National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAASCA Highlights
EDITOR'S NOTE: Occasionally we bring you articles from local newspapers, web sites and other sources that constitute but a small percentage of the information available to those who are interested in the issues of child abuse and recovery from it.
We also present original articles we hope will inform the community ... |
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Bill Murray
Experience, Strength, Hope |
Bill Murray - Experience, Strength, Hope
Breaking the Silence for Child Abuse Victims
This half-hour radio talk show interview of Bill Murray, hosted by Elaine Crocker, was recorded on March 2, 2014.
In it, Elaine asks Bill to briefly talk about his past, explain his advocacy work and to describe the pandemic of child abuse and trauma in North America.
Bill is convinced through his own life's personal experience that children need and deserve the help of a community that in the main chooses not to recognize their desperate situation.
The very topic of "child abuse" is largely taboo, yet kids don't have their own voice, so their pain is often suffered in silence.
It's up to us .. the aware adults .. to speak for them .. |
CLICK HERE to play the 1/2 hour radio talk show interview
Here's the written introduction Elaine Crocker provided the night of the radio show:
Bill Murray is the founder of Los Angeles Community Policing (LACP.org) and the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA.org) which are aimed at issues of public safety and with helping child abuse victims cope with their trauma by providing resources and a safe space to talk about their experiences. Bill was a victim of child abuse.
Bill says, "I want to take the worst thing that happened to me and turn it into the best thing I have to offer to the community.”
In his late 20's he was encouraged to seek therapy, and after a long journey, Bill says he wants to share his story with others who are victims of child abuse, especially men, and to provide an outlet for abuse victims to share their own stories.
"The first step in to getting better is admitting what happened and it's really hard for men to talk about it," he said. "It helps to know that you are not alone."
Bill's contacts:
http://www.twitter.com/Bmurray3rd http://www.facebook.com/Bmurray3rd http://www.NAASCA.org http://www.LACP.org http://www.ASCA12step.org http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bill-murray
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