everyday days. My life has involved a lot of hard work. So many things are learned when you are being abused and they aren't as easy to work through or change. I want you to know you are valuable, you are worthy of a good life and you aren't to blame!” Pennie was pivotal in the federal bill, Child Abuse Accountability Enhancement Act, being passed into federal law. She has also been an advocate and player in changing the statute of limitations laws in Washington State regarding sexual assault. She states, “I am advocate and change maker, but most of all a voice seeker. I want voices of the abused to continue to get louder and more and I want to change the way the world looks at child sexual abuse and abusers – time for eyes to be wide open.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2147
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now a survior-professional. Living in Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one! She volunteers with many community organizations. Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2146
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 585
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2145
Special guest Sharyn Jones |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Sharyn Higdon Jones from San Jose, California,
a licensed psychotherapist for over 35 years with individuals, couples and families who have experienced the trauma of abuse. Sharyn attended college, married, had 2 children, and bought their first home. All was fine, until an event occurred which triggered her memories, her nightmares, and her pain. She began therapy and attended workshops and anything she could find that would help her understand herself and her experiences. She has created and facilitated workshops and groups for survivors and their partners. In her words: “The pain of being sexually abused is deep and profound. The abuse experience touches the core of a woman's being in ways she could never have predicted. She has been violated on so many levels – physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. Her abuse wound becomes her constant companion. It's difficult to know how and when to begin freeing yourself of the past so you can be fully present for your future.” Sharyn is also the author of the book 'Healing Steps; a Gentle Path to Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,' written in a workbook format with exercises. Sharyn says, “Healing Steps is a perfect step-by-step process that evolved out of groups of women molested as children. It is the perfect format either to be facilitated by a mental health professional or could be used as a guide in a peer support group.” Sharyn will also talk about her Healing Steps support groups which she facilitated for over 20 years, that were not only unique in their structure but were a real catalyst for healing. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2144
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Felicia L Reed, a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. That learning and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2143
Special guest
Edward Schline |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Edward (Ward) Schline from Cambridge, Maryland,
who was raped at age 12 by an older step-relative. "Things started to spin wildly from that," he says. A preemie at birth, Ward is hearing-impaired. The hearing aids he wore made him “different,” so he was bullied from second grade to senior high school – when he stopped wearing his hearing aids. Unable to hear well resulted in Ward losing his tuition assistance so he became a carpenter for 35 years. Ward relates that, if his bosses “asked me to do something I would do so, but if they told me in the wrong tone, I fired them and walked off the job.” Self-medicating with alcohol and on narcotics from a knee injury, he was diagnosed with “depression with psychosis” and, later, PTSD. He attempted suicide in 1995 and is currently in therapy. Recently divorced from an abusive person after 21 years of marriage and domestic violence, Ward tends to talk to people who are in the midst of crisis, because he's comfortable there in that zone. He says he knows crisis better than anyone else, it seems. He's chatted with a lot of people and, most of the time, he just listens and is supportive, sharing articles to read and connecting them with other advocates. "At this point in my life I am humble yet with gratitude, over the hump and past most of the effects of PTSD." He goes on, "In between the stimulus and the response there is a time where we chose what reaction to have, and that's where I regain control. [Now] I choose a non-traumatizing response." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2142
Special topic - Examining Institutional Abuse and Enabling with Dr Jill Jones-Soldeman |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. ~~
TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Florida Fights Back - Defending Against Allegations of Alienation In Two Separate Florida Family Courts" ~~
Parental Alienation (PA) is a thoroughly discredited concept by all scientifically based practitioners, teaching institutions, licensing boards and insurance carriers. The Family Courts have embraced the concept of PA and grown a cottage industry of practitioners. PA is viewed by the FCVFC as being highly unethical in practice, presenting a simple formula for custody decision making. Tonight, we will discuss two highly controversial cases where factors of power, money, intersect with the junk concept of PA and the tactics of NON-COOPERATION with the court. Clients facing the razor edge of Contempt of Court are integral in the looking at the crossroads of morality, conscience, litigation strategy and clients working with controversial interventions recommended by strategists – opposed by lawyers who “cooperate” with the court. There is a line between being a lawyer who applies the craft and a lawyer whose craft is “cooperation”. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2141
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 584
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2140
Special guest Marlaine Cover |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Marlaine 'Moma Marlaine' Cover from Arnold, California, founder of Parenting 2.0 (P20), that advocates dynamic education for Life Skills used daily. Marlaine, a mother to two daughters, began her path to social entrepreneurship while yelling at her daughter one morning as she exited the house for school without eating breakfast. "You may be getting a 4.0 out of European History but you are flunking personal care 101." Marlaine slammed the door and the voice inside her head replied, "Well, of course she is, she has a mad woman wearing a bathrobe screaming at her for an educator." Believing that Life Skills were more critical than academics and they warranted a much more dignified educational process, Marlaine sat down at her kitchen table that morning and created the concept of Life Skills Report Cards (LSRC). Working with it proved such a game-changer that she formed the Parenting 2.0 on LinkedIn in 2009 to share the concept and to support Life Skills professionals. Today, Parenting 2.0 has over 8800 members in more than 100 countries and hosts the world's only professional conference for Life Skills professionals, P20 Talks. Marlaine is also the author of 'Kissing The Mirror: Raising Humanity in the Twenty-first Century'. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2139
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2138
Special guest Stephanie Mann |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Stephanie Mann from the San Francisco area, a returning NAASCA family member who's an author and crime & violence prevention specialist. Her life's mission started in 1969 in her hometown of Orinda, California, where she worked with community leaders and helped spearhead a citywide crime-prevention program. In 1975, with the support of California's first lady at the time, Nancy Reagan, and the California Youth Authority, Stephanie and Shirley Henke published Alternatives to Fear: Guidelines to Safer Neighborhoods, a guidebook which helped popularize the 'Neighborhood Watch' Program nationwide. Ms. Mann eventually saw the need to co-author another book. In 1993, she wrote Safe Homes Safe Neighborhoods: Stopping Crime where You Live (Nolo Press) with Mary Claire Blakeman. Stephanie's work continued to expand in the 1990s. “I realized child safety needed to be the primary focus for communities,” she says. "My work with the homeless in Oakland exposed me to the legacy of childhood neglect, abuse and social isolation." Street Safe Kids was published in 2000 as a ten-step guide to give parents practical tools to help young people become safe and spiritually strong. Stephanie continues to speak out on the need for individuals to take responsibility for neighborhood and community safety to protect children. (Please also see: www.pinterest.com/safekidsnow). She's been working nationally to strengthen families and and keep cities safe ever since! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2137
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Svava Brooks - Recovery Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Svava Brooks, the well-known and much respected survivor-professional and long time NAASCA family member. An author and a coach, Svava often shares about 'Releasing Your Authentic Self', and is doing YouTube presentations on the same topic. She recently shared, "A concept that fascinates me and that I love to help survivors learn about is 'hope'. This is a word often thrown around without understanding the power behind it. Most survivors struggle to understand what hope means or even looks like because they've never had an example of it." Svava goes on, "But what if I told you that hope is the actual pathway to resilience, to surviving and healing from trauma, and that it has been shown to be the single best predictor of well-being. This is why it's so important to me to teach other survivors how to find their hope." ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2136
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 583
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2135
Special guest Debra Hunt |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Debra Hunt from
Glendale, Arizona, a NAASCA family member and volunteer. Among other things, Debra is now one of our HOSTS on our "Stop Child Abuse Now" talk radio shows. She began life in Fontana, California, in a childhood home marked by mental and emotional trauma. Yes, she was given opportunities participate in normal childhood activities like choir, dance, and cheer-leading .. to look like a shining star. But meanwhile Debra experienced a home-life filled with ridicule, hatefulness, belittling, and silence .. deafening silence. There was extreme physical and mental abuse. Invisible but enduring scars of childhood trauma laid the path for adolescence. Feeling alone, scared and unloved, she embarked upon her teen years in true rebellious style. She began sneaking off. Debra began seeking attention and validation through drug and alcohol use, and risky sexual encounters. She was molested and raped as a teen, and later, in young adulthood, she endured Domestic Violence and more victimization. After graduation she got married and had a child. When her husband left her homeless with a baby, Debra picked up her life and moved on. In 1994 she met the second man she would wed. After the first seven years she noticed an abusive pattern in her life. She'd brought childhood feelings of emptiness and worthlessness into adulthood. Debra had learned that to 'feel safe' she had to shut up and take it. However bad things seemed, she believed the alternatives, real or imagined, would be worse. Debra realized these thoughts, this seeming truths, were the result of trauma from an abusive childhood. But things are improving now. Currently, after a 23 year marriage, Debra's survived a divorce. She's determined to heal, and is documenting her journey in a book she's writing, “I Am Hunt.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2134
