National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
NAASCA Highlights - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery"
NAASCA often presents original articles and materials we hope will inform the community ...
The "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" project provided an ongoing opportunity to discuss the
the possible application of the basic principals of the common "12 Step" program, first presented by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935, to healing from the issues of child abuse and trauma. |

"Trauma and Transformation:
A 12-Step Guide"
Healing from child abuse and trauma
through the use of the 12 Steps |
Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery (see library of talk radio shows below)
by Bill Murray
NAASCA is proud to have done a project called "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery," with dedicated guest host, Rivka A. Edery, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., a resident of Brooklyn, New York. Rivka Edery is a highly intuitive, sensitive, licensed clinical social worker, who specializes her practice in trauma recovery and spirituality, and has been active in the treatment and recovery field for over seventeen years. Rivka recognizes that the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous saved her life. She recently published her first book: "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide".
On each episode she'll be joined by NAASCA's Founder and regular host of the "Stop Child Abuse Now" talk shows, Bill Murray, whose own recovery from severe child abuse and trauma commenced well over 30 years ago. In 1984, unable to find meaningful therapists or competent traditional counseling, he began his healing journey in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. Clean and sober ever since, Bill also recovered from his childhood trauma as he quickly learned it was okay to share intimately in his 12-Step home group about the previously held secret abuses he'd experienced as a child. In recovery ever since, Bill recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous, ASCAA (www.ASCA12step.org).
Taking advantage of our Internet-based "Stop Child Abuse Now" talk shows, Rivka Edery and Bill Murray led these discussions about applying the 12 Steps & 12 Traditions, first presented by Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935, to healing from the issues of child abuse and trauma. The bi-weekly shows dealt with the subject. Every two weeks a new STEP or TRADITION was presented, with frequent special guests, panelists and call-in participants speaking from their own personal experience.
This is was another exciting project that sprang from the suggestion of NAASCA volunteers, all presented FREE to the public in the hopes we can expand awareness of the many issues of child abuse and trauma. In the end, we covered each of the 12 Steps three times! (see library of on-demand talk radio shows below)
Rivka is also a poet. Here is one of her works, "A Poem for Every Survivor." |
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is with great pleasure that we announce the publication of Rivka's second book, " Hear Me Sing," now available in both paperback and Kindle editions!
Here's what Rivka says about her new book,
"My work with victims of great suffering have brought me to a new level of spiritual transformation, which I invite you to experience. In my new book, I completely embody my identity as a spiritual healer and I become a psalmist. My songs are of transforming the pain of unrequited love. My poems celebrate the heart that continues to be grateful for love after rejection, for love abiding in spite of the trauma of abandonment, a love that prevails through being forsaken, that survives the obliterating cruelty of solitude."
"I show my reader how we are never alone, as whimsical healing partners emerge in the form of Rivka's various crones, goddesses, trolls and monsters in a landscape glittering with wonders. Hear Me Sing Book I is a passionate recording of a beautiful heart that never stops singing and loving. The pain of this poet is not that of a victim asking for mercy, but the seizing of archetypal adventure and relishing a full, joyful emotional life."
How does one formulate a recovery and treatment plan for the sometimes devistating and always profound consequences of surviving trauma? Why should the survivor begin a process of healing with the admission of what happened to them? Is the role of spirituality in trauma recovery necessary in order to heal?
On our shows Rivka and Bill will demystify the misunderstood resource of spirituality, as it applies to healing from trauma. We'll provide guidance for a personal spiritual approach that can lead a survivor in a new and powerful direction .. a direction that perhaps was not previously considered.
Combining the details of the survivor's inner reality with a step-by-step process of applying spiritual tools of a 12 Step program to each phase of recovery, Rivka and Bill will demonstrate how such a framework can be highly successful for survivors who seek to lessen their pain and confusion. For a treatment process to be truly effective, a survivor needs to have special skills in order to overcome their challenges. This is accomplished when a survivor embraces this process, and we'll show you how, step by step.
