Child Abuse lives ..
...... in every community
...... and every kid has access
One of the primary gateways to vulnerable children is through the Internet. Smart phones, laptops, iPad type devices and computers of every description are available to kids at home, at school .. basically everywhere.
Predators have learned to use the Net with frightening proclivity, enabling them to hide in virtual anonymity and providing them with an unending potential group of victims.
Children are often unable to distinguish between seemingly friendly invitations of friendship from peers and those that are offered by cleverly disguised pedophiles.
The good news is that the very same technology can be one of your best tools in the fight against child abuse.
The CyberTipline, run by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, operates in partnership with the FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US Postal Inspection Service, US Secret Service and other law enforcement.
Reports to the CyberTipline are made by the public and by Electronic Service Providers (like American-based web hosting services). Tips are continuously triaged to help ensure children in imminent danger get first priority.
The CyberTipline reporting mechanism assists law enforcement and prosecutors in their detection, investigation and prosecution of child sexual exploitation crimes. The CyberTipline helps make law enforcement's efforts more efficient and maximizes the limited resources available in the fight against child sexual exploitation.
Combating the abuse, exploitation and trauma of America's kids requires action from the community itself, and it's every adult's responsibility to protect and "serve" every child.
The CyberTipline should be recognized as among your most essential tools. Reports can be made over the Internet or by phone.
Please see: www.CyberTipline.com
1-800-THE-LOST --- 1-800-843-5678