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2133
Special guest
Holly Hall |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Holly Hall from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. A Life Coach and Astrologer at askhollyhall.com, Holly is a survivor of bullying and emotional trauma, which she says, “Made me wonder why people bully and others are victims and yet many are neutral. I recall thinking, 'when I'm an adult and I see a child being hurt, I will tell other adults to help and stop hurting them!' As you know that's easier said than done. [The bullying] had me study psychology, understand people, get into Buddhism, and now a life coach using my gifts.” Her experience also helped her find compassion and grow. Holly is now a Life Consultant, using alternative and effective methods, such as: (1) Astrology, known as AstroPsychology, or psychological astrology, which is the result of the cross-fertilization of the fields of astrology with depth psychology, humanistic psychology, and transpersonal psychology; (2) NLP, neuro-linguistic programming, which is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy that believes there is a connection between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic), and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming), and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life; and (3) Psychic/Intuition and Coaching. Holly is also a radio show host, guest speaker, and newspaper and magazine columnist. We're delighted to have Holly as a member of the NAASCA family!! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2132
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2131
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 582
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2130
Special guest Barbara Albuquerque |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Barbara Albuquerque from Dania Beach, Florida. Her mother, using heroin, gave birth to Barbara, who was born with withdrawals. Her father placed Barbara, only a few months old, with a 'friend,' who frequently hit her. A t 7-8, Barbara was severely beaten on the head. At 11, Barbara was placed with another woman. Her husband was one of 2 men who repeatedly raped her. Barbara ran away, but police took her home. After running away again, she was placed in foster care, then in a group home, where she met a heroin addict who started pimping her out at the age of 12. Barbara fought back, but the man violently raped her, breaking a bottle over her head. She managed to escape. The case went to the Supreme Court where Barbara went through a rape trial by herself. Back in the group home, Barbara and 2 other girls were arrested and sent to a detention center for teenagers. Released at 16, she was sent back to the original 'friend's' house, until kicked out at 18, with “no skills, no emotional intelligence and no family.” She went to Miami, worked at a bar, and was raped at gunpoint. She met a man, a drug addict 14 years her senior, and had 2 kids with him, amid many violent fights, one resulting in stitches under her right eye. Her husband had an affair and left. Suffering severe depression, Barbara told a police officer she wanted to die, and the officer took her where she received help: “They gave me medication that helped me enough that I had the mindset to move back to Miami with my two kids now 13 and 14.” Barbara taught herself to read and passed the GED. At 40, Barbara started reading self-help books and seeing a therapist, “The best thing I ever did in my life.” She learned to love and respect herself. She met a wonderful man in 2012 and got married. In 2013, her son made her a grandmother. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2129
Q & A call-in discussion with NAASCA survivors and family members |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related gifts of our family, the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2128
Special guest Victoria Kelly |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Victoria Kelly from
Minneapolis, Minnesota, a returning guest. She's a child abuse survivor and long-time NAASCA family member / volunteer.
Victoria was abused almost from birth in nearly every way imaginable. She was sexually assaulted starting as a baby .. an experience that was repeated by numerous predators and perpetrators and went on and on. In addition her alcoholic father beat both Victoria and her mother. But Victoria thought that was simply what happened to a child and a woman when they happened to be living on the wrong side of the tracks. She became reclusive and withdrawn, and there was little justice meted out to any of Victoria's predators. Early on she began to disassociate, a condition that was later in life diagnosed as MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), now known as DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). Victoria eventually spent years going in and out of mental hospitals, where she actually was grateful. At least the staff was kind and helpful. "I went to a wonderful psychiatrist and she help me for 13 years with MPD / the ID." She began drinking at an early age but sobered up with help from a 12 step group. Her sexual promiscuity led her to numerous bad adult relationships. It took a long time to find the right therapist and path to recovery but now she's integrated and years ago things finally started to come together. Life's still not perfect but now she's active helping the struggling. Among other things, Victoria works to end domestic and sexual violence. She attends support groups, speaks out at rallies and conferences, supports police, volunteers at shelters, and works directly with women and children to get their basic needs filled: food shelter and clothing. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2127
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2126
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 581
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2125
Special guest Gregory J Cannata |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Gregory J Cannata, an attorney from New York City. Recently, New York State passed the Child Victims Act, which extends the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits for victims of child sex abuse (CSA). Individuals who were previously barred from bringing lawsuits can now do so until they are 55 years old (there are some other exceptions as well). Gregory's firm has received many inquiries from adults who were sexually abused as children. The Child Victims Act changes New York State's strict statute of limitations on CSA and opens up a one-year window to revive past claims of any age. It does three main things: (1) Extend New York's statute of limitations to allow for criminal charges against sexual abusers of children until their victims turn 28 for felony cases, up from the current 23; (2) Allow victims to seek civil action against their abusers and institutions until they turn 55; and (3) Open up a one-year period to allow all victims to seek civil action, regardless of how long ago the abuse occurred. Gregory has been a practicing NYC attorney for 41 years. He began his career with the Bronx District Attorney's Office, prosecuting many crimes, including sex crimes against children and adults. After the DA's Office, he transitioned to civil law, where he represents a wide range of plaintiffs injured by the acts of others. These cases include children sexually abused in school and church settings. His firm wants to be the best possible advocate for survivors of child sex abuse and is looking for resources to help his clients process their childhood trauma. NAASCA is proud to provide such resources to child abuse survivors in New York, the United States, and the world. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2124
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Lorna Littner, Public Health Specialist |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Lorna Littner, LMSW, MS (in Public Health), from New York City, a survivor of sexual abuse by her grandfather. She'll appear on the show every month. Lorna's spent most of her career as an educator in the field of human sexuality, teaching all ages, from 5 to 65! But her most recent experience has been specializing in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). Lorna will invite listeners to call in with questions and topics on public health as related to human sexuality and its links to prevention education. Her recent article, posted to the NAASCA web site, is 'Seize the Day: Time to illuminate the issue of child sexual abuse.' ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2123
Special guest Bob Eden |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Bob Eden from Airlie Beach, Queensland, Australia, a survivor who shares his story in his own descriptive, articulate words: "After more than 20 years of fighting depression, psychologists, psychiatrists and many cycles of medication, one simple personal insight brought me home. To all those beautiful people who have suffered from depression I say 'Thank you. Simply, thank you' for doing such a wonderful job as beautiful and courageous messengers, such shining beacons! I was delivered by cesarean section; my mother never forgave me for the scar on her belly. Mum was prone to violent outbursts of rage, so I got the crap beaten out of me for many years. The message I internalized was 'Mum is often beating me therefore she does not love me; I must be unlovable, and it is all my fault!' and 'The World is not a Safe Place!' Dad was a mythical being who was always at work, so the message I got was 'Dad never spends any time with me, therefore he does not love me, so I must be unlovable, and it is all my fault.' I became a people-pleaser and totally abandoned my needs. Later, I took a 12-step course for Adult Children of Absent Parents which was helpful. John Bradshaw's work on the Inner Child and Family of Origin opened the flood gates for me as I began to understand what my dysfunctional childhood had produced. I spent the first 40 years of my life chopping off bits of me to fit in and the remainder going back and gathering them all up for I now know that all of me is OK. I realized that I AM the only expert on my life and the pain of depression was the pain of humanity having to live in such a crazy society, so I started the dance which is now over. For me we are all victims of victims and if you don't hand it back, you pass it on. Time to break this multi-generational cycle of abuse!" |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2122
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Pastor Deborah Schleich |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~~ Tonight the special co-host will be Pastor Deborah Schleich, who grew up all over the world in a military family where her mother was mentally ill, and is now
a survior-professional. Living in
Pensacola, Florida, she's trained in ministry, mental health, working with substance abuse and is a trauma informed social worker .. all in one!
She volunteers with many community organizations.