REMEMBER... You Are Not Alone !! |
"Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" bi-weekly episodes:
Episode |
Original Air Date |
Description |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1384
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 12 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 12 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 12) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 12: " Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other still-suffering adult survivors of child abuse, and to practice these principles in all our affairs." You start your recovery process with identifying, and relating to a Higher Power as you understand this Power. This understanding, in partnership with applying time-tested principles, puts you in touch with that power greater than yourself. As you continue to apply the principles, and your understanding deepens, you can explain to yourself what this Power is, and how it manifests in your personal life journey.
~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~
We hope you have enjoyed following our 12 Step series during which we've now covered all the steps 3 times each. To see the archives, please
see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1374
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 11 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 11 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 11) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 11: "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out." Step Eleven is the daily practice and experience of deepening your awareness of your Higher Power through prayer and meditation. You are capable of prayer and meditation, regardless of your background or history. If you set aside the time daily, you can reach for whatever you believe is greater than, deeper than, or beyond yourself. Step Eleven also assumes that by now you have a conscious awareness of your Higher Power, and you are drawn to deepening that connection. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 12& TRADITION 12. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1364
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 10 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 10 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 10) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 10: "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Step Ten is not about maintenance, because there is a rule in our universe that nothing ever stays the same. All living matter is either in a process of growing or in the process of regressing. Up until now, if you followed the first nine steps with an honest heart and the direction of a Higher Power, you will have grown considerably. If you do not keep growing, you will start sliding back into your old behavior patterns and ways of thinking. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 11 & TRADITION 11. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1354
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 9 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 9 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 9) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 9: "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." Step 9 reminds you once again that you cannot overcome personal difficulty alone. You pray for the willingness to be willing. People on your list where there has been mutual harm being done may present difficulty. There may some who you do not feel it necessary to make amends. Again after consulting with a trusted advisor you start making amends to those folks on your “Right Now” list, your second list and your third list. Finally, re-visit your last list, the “Never!” column. Prepare yourself for this work through prayer. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 10 & TRADITION 10. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1334
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 8 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 8 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 8) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 8: "Make a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all." Step Eight is about unfinished business. This step sets the stage for you to relate to yourself and others in a new way. The first order of business here is to define “harm” and “amends”. Harm includes the following: damage, impairment, wound, injury, trauma, and change for the worse, any act of sexual abuse, incest, physical injury, and psychological harm, financial or emotional damage. It is the act of spoiling something, or damaging someone. If you committed harm the way to restore the balance is to make an amends. Amends includes a verbal acknowledgement of what was done, accompanied by a change in behavior. The change in behavior should mirror the opposite of the harm done. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 9 & TRADITION 9. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1324
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 7 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 7 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 7) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 7: "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings." Step Seven is about humility (realistic, selfless, and modest) and asking for help to make the changes you are now prepared for. Consider Step Seven as a portal into openness for change. Once you take Step Seven, you step out of the way so your Higher Power can handle the rest of it. The combination of humility and asking provides a survivor with a perspective beyond the traumatic events. Sadly, you can form an inaccurate perspective based on how you internalized the traumatic event(s). Through prayer (humbly asking), you can trust that your prayers are heard, shall be answered in God's time only.
