National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
Bill Murray, NAASCA's founder, resides in NELA (North East Los Angeles) with his wonderful wife, Christina. |
NAASCA Highlights
- Notes from Bill - |
Notes from Bill: I've more than 37 years of sobriety and recovery from the issues initiated by my severe abuse as a child. NAASCA.org, now a non profit organization, offers hope for those who have found it hard to share their secrets and abuse stories.
The primary mission at NAASCA is to reduce the incidence of child abuse for today's at-risk kids, and to offer recovery to those many millions of adults who still suffer from the pain and consequences of the trauma they experienced in their youth. |
I encourage sharing one's secrets with trained and experienced trauma recovery individuals, and / or with fellow survivors in recovery groups. But there are many paths and healing journeys. No matter how it occurs, divulging one's story for the first time in an appropriate setting can be described as the transition point away from victim hood. This is the beginning of recovery.
I hoping our effort will bring attention to a pandemic and global problem, the scope of which few understand. Its simply unacceptable that hundreds of thousands of young Americans still fall victim to pedophiles, molesters, kidnappers, child pornographers and traffickers each year (see the statistics below).
Here are a few things about me, the most recent item at the top:
Update .. 2020
The year is just 1/4 over .. but already a lot has happened.
Our 3 times a week ZOOM daytime webinars (Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays) are off and rumming.
My wife and I are 'hunkered down' in SE Florida. We got trapped here once the planes stopped flying. But luckily I had driven my mini-van across country to get here so Christina and I (and our travel dog, Jack) are all happy and healthy.
There are worse places to be 'stuck'.
My NAASCA work is now about 12 years old, and going stronger than ever. We're adding new services all the time and have long been a global effort, although most of our many thousand members are North American.
I now qualify for the NY State window of opportunity (for older folks) on their new statute of limitations (SOL) so I'm proceeding with a legal claim for the offences that occurred there. My attorneys filed last month.
I'll do the same with PA if / when I've the opportunity. Came close last year but they bargained away the window there so as to pass the current and just extended SOL bill. Could bring it to the floor again this year.
I'll keep the group psted as to any progress that's made. It's been over 50 years since my abuse began .. 37 years into recovery now!
All about NAASCA .. 2019
I'm pleased to announce this recent interview of me as the founder of NAASCA, a "12 Minute Conversation" with Engel Jones from the Caribbean. He is the podcast host of the #12minconvos. His passion is to help you find Y.O.U.R.S - Your Own Unique Real Self.
Engel did a very good job, and captured much of what The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse is all about .. our mission and many of our programs, services, tools and resources.
Please fell free to pass it on, especially when you need an explanation of the NAASCA family and what we do!
Short Interview:
St Vincent Archabbey, Latobe, PA
- Bill boarded here for 4 years at the minor seminary - |
UPDATE to my recovery .. 2018
At 14, when a new freshman in a minor seminary, St Vincent Prep in Latrobe, PA, I told the story of my 3 previous years of sexual abuse to a Benedictine monk (a priest) .. in a long 'Confession' (it took at least a couple of hours). I received direction, penance and absolution from him.
I told the monk that a Catholic Xaverian brother was my original abuser. He'd served as a summer camp councilor at Camp Calvert, in Leonardtown, Maryland. My parents sent me there when 11, 12 and 13, for a month each year. Among other things I had been the object of thousands of pre-pubescent pornographic pictures in many settings, a two week kidnapping where I was taken through multiple states and into Canada, and attempted sex trafficking.
I was relieved that I'd at last found an appropriate way to tell by story and looked forward to being able to heal.
But my 'confessor' turned out to be a predator himself. And he must have told other priests and brothers about me because I spent the next four years trying to avoid contact with a slew of them. Beyond the horror of my original three years of sexual abuse, this experience in the minor seminary led to my losing my faith and my relationship to St Vincent Archabbey, the Catholic Church as a whole, to ALL priests and to God.
I fell into the depth of alcohol and drug abuse but at 30 years old I eventually found my way out through Alcoholics Anonymous. Using the same 12 Steps I began my healing journey from the childhood sexual abuse (CSA) that had ravaged my youth. Frankly back then there was little help for men, since most didn't even believe young boys could experience CSA.
