National Association
of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
a grassroots non-profit group |
child abuse trauma prevention, intervention & recovery |
We have a single purpose at NAASCA, to address issues related to childhood abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect .. and we do so from two specific perspectives:
1) educating the public, especially as related to getting society over the taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse, presenting the facts that show child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone
2) offering hope for healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery |
Click here for our HOME PAGE |
Building a survivor community. Together we can do what we can not do alone. |
Featuring our many FREE services at NAASCA |
NAASCA is a non profit organization offering numerous FREE services. We're passionately engaged in fighting against childhood trauma of all types, be it experienced through sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, severe emotional trauma or neglect. Our volunteers, made up of adult survivors on a healing journey, and our many friends, believe in a three tiered approach including prevention, intervention and recovery.
We belong to no other group, and receive no funding. We do our work out-of-pocket, depending entirely on the voluntary contributions of our members, friends and supporters to be self-supporting. All we offer is free. We're all non-paid NAASCA Volunteers, and everyone is involved to some degree with OUTREACH (spreading the word about NAASCA) and helping to FUNDRAISE (encouraging financial contributions to support our efforts).
Here is a sample of our many services at NAASCA:
NEW - NAASCA's daytime Recovery Meetings - on ZOOM, 3 days a week
NAASCA's daytime Recovery Meetings, now held Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, are coming to you virtually on ZOOM. They are hosted by volunteers, who will facilitate the meetings.
Please .. join us if you wish! You can choose to appear on-camera or not .. it's up to you .. but everyone will be invited to participate. These will be most similar to the 'Q&A discussion' editions of our talk radio shows. ZOOM Webinar ID: 704-430-387
NAASCA's Ambassadors
We've grown significantly over the past decade and are now providing a new tool, NAASCA's Ambassadors for the United States and Canadian. We've divided them into 10 regions, 8 in the US and 2 in Canada, with 6 or 8 states or provinces in them. Each will have it's own 'Ambassador' by way of organizing our efforts. These volunteers will be trained by volunteers with a basic familiarity with our web site, projects, tools, services & resources, and a commitment to represent NAASCA in their state or province.
NAASCA's Calendar of Events
We now carry non-recurring calendar event listings for everything we know of .. from across the country, and around the world.
This is a brand new tool, where we'll list workshops, conferences, rallies, marches and so on. We started with the United States and Canada, but now have a listing for virtually every country on earth. Send us your non-recurring events. We'll list them !!
List of all Recovery Groups / Services
NAASCA lists all groups and services we know if in all the US States & Canadian Provinces (including "On-Line" recovery groups) as well as all groups and services in English speaking countries worldwide! A living and constantly updated list, we invite the public to interact with us, suggesting corrections, additions and updates which quickly appear as individual easy to use PDF files. This is one of our most popular service projects.
Start Your Own Recovery Group
There's a need for many more local recovery groups than already exist, and NAASCA will help you, and can suggest at least four ideas for easy-to-establish recovery group programs / formats in which we believe. If you can't find an Adult Survivor Recovery Group near you won't you please consider starting one in your own home town. As few as two people seeking recovery can launch one. See the ideas listed here.
Our NAASCA Newsletter
On occasion we've sent out a newsletter to our current contact list. As our membership increases we'll use this vehicle more often, perhaps monthly or perhaps quarterly and we'll always make it easy to add or remove oneself to the NAASCA Newsletter. Please join the newly updated Newsletter list and encourage others to stay in touch with us this way, too.
Promotional / Fundraising Tools
We've created a number of new tools that will help you promote our NAASCA name, your commitment to our mission and ideas to get people talking about the important issue we address .. child abuse and trauma prevention, intervention and recovery. You'll find various products with the NAASCA logos .. business cards, t-shirts, posters, pens, banners, signs, promotional materials, and printed supplies, etc.
This web site - NAASCA.org
An umbrella site, our home base at NAASCA.org is updated daily, and carries hundreds of pages of information and articles where you'll find thousands of links to resources and services we recommend in the fight against child abuse. While we belong to no other group, we freely co-operate and promote all efforts we believe are legitimate and useful to the community. Be sure to hover your mouse over the five buttons across the top.
Our "sister-site" - LACP.org
Los Angeles Community Policing is our first grassroots non profit effort, and was launched in response to the events of 9-11, encouraging community participation at all levels of crime reduction, public safety and improved quality of life. It quickly grew to include regional, national and even international departments. Designated years ago by the US Dept of Justice as the world's biggest grassroots effort dedicated to the concepts of community-based policing, LACP.org is updated daily, and has well over 6,000 pages of info, articles and resources.