Pastor Deborah says she ".. can minister by text, phone, Skype, in person and however the Lord directs her, 24/7." She teaches that humans have three parts, being of spirit, soul and the physical body, and believes that all 3 are important .. and that each area needs care. We look forward to Pastor Deborah being an active member of the NAASCA family! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2121
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 580
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2120
Special guest Janet Bentley |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Janet Bentley from Scottsdale, Arizona, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse who grew up in a dysfunctional family riddled with abuse, addiction and suicide. She serves as NAASCA's Ambassador to Colorado and is the founder of Courageous Survivors. Janet experienced abuse from the age of 4 .. sexual, emotional, physical and religious abuse. After several years of trying to cope with the effects of her resulting trauma, including addictions to alcohol and prescription medications, Janet tried to take her own life. Finally finding a path to treatment through 'The Meadows', a trauma and addiction treatment center in Arizona, she started to understand how her childhood experiences are still causing her severe issues as an adult and that it is possible to learn to cope with the trauma. Her path to recovery has included working through two twelve step programs, group therapy and significant trauma work with a personal therapist. Janet's driving passion is to prevent childhood sexual abuse and to be a lifeline to survivors. She has found that sharing her story has been key to healing her own pain and exposing this epidemic. Janet is author of a memoir, 'Don't Expect Me To Cry'. She takes the reader through the three stages of her life, 1) her childhood, 2) her early adulthood and 3) her later adulthood, during which she hit 'rock bottom' and started her journey of recovery. We look forward to hearing from Janet and welcome her to the NAASCA family. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2119
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest, Felicia L Reed, is a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. That learning and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2118
Special guest Bailey Smith |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Bailey Smith from Deerfield Beach, Florida, a survivor of domestic violence, mental illness and the resulting suffering and abuse of her children. "My story is of domestic violence from my ex-husband [and] the effect on my 3 boys." The middle child of 5 children growing up in a strict religious home, Bailey craved attention and found it at age 20 when she met and fell in love with a man who “put me on a pedestal and made me feel special, and showered me with all the attention I craved.” Eight years and 3 sons later, Bailey started to realize the control her husband had over her when he talked her out of her dream of a degree in Social Work to go into business with him. As Bailey relates, “I never realized that the verbal, mental, controlling, manipulating violent raging behavior was ABUSE. Looking back now, I see I walked on eggshells around him. My oldest son witnessed things, and even as a young boy I believe now it really affected him.” After 20 years of marriage, her husband totally snapped one day and became physically violent to the point of Bailey seeing her life flash before her eyes. She knew she could not allow her children to be victims of this abuse any longer. Bailey left and enrolled herself and her three boys into therapy. However, the trauma, PTSD, and triggers never went away, especially for the children who witnessed one parent being violent to another. Bailey's oldest son had a mental health breakdown, which started Bailey advocating for Mental Health Awareness. One of Bailey's goals is to get a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. “I want to help advocate in Law Enforcement. I truly believe so many deaths, suicides, abuse, etc., could be prevented if our Law Enforcement were better trained.” Welcome to NAASCA! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2117
Special topic - Examining Institutional Abuse and Enabling with Dr Jill Jones-Soldeman |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Isolating A Child From The Protective Parent With Conscious Malice And Forethought" ~~ The case we'll examine deals with the sexual abuse of a 5 year old child, and how custody was transferred into the hands of her accused abuser. Complaints were filed against Judge Julie O'Kane for numerous errors and due process violations that placed the child's health and welfare in imminent harm. It isolated the child from the protective parent, Vina Hewett from Florida, and sought to silence and shield complaints from public view, in violation of First Amendment rights. While the 5 year old is a substantiated victim of sexual and emotional abuse by her father, the Protective mother, an Iraqi War Veteran, filed Domestic Violence charges against him. Following the claim and a subsequent police intervention, the accused abuser began a campaign of custody litigation against the child's mother for the child, whose birth he'd rejected. Dr Jill will explain the case. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2116
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 579
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2115
Special guest Jayni Terry |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Jayni Terry from Sacramento, California, a survivor and clinical hypnotherapist. As a young child, Jayni spent her first six years of life living homeless with her biological mother and baby brother, and later moving from one foster home to the next. Jayni was brutally raped at the unspeakable age of three years old by a teenaged foster brother and, after being placed in a new foster home, she experienced nearly two years of horrendous physical and sexual abuse at the hands of both foster parents. Due to the abuse she suffered in several different foster homes, Jayni has spent her adult years as an advocate for foster youth, and she has volunteered for numerous panels that have aided in the research used to improve the Foster and Adoption System. Today, Jayni runs a private practice as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, specializing in trauma support and healing. She says, “As a child abuse survivor, and a current Clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in trauma, I am looking for every opportunity to be used in the service of helping others.” Jayni continues by saying that she has “been looking for a community just like” NAASCA. If Jayni's
looking for a great ongoing opportunity to be used in the service of helping others
she's in the right place! Welcome to the NAASCA family community, Jayni! We are happy you have joined us! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2114
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2113
Special guest
MaryJo Briggs-Austin |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is MaryJo Briggs-Austin from Chapin, South Carolina, a child abuse survivor who's turned professional activist and now professional therapist, but in a very healing and creative way. MaryJo says, "I was abused by my uncle (a priest) beginning at maybe age 3 until puberty," which resulted in anorexia and her 25-year battle with bulimia. MaryJo decided to make a difference in the lives of helpless children, by taking a job as a Senior Sexual Abuse Investigator with Child Protective Services. After a tumultuous divorce and mental health struggles, MaryJo was unable to continue as a sexual abuse investigator, enrolled in nutrition school, and opened a holistic healing center in Fredonia, New York, working with emotional eaters and people with health challenges. In 2009, MaryJo sustained a traumatic brain injury and began having a series of flashbacks and the inability to function. She credits yoga and the help of her holistic healers with guiding her to a place of wholeness and happiness. She holds an associate degree in Paralegal studies, a bachelor's degree in Public Law and Policy, and a master's degree in Counseling. Today she's a registered Medium, Creative Writer, Spiritual Healer, and author of Windows of Awareness; A Spiritual Guide to End Emotional Eating and Live the Life of Your Dreams. "I have two books published with one an international best seller!" MaryJo is also a blogger, speaker and trauma-informed yoga therapy expert. She writes a column, Live a Life You Love, for her local paper. Welcome, MaryJo, to the NAASCA family! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2112
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2111
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 578
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2110
Special guest David Brown |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is David J Brown from Duluth, Minnesota, an abuse survivor and returning NAASCA family member who's the author of a two novels. The first novel, 'Daddy Had To Say Goodbye', written in the third person, is based on a true accounting of David's life story. "I just released my second novel," he writes. 'Flesh Of A Fraud' is a continuation, and both books are about a severely beaten child who grows up to become a bully. David was the 2nd of 4 boys. "My dad was a blue color union man. Mother was a stay at home drug addict. I had to repeat the 1st and 2nd grades. The Duluth school district classified me as retarded. My parents placed me in parochial school to avoid the stigma of having a retarded kid." The beatings stopped when David was was ten, when his father got sober. But he still couldn't trust his parents. "I was always scared that they were going to kill me. I knew that if I told anyone about it I would get beaten even worse. Teachers didn't dare to ask or want to know what happened to my face." David's two novels are based on his own true story. The character is a severely broken man who hides his mental illness but develops PTSD from his work as a Paramedic and a Police Officer. He suffers lifelong depression and alcoholism, and faces suicide. Thinking that the pain of living had to be worse than the pain of dying is a constant .. surrender is his only hope. David himself is better now and reports he's, "been sober for over 25 years thru the grace of God and the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2109
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2108
Special topic night -- April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month !! |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
"April -- Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month" ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker, Jo Calk and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss APRIL as related to our family, the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2107