So, for 35 years now I have continued to use the basic AA 12 Step 'design for living' to process what had happened to me, to heal from my trauma and to lead a comfortable life. And NAASCA is the result of my desire to follow directions .. to be of service to those I can help, which is a part of the final 12th Step.
Early in recovery, over 30 years ago, I'd made 'amends' to St Vincent, promising that I'd not use the name of the place specifically. I'd already learned, after a couple years of recovery, that I wasn't angry at the entire Catholic Church, nor all of St Vincent Archabbey, nor of all priests. I was the victim of certain specific pedophile priests who were the source of my animus and venom. I've kept that promise since 1986, but now that St Vincent has gone public so can I.
This summer, the place in Pennsylvania where a lot of my sexual abuse happened finally admitted having been a bastion of pedophile priests, naming names that included my abusers! Now I'm free to speak about it specifically .. after all these years! And I will!
Here's the article:
"Saint Vincent Archabbey releases names of members accused of sexual abuse"
Yours in love and service,
#metooCSA #NAASCA |
Bill Murray
NAASCA founder and CEO
Our founder, Bill Murray - featured in NAASCA's October 2018 Newsletter
by Misty Livingston
Late in 2015 NAASCA officially became a non-profit charity after being a grassroots effort for a decade. NAASCA relies solely on volunteers to offer our 30 Entirely FREE Services, programs, tools, resources, and social media efforts available to anyone, anywhere in the world, anytime.
We want to highlight our Primary Volunteers who offer their skills and creativity with ongoing commitment to specific tasks.
This month we are very excited to introduce our Founder, Bill Murray !! Without him, NAASCA would never had existed so we are very excited to recognize his ongoing devotion and commitment to this organization!!
Meet Bill Murray (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
Bill comes from an Irish Catholic family and is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) beginning at 11 years old. Over three consecutive summers he was assaulted by a counselor at a Catholic summer camp. The predator took thousands of pre-pubescent pornographic photos of Bill, too, and eventually there was a two-week long kidnapping and sex-trafficking where he was taken to multiple states and Canada .. and abused by multiple pedaphiles.
The first person he decided to tell about the abuse was a priest at a minor seminary Bill attended, a boarding school in PA, St Vincent Prep. But he became Bill's next abuser. Through his first 2 years at this Catholic high school, Bill was sexually abused by several of the monks/clerics, including his Latin teacher who abused him off campus, and at a convention.
Living with the psychological damage of the constant trauma deeply affected him, and he became aggressive in school, struggled with classwork, and felt uncertain about his sexual identity. Counselors and others never asked if he had been abused, instead labeling him as having 'lack of motivation.'
When he was 30 years old Bill was able to seek help and healing from the trauma, and at 65 he now has been in CSA recovery for 35 years.
In spite of his humble claim to be "just a guy" with no special training, he's been able to connect with and help thousands of other survivors of all types of child abuse through our NAASCA community.
In his career, Bill worked with some success in show business. He's also been a long-standing volunteer with the Los Angeles Police and Sheriff Departments.
In addition to NAASCA, nearly 20 years ago he founded and still manages the LA Community Policing website.
Now retired, Bill is continuing to work as hard as ever and devotes the majority of his time to running NAASCA and LACP. Bill says, " There have been literally thousands of people who have contributed to my recovery over the years, most of who I'll never specifically remember. " However, he gives special thanks to his, " wonderful wife, Christina, who is not a survivor, but supports what I do completely. I could not run NAASCA without her."
Outside of his volunteer work week, Christina and Bill share their home with their little lap dog, Jack. They recently enjoyed the first 'deliberate vacation' Bill had since he was a child camping, and they hope to spend more time traveling and camping in the near future.
Here's my interview
How and when did you first get the idea to create NAASCA, and to keep it all volunteer based?
"Originally my activism was 'confined' to Alcoholics Anonymous, where I not only got clean and sober but also began my recovery from CSA. Since the early 80's I shared my story in meetings, with individuals and, when asked, at large conferences and conventions. I also participated in various local public safety community efforts, in being a volunteer at LAPD, in bringing Neighborhood Councils to Los Angeles and as a Board Member of a large LA based set of community clinics. But I knew I'd someday go very public with my story, and model my efforts with NAASCA after the spiritual principles found in AA's 12 Traditions. Once my parents died, I decided to devote my remaining time, money and available energy to this vitally important cause, and officially launched NAASCA."