News of the Week - Archives
At one point we collected a sampling of the news articles, press releases, reports and studies pertaining to the fight against child abuse. We used these articles to discuss current events on our 'News of the Week' talk radio show, where we had an OPEN MIKE call-in format to review them. This information was archived for easy reference at any time. Now we do an extra 'speccial guest' show on Mondays instead. We'd provided the same service on our sister-site, "LA Community Policing" (LACP.org), for talk radio shows on 'pubic safety.'
Our Internet-based 5 night-a-week Talk Radio Shows
Five nights a week we broadcast our Internet-based "Stop Child Abuse Now" (Mon to Fri) talk shows. All commence at 8pm EST. Each includes call-in participation and is recorded as it airs. The shows are available "on-demand" the following day. Our ever-growing library of "special guest" shows includes a virtual Who's Who of those who champion the cause against child abuse.
Special Topic talk radio shows on a variety of topics / themes
- "Special Topic" discussion shows - watch for these periodically on violence prevention, etc
- "Q & A call-in" shows with survivor-professionals who co-host on Tues and Thurs - call in !
- "Special Guest" shows: each Mon, Wed and Fri - hear survivors tell their stories - call in !
- "Recovery as an Adult" - prevention, intervention and recovery tips, tools and techniques for healing
Our Library of Hundreds of Recommended Talk Radio Shows
Several times a week we feature "special guest" and "special topic" episodes of our "Stop Child Abuse Now" (SCAN) talk shows. These are of special interest, so we make it easy for the public to find them. Browse through the past several year's worth of hundreds of such episodes to select any you'd like to hear "on-demand" with the click of a button!
New Service Offered - Seminars by SKYPE
A recent experience between our founder, Bill Murray' who was in Los Angeles at the time, and a group of a dozen young child abuse case workers from The Gatehouse in Toronto proved that SKYPE can be an effective tool by which seminars or workshops can be held. If you'd like to arrange such an event please write Bill at his email address, Bmurray3rd@aol.com, and be sure to mention you'd like to schedule a SKYPE Seminar !!
"Together We Can Heal" - BLOG
NAASCA's BLOG - We're proud to present a project we've been looking forward to including for quite some time, yet another way for the community to engage with us .. NAASCA's new BLOG. We hope you'll want to join us there !!!! Tell your friends ! We now have a NAASCA family member who will post for the group. Let me present our new "BLOGmaster" (is that a word?), Mary E Graziano (aka nippercat) from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Prevention / Intervention
Empowering children means preventing kids from becoming victims. What can you do? How does an adult recognize the symptoms of child abuse? How should one talk to a child? Where / when / how to report child abuse. It's not enough that we "raise awareness" of the issues of child abuse. We at NAASCA know there are too few people who are knowledgeable, passionate and caring enough to take ACTION .. and this is our goal.
Recovery Services
There are many legitimate paths to recovery, about a dozen of them ranging from Ministry to Coaching to Art Therapy, and we discuss them all. NAASCA does not promote the benefits of any one method over any other, but does strongly recommend adults who are still suffering from traumatic experiences in their youth waste no time in getting on whatever road to recovery appeals to them most. Remember: We're as sick as our secrets.
Counseling and Therapy Referrals
Some of our NAASCA family members offer the free service of helping you find a therapist whose practice is close to you, no matter where you live in North America. These volunteers are professionals who have worked in the mental health care community for many years. There are many types of counseling or therapies available, so these listings will often constitute but a small suggested offering of what may be close to you. Try using this tool if you need counseling / therapy referrals.
Contact List of Always Available NAASCA Members
Over two dozen NAASCA family members place their names, phone numbers, email addresses and locale on a public list that's available on our web site. Feel free to contact any of us at any time. We survivors know all too well how difficult it is to reach out for help .. and how disappointing it is to reach out without a response. We want to always be there to answer questions, suggest resources or just to listen when the time is right.
Recommended Existing Recovery Group Meetings
We know of four different recovery groups we can recommend. One, Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (www.ASCAsupport.org), has about 100 meetings. A second recovery group has nearly 120, the Lamplighters Movement (www.theLamplighters.org). Another suggestion is to start a group based on a 12 Step recovery program, Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous - ASCAA (www.ASCA12step.org). Finally try the simple but elegant Empower Survivors meeting format found on the EmpowerSurvivors.net web site.
Help Start-up of New Recovery Groups
Don't have a recovery group in your area? We're not surprised. With 42 million American adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse alone, there's a need for thousands of inexpensive (mostly free), regularly held self-help style recovery groups across the country. We happily assist individuals get the simple training they need to become facilitators of new groups they can then start in their local community.
