Beating Trauma with Elizabeth Cory
by Bill Murray - NAASCA
Here's a great new website, BeatingTrauma.com, just launched by NAASCA family member Elizabeth Corey from Richmond, Virginia.
We hope she knows how much we appreciate her efforts, and congratulate her on the web site's launch.
To introduce you, here a little of what Elizabeth says about herself:
As a survivor of family-controlled child sex abuse and trafficking, I spent the first half of my life running an exhausting marathon obstacle course. Through my recovery, I have relieved myself of the constant inner turmoil that ruled my outer life. I have gained the ability to experience a peaceful presence that I never thought possible. Most importantly, I have stopped the manifestations of trauma that haunted my family for generations. I know that cycle is stopped and that adds to my peace. |
Introducing the New BeatingTrauma.com
I am excited to announce the launch of my new website at BeatingTrauma.com. The new site continues to host and share my weekly blog, but now I am offering programs and resources designed to encourage and support trauma recovery through awareness by working together, one-on-one and in community.
Here's a first look:
I will work one-on-one with survivors through email guidance to establish a personal roadmap to address trauma triggers and the affects they have on their daily life.
I will also provide specific email guidance related to parenting as a survivor, a key element in my own recovery process. In September, I will be launching my first parenting workshop for survivors.
I will continuing my survivor forum on the new site with discussion topics which parallel the blog, workshops and training. This will continue to be a free offering.
I am extending my outreach with more topics for in-person speaking and workshops to organizations dedicated to building awareness of the impact of trauma.
My weekly newsletter will include my blog and other offerings as they become available. And when you sign up, you will receive my free eBook which steps you through the awareness challenge in trauma recovery work!
Join me in this new endeavor as we work together to heal and manifest the change needed for our future and the generations beyond.
Thank you so much.
Elisabeth Corey, MSW