Child Abuse lives ..
...... in every community
...... in groups of every belief
Child abuse lives in every group and institution where children are gathered .. and this is true world-wide.
Late last year the UK's newly formed National Crime Agency released a report verifying children in institutions such as schools, churches, clubs and care homes (like foster care) are not safe from abuse.
The NCA warned that child sex offenders often manipulate victims into believing the attention they get is an "honor", making it hard for them to report abuse.
In many of the case studies, offenders groomed victims by offering rewards or privilege and the report highlights how, particularly in religious settings, victims and those around them are "often in awe of offenders."
Victims in some cases were made to feel indebted to their abusers, making them feel that they were somehow complicit, experts found.
The report warned that management structures can discourage junior staff from reporting suspicions, and can also allow offenders to gain the trust of their victims and those who should be protecting them.
The report said in some cases, protecting the organization's reputation had taken precedence over reporting abuse, and workers' loyalty to the institution also stopped them from reporting concerns.
The NCA report outlines eight key recommendations for institutions. They include putting children's interests first; creating a safe environment for reporting; effectively implementing and monitoring safeguarding policies; improving protection through safer recruitment; and releasing alleged offenders' identities.
Please see: www.NationalCrimeAgency.gov.uk