Blue Ribbon Campaign
Its all about awareness.
We want to increase the likelihood that the American public will eventually feel less of a taboo about discussing childhood sexual abuse, violent abuse, emotional trauma and neglect. You can assist by agreeing to accept FREE Blue Ribbons, the symbol of child abuse awareness (4 or 5 per person), simply by promising to hand them out to your friends, family or community. We also provide them in quantity at our cost.
Presentations / Appearances at Meetings
We're delighted to make special appearances at groups who are interested in engaging in the fight against those who would prey on America's children. We have NAASCA family members from across the country, and will try to find someone who lives near you. Unfortunately this may not be possible in all cases, but we'll work hard to locate presenters who can speak knowledgeably at your group's meeting.
Public Speaking / Media Interviews
Specific NAASCA members, including our founder, are willing to go anywhere in the country to educate the public about the issues of childhood trauma, and to carry our message that it will take all of us, together in a movement or cause, to put a significant dent in the horrible statistics of child abuse. Awareness is not enough. It must be immediately coupled with a call to ACTION, and we believe all adults have a role to play.
Statistics and Special Reports
We regularly update the statistics and official reports we use to be accurate and well informed. The info we use comes from the most legitimate government, non profit and educational sources we can find. We track the stats in a number of ways, including the number of children involved, places to receive treatment as well as offender and crime types, recovery statistics and the cost of dealing with abuse. The stats are all astonishing!
Producing of Editorials and Videos
Many NAASCA members belong to other non profit groups where they actively engage in writing on topics that are specific to the group's mission. Others are newspaper reporters. Still others have written books which we happily recommend. Then too we occasionally write in our own "NAASCA Voice" or produce video editorials and presentations, a powerful and popular method of getting a message out. We'll be doing more of this.
Advocacy / Opinion
While we work hard at being as accurate with attributing the majority of the information we disburse to their original sources, many NAASCA members generally agree on any number of issues. Its easy to express many of them as common NAASCA causes. We need to raise the fight against the epidemic of childhood trauma to a national priority, with Federal attention to issues of prevention, intervention, recovery and crime reduction.
Contributing to NAASCA
We're self supporting, belong to no other group, and receive no funding. We do our work out-of-pocket, depending entirely on the voluntary contributions of our members, friends and supporters to be self-supporting. All we offer is free. Please make a one time or ongoing donation through PayPal to our efforts. Your support is much appreciated and needed as we are trying to get to the next level of our advocacy.
The NEW Birthday Campaign
Dedicate your birthday to supporting NAASCA. We rely on, and are eternally grateful for, the tax-deductable donations we receive from our members our families and friends .. or from those who appreciate all we do. We've suggested a NEW Birthday Campaign program, dedicating each of our birthdays to our NAASCA family as an opportunity to express our support financially, too. We've made it easy to do, and simple to remember how.
Just go to www dot naasca dot org slash contribute and you'll always be at the right spot.
The Blue Ribbon - sign of Child Abuse Awareness
NAASCA asks you to wear one everyday .. and to pass them out.
We're giving away FREE Blue Ribbons and "info cards" (4 or 5 per person) to anyone who writes for them .. and we'll continue to provide them in quantity and at our cost to pass out to family, friends, neighbors or at local community events.
Remember you'll need to include your complete mailing address whenever you're requesting NAASCA's FREE Blue Ribbons & "info cards" since they'll come to you through the US Post Office. |
The Statistics of child abuse
Here's a page of statistics and official reports, updated regularly, info from the most reliable government, non profit and educational sources we can find. The numbers are all absolutely astonishing! |
FACT SHEET - Statistics of Child Sexual Abuse - Who Are The Victims?
NAASCA recently encountered an excellent FACT SHEET on the statistics of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) which will be helpful to helping raise awareness and educate the public. The uniformed reader will no doubt be stunned. |
The Bomb in the Brain
Describes the kinds of damage that happen INSIDE the brain when young people are traumatized: amygdala, hippocampus, corpus callosum, and prefrontal cortex. (please see video #3) |
Witnessing Violence Can Changing a Kid's Mind
New research shows that witnessing traumatic events, like domestic violence, shootings, or even fighting, can impact the physical development of a child’s brain — potentially leading to lifelong health and social issues. You can help. |
Recognizing a traumatized child
Signs of sexual abuse and trauma in a child include many non-physical symptoms, like behavior, attitude and performance changes. Learn how to talk to a child and what to do about it / where to report suspected abuse. |