Child Abuse lives ..
...... in every community
...... an American Holocaust
An air raid siren signaled a two minute moment of silence in Israel today, in honor of the 6 million Jewish Holocaust victims who died in concentration camps in World War II. The annual Day of Remembrance is a an opportunity to acknowledge the suffering of all the survivors, too.
Too bad we don't pause in our country, even for a moment, to consider the pain of the over 42 million American adult survivors of child abuse. They, too, were innocent victims of a much stronger predator group, from whom there was no resistance.
We have our own ongoing American Holocaust with millions of child-victims suffering at the hands of a group of criminals who think nothing of taking advantage of America's kids.
Are we staying silent? Are we turning away? Are we in denial that these aren't "our issues" .. that they don't effect us?
Officially (and conservatively speaking) 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys WILL BE sexually assaulted before they are 18 years old.
That's 20% of our population alone, and does not include all those who will be abused with physical violence, emotional and mental traumas and neglect or maltreatment.
As we approach the end of the 32nd National Child Abuse Awareness month are we secretly relieved that it'll be another year before we need be concerned with being the voice for the victims and survivors, millions strong?
Or can we come to our senses, recognizing the magnitude of the tragedy that's happening all around us, and right under our noses?
Can we .. WILL we .. redouble our efforts to turn the tide of unthinking denial of the rights and need for protection of America's children .. our most precious resource?
Join us .. speak out .. be the voice for the children who have no voice.
Please see:
http://www.NAASCA.org/Video/ |