Can you share a little about what your work week currently involves? The tasks you do, how you manage and balance your time, etc?
"I spend each morning and each evening devoted to the NAASCA web site and experience. I wake up early and have a 30 second 'commute' to get the computer open. Mornings are spent adding and updating things on the web site, addressing Facebook and LinkedIn issues and answering emails, etc. In the evenings I am mostly found on our "Stop Child Abuse Now" talk radio shows. My mid-day is spent answering phone calls and more emails, researching articles for the 'News of the Week' shows, arranging 'special guests' and so on. Daytimes I almost always take a nap."
What message would you most like people to know about NAASCA?
"We're not a specialty group. We address all adults and all types of child abuse and trauma. Everything we offer is FREE. We receive no outside funding or grants. While we are independent of every other group, we cooperate with everyone. NAASCA is run 100% by volunteers and paid for by their voluntary contributions to our non-profit organization, mostly through the web site. Our membership includes every type of person, from every walk of life. We require nothing, not even 'registration'. A person is a member of NAASCA if they say they are."
This month's theme is focused on male survivors. Are there issues of child abuse recovery and child abuse prevention you feel are specific to male survivors that need more attention?
"Not really, other than the youthful socialization that may stop a male from sharing his feelings. Since the keeping of secrets is a central part of the problem we all experience, it will be argued by many that this makes men 'special.' But I believe that expressing this thinking only keeps males from entering recovery earlier, and I don't feel that needs to be the case. I myself found help at 30 years old at a time when most therapists didn't even believe little boys could have been sexually assaulted. As long as we're all encouraged to find ways to express our secrets in safety, which NAASCA does, and as long as our feelings are validated, not denied, men do just as well as females in recovery."
What would you like to see happen in the next few years with volunteerism and membership involvement with NAASCA?
"It's my opinion that part of being a good leader is to find a replacement for yourself, and I have been doing this a while now. I've encouraged others, all volunteers, too, to take on some of the roles I have, but this has been slow-going. We now have a small group of people who are hosting our talk shows, for example, which has helped a bit, but there are many other opportunities I'd like other members to take on. NAASCA keeps adding more and more tools and services for the survivor and activist. Of course every time we do so more jobs are added too!"
[Listen to Bill's Full Story on an early version of NAASCA's Blog Talk Radio Show] |

A survivor shares his story: “Together we can do what we cannot do alone”
Bill Murray -- NAASCA.org |
A survivor shares his story: “Together we can do what we cannot do alone”
by RAACE.org - Race Against Abuse of Children Everywhere
Bill Murray, survivor, public safety advocate (LACP.org), founder of National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org), host of the Internet talk radio show "Stop Child Abuse Now" (BlogTalkRadio.com/Bill-Murray), and founder of ASCAA, a 12 Step recovery program for adult survivors of child abuse (ASCA12step.org), shared his story with RAACE.
I was sexually abused for several years, starting when I was 11. I didn't tell anyone, and internalized my fear, anger and shame. An introvert with a temper, I started doing badly in school and getting into trouble. I hated myself, and began drinking heavily as soon as I could get my hands on alcohol. |
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"Ashes 2 Beauty"
talk radio show |
Ashes 2 Beauty -
Child Abuse interview of Bill Murray - (60 min)
Many thanks to Kelley Alsobrook from "Freedom from Bondage" radio for giving me the opportunity to speak out against child abuse and trauma on her "Ashes 2 Beauty" talk show. I'm always glad to promote our cause and invite others to join the NAASCA family! We also appreciate the chance to educate the public and help it break through the American taboo of talking about childhood sexual abuse. |

- Bill Murray -
Strength, Hope |
Bill Murray - Experience, Strength, Hope
Breaking the Silence for Child Abuse Victims
This half-hour radio talk show interview of Bill Murray, hosted by Elaine Crocker, was recorded on March 2, 2014.
In it, Elaine asks Bill to briefly talk about his past, explain his advocacy work and to describe the pandemic of child abuse and trauma in North America.