~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 8 & TRADITION 8. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 6
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 6 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 6) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 6: "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." ~~ Taking this step did not seem at all appealing to me. The way I processed my fears was by asking which parts of me I thought would be removed, and was I afraid of having to live a life without these very necessary parts of myself. My fear was that this meant I had to become someone fundamentally different from my basic personality and nature. This was because I believed that I was defective, and who I was must be problematic. This too, is another tragic result of trauma and victimization. It is not the intent of Step Six at all. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 7 & TRADITION 7. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1304
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 5 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 5 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 5) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 5: "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." At first glance, you may feel absolutely resistant when you look at this step. How can I let someone find out about me? You may feel fear, dread, anticipation of rejection and humiliation if anyone knows of your past or “secrets”. Perhaps you may feel knots and tangles in your body with no vision or understanding as to how to “untangle” those knots. “Fearlessly” writing an inventory takes enough energy, and trips your trigger wires badly enough – now you have to actually share this with someone. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 6 & TRADITION 6. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1284
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 4 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 4 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 4) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 4: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." Most survivors, unless they are in a crisis, do not put much thought into what happened; the people, places, things, and reactions to events that have long-shaped their life. But if you have not yet taken a look at what traumata shaped your personality, behaviors, fears, and ways of responding in life, Step Four is a good opportunity to stop and think about it. Perhaps you have reached the day when you realize that you are not living your life as you really want to. Perhaps you feel a deep inner longing for healthy, secure attachment, love and a more kind relationship with yourself. You may experience a longing for life as you were told it was supposed to be but you have no evidence that you are living such a life. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 5 & TRADITION 5. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1274
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 3 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 3 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 3) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 3: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." You have worked Steps One and Two with a safe and trusted person – you have surrendered and you have demonstrated your willingness to try a new approach to your life experiences. When you admit your powerlessness over your traumatic history, you learn a comforting and critical truth: that you experienced certain painful life events that you absolutely could not have controlled. You were also not always in control of the coping patterns that have emerged. For some survivors, this can be a frightening and humbling experience. (More of this will be revealed through the Fourth and Fifth Steps). ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 4 & TRADITION 4. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1264
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 2 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 2 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 2) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 2: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." Applying Step Two to the struggle of healing this aspect of the traumatic wound (difficulty trusting, and difficulty with authority figures), begins with a careful inspection into the programming of a trauma survivor. Somewhere in a survivor's programming is a single operative principle, which at once holds the person back trying to heal and grow in this area, but keeps him putting up a front, perhaps even leading to relationships that do not work, dead-end jobs, or boring routines. In this area of trust, which Step Two directly addresses, the survivor is undeveloped. Step Two can help you get unstuck and able to trust, where trust was once so frightening and impossible. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 3 & TRADITION 3. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1244
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 1 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 1 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 1) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 1: "We admitted we were powerless over the abuse and trauma of our youth -- that our lives had become unmanageable." The survivor's decision to begin a process of healing begins with the admission of what happened to them. This involves working through the defenses employed to shun from consciousness the excruciatingly painful memories of the traumatic events. Having passed through this phase of remembering (in any way possible), the acceptance of the truth of the traumatic experience moves the survivor towards resolution. Thus begins the creation of an internal, healing space for the survivor to feel what remained frozen in time, banished and unwelcome in consciousness. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 2 & TRADITION 2. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1224
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 12 and TRADITION 12 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 12 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 12) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 12: "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other still-suffering adult survivors of child abuse, and to practice these principles in all our affairs." You start your recovery process with identifying, and relating to a Higher Power as you understand this Power. This understanding, in partnership with applying time-tested principles, puts you in touch with that power greater than yourself. As you continue to apply the principles, and your understanding deepens, you can explain to yourself what this Power is, and how it manifests in your personal life journey. ~~
A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery has been active in the 12 Step community for nearly 20 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 1& TRADITION 1. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1214