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2106
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 577
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2105
Special guest Dale Hemming |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Dale Hemming, a returning NAASCA family member from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Among numerous other issues for Dale is the safety of our children and child abuse. Tonight he'll be sharing about his current billboard campaign that features images and messages concerning Child Abuse Awareness month (in April). Dale leads the effort at Sioux Falls Free Thinkers where the motto is 'Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent!' The web site says, ".. all those with open minds are welcome. Free Thinkers are those that want a world without rules and controls on thought, without mental borders and boundaries. A world where anything is possible." Dale, now in his 70s, became a feminist in 1960 while he was in high school. In college he went further. "I was a campus radical and civil rights activist fighting against the Vietnam War, racism, and for women's rights and gay/lesbian rights," Dale explains. "If one looks at the appalling statistics and facts on child abuse you will understand my involvement in the issue," Dale says. He's addressing these issues head on, and at his own expense. "I believe we need to stop hiding the ugliness of child physical and sexual abuse." His billboard images and wording are as explicit as freedom of speech allows. Dale has appeared on our show many times, always sharing about the terrific work he's doing for his home town. One of our most dedicated volunteer contributors, there's no question Dale is one of our NAASCA family's true heroes !! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2104
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Lorna Littner, Public Health Specialist |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Lorna Littner, LMSW, MS (in Public Health), from New York City, a survivor of sexual abuse by her grandfather. She'll appear on the show every month. Lorna's spent most of her career as an educator in the field of human sexuality, teaching all ages, from 5 to 65! But her most recent experience has been specializing in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). Lorna will invite listeners to call in with questions and topics on public health as related to human sexuality and its links to prevention education. Her recent article, posted to the NAASCA web site, is 'Seize the Day: Time to illuminate the issue of child sexual abuse.' ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2103
Special guest Joanna Price |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Joanna (Jo) Price from Greensboro, North Carolina, a survivor of childhood sexual, mental and emotional abuse by her mother and step-father. She always knew it was wrong, but she thought it was all behind her when the major abuse stopped happening after her adolescent years. She didn't realize how much it would impact her life as an adult. Jo had a lot of anger stored up inside, and experienced challenges with intimate relationships. Then a friend found relevant therapy for her. However, it was difficult to consistently travel to and pay for group therapy. Jo thought that, like AA, there must be anonymous-type peer group therapy readily available. She was dismayed to discover how rare such meetings actually were, so she started her own. Joanna is the creator and organizer of the 'Survivors Anonymous Group', a platform of private Meetup groups for the peer support Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Along with the group's co-organizer, NAASCA family member Dwight Hurych, 'Survivors Anonymous' is based on the principles and resources of the 21-Step ‘ASCA Support' program promoted by the Morris Center in San Francisco, CA, that aims to transform 'Survivors into Thrivers'. Meetings use the format of a private Meetup group for the anonymity and safety of its members and meeting location. The structure and guidelines facilitate a predictable and respectful environment, but have flexibility to address the needs of members when there's an overwhelming unplanned need to share. The theme of ‘Survivors Anonymous' is “you are not alone.” |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2102
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2101
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 576
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2100
Special guest Sherrie Allsup |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Sherrie Allsup from Corpus Christi, Texas, a returning NAASCA family member, and our Kansas Ambassador. She's a survivor of incest, mental, physical, verbal, and emotional abuse. Sherrie suffered abuse by her father for over a decade from the age of 6 to 17. She frequently ran away from home only to be brought back to her abusive household and finally married in an effort to leave her situation. She lived with the secret of her abuse until disclosing at age 32 after which her father admitted to abusing her. Inexplicably, Sherrie's mother chose to stay in a relationship with him. Sherrie's husband and the father of her three children was not supportive during her recovery and chose to divorce her. Despite these difficulties, Sherrie is continuing in therapy for C-PTSD, depression, and past suicide attempts, and has become a community leader with a hopeful message for survivors of child abuse. She's now an educator on sexual assault, a public speaker, and founder of the non-profit 'Courage Starts With You.' Sherrie explains, "I am a long-term survivor of sexual abuse. I am now traveling to college campuses working with and educating campus police, faculty, staff, students, and RA's on the epidemic of sexual assault." She continues, "Since becoming a part of the NAASCA family, I have found a place where there are many others that understand me. I spent all of my life alone and isolated in silence because there was no one for me to talk to about my abuse. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I am not alone. Together we are shining a light on the epidemic of sexual abuse." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2099
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest, Felicia L Reed, is a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. That learning and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2098
Special guest Tracey Maxfield |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Tracey Maxfield, RN, from British Columbia, Canada, who says she's had a very interesting life story including childhood abuse, clinical depression, workplace bullying and suicide attempts. 'Escaping the Rabbit Hole: my journey through depression' is her first book and has received international rave reviews. "In a nutshell, I've been to hell and made it out alive," she explains. "I can show that despite experiencing horrific child abuse, you can have a good life. I can show that even after falling down the rabbit hole, you can heal and move forward on a new life journey that is better than you could imagine." She experienced her first episode of clinical depression in her twenties, and has lived with chronic depression ever since. However, nothing prepared her for the acute depressive episode she experienced in 2015. After enduring years of intense work place stress, harassment and bullying, she plummeted into an abyss of darkness, hopelessness and despair the likes of which she had never experienced before. Encouraged to write by a psychologist, Tracey began to heal and found that out of the darkness and despair, there is hope, there is life after depression. She has become a staunch advocate for Mental Illness and Mental Health Awareness and Bullying. She has met with teenagers ages 11 to 15 years to talk about bullying and mental illness. Tracey has made a commitment to make a difference in the world. Her philosophy is to Engage children and teenagers, to Educate them about mental illness and bullying and to Empower them to develop confidence and skills to continue to move ahead in their own life journey. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2097
Special topic - Examining Institutional Abuse and Enabling with Dr Jill Jones-Soldeman |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Lies And Larceny: What Your Lawyer Says And Does Behind Your Back" ~~ Your lying lawyer can easily become your worst enemy. The common causes? Greed, fraud, incompetence and racketeering. Clients are often gripped with fear in a 'deer in the headlights' moment when the need for bold action is critical. It's a catastrophe for you and your children. What you should do and NOT do .. and why. Some samples of how this happens: a lawyer that 'forgets' to respond to court documents, or files a response incorrectly (the 'my dog ate my homework' explanation); lawyers give false witness in a Protective Order and collude with opposing counsel and related court actors; a lawyer lawyer becomes aware of a planned legal action that would potentially stop a custody transfer but will expedite an 'emergency removal' of children, prior to the scheduled transfer date; a prefixed agenda of the 'treatment team' .. when the client never knew one had been hired. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2096
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 575
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2095
Special guest Ben Niles |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Ben Niles, an independent filmmaker who hopes to use his work as an educational tool in support of survivors of abuse and to help raise awareness. “The 5 Browns: Digging through the Darkness”, an acclaimed documentary, is about about siblings in a classical music ensemble, three sisters and two brothers. Home-schooled, each of them practiced and practiced piano at home. Then all the kids attended Julliard simultaneously. After their five-piano act got underway, Keith Brown, their father, became the business manager, and he put his children on a punishing schedule. He was also responsible for years of sexual abuse against the three sisters. Once the sisters revealed what was going on, at first to one another and then to their brothers, Gregory and Ryan, there had to be an accounting. Long before #MeToo, and well aware that their story would devastate their family and possibly the group, the young women bravely spoke out. Their father, Keith Brown, is now serving a prison sentence. "The 5 Browns" follows the siblings' search for healing through the transformative power of music.
Two of the sisters, Desirae and Deondra, started the Foundation for Surviving Abuse, an advocacy group, and we see them at work with eloquence and compassion. Their trauma and their subsequent resolve, as depicted here, are also, finally, all-American.
