Child Abuse lives ..
...... in every community
...... spiritually challenging all
Some thoughts:
Innocent & guilt free, we share feelings of shame & fear
We should accept no responsibility for our abuse in childhood
Our low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness are lies
Our lives changed forever, the moment we were first violated
We were diverted from our destiny
Our scars can become a permanent part of who we are
We suffer a kind of insanity often involving deep depression
The resentments we carry are controlling us, defining us
We are not alone
We are as sick as our secrets
Recovery is possible, if we work for it
We can have a complete change in our character
We can have a new altitude on life .. feel useful
We can serve the world by helping rid it of child abuse
Its better to recover together than to survive alone
About Recovery
A primary mission at the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse is to help abused people who have reached maturity get into recovery.
We've been there, and our membership includes people who have recovered in a number of ways, many of us using one or more of the many resources we recommend on our site.
Please see:
www.NAASCA.org/Groups-Services/_Groups-Services.htm |