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 11 and TRADITION 11 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 11 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 11) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 11: "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out." Step Eleven is the daily practice and experience of deepening your awareness of your Higher Power through prayer and meditation. You are capable of prayer and meditation, regardless of your background or history. If you set aside the time daily, you can reach for whatever you believe is greater than, deeper than, or beyond yourself. Step Eleven also assumes that by now you have a conscious awareness of your Higher Power, and you are drawn to deepening that connection. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 12& TRADITION 12. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1204
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 10 and TRADITION 10 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 10 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 10) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “ Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 10: "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Step Ten is not about maintenance, because there is a rule in our universe that nothing ever stays the same. All living matter is either in a process of growing or in the process of regressing. Up until now, if you followed the first nine steps with an honest heart and the direction of a Higher Power, you will have grown considerably. If you do not keep growing, you will start sliding back into your old behavior patterns and ways of thinking. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. He founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 11 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 11 & TRADITION 11 . ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step ur write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1194
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 9 and TRADITION 9 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 9 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 9) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 9: "Made direct amends to such people whenever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." Step 9 reminds you once again that you cannot overcome personal difficulty alone. You pray for the willingness to be willing. If you have people on your list where there has been mutual harm being done you may have difficulty with this step. There may some who you do not feel it necessary to make amends. It is advisable, again after consulting with a trusted advisor, that you start making amends to those folks on your “Right Now” list, then your second list and then your third list. And finally, you will re-visit your last list, the “Never!” column. Becoming willing allows you to prepare yourself for this work through prayer by using of any tools that support your efforts to overcome personal roadblocks. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 10 & TRADITION 10. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1184
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 8 and TRADITION 8 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 8 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 8) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 8: "Make a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all." Step Eight is about unfinished business. This step sets the stage for you to relate to yourself and others in a new way. The first order of business here is to define “harm” and “amends”. Harm includes the following: damage, impairment, wound, injury, trauma, and change for the worse, any act of sexual abuse, incest, physical injury, and psychological harm, financial or emotional damage. It is the act of spoiling something, or damaging someone. If you committed harm the way to restore the balance is to make an amends. Amends includes a verbal acknowledgement of what was done, accompanied by a change in behavior. The change in behavior should mirror the opposite of the harm done. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 9 & TRADITION 9. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1174
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 7 and TRADITION 7 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 7 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 7) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 7: "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings." Step Seven is about humility (realistic, selfless, and modest) and asking for help to make the changes you are now prepared for. Consider Step Seven as a portal into openness for change. Once you take Step Seven, you step out of the way so your Higher Power can handle the rest of it. The combination of humility and asking provides a survivor with a perspective beyond the traumatic events. Sadly, you can form an inaccurate perspective based on how you internalized the traumatic event(s). Through prayer (humbly asking), you can trust that your prayers are heard, shall be answered in God's time only. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 8 & TRADITION 8. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1164
Special topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 6 and TRADITION 6 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 6 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 6) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 6: "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." ~~ Taking this step did not seem at all appealing to me. The way I processed my fears was by asking which parts of me I thought would be removed, and was I afraid of having to live a life without these very necessary parts of myself. My fear was that this meant I had to become someone fundamentally different from my basic personality and nature. This was because I believed that I was defective, and who I was must be problematic. This too, is another tragic result of trauma and victimization. It is not the intent of Step Six at all. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 7 & TRADITION 7. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1154
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 5 and TRADITION 5 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 5 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 5) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 5:
"Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." At first glance, you may feel absolutely resistant when you look at this step. How can I let someone find out about me? You may feel fear, dread, anticipation of rejection and humiliation if anyone knows of your past or “secrets”. Perhaps you may feel knots and tangles in your body with no vision or understanding as to how to “untangle” those knots. “Fearlessly” writing an inventory takes enough energy, and trips your trigger wires badly enough – now you have to actually share this with someone. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 6 & TRADITION 6. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1134