There are plans to show the film in San Francisco on April 17 and in Atlanta, Washington DC, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia between now and the fall. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2094
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2093
Special guest Aimee Cabo Nikolov |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Aimee Cabo Nikolov, BSN, from Miami, Florida, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, author of the book 'Love Is The Answer, God Is The Cure' and a Neuroscienist. Aimee's life is a testament to the power of honesty, love, and belief. At age 15, Aimee was part of what the Miami media dubbed "The Case from Hell" .. a sexual abuse case that pitted her parents against Aimee and her sister. To this day, Aimee credits her faith in God and the love of her support network for getting her through. Aimee's website, radio show, podcast and speaking engagements are designed to educated, support, and create a safe place for each other. It's not been an easy road getting here. Aimee experienced horrific trauma at an early age, being sexually and emotionally abused by her parents. Her family's secrets came to light as she and her sister brought charges against her parents. After many years of uncertainty, recovery, therapy and family issues, Aimee has created a life filled with love, an impressive career, and her own family. She is an inspiration on so many levels and is dedicating herself to helping others who have experienced trauma and abuse. Aimee is trying to connect, join arms, and create a platform with others to provide support, awareness and healing. We're delighted to be connecting with Aimee and exploring ways to work together. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2092
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2091
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 574
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2090
Special guest Andrea B |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Andrea B from West Plains, Missouri, who's telling us her story for the first time. "The abuse I have endured is a generational issue," she says. "I'm not sure who my father is, so my 'family' is only from my mother's side." Her grandparents were both orphans and the family is shrouded in secrecy. "One thing was for sure, they were both sadistic people who had no qualms about abusing others and their own children for the sake of their entertainment. "My grandfather regularly participated in child pornography retail (he used his children to create the videos) and sex trafficking (his grandchildren and others)." A violent man, he was suspected of several murders but was never charged. He had 12 kids .. 8 of them survived. Andrea's mother was too emotionally damaged to care of her own children. "Her first husband and father to my oldest sister raped my oldest sister every time we went to visit. Her second husband raped my oldest sister and I." Andrea explains they finally told their school. "When my mother was given the option of her daughters or husband she chose her husband." So her grandparents then adopted them and used them as slaves to clean after 28 people who lived in one 3 bedroom house. They were forced into fighting rings where the violence continued until someone was knocked out. "Needless to say we were behavioral kids and didn't listen well." One day Andrea's oldest sister had enough (there were 4 girls in the family). "She went to school and showed them her bruises and battered body. I followed up her claims and they finally took us." She goes on, "Foster care had its issues but was a blessing for us," concluding, "My sisters and I all suffer in our own ways. All taking on a different outlook." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2089
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless - Minister & Chaplain |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2088
Special guest Caroline DeBolt |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Caroline DeBolt from Lake Worth, Florida, who tells us her mission is to facilitate emotional and spiritual healing, advocacy, growth and connection to those parents, children, and extended family members experiencing High Conflict Divorce/Alienation. Caroline says, "I believe in working for healing and change, not fighting against the problem." Her mother was bi-polar, narcissistic and verbally abusive, and shamed her to the point of not feeling good enough. Her father was very domineering and emotionally unavailable. "I have always been a sensitive being which made it that much more difficult." She goes on, "What I have found is that it doesn't matter how big or small the abuse or trauma is, we are affected by it especially if we are sensitive emotionally and spiritually." Recently she came to discover just how much trauma affects the body. "It literally changes the brain," she says, noting, "Research has been done to show that trauma in childhood affects the pituitary which is the master gland in the body. For me it is now affecting the thyroid." Caroline now knows that a lot of the physical stuff she's going through is from not completely working through her emotions. "Depression and anxiety are huge. It is very obvious to me it begins in childhood or birth as the first trauma in our society." By providing support groups online and in person s he wants to bring parents, children and family member to a point of healing and balance so they can find their purpose and potentially advocate for others going through this in order to change the systems that are broken. Caroline says, "Be the change you want to see in the world." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2087
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2086
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 573
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2085
Special guest Laura Landgraf |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Laura Landgraf from Post Falls, Idaho, a returning NAASCA family member who's an author, activist, speaker, and life coach. Her mission is empowering women and men who survived childhood abuse. In the process, she believes we protect our children. Laura survived a childhood of trauma. The family avoided consequences in the United States by moving to Africa. In adulthood, Laura pushed away from her past to try to live the “perfect” life—until the moment her own children were threatened by her family. Her book is a memoir, “The Fifth Sister: From Victim to Victor - Overcoming Child Abuse.” Laura she grew up in a wildly dysfunctional family, surviving complex trauma. For eight years Laura and her four sisters struggled to survive the nightmare of sexual and emotional abuse. She lived it .. the isolation, the fear, the losses, the manipulation and control, the tentative and fragile bonds with one another, finding humor, and a burgeoning sense of self. As an adult, she buried memories of her family's dysfunction and strove to build a life as close to perfect as she could imagine. Then, on a rare visit to her parents' home, Laura walked into a room and saw her father playing “Tiger” with her own children. Memories flooded back: the game of “Tiger” was always the prelude to molestation. Stunned to discover that her father was still an incestuous abuser, Laura faced her past to protect her children, for their children's sake. Going undercover, she was able to prove a twenty-year history of molestation, which her mother aided and abetted—at first passively and later actively. Be sure to check out her new TEDx Talk, "Razed By Lions". |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2084
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Felicia Reed, Trauma Informed Life Coach |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~
Tonight's special guest, for each 4th Thursday of the month, is Felicia L Reed, a trauma-informed Recovery Coach who suffered the entire spectrum of abuses from the age of 5 to 51. That was the point when she started a healing and recovery process. That learning and using coaching and self-healing techniques saved her life. Felicia founded Put It In Perspective where she currently works to teach these tools to groups and individuals. In addition, she has worked in community service programs as a key volunteer and activist for youth and women, and serves on cyber awareness forums that promote online safety. ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2083
Special guest Sequoya Griffin |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Sequoya Griffin from Las Vegas, Nevada, a returning NAASCA famil member and survivor of childhood trauma. She entered the foster care system at 4 years old and was later adopted at 10. Sequoya's the author of "Goodbye, SaraJane: A Foster Child Writes Letters to Her Mother," described as the honest, heartbreaking story of an abused child's horrid experience. Her life in foster care was a terrible existence of emotional, physical, and racial abuse that was a continual ordeal of lies, beatings, and punishments by adults in the foster system. From the caseworker lacking empathy and turning a blind eye to the physical and emotional damages Sequoya and her siblings suffered by adults and foster siblings that went ignored, her story sheds light on some of the major failures of the current child protective service system in the United States. The emotional toll of being taken from one abusive family only to be placed with another was unbearable, and she had the experience of what sadly many foster children do of losing everything meaningful. Even her birth name was taken from her, and Sequoya says it best in her book that her adoptive mother "had slowly snatched my identity away from me." Currently, Sequoya is an advocate for neglected children and vulnerable young adults with a passion to continue bringing awareness to all aspects of the foster care and adoption system. Besides writing literature and music, Sequoya finds hope and strength as a survivor through her spirituality. She is the founder of Key Purpose Books LLC, a book and media publishing company of God-given stories. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2082
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2081
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 572
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2080
Special guest Dwight Hurych |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Dwight Hurych from Greensboro, North Carolina, a survivor of childhood emotional neglect. “My parents divorced when I was 3 years old and my mother was the custodial parent. She had a drinking problem and was totally unavailable emotionally. When I attempted to talk her, her responses were cliché and dismissive. I felt like I wasn't worth her time or attention.” Such neglect left Dwight feeling unworthy of love or even the title of survivor. Looking back on his life, he sees how it was a perfect setup for relationship storms: three failed marriages and few close friends. He started recovery in the only path he became aware of, 12-Step Al-Anon meetings and talk therapy. With the help of others, he adopted an emphasis on "inner child" awareness and integration based on the works of John Bradshaw and Alice Miller. Dwight gratefully points to a particular in-patient program at the Caron Foundation (Wernersville, PA) for adult children of alcoholics where his involvement in group psychodramas enabled leaps in his recovery. However, he discovered years later his healing journey still wasn't over when he experienced a dark period of financial and spiritual bankruptcy. "My journey has now come full circle, as I combine my healing and spiritual growth with my computer skills and small business marketing toward one aim: helping other adult survivors of child abuse get the peer support they need." All his life and career experiences came together harmoniously when Dwight was asked to be the Co-Organizer of the Survivors Anonymous Group, a private Meetup group for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse. Along with the group's founder, Joanna Price, the goal is to take this platform nationwide, and perhaps more. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2079
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Lorna Littner, Public Health Specialist |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Lorna Littner, LMSW, MS (in Public Health), from New York City, a survivor of sexual abuse by her grandfather. She'll appear on the show every 3rd week of the month. Lorna's spent most of her career as an educator in the field of human sexuality, teaching all ages, from 5 to 65! But her most recent experience has been specializing in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). Lorna will invite listeners to call in with questions and topics on public health as related to human sexuality and its links to prevention education. Her recent article, posted to the NAASCA web site, is 'Seize the Day: Time to illuminate the issue of child sexual abuse.' ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2078
Special guest Jean Riseman |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Jean Riseman, MSW, from San Francisco, California, a survivor of ritual abuse and government and academic mind control experimentation. Born into a multi-generation family that practiced Satanism, she was also a victim of child pornography. "I'm a retired clinical social worker and a present-day volunteer and activist," she tells us. "I can truly say I am happy now, in spite of everything I suffered." Jean explains the children in her family were raised to worship evil rather than good, and to this end they're taught to tolerate pain and to hurt others. The intensity of the degree of trauma forces many of them to become dissociative in order to survive. They become amnesiac for these experiences and are taught to have parts that appear to be normal to avoid arousing suspicion. "During the first part of my life, although I looked okay," Jean shares. "I knew there was something terribly wrong with me. I kept trying to find the problem and failed time after time. It wasn't until my early fifties that I was able to remember the abuse. I found out that, in addition to being ritually abused, I had been used in child pornography." Jean began to seek info and individual survivors of ritual abuse, the first time she felt at ease with other people. "Being part of the survivor community has allowed me to transcend my upbringing and has given great meaning to my life." Her website, ra-info.org, was the first one on ritual abuse on the Internet. It consists of annotated bibliographies and articles on various facets of ritual abuse and healing. Her blog, offers information about Satanic holidays and more personal posts, including poetry and artwork. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2077
Special topic - Examining Institutional Abuse and Enabling with Dr Jill Jones-Soldeman |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. ~~ TONIGHT'S TOPIC
: "How to Get the Attention of the Court in Presenting Victim Evidence" - Our client, from Maryland, has endured domestic violence for many years. As the danger to her moved to her child and the signs of abuse began, she had no choice but to seek assistance of police and the courts.