Bill is convinced through his own life's personal experience that children need and deserve the help of a community that in the main chooses not to recognize their desperate situation.
The very topic of "child abuse" is largely taboo, yet kids don't have their own voice, so their pain is often suffered in silence. It's up to us .. the aware adults .. to speak for them ..
CLICK HERE to play the 1/2 hour radio talk show interview |
Male Abuse Awareness Week 2013
a video featuring NAASCA founder Bill Murray
Here are some video highlights from the annual fundraiser to raise awareness for male victims of abuse, held the first week of Dec 2013 - in San Francisco.
NOTE: Bill is willing and available to speak at events, appear on talk radio and TV shows as a spokesman for NAASCA. He'll also be happy to be interviewed for print media.
Please contact him at: Bmurray3rd@aol.com

Bill Murray
NAASCA founder
Breaking the Silence
Speaking the Truth
BREAKING NEWS -- Northeast Los Angeles coverage about the launch of this NAASCA non profit:
NELA Man Hopes to Break Silence for Child Abuse Victims
Montecito Heights resident and Los Angeles Community Policing Founder Bill Murray's
latest mission is to provide a voice and resource for victims of child abuse.
NOTE from Bill -- After more than 30 years of sobriety and recovery from the severe childhood sexual abuse I experienced in my youth, I'm hoping our National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse, www.NAASCA.org, will offer hope to adults who have found it difficult to share their unexposed and hidden abuse stories. We especially encourage sharing these secrets with knowledgeable councilors or in appropriate groups. This is the beginning of recovery. Secondly, I'm hoping our grassroots efforts will bring attention to a growing pandemic problem, the scope of which few understand. It's simply unacceptable that each year hundreds of thousands of young Americans fall victim to predator pedophiles, molesters, rapists, kidnappers, child pornographers and human traffickers.
At least 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys experience sexual abuse and trauma before their 18th birthday. As few as ten percent of these youthful victims have an opportunity to expose their predators while young, so the vast majority of a currently estimated 42 million American survivors of child abuse came into adulthood burdened with the devastating and debilitating secrets of their youth. |
Here's the story as it appeared in the Patch:
NELA Man Hopes to Break Silence for Child Abuse Victims
Montecito Heights resident and Los Angeles Community Policing Founder Bill Murray's latest mission is to provide a voice and resource for victims of child abuse. by Maria Zamudio
Highland Park-Mount Washington 'Patch'
December 29, 2010
Los Angeles Community Policing founder Bill Murray is about to take the next step in his life of public service.
Murray, who has become a familiar voice in Northeast Los Angeles communities and beyond through his online radio pod cast, Community Matters, is now set to launch the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA) on Jan. 1.
The organization will be aimed at helping child abuse victims cope with their trauma by providing resources and a safe space to talk about their experiences, said Murray, who was a victim of child abuse.
"I've gone through the recovery, and I'm healthy enough to be a spokesperson," the recovering drug and alcohol addict said. "I want to devote my life now to help other people who had the same experiences and have not talked about it, especially men."
Murray said he plans to use the Community Matters pod cast to encourage victims, who can remain anonymous, to share their stories. He'll also focus on the issues of sex crimes, sex trafficking and child pornography.
"I hope we can bring many more pedophiles and child molesters to justice and help the public understand the sheer scope of the issue," he said.
The 57-year-old Murray's commitment to community service in NELA dates back to the early 1990s, when he began volunteering with the LAPD shortly after moving to Montecito Heights.
Following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Murray founded Los Angeles Community Policing, which has grown into one of the largest forums for community safety issues in the nation.
"I wanted to play a role in keeping my community safe," he said.
Murray is also a board member of the Northeast Community Clinic and in the past served as chairman of the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council's organizing committee and as chairman of the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council's Public Safety Committee.
With the launch of the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse, Murray is embarking on his most personal campaign.
"I want to take the worst thing that happened to me and turn it into the best thing I have to offer to the community," he said.
Murray, who grew up in New York, was sexually abused when he was 11 years old during summer camp; the abuse continued for three summers.
"He was a counselor, and he seduced me and my family into believing he was a good guy," he said.
The counselor was a photographer and took care of the swimming pool, where Murray spent a lot of time because he was a good swimmer.