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 4 and TRADITION 4 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 4 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 4) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 4: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." Most survivors, unless they are in a crisis, do not put much thought into what happened; the people, places, things, and reactions to events that have long-shaped their life. But if you have not yet taken a look at what traumata shaped your personality, behaviors, fears, and ways of responding in life, Step Four is a good opportunity to stop and think about it. Perhaps you have reached the day when you realize that you are not living your life as you really want to. Perhaps you feel a deep inner longing for healthy, secure attachment, love and a more kind relationship with yourself. You may experience a longing for life as you were told it was supposed to be but you have no evidence that you are living such a life. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 5 & TRADITION 5. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1124
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 3 and TRADITION 3 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 3 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 3) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 3: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to care of God, as we understood Him." You have worked Steps One and Two with a safe and trusted person – you have surrendered and you have demonstrated your willingness to try a new approach to your life experiences. When you admit your powerlessness over your traumatic history, you learn a comforting and critical truth: that you experienced certain painful life events that you absolutely could not have controlled. You were also not always in control of the coping patterns that have emerged. For some survivors, this can be a frightening and humbling experience. (More of this will be revealed through the Fourth and Fifth Steps). ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 4 & TRADITION 4. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1114
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 2 and TRADITION 2 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 2 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 2) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 2: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity" Somewhere in a survivor's programming is a single operative principle, which at once holds the person back trying to heal and grow in this area, but keeps him putting up a front, perhaps even leading to relationships that do not work, dead-end jobs, or boring routines. In this area of trust, which Step 2 directly addresses, the survivor is undeveloped. But most survivors are not lazy or uninterested in their growth. Most are living busy lives, focused on recovery and growth, even though they feel that trusting anything, or anyone - let alone an invisible power - is frightening, and impossible. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 3 & TRADITION 3. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1104
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 1 and TRADITION 1 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 1 (and we'll include a bit about TRADITION 1) - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 1: "We admitted we were powerless over the abuse and trauma of our youth -- that our lives had become unmanageable." The survivor's decision to begin a process of healing begins with the admission of what happened to them. This involves working through the defenses employed to shun from consciousness the excruciatingly painful memories of the traumatic events. Having passed through this phase of remembering (in any way possible), the acceptance of the truth of the traumatic experience moves the survivor towards resolution. Thus begins the creation of an internal, healing space for the survivor to feel what remained frozen in time, banished and unwelcome in consciousness. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 2 & TRADITION 2. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1094
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 12 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 12 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 12: "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other still-suffering adult survivors of child abuse, and to practice these principles in all our affairs." You start your recovery process with identifying, and relating to a Higher Power as you understand this Power. This understanding, in partnership with applying time-tested principles, puts you in touch with that power greater than yourself. As you continue to apply the principles, and your understanding deepens, you can explain to yourself what this Power is, and how it manifests in your personal life journey. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address The 12 TRADITIONS. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1084
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 11 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 11 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 11: "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out." Step Eleven is the daily practice and experience of deepening your awareness of your Higher Power through prayer and meditation. You are capable of prayer and meditation, regardless of your background or history. If you set aside the time daily, you can reach for whatever you believe is greater than, deeper than, or beyond yourself. Step Eleven also assumes that by now you have a conscious awareness of your Higher Power, and you are drawn to deepening that connection. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 12. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1074
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 10 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 10 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 10: "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." Step Ten is not about maintenance, because there is a rule in our universe that nothing ever stays the same. All living matter is either in a process of growing or in the process of regressing. Up until now, if you followed the first nine steps with an honest heart and the direction of a Higher Power, you will have grown considerably. If you do not keep growing, you will start sliding back into your old behavior patterns and ways of thinking. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 11. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1054
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 9 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 9 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 9: "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." Rivka points out that "Step Nine is no different than the other steps, and it reminds you once again, that you cannot overcome personal difficulty alone. You have prayer as your constant companion to get you through. You pray for the willingness to be willing." Bill adds, "This step is where 'The Promises' occur in the Big Book, and we're told they begin to appear 'before we're half-way through [this step].' By now the clearing away the wreckage of the past is well underway, and this means making a turn to a profound sense of self-esteem, purpose and 'belonging' in the world .. a sense of finally being truly comfortable living inside one's own skin." ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 10. ~~ ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1054