Once protective instincts towards children took precedence, claims of abuse were too often automatic and punitive. The current backlash against overly protective responses to children has been a cynical questioning of motives of those who come forth with complaints against a party engaged in family disputes. Our client presents an articulate and extremely thoughtful perspective on her experience. She also displays great compassion for her partner whose mental illness is the source of their problem. The black and white, intellectually ignorant position of the court is creating an adversarial position, mitigating against resolution.
When interventions include something between education and mediation of interests what arguments will get the Judge's attention? ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2076
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 571
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2075
Special guest Kim Kubal |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Kim Kubal, MS, a PhD candidate from Millbrae, California, who's a survivor of ritual abuse and human trafficking. "Looking back on my life," she says, "I realize that I spent most of my childhood and adolescence fragmented and out of my body." She goes on, "I now know that my situation was one of extreme and recurrent abuse and trauma. During times of abuse and torture, I simply went someplace else. I didn't feel the physical, emotional or spiritual pain." Kim felt she had to escape into multiple addictions and self-abusive behaviors .. food, sugar, sex, drugs, etc. She was in tremendous denial, as where her parents and other family members. Kim descended into a deep, suicidal depression, clinging to her therapist and several 12-Step programs she was in. "After 10 long years of healing, I finally thought I was done and could start to live life. Boy, was I wrong!" Kim says she had the sobering realization that the abuses she began to recall had indeed occurred, that her memories were real. "I pressed on, at times seeing two separate therapists each week." Kim went on spiritual retreats and attended eight different 12-Step programs dealing with 12 different addictions. Now it's paid off. "I am able to heal and give back. I am at peace within myself and love myself. I come from a place of love, and see the love, which is God, in everyone." Kim is now the Executive Director of 'Your Strength to Heal' providing a safe and nurturing inpatient and outpatient treatment facility where women can heal from trauma-related conditions. Her personal web site, KimKubal.com, is dedicated to healing and preventing trauma through education, her books, workshops and support. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2074
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Barbara Joy Hansen, Violence Prevention Expert |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Barbara Joy Hansen from
Milford, Massachusetts, a child abuse survivor and Violence Prevention Expert. Her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' is where she shares her journey. She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, domestic violence conferences, etc, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former alcoholics or addicts). Barbara has a lot of information and experience to offer! ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2073
Special guest Barbara Joy Hansen |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Barbara Joy Hansen from Milford, Massachusetts, a survivor of sexual abuse by a grandfather and a member of the clergy. She also lost her virginity to a college student who took advantage of her. Later she experienced domestic violence. But hers is a story of redemption. Barbara not only faced her own demons, she faced her perpetrators and then turned her attention to helping others. In her book, 'Listen to the Cry of the Child,' she shares her journey. “When you are abused, you are repeatedly told not to tell,” Barbara says. “That sent me deep into a decades-long world of mute and numb silence.” Bits of her memory were blocked. She experienced shame, low self esteem and delayed physical maturation in her teens. As an adult she struggled with infertility, postpartum depression and marriage betrayal. Barbara's road to healing came through asking God to heal her, by validating her memories and confronting the past. No longer a victim, she considers herself a 'victorious survivor.' She and her husband work in prisons, homeless shelters, and domestic violence conferences, and she facilitates a survivors support group called Beauty Out of Ashes (many members are former addicts). She travels the world telling her story. Recently an excellent 4 minute video about Barbara's life was made by the 700 Club. "Victims of abuse often conceal their pain as they carry their scars," she notes. "The only road to freedom from this prison requires confronting the past and revealing its pain in the light of God's love." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2072
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2071
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 570
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2070
Special guest Laurie Purcell |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Laurie Purcell from Bay Shore, New York, a returning NAASCA family member from Long Island. Her abuse was severe .. physical, sexual and emotional. Her father put her in a swimming pool when she was 2 1/2 and walked away. She drowned. She was thrown out a second story window when she was 4 yrs old. The neglect she experienced is a large part of the reason she's lived most of her life in full leg braces. She says, "From the abuse I died 3 times. Heaven is wonderful, but God wasn't ready for me. The second trip took me 4 years to recover from. I have anoxia, brain damage due to lack of oxygen. That effects my memory. I got to the point of realizing I couldn't recover relearn everything." But Laurie's resilient, if nothing else. Good thing. She's has brain problems, nerve problems, fibromyalgia and other auto immune diseases. "Basically the doctors told me I'm in the body of a 90 yr old, body and brain." On previous occasions, many people have been effected by hearing her story. "I have the light still flickering in me," Laurie notes, "that and my sense of humor will get me through." She goes on, "I am passionate about this cause," adding, "In my photos on Facebook, The Story of Laurie Purcell, you will find picture after picture of the extent I go to for the kids." In addition there are 4 or 5 videos on her timeline. "If you watch one, or all of them, you will find out who I am," she points out. "I'm a warrior who will fight this battle to the end for the kids of today. My message: You can survive, and those of us who did owe it to our kids to save them from what we went through." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2069
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless, Minister & Chaplain |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2068
Special guest Patrice Faye Little |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Patrice Faye Little from Dacula, Georgia, who studies for a Doctor of Nursing Practice at Georgia Baptist College of Nursing at Mercer University. Patrice says she'll be delighted to share her insights with the NAASCA family. She the author of the book, 'Out of Crazy Born Genius'. As a survivor of child abuse that continued into her late twenties, she personally and professionally knows how the restructuring of life after abuse is a work in progress. Recovering from early trauma while developing into an adult can be daunting to any survivor. Her last encounter with her physically abusive father's rage, as he reached for a machete and came towards her, resulted in Patrice herself being jailed. "I spent 22 hours in jail reflecting on how did I avoid trouble all these years and end up in jail at risk of losing everything?" Now she offers her book 'Out of Crazy Born Genius' as a practical guide to others to transcend the craziness of child abuse so they can become a healthy and functional adult. Patrice asks, "Have you survived child abuse but find yourself struggling with adult milestones?" and "Why do survivors struggle with self, career, faith, friends, an finance after abuse?" In her heartfelt book, Patrice shares how her daily disciplines for seven principle areas of life emerged from person experience. She demonstrates the framework for mastering daily disciplines .. preparation, reflection, and repetition. She offers us steps to create our own disciplines to overcome childhood trauma and prevent self-sabotage. Patrice's passionate message of resilience is innovative and necessary to help others break the inter-generational cycle of abuse. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2067
Q & A call-in discussion - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2066
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 569
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show
- Super Bowl Saturday -
Q & A call-in discussion - with NAASCA family members, survivors - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Super Bowl Saturday -- "Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2065
Special guest Olivia Branch |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Olivia Branch from Buckeye, Arizona, a child sexual abuse survivor and returning NAASCA family member. Last time she said she always aims at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Immigrating from Mexico in the 60's, her family lived in the largely Latino East LA area. Her father was a blue collar worker who suffered from alcoholism. "I always felt alone," she said. Her mother spend the majority of her time dealing with her father's alcoholism. Olivia was repeatedly sexually abused by a cousin, eight years older than her. The first incident of this was when she was about three, but the last time was in adulthood. "I grew up eating my anxiety away and reached 375 pounds in adulthood. I was fat and felt like a monster." Eventually she began working on herself. "I had gastric bypass and lost all my excess weight. I began kick boxing I learned how to physically to not let anyone hurt me gain. The recovery period has been long and imperfect." After appearing on this show the first time she drove herself to the coast and threw the original bio she'd written into the ocean. "For me it was my way to release the pain of my past," she says. "I was prepared to venture on to spaces I could possibly only dream of. I felt relieved, strong, and very assertive of me and my capacity to take care of me. I left working non-profit vocational counseling world and entered corporate world." Then she began dating, and found herself giving men a chance. "I got married in April of last year. I still struggle at times but my husband is kind, patient, and a survivor himself. It's work but I do not regret any of it," she says, concluding, "I will be eternally grateful to this forum." We're delighted to have her! |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2064
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Bill Murray, NAASCA founder - 12 Step Recovery |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's host is Bill Murray from Los Angeles, our founder. Bill will be happy to answer questions about anything related to NAASCA, it's mission and tools. Bill's recovery is 12 Step-based and spans some 3 and a half decades. Sexually abused by numerous clerics, all men, between the ages of 11 and mid-way through high school, a minor seminary, he was also the victim of pre-pubescent pornography and even a two week kidnapping. Bill was graced to have found Alcoholics Anonymous when he was 30 years old. The program not only helped him get clean and sober but also gave him a place to give up his secrets, and tools by which he recovered. He firmly believes one can use the 12 Step process to heal child abuse trauma and to find a way to a comfortable life. ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2063