The counselor repeatedly tried to befriend Murray until one day he inappropriately touched him in a shower.
"I was shocked," he said. "I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know anything about sex."
NOTE: An accomplished photographer, a lot of the molestation took part in the counselor's private dark room. Over the three summers he used the young Murray as a model for thousands of frames of pornographic pictures.
Eventually, the counselor convinced Murray's parents to let him travel with him Montreal's Expo 67 for two weeks.
But the counselor had something else in mind, Murray said.
"I was at his mercy," he said. "It was terrifying. I felt powerless. Ashamed."
The counselor spent the two weeks trying to convince the then 14-year-old Murray to engage in sex, and introduced him to other pedophiles. But he soon grew frustrated with Murray's refusal. At the end of the two weeks, Murray went back home and never heard from him again.
After the abuse, Murray's behavior changed completely.
"I became a problem student and became introverted," he said. "But I didn't tell anyone."
Once Murray started prep school, which was also a seminary, a priest noticed that something was off about his behavior. Murray said he confided the story of his sexual abuse to the priest, who instead of helping took a "special interest" in him.
"I spent the first couple of years of high school trying to avoid the pedophiles," he said. "But eventually I was strong enough to turn them away."
Though struggles with drug and alcohol abuse forced him to drop out of his first attempt at college, Murray was eventually able to attend New York University where he took Film & Television and Journalism.
In his late 20s his girlfriend, who later became his wife, encouraged him to seek therapy, and to reveal to his parents that he had been sexually abused.
Murray eventually found success in the television industry in Los Angeles, doing camera work, production and editing for popular sitcoms like The Golden Girls. In 1984 he also enrolled in a 12-step program to overcome his drinking problem.
After a long journey, Murray says he wants to share his story with others who are victims of child abuse, especially men, and to provide an outlet for abuse victims to share their own stories.
"The first step in to getting better is admitting that it happened and it's really hard for man to talk about it," he said. "It helps to know that you are not alone."
Bill Murray ..
a life unfolding -- now you can listen "on demand"
10/12/2009 -- Bill tells his story in public (on a talk radio show) for the first time
On this episode of "Community Matters" Bill Murray, once a severely abused child and victim of sexual pedophiles, kidnapping and child pornography, begins to publicly tell his life story for the first time. Now that his parents have died he feels free to do so. Murray, a long time recovering alcoholic and drug addict, hopes that revealing his past will help explain his passion for serving the community and improve his effectiveness on both the forum he's founded here at LA Community Policing and the talk show he now hosts under it's umbrella.
What are the statistics on girls and boys who are sexually abused?
Remember, statistics come from reported abuse, so we don't have accurate, objective numbers.
But based on the reports we have, it's believed that 1 in 3 or 4 girls is sexually abused, and the general consensus is that 1 in 5 to 1 in 7 boys is sexually abused.
We believe as many as 50 to 60 million American adults were sexually abused in their childhood.
Some say as many as ninety percent of sexual abuse victims never tell.
About 300,000 children and youth are estimated to be at risk of exploitation.
Over 60% are abused within their own family
by mothers, fathers, uncles, siblings, etc.
About 30% are sexually assaulted by the 'caregiver' community .. babysitters, teachers, camp councilors, ministers, Boy Scout leaders, etc.
Less than 10% are abused by people they do not know at all .. 'stranger danger' .. so most predators are people we know love and trust.
100,000 are 'prostituted' annually. We call this trafficking.
55% of girls living on the streets engage in prostitution. Boys are abused this way, too.
20% of prostituted girls are transported across state lines for services.
The average age of entry for girls into prostitution is 12 to 14 years old.
There's a LOT of work to do in the fight against child abuse and trauma! |

Join us !!!
Join us six nights a week .. on the RADIO !
Please feel free to join our Internet-based, six night a week "Community Matters" and "Stop Child Abuse Now" radio talk radio shows (we take Saturdays off). All episodes LIVE at 8pm EST / 5pm PAC, and we'd love to have you participate. Its easy. You can listen in over our dedicated phone line .. (646) 595-2118 .. or go to the show's HOME PAGE .. www.BlogTalkRadio.com/NAASCA
All shows are recorded and then appear in our archives as 'on demand' pod-casts. We've done over 2500 of them! |
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