Professional NAASCA family members who offer us advice .. and help
NAASCA member and professional:
According to Dr. Patrick Gannon, the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation is a reputable organization and provides good training for mental health professionals. Dr. Patrick Gannon is the author of "Soul Survivors: A new beginning for adults abused as children," the content which has formed the basis of the "Survivor to Thriver" manual used in the ASCAsupport healing and recovery program.
If you are searching for a therapist, consider starting with their "Find a Therapist" section:
Find A Therapist tool
NAASCA member and professional:
This from Cecibel Contreras, Founder at "Incest Survivors United Voices Of America"
Bronx, NY -- incest survivor, activist, author
Info for NAASCA web site
Good morning Bill, I hope all is well.
I've written down what I will provide for the NAASCA Community. Please remember that I have a lot going on with my organization and I can help to a certain extent. You can use this information and modify if you like. Please let me know if this works for you. Have a very blessed day!
Incest Survivors United Voices Of America -
When not appropriately identified and treated in childhood, the trauma that accompanies having experienced the crime of child sexual abuse creates lifelong challenges to victims'/survivors' overall health, well-being and relationship-capacity, as well as their productivity and ability to fully thrive in all areas of their lives. ISUVOA will provide information and referrals for a variety of cognitive behavioral therapist for child sexual abuse survivors. We would make every effort to locate specialized treatment and appropriate community resources around every clients location.
ISUVOA' efforts to provide appropriate information, education, and support service to Adult Survivors has shown marked improvements to their health and quality of life. Our 2015 support group member evaluations showed that:
• 94% reported a better understanding of trauma and how it affects them
• 50% reported fewer suicidal thoughts
• 80% reported fewer episodes of self-harm
• 85% reported fewer episodes of problem drinking or substance abuse
• 80% reported increased ability to function in daily life • 99% reported feeling safer
• 97% reported increased ability to set boundaries, which can reduce the likelihood of future interpersonal violence.
NAASCA member and professional:
For the Spanish (and English) speaker please get in touch with
Yanette Lola Novoa, Founder at "Find The Way"
Miami, FL
web site:
She's writing a guide related to our issues: "Dare to Let Go and "Thrive": A Self Help Guide for Learning to Thrive After Experiencing Sexual Abuse"
Learning to "THRIVE" after a childhood taken away: A Self-Help guide for learning to thrive after exposure to sexual abuse. Learn the fundamental difference between Thriving versus surviving. Surviving is being able to function within a society yet, "thriving" leads to living a meaningful life. Use the steps and strategies in this self help guide to guide the way in becoming the thriving individual you are meant to b).
NAASCA member and professional:
Read the early writings from Jay Tow, M.S.
Tool from "Male Survivor"
- Find a Therapist/Professional -
The MaleSurvivor community provides resources and support for men who were sexually victimized as children, adolescents, or adults. Any person who has been sexually abused - male or female - experiences lasting effects and enduring emotional pain. Most of the organizations that serve survivors of sexual abuse have been created by women for women. Because so few people know that large numbers of males are sexually abused, male survivors have been unseen, neglected and therefore underserved.
Tool from "Let Go .. Let Peace Come In Foundation"
- Treatment Facilities - State by State -
The journey to your recovery will follow a long and arduous path. It is recommended that you seek the help of qualified professionals to guide you along the way. The foundation has compiled a list of resources for each state as well as international sites where survivors and their families can find the help they so desperately need.
From the Salvation Army:
Adults working with Children