Special guest Ellen Lacter, PhD |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Ellen Lacter, PhD, from San Diego, California, a psychologist whose expertise is in helping victims of extreme and ritualistic childhood abuse. She specializes in play therapy and the treatment of dissociative disorders and complex trauma, including victims of ritualistic abuse, mind control, and people victimized in the production of child rape and torture materials. Ellen explains that, "In 1994, the play and disclosures of some children I was treating soon revealed that they had been subjected to ritualistic abuse. Two years later, an adult survivor corroborated their abuse. I was outraged to learn about the severity and calculated nature of this abuse." She goes on, "I sought consultation, read everything I could, connected with experts in the field, worked with many more cases over the years, and have since become a leader in the field." Ellen has published multiple articles on ritual abuse and mind control, and is an activist on behalf of victims and survivors based in her website at www.EndRitualAbuse.org. In 2015 she wrote "A Coloring Book of Healing Images for Adult Survivors of Child Abuse," illustrated by Robin Baird Lewis and Jen Callow. To find our what Ellen can and can't do for people who contact her click here. She says she'll be happy to talk on the show tonight about ritual abuse, mind control, production of child rape and torture materials, play therapy with abused children and more .. so it should be a very informative episode! Ellen concludes, "I feel compelled to increase public support for these children and adult survivors. This is my mission." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2062
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2061
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 568
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2060
Q & A call-in discussion - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2059
Q & A call-in discussion - with NAASCA family members, survivors - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2058
Special guest Mike Tikkanen |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Mike Tikkanen from Hopkins, Minnesota, a returning NAASCA family member, founder and President of KARA (Kids at Risk Action), a non-profit action tank that supports the people, policies, and programs that improve the lives of at-risk children. Mike is unapologetically and passionately committed to improving the lives of at risk children. We recommend his book: 'Invisible Children: Pre-Teen Mothers, Adolescent Felons, and What We Can Do About It'. It's an uncomfortably close look at the American cycle of abuse and its cost. Mike explains, "The need for civic involvement of young future community leaders is the solution to America's 'At Risk Youth' problem. Without today's college students understanding and support, schools will continue to fail, streets to be unsafe, and jails to fill." Mike addresses social and political child protection problems. He speaks at local and national venues and has been the keynote speaker at business, community, and religious organizations. He lead a workshop at the UN in New York addressing the rights of children. Since 1996, he's volunteered in the Guardian Ad-Litem program as a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and has worked with many 'Invisible Children' who are part of the County Child Protection System. Mike is passionate about improving the treatment of abused and neglected children and has formed the non-profit "Kid's At Risk Action" (KARA) to bring public awareness to children's rights and form action groups to improve public policy towards at-risk children. Contact him at: Mike@Invisiblechildren.org |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2057
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2056
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 567
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2055
Special guest Timothy 'Ryzer' Poff - Easton PA Guardian Angels |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Timothy 'Ryzer' Poff from Easton, Pennsylvania, Commander and Chapter Leader of the Easton Guardian Angels. He may be joined by original founding members of the Chapter including his assistant, Captain Tracy 'Gypsy' Rapoli, Administrator, and 1st Lieutenant Steve 'Bald Eagle' Brailo, Trainer. The Easton Guardian Angels started in 2007 in Easton, Pennsylvania, and has been going strong ever since. A 501(c)3 non-profit community organization, the Chapter works together with other organizations. Ryzer explains, "One of our main focuses is physically patrolling our streets, deterring crime, being the eyes and ears for our police, helping and watching over those in need, as well as mentoring and being positive role models for our youth." Members go through a 12-15 week training which focuses on learning The History of The Guardian Angels, First Aid/CPR/AED certification, PATROL Training, Physiological communications training, Gang Awareness and Self Defense. Many children look up to them and call themselves 'Junior Guardian Angels.' They are closely involved with 'The Easton Block Watch.' Ryzer and Gypsy are on the Board as well as Sector Coordinators for the West Ward, The Weed & Seed summer nights program, and this year started a Summer Program Called 'Angels in the Park.' They're also involved in many other social activities, after school programs and in awarding scholarships. Besides patrolling local area streets, the Chapter has worked in many other communities and does Missing Persons Search and Recovery missions. Ryzer writes, "We search for runaways, missing kids and adults. With boots to the ground we dare to care and keep things safe beyond the streets." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2054
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Lorna Littner, Public Health Specialist |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Lorna Littner, LMSW, MS (in Public Health), from New York City, a survivor of sexual abuse by her grandfather. She'll appear on the show every 3rd week of the month. Lorna's spent most of her career as an educator in the field of human sexuality, teaching all ages, from 5 to 65! But her most recent experience has been specializing in Child Sexual Abuse (CSA). Lorna will invite listeners to call in with questions and topics on public health as related to human sexuality and its links to prevention education. Her recent article, posted to the NAASCA web site, is 'Seize the Day: Time to illuminate the issue of child sexual abuse.' ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2053
Special guest Sky Lea Ross |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Sky Lea Ross from
Pasadena, California, a survivor of child abuse (including being burned with cigarettes, scratched by fingernails, slapped in the face repeatedly, referred to with racial slurs and profanity, etc.) and neglect, causing her to be deprived of a 'normal' childhood. Born and raised in the poorer parts of Northern Pasadena, Sky had to navigate the resources available to her at a very young age, and came from a family with a history of chronic mental and physical illnesses as well as disabilities. She went into foster care at age 15. This opened more doors for her, introduced her to a loving and supportive foster mother, and allowed her to pursue higher education. Now working towards her doctorate of psychology (Psy.D.) in Marriage and Family Therapy at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (downtown LA campus), she has dedicated her life to fighting for social justice/human rights and providing therapy as well as educating others on the importance of mental health and self-love/care. "In the coming years, I wish to complete my degree and acquire my license," she says. Meantime she's publishing a collection of poetry and writing her autobiography, 'Cheated Out of Childhood', which is based on her online blog by the same name. "I feel that I can offer a lot to the show as not only am I a survivor myself, but now a professional," She writes. "I'm dedicating my dissertation to researching the long-term repercussions of child maltreatment on psychology and physiology in young adults. I feel that surviving through interpersonal trauma and abuse so early in life has an impact not only on our development, but can impair us throughout the life span, as well as give us inherent resilience that our peers may not have." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2052
Special topic - Examining Institutional Abuse and Enabling with Dr Jill Jones-Soldeman |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Examining Institutional Abuse" with special co-host Dr Jill Jones-Soderman, a NAASCA family member and Exec. Dir. of the Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts. ~~
TONIGHT'S TOPIC: "Disrupting The Corruption” - RICO Reigns In Howard County, Maryland ~~ Jill has been writing about Howard County, Maryland, for years, under the heading of RICO REIGNS in Howard County, Maryland .. since 2014. Her guest, a client, will appear anonymously. Maryland is a small state and county by county one can identify the different character of courts and the practitioners who are frequent flyers. Howard County is a wealthy bedroom community. The divorce / custody industry tends to be populated by a handful of well known practitioners who have developed a reputation for handling partners who have secrets to hide, a vendetta, or are just out for the best financial deal available. There is no law, there are no ethics and no expertise. Custody transfer is based on the inside deal, the connection to the connected lawyer who has divided up winners and losers before the clients feet have touched the entrance to the court. The FCVFC knows the players, the play and how to disrupt the corruption. ~~ NAASCA knows "institutional abuse" is rampant, worldwide, and dramatically effects childhood experience of our youth, frequently causing trauma that lasts a lifetime. Many issues of child abuse involve dealing with the courts and law enforcement, foster care, child protection services, CASA and CAC organizations, etc. Jill's experience with her Foundation for Child Victims of Family Courts and her US Whistleblower effort uniquely position her to speak to these issues. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2051
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 566
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2050
Special guest Nicole Kilburg |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Nicole Kilburg from Wassaic, New York, who comes from two or three generations of trauma, child abuse and sex abuse. "I ran away from home when I was 15 and was placed in foster care," she says. Nichole eventually became an attorney and discovered the horrible state of Child Welfare Practice in New York State. Her mother, who'd grown up in foster care herself, was her first abuser, physically and emotionally. Her father abandoned the family when Nicole was four and her mother married her step-father, a mentally unstable 19 year old, when Nicole was 5. "My stepfather instantly became my second abuser, physically and verbally and sexually." She says, "When my younger siblings were born, I was put in the position of having to protect them from the severe abuse all around me." Nicole goes on, "We CPTSD sufferers cannot THINK our way out of the brain damage caused by abuse and neglect." As an attorney, Nicole has attempted to represent foster kids. "I was retaliated against for defending a young mother with an intellectual disability who desperately wanted to keep her child," she explains. She was blacklisted. "I stood up to the so-called powerful Judges and so-called supervising Judges in New York State." Nicole will discuss the top reasons the Children's Bureau says kids went into foster care in 2017. "CPS should be focused on actual abuse and sex abuse of kids instead of the nebulous concept of neglect." She'll talk about recent public hearings in New York State on how bad Child Welfare practice is, and she'll relate some of her experiences. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2049
Q & A call-in discussion - with NAASCA family members, survivors - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion -- Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit our web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2048
Special guest Renee Encinias |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Renee Encinias from Austin, Texas, Program Director at Hope Rising Ministries, committed to the long term care and recovery for minor girls who have been rescued from human sex trafficking and exploitation. Their mission is to provide hope and a future to these girls and to foster wholeness and healing to at-risk families and children.