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 8 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 8 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 8: "Make a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all." Step Eight is about unfinished business. This step sets the stage for you to relate to yourself and others in a new way. The first order of business here is to define “harm” and “amends”. Harm includes the following: damage, impairment, wound, injury, trauma, and change for the worse, any act of sexual abuse, incest, physical injury, and psychological harm, financial or emotional damage. It is the act of spoiling something, or damaging someone. If you committed harm the way to restore the balance is to make an amends. Amends includes a verbal acknowledgement of what was done, accompanied by a change in behavior. The change in behavior should mirror the opposite of the harm done. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 9. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1044
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 7 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 7 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 7: "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings." Step Seven is about humility (realistic, selfless, and modest) and asking for help to make the changes you are now prepared for. Consider Step Seven as a portal into openness for change. Once you take Step Seven, you step out of the way so your Higher Power can handle the rest of it. The combination of humility and asking provides a survivor with a perspective beyond the traumatic events. Sadly, you can form an inaccurate perspective based on how you internalized the traumatic event(s). Through prayer (humbly asking), you can trust that your prayers are heard, shall be answered in God's time only. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 8. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1034
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 6 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 6 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 6: "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." Rivka writes, " When I first attempted this step, I had two immediate thoughts: 1) How and why would my Higher Power “remove” anything from me, and 2) What would I feel like if I were “entirely ready” to give up all my “defects”? I felt that if I would attempt this step, I would allow something extreme in my life, and this seemed intimidating. My fear was that Step Six meant I would have to open up in a way that felt unnatural to me. Frankly, I did not want to let go of what I thought would have to be too much, too fast, or parting from my vital survival skills. Taking this step did not seem at all appealing to me." ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 7. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1024
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 5 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 5 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 5: "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." At first glance, you may feel absolutely resistant when you look at this step. How can I let someone find out about me? You may feel fear, dread, anticipation of rejection and humiliation if anyone knows of your past or “secrets”. Perhaps you may feel knots and tangles in your body with no vision or understanding as to how to “untangle” those knots. “Fearlessly” writing an inventory takes enough energy, and trips your trigger wires badly enough – now you have to actually share this with someone. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 6. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1014
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 4 |
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show |
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 4 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 4: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." Most survivors, unless they are in a crisis, do not put much thought into what happened; the people, places, things, and reactions to events that have long-shaped their life. But if you have not yet taken a look at the traumas that have shaped your personality, behaviors, fears, and ways of responding in life, Step Four is a good opportunity to stop and think about it. Perhaps you have reached the day when you realize that you are not living your life as you really want to. Perhaps you feel a deep inner longing for healthy, secure attachment, love and a more kind relationship with yourself. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. He founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 5. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 1004
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 3
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 3 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 3: "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." You've worked Steps 1 and 2 with a safe and trusted person. You've surrendered and have demonstrated your willingness to try a new approach to your life experiences. When you admit your powerlessness over your traumatic history, you learn a comforting and critical truth: that you experienced certain painful life events that you absolutely could not have controlled. You weren't always in control of the coping patterns that have emerged. For some survivors, this can be a frightening and humbling experience. (More will be revealed through the 4th and 5th Steps). ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 4. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
2014 |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 994
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 2
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 2 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 2: "Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity." Step Two is about asking for help, and being receptive to receiving this help. Survivors, especially, often hide their fundamental lack of trust. Operating in a superficial world, fighting for respect, and lacking in support to pursue a spiritual life, survivors press ahead in spite of their collection of battle scars. Such people find themselves greatly challenged to maintain an appearance of having it all together, and are longing to trust and to be fully expressed. Survivors are struggling with courage and determination to make their lives work, in spite of this great, gaping wound. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 3. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 984
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 1
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
recommended show
SPECIAL TOPIC Night - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - STEP 1 - SCAN host Bill Murray will be joined by special guest co-host Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Bill founded the recently launched Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (ASCAA). Together they will lead tonight's discussion on STEP 1: "We admitted we were powerless over the abuse and trauma of our youth -- that our lives had become unmanageable."