Renee's interest in the field came after a 'temporary' job she took in a small town children's home. With her Criminal Justice degree, she'd thought her career would involve being a probation officer. "I quickly knew that working with children in the foster care system, those children who had 'come from hard places,' was something that I enjoyed and was good at." More than 20 years later, she says the most exciting thing to have happened in child welfare during her tenure is Trauma Informed Care. "Children in care deserve for us to realize that the work never ends, we never arrive at being the best we can for them, we always need to improve on something." Hers is, of course, a faith based organization. Hope Rising goes beyond therapy, and provides life skills training and mentors for each child in order to prepare them as they heal, grow and mature into a life of independence. They focus on character building and strengths development for each child. Prevention is a huge priority for their program. Hope Rising also provides foster care homes for children that have not been trafficked, but are in need of intervention because of their vulnerabilities due to abuse and neglect.
They can license basic and moderate foster care homes as well homes required for trafficking victims. "Our goal is to provide hope and a future for all of the children who are placed in our care." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2047
Q & A Night with Dr Debra Warner |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A Night - You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of public safety, violence prevention, and child abuse and trauma. Special co-host Dr. Debra Warner, Psy.D., a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist and a professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, will help lead the discussion. NAASCA is pleased to announce that Dr. Deb will be making regular special co-host appearances on upcoming Tuesday night question-and-answer style community participation shows. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb recently gave a TEDx Talk, and is author of the book "His History, Her Story; a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma" which is available through the web site for The SCRIPT Conference, a FREE day-long annual event held in July in downtown Los Angeles. Visit her DrDebraWarner.net web site. She'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray field questions and lead a variety of topic discussions suggested by our call-in participants. Debra's understanding of the issues of child abuse and trauma spring not only from a professional perspective, but also from a personal one. Multiple members of her own family have been victims of predators. She'll share how she's participated in their struggle with surviving and thriving. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2046
Special topic - "Stop Child Abuse Now" - NAASCA Current Events |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
SCAN's 'News of the Week' OPEN MIKE discussion show from NAASCA.org (please see: NAASCA current articles) ~~ The all-volunteer National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse has a single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related news of the week from the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles based on current events. To make things easy, we collect them all together for this, our weekly show .. where community call-in participation is always welcome!! |
"Community Matters" This Week - 565
"Community Matters" LA Community Policing - National Public Safety Show |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
"Community Matters" This Week -- Public Safety OPEN MIKE discussion show from LA Community Policing (see: LACP current articles) ~~ Bring your experience and opinions. Tonight we'll discuss the National public safety news of the previous week. Each day the Los Angeles Community Policing web site (LACP.org) is updated with current news, often from America's most recognized sources. We scour the obvious newspapers and cable news organizations, but also include articles that appear on noted activist, social media and official government web sites. You'll find crime stories, resources and OPINION pieces on regional, national and International topics. Compiled on a single 'News of the Week' page, and archived year after year, the information we offer the community-based policing activist is enormous .. and growing all the time. LACP volunteers work hard, every day, to deliver our followers a variety of items relevant to keep them up-to-date with what's happening in law enforcement, government and community policing circles. ~~ Join Bill Murray, the well-respected community voice of public safety, violence prevention and a leader in anti-child abuse and trauma efforts. His significant circle of influence includes his work as the founder of both LA Community Policing (LACP) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA). ~~ "Where is the UNITY in 'community' these days?," Bill asks. "Unless we can learn to set aside our differences and start paying attention to how shockingly similar our experiences, feelings and actions are we'll not make progress." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2045
Special guest Matt Paknis |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Matt Paknis from
Marion, Massachusetts, a survivor of child abuse when he was 9 and a senior management consultant with six years of college football coaching, ten years of playing football, and five championship seasons, whose focus is on lessening bullying in the workplace. He was a former assistant coach at Penn State under Joe Paterno and has spoken publicly about being abused as a child. When Matt was nine years old, young Matt's mom was diagnosed with a melanoma. She underwent immediate, extensive, hospital stays and surgeries, requiring over 2000 stitches, to remove her infected lymph system. His family's stress and domestic violence skyrocketed, increasing surprise beatings from his massive and powerful father. As is often the case with families in crisis, a predatory neighbor then targeted and sexually molested Matt who, after almost four years of experiencing hell on earth with trauma and related mental health issues, transcended his bad childhood and the death of his young mom with exceptional counseling, growth, faith, teamwork, and leadership. He has dedicated over twenty-five years of consulting to helping global clients embrace healthy management practices to thrive. Bullying has been a major topic for Matt in his global consulting practice which is all about building thriving cultures with healthy leadership skills. Some of the poignant bullying cases he addresses were released in a book "Successful Leaders Aren't Bullies" last September. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2044
Q & A call-in discussion with a NAASCA survivor / professional - Michelle Bless, Minister & Chaplain |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. Each Thursday night we'll feature a different survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Tonight's special guest is Michelle Bless from Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and is the author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, "..was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ Each Thursday evening we'll welcome a different co-host survivor / professional who'll assist SCAN host and NAASCA founder Bill Murray, fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives as survivor-professionals will help inform discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2043
Special guest Tracy Fricke |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC |
Tonight's special guest is Tracy Fricke from Springfield, Illinois, a returning NAASCA family member who has a new non profit effort, 'I Am A Survivor Photography' which is spreading awareness of child abuse.
Tracy describes the mission as, "my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content. Explore my site and all that I have to offer. Perhaps 'I Am A Survivor Photography' will give you the opportunity to share your story of child abuse through photography." Tracy certainly knows the topic. Her biological father was a paranoid schizophrenic and her real mom was always physically sick. Tracy herself struggled with disassociation. She says, "I survived and I fight everyday to be the best I know how." Tracy says she's not like other people and probably never will be. But she's getting better. "I can stand within a group of people without feeling overwhelmed. I have better self esteem and discontinue allowing the wrong people around me. I feel comfortable setting proper boundaries, with being a normal mom who understand the right thing, and most importantly know how to love myself." She moves slowly. "I am a mother to 3 wonderful daughters. I never wanted kids because I felt like I would be bad for them but it turns out I am not too bad. I have made mistakes and bad choices and I struggle everyday to keep going on." Tracy's journey is far from over. "Rarely do I make any contact mentally with my childhood for fear of visiting a place that I am not mentally or physically able handle. My list of therapists have tried to help, I presume. But when it gets tough, I quit. The few times that I really tried to connect, it almost broke me emotionally and the fear is real." |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2042
Looking forward to progress in our recovery this year
-- New Years Day --
Q & A call-in discussion - with NAASCA family members, survivors - all about NAASCA and our mission |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
New Years Day ~~ "Looking forward to progress in our recovery this year" ~~ Join Bill Murray, Carol D. Levine, Tammy Shoffstall, Terri Lanahan, Debra Hunt, Charlie Stecker and other NAASCA family members, as they invite you to help them discuss the child abuse related gifts of our family, the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse. Every day we carry new articles, tools, programs and services designed to help us in our single purpose, to address issues of child abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives: (1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and (2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. We seek to build a survivor / activist community, believing that together we can do what we can not do alone. Community call-in participation is always welcome! You'll suggest the themes for tonight's show, which will involve any topic from the world of NAASCA. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show, on the phone or in our show's community chat room. ~~ Please visit the NAASCA.org web site. |
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