The survivor's decision to begin a process of healing begins with the admission of what happened to them. This involves working through the defenses employed to shun from consciousness the excruciatingly painful memories of the traumatic events. Having passed through this phase of remembering (in any way possible), the acceptance of the truth of the traumatic experience moves the survivor towards resolution. Thus begins the creation of an internal, healing space for the survivor to feel what remained frozen in time, banished and unwelcome in consciousness. ~~ A child abuse survivor herself, Rivka Edery is grateful for the spiritual recovery she found in the 12 Steps of AA. She's been active in the 12 Step community for over 17 years. Bill Murray credits his 30 plus years of recovery to the spiritual power of the 12 Step program, too. ~~ Join us every two weeks to further examine a 12 Step approach to recovery from abuse. Next show we'll address STEP 2. ~~ Please see our web page at: www.NAASCA.org/Trauma-12Step or write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 978
Special Topic - "Child Abuse, Trauma and 12-Step Recovery" - introductory show
8pm EST, 5pm PAC
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Tonight's special guest is Rivka Edery, MSW, LCSW, from NYC, a survivor of childhood abuse on every level, who is intimately familiar with the challenges of surviving, and thriving, in the aftermath. Grateful for the spiritual recovery of the 12 Steps of AA, she's also the author of the book “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide." Rivka explains. "I experienced complex trauma as a child, and most acutely, I experienced attachment-loss trauma as my parents were mired in their own problems. They were completely unavailable, and I suffered in excruciating silence." She goes on, "My childhood included an unfortunate intergenerational transmission of trauma, and I was not alone in my suffering and torment. I constantly wrestled with why bad things happen to innocent children, most notably: what actually happened and why, and other questions that seem to have no answer to. I also developed a resiliency and intuitive insight into people that I will always be thankful for." These days, Rivka is a highly intuitive, sensitive, licensed clinical social worker. With her new book, "Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide”, Rivka establishes herself as a first time author specializing in trauma recovery and spirituality, active in the recovery field for over 17 years. " As an adult, I am infinitely grateful for the spiritual recovery of the 12 Steps of AA, as it brought me directly to my root spiritual and emotional issues," Rivka says. "The most urgent issue for me was an intense and core sense of being disconnected from my Higher Power. While I now understand this to be a common issue with adult children of complex trauma, I was not emotionally connected to this truth, until I became ready to face it." |
List of some of our many RESOURCES: |
"Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide" - (by Rivka Edery)
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous - (ASCAA web site)
"Big Book" of Alcoholics Anonymous - read online - (AA)
order "Big Book" of AA online - (AA)
Essays on the "12 Steps & 12 Traditions" of AA - read online - (AA)
order AA's "12 & 12" online - (AA) |
About our "Trauma & 12-Step Recovery" hosts, Rivka Edery and Bill Murray
Rivka Edery, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., is a first time author.
Since 2009, she has been working with clients who are recovering from trauma-related disorders.
She has talked with hundreds of recovering addicts. As her career was advancing, Rivka wondered if the ancient spiritual principles of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous could be applied to the healing of trauma.
One day, she was suddenly inspired with an idea that had a firm hold on her, and she's not let go since. What if she combined the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous that saved her life with adult problems that are a result of surviving traumatic childhood experiences.
The result, “Trauma And Transformation: A 12-Step Guide”, is a unique approach for trauma survivors who are seeking a combined spiritual and clinical approach to their personal effects of surviving trauma. The Trauma & 12 Step Recovery group will borrow freely from the concepts described in Rivka's book, as we examine how the 12 Steps can be applied to trauma recovery.
For his part, at age 30 Bill Murray began to apply the 12 Step "Design for Living" to recover from the issues of surviving severe child abuse that began when he was 11 years old. These experiences lasted through mid high school. Bill was confused by the fact that his abusers had all been men (to whom he'd never been attracted), of being a victim of years of child pornography, of having been kidnapped by a predator for two weeks and of having been violated by numerous priests and brothers in the Catholic Church.
In the early 1990's, as he became more comfortable living on his own skin, Bill began to give back by devoting his life to volunteering in the community, especially in circles involving public safety. In 2001, as a response to the events of 9-11, Bill launched his first grassroots organization, Los Angeles Community Policing (www.LACP.org), a group that years ago was identified by the Department of Justice's COPS program as being the largest world-wide grassroots effort devoted to the issues of community based policing.
Eventually Bill founded a second organization and web site that more closely related to his personal life experience, the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (www.NAASCA.org). Each year since, NAASCA volunteers have engaged to eventually create some 30 FREE to the public programs or services that's offered to the survivor community. About a year ago, Bill introduced and presented to the public his own version of a 12 Step program devoted to recovery from child abuse, Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous (www.ASCA12step.org). ASCAA is for all survivors of any type of childhood abuse and trauma who wish to heal through applying a new design for living based on the 12 Steps & 12 Traditions of AA.
Feel free to write to Rivka at: rebecca.edery@gmail.com |
The 12 Steps of the ASCAA recovery program -
- We admitted we were powerless over the abuse and trauma of our youth -- that our lives had become unmanageable.
- Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
- Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
- Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
- Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
- Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
- Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
- Make a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
- Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
- Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
- Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
- Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other still-suffering adult survivors of child abuse, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
why we started this site |